Home Ken's Thoughts Of The Week Ken’s Thought of the Week: How should the USA respond to Iran’s...

Ken’s Thought of the Week: How should the USA respond to Iran’s escalating provocations?



In 1979, Iran declared war on the U.S., thereby starting the its first war against us.

This war intensified in the past two weeks, when Iran sabotaged four transiting oil tankers, bombed two Saudi pipelines, and almost blew up the U.S. embassy in Baghdad, Iraq.

None of these attacks were foiled by the U.S. or local security agencies, thereby causing huge embarrassment to all their governments.

Both the U.S. and Iran then issued statements, claiming they are not looking for war, though Iran promised continued “resistance,” a code word for terrorism.

So how should the U.S. handle Iran, which has repeatedly vowed “Death to America!” (even during “negotiations” with President Obama over its nuclear program; video below), promised to take over the world, and kill Americans wherever they are?

To confront Iran, the number one Political Islamist terror organization in the world, and the number one source of evil in the world, the Trump administration should implement a six-point plan:

(1) Announce our right to be in the Middle East, defending our culture, allies and citizens.

(2) Publicly announce Iran is evil, for not protecting the basic human rights of its 80 million people and neighbors.

(3) Explain the changes that we expect, should Iran want to join the family of nations, as Secretary of State Pompeo enumerated in his 12 point plan.

(4) Give Iran a tight time schedule implementing changes.

(5) Explain the consequences of not complying.

(6) Adopt a path for victory, using a combination of Cold War, World War 2, and economic warfare strategies.

In particular, the US should seek to end all Iranian worldwide trade, shut all Iranian embassies worldwide, and cut off all diplomatic relations with countries that want to do business with Iran, yet also wish to maintain relations with the U.S.

The U.S. should also insist that Iran close its three worldwide terror organizations: its 200,000 physical terrorists , its nearly 100,000 narco-terrorists, and its 150,000 cultural terrorists/operatives throughout the world.

No real negotiations are possible with a terrorist state, so we must stay tough until they give up, reform themselves, or undergo regime change within 1-2 years. We should apply maximum pressure and begin now.

Let’s go!

Additional Reading

US-Iran Relations Still Feel Impact of Islamic Revolution – VOA News

Saudi oil tankers ‘sabotaged’ off coast of United Arab Emirates – The Independent

Saudi Arabia accuses Iran of ordering drone attack on oil pipeline – Reuters

Rocket fired at US embassy in Iraq the same model used by Iran – Washington Examiner

Iran’s Rouhani: No talks right now. Resistance is our only choice – CNBC

Amid nuke talks, Ayatollah says ‘death to America’ – CNN Video

Why Iran’s Top Leaders Believe That the End of Days Has Come – Fox News

Secretary Of State Mike Pompeo Has 12 Demands For A New Deal To Counter Iran – NPR

Pompeo: Iran, Hezbollah Presence in Venezuela Poses Serious Threat to U.S. – The Tower


