Home Ken's Thoughts Of The Week Ken’s Thought Of The Week: Stop Anti-Semitism In America now

Ken’s Thought Of The Week: Stop Anti-Semitism In America now



The anti-Semitism that has infected the British Labor Party has moved to the U.S. and is now infecting the left wing of the Democratic Party.

The historical lesson of anti-Semitism is that it starts with the focus on the Jews, but the racist masterminds involved end up hurting Christian and Muslim populations as well.

So what should normal Democrats and Republicans do about it, to save themselves from this racist bigotry?

(1) Each party should issue a public declaration of zero tolerance for anti-Semitism, just as there is zero tolerance for racism in general.

(2) Federal, state, and local government agencies should immediately cut off funding of any university, college, elementary or high school that allows any form of anti-Semitism or racism on campus, starting immediately. This includes any official, sanctioned efforts to restrict commerce or collaboration with Israel, also known as BDS (Boycott, Divest, Sanctions). This is particularly egregious when the same schools that support BDS ignore the world’s worst human rights abusers, including Iran, Somalia, Pakistan, and the Palestinian territories — some of which also receive U.S. aid funding.

For example, several years ago this video captured a student with the UC-San Diego Muslim Students Association, a leading proponent of BDS, openly expressing support for the murder of all Jews, everywhere in the world:

(3) Schoolbooks throughout the US should be re-examined for far left, far right or Islamist-derived Anti-Semitism and bigotry. Offending books should be removed. Repeat offender publishers should be de-funded, if not closed down, for sedition.

(4) The Muslim Brotherhood, the largest of the Political Islam cultural organizations, which spawned Al Qaeda, ISIS and innumerable other terrorist organizations, should be banned, as it has been in Egypt, the UAE, and even Saudi Arabia.

It is exactly the right time for all levels of the government and society to de-fund and de-legitimize Anti-Semitism.

What are we waiting for?

Additional reading

New docs reveal Third Grade Anti-Israel event much worse than thought –  Legal Insurrection

BDS Spreads Antisemitism Across US College Campuses – Algemeiner

Third of American university students justify boycott of Israel – JerusalemOnline

George Soros-Linked Money Used To Promote BDS Movement Against Israel – The Daily Caller

Leading BDS Group Posted Tweet Mourning PFLP Terrorist – The Investigative Project on Terrorism

UC Riverside Student Leaders Vote To Ban Sabra Hummus – The Daily Caller

Students for Justice in Palestine: ‘Hating Israel Is Necessary for Our Health’ – Algemeiner


