Home Ken's media appearances Ken’s appearance on Israel’s i24 News, regarding Israel’s retaliatory strikes on Iranian...

Ken’s appearance on Israel’s i24 News, regarding Israel’s retaliatory strikes on Iranian installations in Syria, more



On May 10, 2018, SaveTheWest.com founder and president Ken Abramowitz appeared on Israel’s i24 News to discuss Israel’s retaliatory strikes on Iranian installations in Syria.  Highlights of this interview:

  • Ken pointed out that Iran is trying to destroy Western civilization, and Israel, being the Eastern border of the West,  is Iran’s first target
  • Ken noted the significance of the fact that Russia, which arms both Iran and Syria, stayed on the sidelines before and after Israel’s strikes
  • The West already is in World War 3, which began in 1979 with the rise of Iran’s Ayatollah Khomeni, who declared war on Western civilization — but the West either does not recognize this basic fact, or is unwilling to engage in this war
  • The pernicious tendency of the Europeans “to want to do business with the bad guys,” notably Iran, the #1 state sponsor of worldwide terrorism
  • Ken’s hope that this war will be fought on the ideological basis, as the Cold War was fought, and won, rather than through force of arms
An Israeli F-15 fighter-bomber


