[UPDATED] Why does MSN News spread anti-Semitic propaganda?

This special report documents incidents in which MSN News has published an array of vicious anti-Israel propaganda and libels, most of which are rooted in anti-Semitism.

UPDATED: Our growing, self-imposed, bipartisan war on free speech

On Memorial Day, we honor those who were killed while defending our Constitution. How many know that a significant swath of Americans now support repealing the First Amendment of our Constitution, protecting our right to free speech?

So sorry we won (not!)

IDF Col. Erez Winner (ret.) analyzes the reasons behind Netanyahu's stunning, decisive victory against all the predictions and work of the "objective" media, pollsters, and hired political operatives from the USA.

Catherine Engelbrecht: Defender of Western Civilization, vs. Bill de Blasio: Useful Idiot

The latest profiles in our effort to help affirm core Western values, and recognize those who are working to defend - or destroy them.

Catherine Engelbrecht: Defender of Western Civilization

Catherine Engelbrecht, founder and president of True The Vote, is our newest “Defender of Western Civilization.” She earned this designation by standing up for our right to honest elections against a shocking harassment campaign.

NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio: Useful Idiot

Bill de Blasio, Mayor of New York City, is a "Useful Idiot." He earned this designation by leading the charge to create the “NYCID” program, which makes it far easier for illegal aliens and potential terrorists to live in NYC.

The Bibi-Hating Media Helped to Elect Him

Could the "news" media's near-universal vilification of Benjamin Netanyahu have actually helped drive him from the loss to the win column in the recent election? Yes, argues STW contributor Doug Altabef.

Two national security experts on the Iran nuclear threat

Former CIA Director James Woolsey and EMP expert Peter Vincent Pry claim we are being lulled into a dangerously false sense of security over the impending Iranian nuclear "deal."

Only Obama could make me want Bibi

Let me get right to the punchline: I am voting for Bibi in the upcoming election. Now for the commentary: I am not a big Bibi fan.

It’s time to stop burying our heads in the sand!

Former IDF officer Erez Winner again warns of the urgent need for Western leaders, particularly President Obama, to wake up to the reality of Islamist terror, the bulk of which is facilitated by the Iranian regime.