Home Ken's Thoughts Of The Week Red and Green Task Forces Are Needed Now – Ken’s Thought of...

Red and Green Task Forces Are Needed Now – Ken’s Thought of the Week



By Ken Abramowitz

See the sources for this article and more research in the Additional Reading section.

The new “Whole-of-Government” approach, through the Coronavirus Task Force, is clearly succeeding.

For the first time since World War 2, we have a federal government focused on one existential challenge. The task force is ably headed up by Vice President Mike Pence, and includes representatives from all key federal agencies, to coordinate policy and streamline decision making.

However, we are not finished in streamlining the federal government.

Simultaneously, we must set up two new task forces, to make sure that America’s enemies and competitors do not take advantage of our extreme focus on COVID-19. In particular, we need a Red Task Force, and a Green Task Force, to address the following:

Red Task Force: Communist and socialist dictatorships (China, North Korea, Venezuela, and Cuba, and authoritarian Russia)

Green Task Force: Islamist dictatorships of all variants (Iran; the Muslim Brotherhood in Turkey and Qatar, ISIS and Al Qaeda, plus Saudi Arabia (though reforming); Domestically, CAIR/MB)

Each task force must examine all aspects of war, or what the Chinese call “unrestricted war.”

For example, we must monitor and prepare for physical war, but also biological (COVID-19) and chemical war, cultural war, economic war, legal war, demographic war (illegal immigration, students and visitors who overstay their visas, etc.), and cyberwar.

We must bring together representatives of each relevant agency, including domestic agencies like FBI and Homeland Security. These representatives must have no prior direct or indirect relationship to, or conflict of interest with, either the Reds or Greens.

Each task force will need a representative expert in cultural war and psychological warfare. Unfortunately, the U.S. government has no department or agency that focuses on these issues. Therefore, President Trump should create the new position of White House Special Advisor on Cultural Safety, whose job will be to protect our Constitution from its ideological enemies.

Each of these task forces should be headed by very high level (4-star equivalent) current or retired official, and report to the President on their findings on numerous big questions, including:

  • How might America’s Red or Green enemies/frenemies/competitors try to take advantage of our extreme focus on COVID-19?
  • Why did China suppress information about COVID-19 for two months?
  • Could China create a potent COVID-19 vaccine before the West? Does it already have a vaccine?
  • How can we reduce our dependence on imported Chinese pharmaceutical and medical products within 12 months? The danger of this situation cannot be overestimated; here is a detailed 2018 report by veteran investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson:

  • How close is Iran to getting nuclear warheads?
  • Should we be removing soldiers from fighting Islamists in Iraq, Afghanistan and Africa?
  • How can we plan on having 1-2 aircraft carriers near Iran and China simultaneously?
  • How can we close down Iranian and Turkish cultural warfare operations such as mosques/schools/cultural centers in Latin America and Africa?
  • How do we stop foreign funding of American universities, before the next school year? (Discussed here and here)
  • How fast can a proper curriculum developed for educating our children about the U.S. Constitution, Bill of Rights, and basic civics? (Discussed at length here)
  • How quickly can we replace all public school text books that are currently supplied from non-American publishing companies?
  • Are we properly educating our children about the Constitution, Bill of Rights, and basic civics?
  • Are schools and related government agencies properly portraying the Judeo-Christian foundations of America in our history books?
  • How can we criminalize incitement of hate & violence against Jews in our society, the same way we do against other religious and racial minority groups?

These are big, heavy issues that must be addressed.

The Whole-of-Government approach is the way to go. Let’s go!

Additional Reading

U.S. Dependence on Pharmaceutical Products From China – Council on Foreign Relations

Education Reform is Crucial: Ken’s Thought of the Week – Save The West

China Infiltrating U.S. Education System in Propaganda Coup – Washington Free Beacon

Iran and Hezbollah in the Tri-Border Areas of Latin America: A Look at the “Old TBA” and the “New TBA” – Small Wars Journal

Desperate For Allies and Secret Assets, Iran Penetrates Africa – The Tower

Schizophrenic US policy on Iran undermines Soleimani’s liquidation – The Jerusalem Post

The power of Pearson threatens academic integrity – American Federation of Teachers

The Humanitarian Hoax of Pearson Education: Killing America With Kindness – Linda Goudsmit

Pearson’s Libyan Ownership and Islam-Biased Textbooks – The United West





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