Op Ed: How Can Governments Stay in Power During the Corona Pandemic?
. By Rachel Avraham Countries across the globe are facing challenging times during this Corona pandemic. Globally, nearly ninety million people have been infected with the coronavirus and nearly two million have succumbed to it. Meanwhile, domestic violence has gone up, as has unemployment, economic distress, and mental illness, as nations across the world are locking down their populations. Democratic and totalitarian...
America Faces Huge Fork in the Road — Ken’s Thought of the Week
America is facing its greatest crisis ever - a divided country and increasing internal conflict. How will history judge us?
The Meddling in the U.S. 2020 Election – Ken’s Thought of the Week
Foreign interference in America's 2020 election played a big role in the outcome. Let's break it down.
Op Ed: The Democrats and Machiavelli Agree: The Ends Justify the Means
. By Rachel Avraham In a recently held webinar, Save the West Founder, threat analyst, and author of the ground-breaking book “The Multifront War,” Kenneth Abramowitz highlighted how anti-Democratic forces are trying to steal the recent US election: “There are two types of totalitarians: Reds (statists) and Greens (Islamists). Reds and Greens have one thing in common. They want to destroy...
Stop America from Becoming a Banana Republic – Ken’s Thought of the Week
The “Banana Republic” syndrome seems to have migrated from Latin America all the way to the United States of America. What can be done to stop it?
Cindy Grosz: Multifront War Author, “We Are Living WWIII & We Must Win”
Cindy Grosz interviews Ken about his new book, "The Multifront War"
Why America’s Holidays Matter – Ken’s Thought of the Week
As the political left continues its march towards socialism, our most precious traditions are being slowly eroded and/or denied, including our First Amendment rights.
SOS: Call in the Cavalry – Ken’s Thought of the Week
There is a mountain if evidence that the 2020 election was compromised. Was President Trump's re-election undone by massive fraud?
Op Ed: “The Multifront War”: A Must Read
The nation barely knows that it is fighting for its life simultaneously on multiple fronts. "The Multifront War" is a must read for anyone who wishes to understand what the free world is currently dealing with.
Op-Ed: Will this election be the end of American democracy?
100 years later, the Bolshevik strategy is alive and well and living in America. A review of a podcast by Ken Abramowitz on the implications of hte 2020 elections.