Only Obama could make me want Bibi

Let me get right to the punchline: I am voting for Bibi in the upcoming election. Now for the commentary: I am not a big Bibi fan.

It’s time to stop burying our heads in the sand!

Former IDF officer Erez Winner again warns of the urgent need for Western leaders, particularly President Obama, to wake up to the reality of Islamist terror, the bulk of which is facilitated by the Iranian regime.

Daniel Mael: Defender of Western Civilization

Daniel Mael, a senior at Brandeis University, is our inaugural “Defender of Western Civilization.” He earned this designation by standing up for his right to free speech against a shocking campaign of harassment and threats.

Fred Lawrence: Useful Idiot

Fred Lawrence, president of Brandeis University, is our inaugural “Useful Idiot.” He earned this distinction for the key role he played in enabling a shocking harassment campaign against a student journalist at Brandeis.

New: SaveTheWest’s “Defenders of Western Civilization” and “Useful Idiots” debuts a new initiative to help affirm core Western values, and recognize those who are working to defend or destroy them.

Wake-up call 2014

0 contributor writer Erez Winner, who spent 25 years in the Israel Defense Forces and retired as a colonel, argues that the days of...

When is a condemnation not a condemnation?

Mahmoud Abbas is a U.S. taxpayer-funded master of doubletalk on terrorism. His "condemnation" of a Palestinian terrorist's grisly murder of Jews in a Jerusalem synagogue is the latest example.

The Next War is Already Here

0 contributor writer Erez Winner, who spent 25 years in the Israel Defense Forces and retired as a colonel, argues that a new war has broken out -- one that we have not yet begun to deal with in a serious, comprehensive fashion.

US college students sign petition to support ISIS – on 9/11/14

The Media Research Center's Dan Joseph visited George Mason University on the 13th anniversary of 9/11 to see how many of its elite students would sign a petition in support of ISIS. Your tax dollars at work.

Legal Forum For Israel blasts Ban Ki-Moon for bias

The Legal Forum for Israel recently sent a letter to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon, describing and objecting to his anti-Israel bias, and demanding that he begin to take a more balanced approach to Israel-Palestinian affairs. Read this fascinating letter here.