Home Ken's Thoughts Of The Week Ken’s Thought of the Week: Protecting America from an EMP attack

Ken’s Thought of the Week: Protecting America from an EMP attack



Late in March, President Trump signed an executive order directing all Federal agencies to identify threats posed by electro-magnetic pulses or EMP.

EMP surges can destroy portions of our electric grid and/or devices that are based on electric current to operate, posing huge risks to our modern society. These surges can result from natural events such as solar flares or nuclear weapon explosions high in the atmosphere.  See the “Additional Reading” section for a compilation of articles that will provide the newcomer with vital information about this little-discussed threat.

A single nuclear weapon detonated at high-altitude over the center of this country could collapse the electric grid, thereby compromising other critical infrastructure, leading to the potential demise of over 100 million Americans.

Such a directive should have been issued long ago. But at least it finally happened. Two other things that should happen, soon:

  • President Trump should suggest that all governors issue similar orders for their state governments.
  • The Federal and state governments should encourage private utilities and corporations to get involved.

The main reason is that our enemies such as Iran, North Korea and competitors such as China and Russia are using a multitude of methods to challenge America.

An EMP attack is just another front for war. An EMP attack uses elements of physical and economic and cyber war. It is relatively inexpensive, and like cyber-warfare, allows our less-wealthy adversaries to challenge us with their much smaller budgets.

Needless to say, we cannot allow that to happen. We have to prepare for all forms of war, big and small, and expensive and inexpensive.

EMP preparation had been woefully inadequate in the U.S.

It is now time to dramatically upgrade the hardening of the grid. Hopefully now we can begin to close the gap! Let’s go!

Additional Reading

Trump Moves To Protect America From Electromagnetic Pulse Attack – Forbes

Ignoring EMP threat is a death sentence for Americans – TheHill

Inside the Ring: Electromagnetic pulse threat rises, Air Force report says – Washington Times

Electromagnetic pulse (EMP) is a threat to grid security. DoD has hardened key assets against EMP since 1962. – Secure the Grid

VIDEO: 3 Minute Snapshot: The Reality of EMP

EMP Survival: 9 Ways to Prepare for an Electro-Magnetic Pulse – Outdoor Life

Electromagnetic Pulse – Nuclear EMP – FutureScience.com


