Home Ken's editorials Ken’s letter to the WSJ regarding the tactical alliance between Russia and...

Ken’s letter to the WSJ regarding the tactical alliance between Russia and Turkey



On April 9, 2018, SaveTheWest.com founder and president Ken Abramowitz submitted the following letter to the editor of the Wall St. Journal. The letter has not been published, so we are posting it here:

Letters To The Editor
Wall Street Journal
200 Liberty Street
New York, New York 10281

Dear Editor:

The “Russia, Turkey Forge A Tactical Bond” article (April 6) well highlighted the challenges facing the U.S. in Syria. It particularly demonstrated the difficulty in withdrawing our soldiers anytime soon from Syria.

The key challenge facing the Administration is to develop a world-wide strategy to contain and eventually defeat our #1 enemy, Iran. The new National Security team will quickly realize that Iran must be confronted on every front in the Middle East, Africa, and Latin America.

Any U.S. weakness anywhere will dramatically reduce the chances of re-negotiating the Iran deal or negotiating a new deal with Iran’s nuclear ally, North Korea.


Kenneth Abramowitz

New York City


