Rachel Ehrenfeld: Soros cabal attacks Sen. Cotton’s critique of anti-Semitism

STW contributor Dr. Rachel Ehrenfeld reveals which left-leaning entities are criticizing Sen. Tom Cotton's January 8 speech denouncing anti-Semitism, and why.

Ken’s Thought of the Week: Hello 2020, Goodbye Soleimani

This week, Ken assesses how we got to this point with Iran, and speculates on what the immediate future will bring with the messianic Islamist terror nation.

Ken’s Thought of the Week: My concerns, hopes, and predictions for...

This week, Ken presents his analysis and predictions regarding various key domestic and international political and security issues that will or may shape 2020, and beyond.

Ken’s Thought of the Week: Time to apply maximum pressure to...

This week, Ken examines the Trump administration's current efforts to weaken Iran's global terrorism threat, and steps it should take to ratchet up its "maximum pressure" campaign.

Ken’s Thought of the Week: Boris Johnson’s landslide victory is great...

This week, Ken examines why the UK populace's stunning vote for Boris Johnson and his Conservative Party is likely to produce positive results for the UK, the USA and the free world.

Ken’s Thought of the Week: The NATO strategy to protect Europe...

This week, Ken explains why the NATO's recent "London Declaration" cannot succeed - because it failed to acknowledge key threats, or how to mitigate them.

Ken’s Thought of the Week: Instability plagues both democracies and dictatorships...

This week, Ken addresses the rising instability in both democracies and dictatorships, each of which occupy about half of the world's population, and why some will survive, but others won't.

Ken’s Thought Of The Week: US should strongly condemn EU court...

This week, Ken, along with STW editor Jon Sutz, examine the little-known history, and anti-Semitic nature of the EU court's ruling that requires goods from disputed territories in Israel to be labeled.

Ken’s Thought of the Week: A “maximum pressure” policy for Iran,...

This week, Ken examines the Trump administration's "maximum pressure" campaign against Iran, the Islamist theocratic dictatorship's resistance to it, and urges a resolute stance, to achieve the U.S.'s peaceful objectives.

Ken’s Thought of the Week: Updating “America First” for the long...

This week, Ken examines the history and dynamics of "America First" policies, and presents the best short-term and long-term approaches for keeping America safe.