The Washington Post’s fake news regarding Jerusalem, and the history of religion

Why would the Washington Post allow its Jerusalem bureau chief to make a demonstrably false statement about the history of the city? STW's founder, Ken Abramowitz, and editor, Jon Sutz, expose the reality.

STW Founder Ken Abramowitz on Fox News re healthcare reform, medical innovations

On January 18, STW founder and president Ken Abramowitz appeared on Varney & Co., to discuss healthcare reform, government intervention, and the impact on medical technology innovation.

Regarding Israel, political correctness is dead

SaveTheWest contributor IDF Col. Erez Winner (ret) explains why political correctness regarding the Israeli-Palestinian dispute must end, if there is ever to be a peaceful resolution, based on reality - not fantasy.

STW founder: Eight false narratives in Kerry’s speech about Israel

In this editorial, Ken Abramowitz, founder and president,, dissects and debunks the false narratives that lay at the root of Kerry's speech, and presents facts that are essential to really understanding the Israel-Palestinian dispute.

STW founder joins Fox News’s “America’s Newsroom” on the UNSC resolution

Founder and president Ken Abramowitz was interviewed on Fox News Channel's "America's Newsroom," about the UN Security Council's resolution against Israel, and the Obama administration refusing to veto it.

STW founder discusses national security with NewsMaxTV

0 founder Ken Abramowitz was recently interviewed on NewsMaxTV, regarding national security matters, and the upcoming move of the U.S embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

Ken’s editorial at FNC: “Saving America from economic, cultural and physical collapse”

On November 5, 2016, published an editorial by Ken Abramowitz,'s founder and president, that describes "the reality that America is fighting for its life, but most do not understand the gravity of the challenges we face."

VIDEO: sent a “Non-Living American” to the Univ. of Virginia to stand up...

Meet "Emmett Croaker,"'s representative Non-Living American. Emmett recently visited the University of Virginia to hand out literature about our new "social justice" campaign, "The Coalition for Non-Living Americans," to stand up for the right of dead voters.

Video: “Coalition fro Non-Living Americans”

Watch this short video to learn how you can help SaveTheWest's debut social justice campaign, to combat discrimination against America's last marginalized voting minority!

The Coalition for Non-Living Americans

0 is pleased to announce our first "social justice campaign," to stand up for the last marginalized voting minority in America: non-living Americans. Learn the facts, then join our cause, and sign our petition!!!