Home Rachel Ehrenfeld “Political Islam in the Workplace” conference – April 26, 2018, Washington DC

“Political Islam in the Workplace” conference – April 26, 2018, Washington DC




On Thursday, April 26, 2018 the Forum on Islamic Radicalism and Management, the London Center for Policy Research and the American Center for Democracy are hosting a conference, entitled, “Political Islam in the Workplace.” The purpose of the conference is to break the taboo of the campaign being waged by political Islam to make Western businesses Sharia-compliant, and tackle the problem head-on.

The conference will take place at at the U.S. Capitol on the afternoon and evening(3:00-9:00pm) of April 26, 2018, and will include speakers from the France, the U.K., Belgium, Hungary and Israel, as well as the USA.

Admission to the conference is free, but participants may make a donation towards the important work being done by the organizers, to raise awareness of and combat the encroachment of political Islam in the corporate sector.


U.S. Capitol Building
Congressional Auditorium
Washington, DC

Driving directions here

Register for the conference here.

Even if you cannot attend our conference, we encourage you to pass along this information to others who might be interested and available.

Schedule (3:00-9:00pm)

3:00 – 3:30pm | Registration

3:30 – 4.00pm | Welcome and opening address

  • Eli Gold
  • Leslie Shaw – Islamic Radicalism in the Workplace Survey Results

4.00 – 5 :30pm | Panel 1 – Political Islam and the Workplace

  • Rachel Ehrenfeld – The Islamist Economic Warfare against the West
  • Pierre Spain – Islamist Infiltration of Labor Unions at Paris CDG Airport
  • Herbert London – Political Correctness and An Inability to Recognize the Threat
  • Nancy Hartevelt Kobrin – The Workplace Jihadi’s Inside-Out World

5:30 – 6:30pm | Dinner and networking break

6:30 – 8:00pm | Panel 2 – Managing the Threat

  • Zoltán Ladányi – A Blueprint for Regulating Religion in the Workplace
  • Joseph Trindal – Addressing Radicalization as another Insider Threat in Sensitive Job Categories
  • Philippe Chansay-Wilmotte – Freeing Business from the Shackles of Political Islam
  • Frank Figliuzzi – Lessons Learned: Case Studies from the Corporate World

8:00 – 8:15pm | Keynote

  • To be announced

8:15 – 8:30pm | Closing remarks

  • Eli Gold
  • Leslie Shaw


  • Philippe Chansay-Wilmotte – Lawyer at Brussels Bar with extensive experience working for governments, including Islamic
  • Rachel Ehrenfeld – Director of American Center for Democracy and Economic Warfare Institute
  • Frank Figliuzzi – Chief Operating Officer, ETS Global Risk Management, Inc; NBC News National Security Analyst; Former Director, Corporate Investigations and Assistant Chief Security Officer, the General Electric Company; Former FBI Assistant Director of Counterintelligence
  • Eli Gold – Senior Vice President, London Center for Policy Research; Senior Fellow, Soran University; Former President and Chairman, The Harbour
  • Nancy Hartevelt Kobrin – External Expert, Universidad de Granada; Psychoanalyst, Arabist, Counter-Terrorism
  • Zoltan Ladanyi – LPN Global Security
  • Herbert London – President, London Center for Policy Research; Senior Fellow, Manhattan Institute; Former President, Hudson Institute; Professor Emeritus and former John Olin Professor of Humanities, New York University
  • Leslie Shaw – Associate Professor, ESCP Europe Business
  • Pierre Spain – Corporate Director, Delta Air Lines (retired)
  • Joseph Trindal – Director of Programs, Engility Corporation; Leading Department of Justice ICITAP and OPDAT programs; Former President, InfraGard National Capital Region; Former President and Chief Operating Officer, Akal Security


