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NEVER GIVE AN INCH! – Ken’s Thought of the Week
As the world gets increasingly difficult to negotiate, we at Save The West offer some specific examples of when no compromise is possible, when America and its allies must "Never Give an Inch":
OP-ED: How George Soros Funds Anti-Semitism
Soros, the self-anointed arbitrator of social “justice,” expressed his support for Hamas as soon as it took over Gaza in 2007. He continues to support a host of anti-Israel groups who still support Hamas and other Iran-backed, anti-Semitic groups dedicated to the ultimate destruction of Israel.
Ken’s letter to the WSJ re gun control, and why we...
STW founder and president Ken Abramowitz submitted this letter to the Wall St. Journal in response to its editorial about gun control after the Las Vegas massacre, and points out the startling success that Israel has enjoyed thanks to Jerusalem's revised policy on the matter.