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Tag: Qatar

Western Civilization in Peril – Ken’s Thought of the Week

If America's status as a superpower is damaged, would it (or could it) still send out the 'cavalry' when it was needed or called?

The Meddling in the U.S. 2020 Election – Ken’s Thought of...

Foreign interference in America's 2020 election played a big role in the outcome. Let's break it down.

Op-Ed: How should America and Israel deal with Qatar?

Qatar acts as a mediator between Israel and Hamas, but at the same time, provides massive financial support for Hamas. How should Israel and the U.S. deal with Qatar?

Cultural Advisor Crucial to National Security: Ken’s Thought Of The Week

This week, following up on his previous recommendations, Ken explains why President Trump needs to appoint a Cultural Adviser, to coordinate the Red & Green Task Forces.

The Red Task Force Needs Direction: Ken’s Thought of The Week

This week, Ken explains why President Trump needs to appoint a Red Task Force as soon as possible, what its mission should be, and the questions it will work to answer.

Red and Green Task Forces Are Needed Now – Ken’s Thought...

This week, Ken explains why America needs to develop two new whole-of-government task forces, to protect us from the biggest existential threats we face.

All-Of-Government Management is Good: Ken’s Thought of the Week

This week, Ken comments on the Trump administration's Covid-19 Task Force, and explains why this model should be applied to two other vital threats facing the USA

Education Reform is Crucial: Ken’s Thought of the Week

This week, Ken and STW consulting editor-videographer Jon Sutz analyze President Trump’s proposals to reform America's educational system, and recommend vital additional measures to do this

Ken’s Thought of the Week: Updating “America First” for the long...

This week, Ken examines the history and dynamics of "America First" policies, and presents the best short-term and long-term approaches for keeping America safe.

Ken’s Thought of the Week: “Endless war” is inevitable, manageable, and...

This week, Ken and STW editor-videographer Jon Sutz address the allegation that America is involved in "endless wars," and the facts that help put this concern into a rational context.