Home Jon Sutz How you can help save terrorized Yazidi girls

How you can help save terrorized Yazidi girls



Yazidi girlsA Canadian businessman, Steve Maman, has taken on a cause like no other: to raise the money (donate here) to liberate thousands of Yazidi girls, some as young as 10, whom ISIS has captured and is sexually terrorizing, then selling off as slaves to other terrorists, and nondescript “Middle Eastern men.”

Fair warning: Reviewing this material requires a strong stomach.

Learn about Maman’s foundation here:

The Liberation of Christian and Yazidi Children of Iraq

Read about Maman and why he’s doing this here:

Inspired by Oscar Schindler, Jewish Businessman Leads Effort to Rescue Christian, Yazidi Girls From ISIS

‘Jewish Schindler’ Saves Dozens of Yazidis and Christians from Islamic State

Listen to a 14:00 radio interview of Maman by Mark Levin, August 11, 2015 here

While our “news” media and “influencers” distract us with celebrity gossip and various nonsense, these girls are suffering, today, right now, and a courageous businessman is trying to save them. But it can’t be done without money.

Please donate today, hereAnd even if you cannot make a donation, please share this post through social media and email. Do it today.

Thank you.

Yazidi women and girls who have been rescued from ISIS savages.


