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Tag: Biden

SOS: Call in the Cavalry – Ken’s Thought of the Week

There is a mountain if evidence that the 2020 election was compromised. Was President Trump's re-election undone by massive fraud?

Op Ed: “The Multifront War”: A Must Read

The nation barely knows that it is fighting for its life simultaneously on multiple fronts. "The Multifront War" is a must read for anyone who wishes to understand what the free world is currently dealing with.

Transition? Yes! But Transition to What? – Ken’s Thought of the...

As the investigations into voter fraud continue and lawsuits are prepared, Ken suggests ways the President can prepare his administration for his second term.

Coincidences or Coordinated Coup? – Ken’s Thought of the Week

Here are 15 events that have been part of a concerted effort against President Donald Trump and led to the fiasco of the 2020 election.

Op-Ed: Biden is Bad News for the State of Israel

“One of the best gifts that the ruling mullah’s in Iran can receive is if Joe Biden wins the presidency.”