Home Ken's Thoughts Of The Week Cultural Advisor Crucial to National Security: Ken’s Thought Of The Week

Cultural Advisor Crucial to National Security: Ken’s Thought Of The Week



By Ken Abramowitz

See the sources for this article and more research in the Additional Reading section.

We recently suggested that President Trump organize two task forces, to address the most serious domestic and foreign threats facing America:

Red Task Force: Communist and socialist dictatorships: China, North Korea, Venezuela, and Cuba, and authoritarian Russia; Details at: The Red Task Force Needs Direction: Ken’s Thought of The Week – Save The West

Green Task Force: Islamist dictatorships of all variants: (Iran, the Muslim Brotherhood in Turkey and Qatar, ISIS and Al Qaeda, plus Saudi Arabia (though reforming); Domestically, CAIR and other MB front groups; Details at: The Green Task Force Needs Direction: Ken’s Thought of the Week – Save The West

We also suggested that President Trump:

  • Bring together representatives of key government agencies to hold seats on these task forces, including from the Departments of Defense, Treasury, Justice, Homeland Security, Immigration & Naturalization Service (INS), Customs & Border Protection, and Cyber-command – along with academics from a variety of related disciplines.
  • Appoint a White House Special Advisor on Cultural Safety, to guard the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights, as well as American values, from America’s ideological enemies. Under this advisor, two deputies would be assigned- one to the Red Task Force, and another to the Green Task Force. These cultural advisors would provide the intellectual “glue” to hold together each task force. These advisors would be authorized to develop both offensive and defensive strategies.

The U.S. and other Western democracies are vulnerable to disinformation and manipulation from within and outside our borders. Our Red and Green enemies are experts in cultural warfare and propaganda, both the offensive and defensive sides.

Sadly, America has lost its expertise in both offensive (truth-based propaganda) and defensive (self-education of values) capabilities, which were developed and successfully used during both World Wars and the Cold War, and since the fall of the Soviet Union, the delusion that we are “at peace.” We may not be firing bullets or bombs or missiles at each other, but as I showed in a recent editorial here, our enemies are allowed to pour billions of dollars into our “educational” system, to shape curriculum and even entire departments:

Education Reform is Crucial: Ken’s Thought of the Week – Save The West

We have learned the hard way that there is no such thing as “peacetime.” The Reds and the Greens have declared war on Western civilization, each for nearly 100 years.

The Greens increased their attacks after 9/11 in the U.S., and, together with the Reds, during the previous administration. We were slow to respond, but in many cases there simply was no response. Or, in the case of Iran, President Obama effectively gave the rulers of the world’s #1 largest anti-US terrorist regime enormous economic relief, a mountain of cash that it uses to support worldwide terrorism, along with a pathway to the nuclear weapons, and the means to deliver them — all “negotiated” while its “supreme leader” was leading public chants of, “Death To America!”

Now we must provide the resources necessary for this two-front war.

We must re-learn how to defend our Constitutional rights and values by re-educating the population on a non-stop basis, both in school as well as post-school, through the media and online, as well as through public events.

Offensively, we must culturally attack anti-democratic autocrats of the Red or Green variety, on a non-stop basis. The US taxpayer-funded Voice of America must be revamped with new management, to properly represent our values.

Similarly, foreign language communication channels must be used to intellectually fight the lies and disinformation of both Reds like China, and Greens like Iran.

And, as with the Coronavirus Task Force, the top leadership must be high-level, in terms of knowledge and experience, and report directly to the President.

Above all, President Trump must insist on U.S. victory in these ideological wars.

We have been trying to accommodate or pacify both the Reds and the Greens for too long.

Now it is time to win!

Additional Reading

The Green Task Force Needs Direction: Ken’s Thought of the Week – Save The West

The Red Task Force Needs Direction: Ken’s Thought of The Week – Save The West

The Muslim Brotherhood – The Investigative Project on Terrorism

Muslim Brotherhood – Counter Extremism Project

What Is the Muslim Brotherhood? – Middle East Forum

All-Of-Government Management is Good: Ken’s Thought of the Week – Save The West

Iranian Nuclear Deal Is a Jihadist Stimulus Package – National Review Online

Major beneficiaries of the Iran deal: The IRGC and Hezbollah – Brookings Institution

The Nuclear Deal Is Iran’s Legal Path to the Bomb – POLITICO Magazine

Video: Amid nuke talks, Ayatollah says ‘death to America’ – CNN

Congress needs to clarify mission and oversight of Voice of America – TheHill

White House slams Voice of America, VOA fights back – AP

Coronavirus: Communists and Islamists plot new world order -The Australian


