Home Ken's Thoughts Of The Week Ken’s Thought of the Week: G7 meeting missed the key challenges

Ken’s Thought of the Week: G7 meeting missed the key challenges



By Ken Abramowitz, President & Founder, SaveTheWest

The G7 Leaders’s Declaration, which was issued at the conclusion of their last meeting in France on August 26, stated that:

  • Iran must never acquire nuclear weapons
  • China must abide by the Sino-British Joint Declaration of 1984
  • Worldwide trade should be open and fair
2019 G7 meeting in Biarritz, France. Photo: AFP/Getty Images.

All wonderful thoughts. Unfortunately, the Declaration was short on action-plans to make these objectives happen.

Furthermore, the Declaration did not address five key national security issues facing the EU:

(1) The need to stop pretending that Iran is anything other than the world’s #1 terrorist state — and that it is not seeking to conquer the Middle East, Europe, and after that, the world. The G7’s leaders’ warm welcome for Iran’s notorious foreign minister at their conference, because French President Macron secretly invited him to attend, was an outrage. The French president’s recent offer of what amounts to a $15 billion bribe to the messianic mullahs in Tehran, to stave off their blackmail – and development of nuclear weapons for a few more years – is reprehensible. I addressed this habitual European denial and self-sabotage, as the precursors to World War 2, in a recent article — and how the Europeans are doing this to themselves, once again:

Ken’s Thought of the Week: Did the EU Learn Anything from World War 2?

(2) The need to bankrupt Iran, until it stops being the #1 terrorist state. If the EU and world powers want to avoid a major physical war, which may well end up being World War 3, Iran must be driven into bankruptcy over the next 12 months, until they are forced to close down their nuclear weapons program and ICBM program, and their worldwide physical, narco, and cultural terrorist organizations.

(3) The need to protect Christians and Jews in Europe. These groups are under chronic attack in EU nations by terrorists financed by Turkey/Qatar/Iran, through the Muslim Brotherhood, as well as by Saudi Arabia and through Wahhabi mosques/schools. In France alone, churches are attacked more than once per day, on average, and Jews, despite being a tiny minority, are attacked on a daily basis. The vast majority of perpetrators behind these incidents are radical Islamists.

(4) The need to confront Europe’s staggering demographic challenges. Many of the Muslims who are emigrating to Europe are peaceful, and share Western values,  chiefly democracy, individual rights (including to practice or not practice any religion, or none at all), separation of religion and state, gender equality, and freedom of speech. Many, however, reject these values, and seek to live under fundamentalist Muslim edicts, known as sharia law, in their new, adopted homelands. For example, more than half of British Muslims believe homosexuality should be a criminal offense – and to many, punishable by execution, as it is in Muslim-majority nations.

Muslims protesting in London, England, 2013.

Why are so many fundamentalist Muslims emigrating to Europe, then? It is worth considering the definitions of two key terms: “hijrah,” and “dawah.” See more in the Additional Reading section.

This, alone, would be a tremendous challenge.  But it takes on a far greater dimension when one considers that for a nation’s population to remain constant, it must have a reproduction rate of 2.2 children per woman. Today, however, Europeans are only at an average of 1.59 babies per woman — as opposed to the average 2.6 babies per Muslim family. In England alone, the birth rate has hit a 12-year low — while the number of Muslim babies has doubled in just the last ten years, and “Mohammed” is now the #1 most popular name given to male babies in the UK.

At this rate, European nations — which has traditionally embraced newcomers — are going to increasingly be transformed into Muslim-majority nations, unless they modify their immigration policies. If they do not, and if, as anticipated, the Muslim population in European rises from 5-10% in most Western European countries to 25-35% by the year 2050, these countries will be challenged to enforce their Western legal systems and values.

(5) The need to protect Christians and Jews in the Middle East and North Africa. These groups are systematically being religiously cleansed from these regions, at the hands of state-sponsored Islamist terrorist groups. For example, in Bethlehem, the birthplace of Jesus, Christians were 80% of the population; they are now less than 12%. Christian men, women & children in Nigeria, Burkina Faso, Ghana and throughout Africa are under chronic assault by radical Islamists. The EU has a role to play in helping to combat these trends — yet until now, it’s not only refused to engage, in the case of Germany and other European nations, they are major donors to the Palestinians, who incite and justify such attacks.

The G7 leaders failed to meet their basic responsibility to protect their people.

Therefore, they should immediately reconvene to create a real plan to save their countries and all of Western civilization.

Additional reading

G7 Leaders’ Declaration

Photos: G7 Summit featured protesters, tension, and small wins – Business Insider

Macron offers Iran bailout to stick with nuclear accord – The Week

Iran-Deal Myths Are Pervasive – The Atlantic

Iran has been the #1 largest state sponsor of global terrorism – SaveTheWest

Zarif’s Inexcusable Warm Welcome in Europe – Gatestone Institute

Rouhani: Iran will further pull out of nuclear deal Thursday unless Europe buys Persian oil – UPI.com

Muslim Immigrants Contribute to European Anti-Semitism – National Review

European Imams call for murder of Jews – Israel National News

Germany is accused of downplaying anti-Semitic attacks by Muslims – Jewish Telegraphic Agency

Catholic Churches Are Being Desecrated Across France—and Officials Don’t Know Why – Newsweek

Islamists attack French church, slit priest’s throat – Reuters

Christian PERSECUTION: Anger as France sees 10 Catholic churches attacked in ONE week – Daily Express

France church attack: Normandy priest killer was tagged and on terror watch list – Telegraph

Muslim Extremists Are Main Perpetrators of Antisemitic Violence in Western Europe, Major Norwegian Academic Study Concludes – Algemeiner

10 countries at risk of becoming demographic time bombs – Business Insider

5 facts about the Muslim population in Europe – Pew Research Center

Number of ‘Muslim’ children in Britain doubles in a decade – UK Telegraph

Fertility statistics – Eurostat

Muslim Population Growth in Europe | Pew Research Center

Popular baby names: Muhammad is actually the most boys’ name in England and Wales, not Oliver — Quartz

Half of all British Muslims think homosexuality should be illegal, poll finds – The Guardian

Muslim immigration surging, key to al Qaeda’s plan – Washington Examiner

The Islamic State’s perversion of hijra – The Globe and Mail

HIRJAH: Migration Madness Syndrome – Political Islam

The Challenge of Dawa: Political Islam as Ideology and Movement and How to Counter It – Hoover Institution

Nigeria’s Christians slaughtered by Boko Haram amid western media silence – Washington Examiner

Violence against Christians on the rise in Africa – DW

Burkina Faso Christians killed in attack on church – BBC News

Ghana churches on alert for terrorists after Burkina Faso attacks — Quartz Africa

Merkel: Germany is now biggest bilateral donor to the Palestinians

Abbas Admits: The PA is Behind All Terrorism – MIDA


