Home Ken's editorials How bad is the Iran “deal”? Let us count the ways...

How bad is the Iran “deal”? Let us count the ways (Part 1)

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif reacts during a plenary session at the United Nations building in Vienna, Austria July 14, 2015. REUTERS/Leonhard Foeger


Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif reacts during a plenary session at the United Nations building in Vienna, Austria July 14, 2015. REUTERS/Leonhard Foeger
Why is Iran’s chief negotiator grinning? The facts in this article make it painfully clear (Photo: Reuters/Leonhard Foeger).

The following is the beginning of an ongoing roundup of substantive articles that point out the reasons why the Iran “deal” is a travesty, and must be opposed.  This is not a right-wing or left-wing issue, it is an issue that may well determine the fate of Western civilization, and more acutely, whether this “deal,” left to stand, will be the direct cause of World War III.

If you have any news items or analyses that you think should be added here, email us.

16 reasons nuke deal is an Iranian victory and a Western catastrophe, by David Horovitz, Times of Israel, July 14, 2015.


Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani on Tuesday unsurprisingly hailed the nuclear agreement struck with US-led world powers, and derided the “failed” efforts of the “warmongering Zionists.” His delight, Iran’s delight, is readily understandable.  The agreement legitimizes Iran’s nuclear program, allows it to retain core nuclear facilities, permits it to continue research in areas that will dramatically speed its breakout to the bomb should it choose to flout the deal, but also enables it to wait out those restrictions and proceed to become a nuclear threshold state with full international legitimacy. Here’s how.

1. Was the Iranian regime required, as a condition for this deal, to disclose the previous military dimensions of its nuclear program — to come clean on its violations — in order both to ensure effective inspections of all relevant facilities and to shatter the Iranian-dispelled myth that it has never breached its non-proliferation obligations? No.


Tehran’s Nuclear Triumph: The deal leaves Tehran on the cusp of a bomb while sanctions vanish, Wall St. Journal editorial, July 14, 2015.


President Obama was right on Tuesday to hail his nuclear agreement with Iran as historic, though not because of his claim that it will “prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon.” The agreement all but guarantees that Tehran will eventually become a nuclear power, while limiting the ability of a future President to prevent it.

We say this after reading the 159-page text, complete with five annexes, which offers a clearer view than the President’s broad and happy description. “We give up nothing by testing whether or not this problem can be solved peacefully,” Mr. Obama said. “If, in a worst-case scenario, Iran violates the deal, the same options will be available to me today will be available to any U.S. President in the future.”


U.S. Will Teach Iran to Thwart Nuke Threats, by Adam Kredo, Washington Free-Beacon, July 14, 2015.


The United States and other world powers will help to teach Iran how to thwart and detect threats to its nuclear program, according to the parameters of a deal reached Tuesday to rein in Iran’s contested nuclear program.

Under the terms of a deal that provides Iran billions of dollars in sanctions relief, Iran and global powers will cooperate to help teach Iran how to manage its nuclear infrastructure, which will largely remain in tact under the deal.

Senior Iranian officials, including the country’s president, celebrated the deal as a victory for the country. Iran’s state controlled media quoted President Hassan Rouhani as saying that the deal will “remove all sanctions while maintaining [Tehran’s] nuclear program and nuclear progress.”

In what is being viewed as a new development, European countries and potentially the United States agreed to “cooperate with Iran on the implementation of nuclear security guidelines and best practices,” according to a copy of the agreement furnished by both the Russians and Iranians.


Ten Reasons Why the Iran Nuclear Deal is Bad, by Christians United for Israel Action Fund, July 15, 2015.



After Receiving $1 Billion Line of Credit From Iran, Assad Calls Nuke Deal “Great Victory,” by TheTower.org, July 14, 2015.


Syrian President Bashar al-Assad hailed the nuclear deal between Iran and the P5+1 nations, which will provide Iran with billions of dollars of sanctions relief, as a “great victory,” Agence France-Presse reported today. Iran extended the beleaguered Syrian president a $1 billion line of credit last week.

Assad said the deal would be a “major turning point in the history of Iran, the region and the world.”  He added that it provided “clear recognition on the part of world powers of the peaceful nature of Iran’s nuclear programme, while preserving the national rights of your people and confirming the sovereignty of the Islamic Republic of Iran…. (W)e are confident Iran will continue, and with greater momentum, to support the peoples’ just issues and to work towards establishing peace and stability in the region and the world,” Assad said.


Also, as Jon Sutz, editor of SaveTheWest.com, noted:

In case you aren’t clear, Assad is the guy who’s dropping barrel-bombs onto civilians in Syria, and feeding people into wood-chippers, all with financial support from Iran. The Iran we released $12 billion in frozen funds to (due to its support of global terror) at the start of 2015, and we are now poised to give them another $38 billion. And once sanctions are lifted, experts estimate Iran will reap $150 billion more in economic development.

What could possibly go wrong?

victims of barrel bombs
Child victims of Assad’s barrel bombs; story here (Photo: Telegraph/AP)


15 Reasons Why Iran is an Existential Threat to the West, by Kenneth Abramowitz, SaveTheWest.com, July 3, 2015.


  • Iran represents the Number 1 terror organization in the world today, far more dangerous than Al Qaeda.
  • Iran has largely taken over Syria and Lebanon, as well as 60% of Iraq.
  • Iran has intimidated and threatened key Sunni countries such as Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states, by supporting Shiite uprisings.
  • Iran hanging gays in the streets of Tehran for being gay (Photo: AP).
  • Iran seeks direct or indirect control over the “Black Gold Triangle” in Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Kuwait, and Qatar, which holds over 50% of the world’s known oil/gas reserves.



