Home Islamist terror When is a condemnation not a condemnation?

When is a condemnation not a condemnation?


When it’s made by Palestinian Authority president Mahmoud Abbas.

abbas-nov14-condemnationsCase in point: At 7:00am on November 18, Palestinian terrorists broke into a Jerusalem synagogue and using meat cleavers, knives and a gun, slaughtered four rabbis, one police officer, and injured many others.

Soon after, as chronicled by the Jerusalem Post, Abbas “condemned” the attack, in part because of pressure from the U.S. (which provides Abbas with $500 million a year in taxpayer-funded humanitarian aid):

Shortly after the attack, Abbas’s office issued a statement in which it said that the PA presidency “condemns the killing of all civilians by any party, as well as the attack in a synagogue in West Jerusalem.”

The statement also called for an end to “incursions and provocations by settlers against the Aksa Mosque,” and accused “some” Israeli ministers of incitement.

But after receiving a phone call from Kerry, Abbas chaired a “security meeting” of Palestinian officials in Ramallah, where he publicly condemned the Har Nof attack.

In a televised statement, he said: “We condemn the incident that took place at a synagogue in Jerusalem and which resulted in the killing of a number of Israelis. And while we condemn this act, we also condemn the assault on the Noble Sanctuary [Temple Mount] and all holy sites and the torching of mosques and churches.”

Shortly after that “condemnation,” news broke that Abbas didn’t really mean it.  As intrepid anonymous blogger Elder of Ziyon pointed out (atop his earlier analysis of Abbas’s pseudo-condemnation), a translation of an interview with a senior official of Abbas’s Fatah party reveals the ugly reality:

It (Fatah) “considered these statements to be political diplomacy,” according to a statement by Najat Abu-Bakr, deputy for Fatah in the Palestinian Legislative Council [PLC].” […]

The Palestinian president is forced to speak this way before the world. […] She noted that the objective behind these statements is to light up all the diplomatic signs for the world to wake up to the importance of the Palestinian cause, which the settlers have encroached on through their practices against the Palestinians.

As Elder pointed out, Abbas had actually been inciting exactly this kind of murderous terror in the weeks leading up to the slaughter at the synagogue. From YahooNews/AFP:

Palestinian leader Mahmud Abbas on Friday called on his people to prevent Israeli settlers from entering Jerusalem’s flashpoint Al-Aqsa mosque and use “all means” to protect the site.  His comments came days after Israeli police clashed with Palestinian protesters demonstrating against Jews visiting the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound, Islam’s third holiest site but which is also revered by Jews.  “It is not enough to say the settlers came, but they must be barred from entering the compound by any means. This is our Aqsa… and they have no right to enter it and desecrate it,” Abbas said.

Then, The Israel Project produced this timeline graphic, which demonstrates the clear relationship between Abbas’s recent public incitement of Palestinians, and their murderous attacks on Jews:

TIP infographic Abbas incitement

We are reminded by Arutz Sheva that, despite Abbas’s widely-reported “condemnation” of the 2011 slaughter of the Fogel family in their home,  he had been inciting terrorist attacks on Jewish civilians in the weeks and months leading up to that savage attack:

Fogel family
The Fogel family (clockwise, from top left): Ruth, 34; Udi, 36; Yoav, 11; Elad, 4; Hadas, 3 months — all slaughtered in their home by knife-wielding Palestinian terrorists who were incited by Abbas.

Excerpts from “Fogel Family Slaughter Deliberately Incited by PA” (March 13, 2011)

The Palestinian Authority government deliberately incited its population to terrorism long before the Sabbath slaughter of the Fogel family in the Samaria Jewish community of Itamar this past Friday night.

“Incitement against Israel, which frequently turns into genuine anti-Semitic incitement, is an inseparable part of the fabric of life in the Palestinian Authority,” noted Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu in a statement issued  by his media adviser following the murder. “These anti-Israeli and anti-Semitic messages are regularly heard in both the private and official media and in mosque sermons, and are studied in school textbooks. Terrorists are given honored status and become models for emulation in Palestinian society, both in the media and via ceremonies held by institutions affiliated with the PA.” […]

Two months prior to the Fogel murder, PA Chairman and Fatah leader Mahmoud Abbas awarded $2,000 to the family of a terrorist who attacked and attempted to murder IDF soldiers. Khaldoun Najib Samoudy raced towards IDF soldiers at the Hamra checkpoint in December 2010, carrying two pipe bombs and screaming “Allahu Akbar!” (G-d is Great). His act was lauded in the January 25 edition of the Fatah-backed PA newspaper, Al Hayat Al Jadida, which covered an award ceremony in which Abbas bestowed a “presidential grant” of $2,000 on the relatives of the “Shahid” (martyr) in the village of Al-Yamoun. The article, in Arabic, was translated by media watchdog the Palestinian Media Watch (PMW).

Lastly, we are reminded by the legendary Palestinian Media Watch of the fact that Abbas’s double-speak regarding “condemnations” is a continuation of the same horrific policy employed by his mentor, prior Palestinian Authority president Yasser Arafat.

From “Arafat’s bodyguard confirms: Arafat lied when he condemned killing civilians” (April 1, 2014)

TV host: [Former Israeli PM Ariel] Sharon called Arafat a pathological liar, and many politicians who knew Arafat say he excelled at lying.

Bodyguard: [Our] religion permits lying in three cases: to settle between two people – religion allows you [to lie] in order to settle between two people.

TV host: For reconciliation.

Bodyguard: Someone whose wife isn’t pretty, [can] say, ‘You’re the most beautiful woman in the world’; and the third [case] is in politics – you can lie.

TV host: Do you agree with this?

Bodyguard: Yes, yes.

TV host: He would lie in front of you.

Bodyguard: Yes. Arafat, yes. For example, whenever an operation (i.e., terror attack) was carried out in Tel Aviv, Arafat would go out and say [he condemned it] – of course, after pressure. First and foremost [from Egyptian] President Mubarak. He would call brother Arafat and tell him: “Brother Arafat, go and condemn it, they’ll screw you.” [Arafat] would tell him: “But Mr. President, I have Martyrs – they [Israel] destroyed us, they massacred us.” [Mubarak] would tell him: “Brother Arafat, go and condemn [it]. They’ll screw you.” Brother Arafat would go and condemn it in his special way: I am against killing civilians – and that wasn’t true.

As if all that weren’t enough, here are some examples, on video, of Abbas falsely denying that he (and the PA, under his control) neither inciting nor honoring Palestinian terrorism against Jewish civilians:

And in the broader context of Abbas’s role in inciting, honoring and rewarding Palestinian terrorism against Jewish civilians: