
Title: “HuffPost: Ground Zero of the Alt-Left’s Hate Speech, Incitement, Racism and Anti-Semitism”

By Jon Sutz and Ken Abramowitz

Executive summary

(1) Background: Advertisers’ growing efforts to avoid even the appearance of enabling purveyors of hate speech and incitement

(2) About the Huffington Post, and its claims of being a professional, nonpartisan newspaper

(3) The reality: HuffPost is a hyper-leftist hate speech, incitement and propaganda machine

(4) CASE STUDIES 1: Incitement, racism, hate speech, anti-Semitism, bias, fake news and more

(5) CASE STUDIES 2: Smearing and dehumanizing American soldiers and police officers, whitewashing America’s enemies, explicit pornography, gay- and woman-degrading materials, and more

(6) Conclusion: Why HuffPost’s enablers must be called out, now

(7) Our letter to HuffPost’s top twenty advertisers


(A1) Directory of resource pages containing the source data upon which this report is based

(A2) SaveTheWest’s video documentaries on HuffPost’s betrayal of its publicly-stated standards and practices

Executive Summary

The purpose of this report is to publicly provide major corporations that advertise at the Huffington Post with extensive documentation to prove that it has been engaging in a long-term pattern of behaviors that conflict with their organizational values, and worse.  These behaviors include:

Hate speech: HuffPost systematically engages in a wide variety of incendiary, libelous hate speech, against its political enemies, police officers and American soldiers.  Details here.

Incitement of violence: HuffPost incites and justifies the use of violence to advance one’s political objectives. Details here.

Racism: HuffPost blames all of our culture’s problems on one race, and applies an egregious double-standard to reporting hate crimes, largely based on the race of the victim(s) or the perpetrator(s). Details here.

Anti-Semitism: HuffPost incites hatred against Jews and Israel, then ignores or downplays hate crimes and terrorism against them, while whitewashing and even legitimizing terrorist narratives. Details here.

Explicit pornography, and more: HuffPost has regularly posted X-rated, graphic pornography and female-degrading materials (nude women chained to their “masters,” etc.) on its front page, with no age restrictions of any kind, to prevent children from  accessing it. Details here and here.

Hyper-partisan political bias: HuffPost creates and spreads singular, extremely-biased “news” stories and editorials about vital public affairs, which are often based on demonstrable lies or egregious distortions.  Almost invariably, its political content can only be designed to serve two purposes: (1) To do what amounts to PR for, and protect left-leaning political figures, organizations and causes, and/or (2) To savage their opponents.

Often, HuffPost then packages these narratives using apocalyptic, inflammatory, conspiracy-laden shock headlines, which obliterate the line between “news” and opinion.  It then either ignores, or viciously attacks anyone who substantively challenges the narrative it has crafted.  Details here.

In sum, HuffPost’s political content is often indistinguishable from (or worse than) the vilest items found at Democratic Party-affiliated attack sites, and the shrillest independent leftist/socialist/anarchist blogs.

All of this activity directly violates what founder and Editor-In-Chief* Arianna Huffington repeatedly, publicly claimed are its standards and values (details here):

“If you’re looking for the usual flame-throwing, name-calling, and simplistic attack dog rhetoric, don’t bother coming to the Huffington Post.”

“[At HuffPost] there are guidelines that have to be followed — and they include a prohibition on conspiracy theories or inflammatory claims […] what the great historian Richard Hofstadter called ‘the paranoid style in American politics,’ which he defined as angry minds that traffic in ‘heated exaggeration, suspiciousness, and conspiratorial fantasy,’ and that see ‘the fate of conspiracy in apocalyptic terms… always manning the barricades of civilization’.”

Given HuffPost’s immense readership and influence, the acts and omissions documented in this report can only serve to both incite and expand the escalating hatred, conflicts and violence we are witnessing in America.

* Huffington, who headed HuffPost since its opening in 2005, was reportedly pushed out of her job in August 2016.

Other HuffPost behaviors that violate its publicly-stated standards and practices

The behaviors listed above are only a small sampling of what this report documents.  Here’s more:

  • HuffPost incites hatred against and dehumanizes America’s soldiers, while whitewashing and even evoking sympathy for America’s enemies. Details here.
  • HuffPost smears America’s police officers, then often ignores incidents when they (or even their animals) are victims of violent hate crimes. Details here.
  • HuffPost recently was caught engaging in its racial and religious incitement in two of its foreign editions (South Africa and India). Details here and here.

HuffPost has been engaging in all of these behaviors despite the fact that it has repeatedly told the general public, and presumably its advertisers, that it is a completely nonpartisan, objective “newspaper,” and that:

“Huffington Post has in place rigorous editorial policies and standards… to ensure that we maintain the highest level of journalistic integrity.”

HuffPost’s deception of advertisers was reportedly designed into its original operating blueprint

This report, comprised of verifiable evidence collected over a number of years, documents the reality: that in all vital areas, HuffPost is exactly the opposite of what it publicly claims to be.  Further, HuffPost’s systemic betrayal of its advertisers was apparently “baked into” what has been reported to be its founding, operational blueprint.  Specifically, and by design, HuffPost surrounds its hyper-partisan attack items with other, more generic items (eg celebrity gossip, emotional stories about animals, and only mildly-slanted news stories), in order to achieve its ultimate purpose, as stated in that blueprint: to aid the Democratic Party, and remake it, “from the outside in” into a hyper-leftist, winning force.  Details here.

Our operating assumption: That HuffPost advertisers haven’t possessed a clear picture of how badly they’ve been deceived — until this report

SaveTheWest believes that most of HuffPost’s major advertisers are unaware of these facts.  For if they were aware of what HuffPost has been doing, we can only assume that, like corporations that discover their advertising vehicles have been (or are merely accused of) engaging in even a small fraction of such behavior, to advance conservative policies and figures, they would have severed their advertising contracts with it, long ago.

Based on these beliefs, we are publicly submitting this report to twenty of HuffPost’s top biggest advertisers, in the hopes that they will view it in the spirit in which it is offered: as a benevolent advisory, and a valuable, meticulously-researched dossier on how badly their trust and advertising dollars have been exploited.  We are also submitting this report to the public, so that anyone interested in these matters can have an informed, accountable basis upon which to have a productive discussion.

The list of HuffPost advertisers to whom this report has been sent, and the cover letter we enclosed in each, are contained in Section 7.

(1) Background: Advertisers’ growing efforts to avoid even the appearance of enabling purveyors of hate speech and incitement

Many major U.S. corporations have recently begun to more closely monitor the media vehicles in which they advertise, or are considering advertising, to ensure that their reputations are not in any way compromised by doing so.  Specifically, these corporations are working to avoid even the appearance of enabling purveyors of hate speech and incitement of any kind, regardless of whether it is alleged to have been done actively, in which the purveyor creates offensive original materials, or passively, in which the purveyor allows offensive material produced by others to remain published on its platform(s).

“Hate speech” defined, and the commonly-accepted red lines

Most people know what incitement is: provoking unlawful or violent behavior.  In our mass-media culture, the catalyst for inciting both isolated and widespread acts of lawlessness and violence is widely-distributed hate speech.

But what is “hate speech”?  Merriam-Webster defines it as:

“Speech expressing hatred of a particular group of people”

Drawing a distinction between free speech and “hate speech,” however, can be difficult.  Free people possess not only a natural right, but an obligation to speak out against that with which they disagree, or believe to be clear and present dangers to their cultures.

During the final stretches of political campaigns in free societies, the verbiage that major competing parties hurl against each other, and their respective supporters, can go beyond coarseness, and extend into blanket condemnations and depictions that have no basis in factual reality – or are wildly out of context. This is nothing new; the presidential election of 1800, between Thomas Jefferson and John Adams, was one of the nastiest in history, and makes the ugliest of today’s campaign rhetoric seem tame in comparison.

There are, however, certain examples of hate speech that are so plain and clear, that they serve as red lines, some of which include:

  • Inciting hatred against people based on their race, sexual orientation or religion
  • Blaming one race or religion for all of a nation’s problems
  • Advocating or legitimizing the initiation of violence to advance one’s political objectives

Two historical examples from the early 20th century show what can happen when mass-distributed hate speech leads to widespread incitement, and violence:

(1) The spectacle of black Americans being harassed, discriminated against and attacked in the southern American states

(2) The Holocaust, the result of years of the most influential voices in Germany and neighboring states claiming that Jews are sub-human, evil, and the cause of all the problems the world was facing

The FBI’s definition of “hate crimes” – and why it needs to be expanded

In America, when individuals or groups act unlawfully or violently against members of a particular group, whether as a result of external incitement or any other influence, this is what the FBI defines as a “hate crime”; specifically:

“A criminal offense against a person or property motivated in whole or in part by an offender’s bias against a race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, ethnicity, gender, or gender identity.”

While this definition is a good starting point, given recent events, SaveTheWest believes that two more identity groups should be added to this definition:

  • Political orientation
  • Occupation

For example, over the past 18 months, there have been hundreds (if not thousands) of crimes perpetrated in America against:

  • People who are, or are suspected to be, of a certain political orientation
  • American police officers
  • Members of our armed forces

The dividing line between defining these acts as mere “crimes,” and “hate crimes,” is that the victims in these incidents were attacked not because anything they had personally done – but rather, because of who they were perceived to be, or where they happened to be at the moment; or, in the case of our police officers and soldiers, because of the uniform they were wearing.

(2) About the Huffington Post, and its claims of being a professional, nonpartisan newspaper

(2.1) HuffPost – a summary profile

(2.2) HuffPost’s repeated claims that it is a completely nonpartisan, professional “news” organization

(2.1) HuffPost – a summary profile


The Huffington Post (“HuffPost”), which went live in May 2005, was founded and edited by Arianna Huffington.  Until 2000, Huffington was a hard-right conservative, and was very close friends with Newt Gingrich.  Then, just prior to the 2000 election, she swung to the left.  As reported by CNN, according to multiple eyewitnesses, at the 2000 “Shadow Convention” she announced, “I have become radicalized.”  According to other sources, however, her transition was far deeper than originally reported, and was due to her interaction with leftist billionaire philanthropist George Soros.

In August 2016, Huffington was reportedly forced out of her job, due to a variety of factors.


As of April 2017, HuffPost claimed it has nearly 200 million readers around the world per month, an estimated 80 million of whom reside within America, making it “the largest news site in the U.S.” One traffic analysis site claims that with its sixteen international editions, HuffPost is now the #1 most-popular political website in the world. It is owned by AOL, which in turn is owned by Verizon.


According to Alexa, as of April 1, 2017, HuffPost was the 51st most-popular website in America, and the 203rd most popular in the world.

(2.2) HuffPost’s repeated claims that it is a completely nonpartisan, professional “news” organization

Since its debut in May 2005, HuffPost has repeatedly made public statements that it has absolutely no ideological bias, and is committed only to purely objective, nonpartisan news coverage, but with opinions from the left and the right.  The following quotes are cited from this archive:

Arianna Huffington, Editor-In-Chief of HuffPost from 2005-2016.

“What we’re doing is two things. We do news. I don’t believe news is left wing or right wing. And then we do the group blog, which is going to be a dialogue from all viewpoints.”

Arianna Huffington interview with Newsweek, May 6, 2005

“The Huffington Post has in place rigorous editorial policies and standards, to ensure that we maintain the highest level of journalistic integrity.”

John Montorio, Executive Features Editor, Katie Nelson, National Editor, Danny Shea, Executive Producer, Special Projects, Whitney Snyder, Executive News Editor, November 6, 2014

“The editorial stance of the Huffington Post is to debunk the right-left way of thinking, which has become completely obsolete.”

Arianna Huffington interview with Conde Nast Portfolio, November 14, 2007

“[W]e are increasingly seen as an Internet newspaper, not positioned ideologically in terms of how we cover the news.”

Arianna Huffington interview with Politico, May 22, 2009

“There is an objective reality, and it is the media’s job to present it unequivocally.”

Arianna Huffington blog article, November 28, 2011

See our detailed archive for more such quotes:

HuffPost’s repeated public claims of nonpartisan journalistic principles

(3) The reality: HuffPost is a hyper-leftist hate speech, incitement and propaganda machine

(3.1) Overview of our allegations

(3.2) This deliberate deception was apparently part of HuffPost’s original intent

(3.1) Overview of our allegations

Contrary to how HuffPost describes itself, and how AOL promotes it, SaveTheWest has documented the fact that in reality it is a hyper-partisan cesspool of radical leftist hate speech, racism, incitement and anti-Semitism:

(1) HuffPost presents and militantly protects only radical leftist, one-sided “narratives” of vital public issues, and excoriates anyone who dares to substantively challenge them.  This has been standard practice at HuffPost practically since the beginning.  Invariably, it creates or adopts a “narrative” that serves to advance radical leftist values, interpretations and objectives, and excludes or gives only straw-man coverage to those who dissent. Several particularly egregious, recent examples of this bias include:

(a) It engaged in a two-year, scorched-Earth campaign of lies, deception, bias and anti-Semitic incitement in order to help promote the Iranian nuclear “deal.”  One particularly notable aspect of this campaign was to depict a proven front group for Iran’s mullahs as nonpartisan “experts,” then ignore the fact that they were soliciting funds with to lobby the U.S. Senate to enact the “deal.”  Another was the fact that it gave top coverage to lies and propaganda by a “weapons expert” who had recently served time in prison for repeatedly soliciting sex from children.  It then ignored the fact that the Obama White House’s architect behind the “deal” openly admitted to the deception he perpetrated, as well as the fact that Iran had never even signed it. See our special report:

“The Rhodes To HuffPost”: The Huffington Post’s use of lies, deception, bias and anti-Semitic incitement in order to help “sell” the Iran deal

(b) It not only refused to cover substantive medical concerns about Sen. Clinton’s health status during the 2016 presidential campaign, it removed an article one of its journalists published about the matter.  HuffPost not only refused to publish the growing evidence of serious health concerns regarding Sen. Clinton, when one of its journalists was able to publish a video containing the reasons behind medical doctors’ impressions, it not only fired him, it removed every article he’d ever written for the site.  This episode stood in stark contrast to its incessant demands throughout 2008 that Sen. McCain disclose all his medical data, to address concerns regarding his fitness for office — which were only exacerbated by its relentless publication of smears against him (1, 2, 3) and his wife, Cindy.

(c) It suppressed evidence demonstrating Rep. Keith Ellison’s unfitness to become chairman of the DNC, that challenged its glowing advocacy for his campaign.  Details here.

(2) HuffPost has engaged in a long-term “propaganda jihad” against the U.S. military — and for America’s enemies.  It has repeatedly constructed incendiary headlines that accused members of the US military of perpetrating horrific crimes that it knew, or should have known, were completely untrue, unprovable, or were being depicted in an egregiously decontextualized fashion.  Further, it has consistently dehumanized American soldiers, while whitewashing and evoking sympathy for jihadist terrorists and their supporters.  One particularly egregious incident, HuffPost devoted five consecutive days of top coverage to evoking sympathy for a “homesick American jihadi,” while ignoring an American soldier who was about to receive the Medal of Honor.  Details here.

(3) HuffPost has engaged in a consistent pattern of incitement of hatred against police officers.  Similar to the lies and distortions that it employs against the U.S. military, HuffPost has repeatedly published incendiary, editorialized “news” headlines that paint the worst possible perception of police officers, up to and including calling them murderers. One headline even asked, “Can the cops be stopped before they kill again?”  It has also consistently excluded essential facts that are necessary to provide accurate context to its headlines (which would often also serve to undermine them).  Then, when police officers are threatened or murdered, HuffPost either ignores or whitewashes these incidents, while maintaining its cauldron of incitement and hate.  Details here.

(4) HuffPost has repeatedly engaged in anti-Semitic bias and incitement — while whitewashing and legitimizing those who attack Jews, because they are Jews.  SaveTheWest recently produced a major documentary about this issue:

“The Huffington Post’s Anti-Semitic Bias and Incitement During the Third Intifada.”

In summary, HuffPost consistently whips up hatred against Israel and Jews based on demonstrable lies and egregious distortions, while acting as a a sort of volunteer PR agency for the Islamist terrorists who attack them.  It also showers personalized, sympathetic attention on Palestinians, including terrorists and their families, while dehumanizing or ignoring their Jewish (and non-Jewish) victims.  Then, there are its front page headlines that contain naked hate speech, including “Fucking dick the fat Jew,” “Filthy Jewess,” and a “report” that claimed Israeli soldiers murder Palestinians to “harvest their organs” which it knew at the time was completely unsupported (and soon discredited).  Major Jewish organizations, including the Anti-Defamation League, the American Jewish Committee, the Simon Wiesenthal Center and others have condemned HuffPost’s anti-Semitism.  Details here.

(5) HuffPost has repeatedly engaged in racist incitement and hate speech.  This includes publishing materials on its front page that blame all of America’s problems on people of one skin color; that there is a conspiracy by people of one skin color to manipulate elections; and that half of America’s voting population are racists.  Ironically, HuffPost has a documented history of hiring almost exclusively white people, and for years was far less diverse than the Tea Party, which it has excoriated with false allegations of racism.  Details here.

(6) HuffPost has established a de facto double-standard for reporting alleged hate crimes, based on the race, religion and/or political orientation of the victim, or the perpetrator.  It consistently gives top, sympathetic coverage to completely proof-less allegations of hate crimes by people in its favored groups, primarily Muslims, black Americans, and leftists.  Details here.

Then, when it discovers that many of these turned out to be among the many recent fake hate crimes, it ignores or buries this information, thus falsely legitimizing them.  Details here.

At the same time, HuffPost routinely ignores actual hate crimes that have been perpetrated — even when captured on video — against people in groups it considers worthless, primarily conservatives, white people, Republicans, American soldiers, police officers and Jews. See our documentation of 120 such incidents since January 2016 here.

(7) HuffPost is so committed to hard-left orthodoxy that it even throws the LGBT community “under the bus” in order to protect homophobic Muslim preachers who openly incite hate and violence against them.  HuffPost publishes on its front page “news” items contain vitriolic scorn against Christians who disapprove of homosexuality, and applauds those who stand up to them.  In one incident, it claimed that a 7-year-old girl is “everyone’s new hero” for standing up to a Christian who condemned gays. Details here.

Yet HuffPost completely ignores the open advocacy and justification of violence against gays by imams, on American soil.  For example, HuffPost completely ignored the fact that a sermon was given in Orlando, FL, by a foreign imam who was notorious for this incitement, two months before the Pulse nightclub massacre, in which a Muslim parishoner, Omar Mateen slaughtered 49 gays and injured 54 others.  To the contrary, HuffPost published a headline that claimed “Religion had nothing to do with” the attack, even though it knew at the time that 24 hours earlier, recordings of Mateen to 9/11 operators and the FBI confirmed that he was doing it in the name of Islam.  HuffPost also completely ignored two other incidents in which notorious, homophobic foreign imams were able to obtain travel visas to preach at Orlando-area mosques, where they spew their incitement against gays.  Further, to mark the one-year anniversary of the Pulse massacre, HuffPost’s tribute mentioned neither the fact that Mateen was a Muslim, or that he carried out the attack in the name of Islam, or of his devotion to ISIS.  In fact, the only instance of the word “Islam” in the article was in reference to “Islamophobia.”  Details here.

(8) HuffPost has published vicious, gay-defaming headlines.  These include “A few words from a real, live cocksucking fag”; and “George Michael Was A ‘Filthy’ Gay ‘Fucker’.”  Details here.

(9) HuffPost has consistently dehumanized prominent female political figures whom it does not like.  Examples include calling Sen. John McCain’s wife, Cindy, “a dick”; claiming — without any evidence — that he called her “a cunt”; calling incoming First Lady Melania Trump a “slut”; and giving top publicity to a proof-less allegation that a female Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate “had a one-night stand.”  Details here.

(10) HuffPost has published explicit, X-rated pornography on its front page, without age restrictions of any kind.  These materials include graphic nudity, sex acts and gratuitous material, such as an “artist” whose entire “work” consists of pulling open her vagina in public, and naked women in bondage situations.  Details here.

Conclusion: These facts demonstrate that HuffPost has not just abandoned the pretense of the objective journalism it claims to uphold, as well as any dividing line between news and editorial content.  Rather, it has been handsomely profiting from all of its lies, deception, deception, hate speech and incitement — with or without the knowledge of the major corporate advertisers who financially make it all possible.

“Arianna Huffington is offended and bewildered by the suggestion that other news outlets think she’s getting a free ride. She sees herself as the future of journalism, not the end of it.

– Arianna Huffington, interview with Time magazine, March 19, 2009

(3.2) This deliberate deception was apparently part of HuffPost’s original intent

The following is a condensed version of our detailed documentation on this matter, here.

In 2010, shortly after AOL purchased HuffPost, a lawsuit was filed against Arianna Huffington, her former business partner, and HuffPost by two former associates, Peter Daou and James Boyce.  In summary, Daou and Boyce alleged that:

  • They had designed the conceptual framework for HuffPost in early 2005, per discussions with Huffington and her partners
  • They were promised that they would profit from any commercial application or sale of the website that would result from it
  • They received nothing from HuffPost’s $315 million sale to AOL, and were told they would not be receiving anything in the future

Daou and Boyce sought $350 million in damages.

During the discovery process, the blueprint that Daou and Boyce alleged Huffington and her partners used to create HuffPost was revealed, and it specifically laid out their original intention to deceive advertisers.  As reported by Politico:

[The document] suggests with unusual bluntness a level of disingenuousness that is, perhaps, more common in the partisan media than some are comfortable admitting. […] The site would be, they say:

“[A] Democratic-leaning site with enough non-partisan news as to appear more mainstream than it truly is; this is critical for credibility and advertising revenue.”

The document, called the “1460” blueprint (the number of days between presidential elections), went into far more detail, however, about the hyper-partisan but publicly undeclared DNA of the site that, Daou and Boyce allege, became HuffPost:

Page 1 of the document explained that the site’s purpose would be to revolutionize the Democratic Party — while concealing this mission from the general public; specifically:

“to use the potential of the Internet to the fullest extent possible to continue the momentum started during the [2004 presidential] campaign and re-organize the Democratic Party from the outside in, not the inside out.”

Pages 4-5 claim the site:

“will contain ‘scoops’ generated by the founders’ contacts with the Democratic Party and the Democratic leadership, and will be a gathering place for Democrats online.”

And on page 6, it asserts the site would create and operate an “inner ring” of seemingly external, leftist partisan activist sites, which the authors stated would:

“… generate traffic, news and profit by serving… the Democratic Party.”

Huffington claimed Daou’s and Boyce’s lawsuit was “laughable,” and she and her partners and their lawyers repeatedly tried, and failed, to get it dismissed.  Over the next three years, the case wound its way through the legal process.

After their final defeat in 2014, in which the judge ruled the lawsuit would go to trial, Huffington and her partners paid an undisclosed sum to Daou and Boyce, via an out-of-court settlement.


The above facts, alone, give strong indication of the deception that was allegedly baked into the original intent of HuffPost.  When those facts are considered in the context of the documentation contained in Sections 4 and 5, below, however, it becomes clear that HuffPost not only fulfilled its hyper-partisan, radical leftist original intent — it has helped to incite and fuel myriad conflicts in America based on lies, hate and malice.

(4) CASE STUDIES 1: Incitement, racism, hate speech, anti-Semitism, bias, fake news and more

(4.1) HuffPost incites and justifies violence to advance leftist political agendas

(4.2) HuffPost incites racial hatred

(4.3) HuffPost employs hate speech against a variety of targets — mostly its political enemies, but also, American soldiers and police officers

(4.4) HuffPost employs an egregious bias in reporting hate crimes, based on the victim’s racial, religious, occupational and political orientation

(4.5) HuffPost falsely legitimizes fake hate crime against people in groups it supports — while ignoring actual hate crimes against people (and animals) it views as worthless

(4.6) HuffPost engages in anti-Semitic bias and incitement

(4.7) HuffPost spreads fake news

(4.8) HuffPost employs a hyper-partisan bias to cherry-pick and give top coverage to “news” items that fit its unspoken agenda, then ignores or attacks those who debunk or substantively challenge its narratives

(4.1) HuffPost incites and justifies violence to advance leftist political agendas

The following case studies, which almost invariably appeared on HuffPost’sf front page, are excerpted from our comprehensive resource page:

“Examples of HuffPost’s incitement and legitimization of violence”


Details here.  Excerpt:

“[W]hen those who hold that privilege dismiss the potential validity or logic of violent resistance, it’s effectively an effort to dictate the rules under which oppressed peoples respond to existential threats, and to silence forms of resistance disagreeable to privileged sensibilities.Don’t be that liberal.”

April 2017: “KILL BILL”

Details here.


HuffPost promoted these violence-inciting buttons at the top of its front page. Details here.



Details here.

May 2017: REPUBLICAN CONGRESSIONAL REPRESENTATIVES “SHOULD BE HOUNDED EVERYWHERE” — in public, with their families, and at their homes

Details here. Excerpt:

“They [Republican Congressional representatives] should be hounded by protestors everywhere, especially in public — in restaurants, in shopping centers, in their districts, and yes, on the public property outside their homes and apartments, in Washington and back in their home states. Paul Ryan, the House Speaker, should not be able to attend any function, eat in public, or enjoy dinner at home without hearing people expressing how his actions are harming their lives and their families’ lives in terrible ways.”

It should be noted that within hours of this incitement, a Tennessee leftist violently assaulted a Republican Congressman, and was charged with multiple crimes.  HuffPost completely ignored this incident, just as it has ignored the vast majority of politically-oriented hate crimes against people in groups that it considers worthless.

(4.2) HuffPost incites racial hatred

The following case studies, which almost invariably appeared on HuffPost’sf front page, are excerpted from our comprehensive archive: “Examples of HuffPost inciting racial hatred”


Details here. From HuffPost’s front page:



Details here.


Details here.  And HuffPost has published items by this inciter of racial hatred on its front page for years.



Details here.


Details here. This editorial was based on a wide variety of demonstrably false “facts,” that could only be designed to incite racial hatred.  When the falsehoods of this article were pointed out to HuffPost’s editor, she dug in and refused to take it down, claiming that it was “standard feminist theory,” and boasted about how much it was causing the site’s traffic to spike.

(4.3) HuffPost employs hate speech against a variety of targets — mostly its political enemies, but also, American soldiers and police officers

The following slide show contains a small sampling of HuffPost’s hate speech against a variety of targets, including American police officers, soldiers, conservative political figures and organizations, etc.  The vast majorit of these shock headlines are based on what HuffPost knew, or should have known were lies, half-truths, or egregious distortions of reality.


(4.4) HuffPost employs an egregious bias in reporting hate crimes, based on the victim’s racial, religious, occupational and political orientation

As described more fully here, HuffPost has established a de facto policy of dividing people into two distinct castes, or groups: those that it favors, and those that it considers worthless:

Favored Groups: Democrats, leftists (including leftist terrorists), left-leaning African-, Hispanic- and Muslim-Americans (including Islamist terrorists), and illegal aliens

Worthless Groups: Republicans, conservatives, active-duty and retired U.S. military and law enforcement personnel (and even the animals in their care), white people, President Trump and his family, presidential electors, any entertainer who intended to perform for Trump’s inauguration, Jews (especially Israelis), and right-leaning African-, Hispanic- and Muslim-Americans

As documented here, HuffPost then gives top coverage only to alleged hate crimes only against people in its favored groups, and even helps to legitimize fake hate crimes against them.

In contrast, the evidence contained in the 120 case studies on this page shows that HuffPost consistently ignores alleged and documented hate crimes against those in the groups it considers worthless, and even videotaped domestic terrorist plots against them.  Further, for years HuffPost has consistently incited worldwide hatred of them, especially white people, the U.S. military, police officers, Israel and Jews.

The following are five representative case studies of HuffPost’s pattern of behavior in this regard.

(1) HuffPost completely ignored a 17-year-old boy who was beaten nearly to death by a Black Lives Matter mob because of his Facebook post in support of police officers — but it gave top coverage to a Muslim female who was asked if she has a passport, in a restaurant

On the morning of September 30, 2016, Brian Ogle, a 17-year-old high schooler in Alabama, looked like this:

Within hours, however, he looked like this, in a coma, after he was beaten nearly to death by a mob of between 9 and 60 Black Lives Matter supporters, allegedly because, after a week of shootings of police officers, he posted on Facebook a message supporting American law enforcement officers.

The story of the racially-motivated hate crime that was perpetrated against Brian, and his mother’s anguish, was covered by the Daily Caller and the Washington Post.

SaveTheWest’s documentation, however proves that:

Contrast HuffPost completely ignoring Brian’s story, to the fact that on February 1, 2017, it positioned near the top of its front page a sympathetic story about a Muslim woman who was verbally harassed by a man in a restaurant:

Video Shows Man Harassing Muslim Woman, Asking If She Has A Green Card

This, apparently, HuffPost found to be outrageous, and worthy of its global readership’s attention.  But the near-fatal, racially-inspired beating of a 17-year-old boy, over a Facebook post, HuffPost determined to be unworthy of any mention, anywhere on it site.

(2) HuffPost completely ignored the videotaped, racially-motivated violent assault of a white American soldier by a black mob, and whose face was so badly injured that he needed reconstructive surgery — but gave front-page coverage for two days in a row to a several Muslim women who were allegedly spat at, on a train

On September 21, 2016, U.S. Army veteran David Palmer was walking home after a dinner in a North Carolina restaurant, when he was targeted and severely beaten — on video — by a gang of black men, who said they were doing it specifically was of his skin color:

This was David in the hospital, soon after the attack:

As reported by the Daily Caller, David’s family set up a GoFundMe page to help raise money for the facial reconstructive surgery he needed to recover from this attack.

SaveTheWest’s documentation, however proves that:

HuffPost decided this was front-page “news,” in the days after David’s assault — but mentioned nothing about him.

Further, consider that four months earlier, HuffPost devoted space near the top of its front page for a “news” story to help raise money for a “museum of orgasm sounds” — but completely ignored the fundraiser to help provide the reconstructive surgery for David’s face:

Contrast HuffPost completely ignoring Brian’s story, to the fact that it gave two straight days of front-page coverage (March 8 & March 9, 2016) to a sympathetic story about several Muslim women who alleged — in a Facebook post — that they were spat at, on a train:

Muslim Women Say No One Intervened When Man Attacked Them

AOffended Musilm women 08Mar16As documented here, rather than being an isolated incident, this was just one example of HuffPost’s long-term pattern of dehumanizing American soldiers who are victims of the hate crimes that are perpetrated against them by members of its Favored Groups, and who meet tragic fates for other reasons.

(4.5) HuffPost falsely legitimizes fake hate crime against people in groups it supports — while ignoring actual hate crimes against people (and animals) it views as worthless


(4.6) HuffPost engages in anti-Semitic bias and incitement


(4.7) HuffPost spreads fake news


(4.8) HuffPost employs a hyper-partisan bias to cherry-pick and give top coverage to “news” items that fit its unspoken agenda, then ignores or attacks those who debunk or substantively challenge its narratives

Examples include:


Trump stock market (6/2 latest)

Rachel Wahba


Iran deal

Hillary health

HuffPo Fires Writer Who Questioned Hillary’s Health

(5) CASE STUDIES 2: Smearing and dehumanizing American soldiers and police officers, whitewashing America’s enemies, explicit pornography, gay- and woman-degrading materials, and more

(5.1) HuffPost smears and dehumanizes American soldiers, while whitewashing our enemies

(5.2) HuffPost incites hatred against police officers — then ignores hate crimes against them

(5.3) HuffPost publishes homophobic, gay-defaming headlines, and attacks Christians who denounce homosexuality – but completely ignores explicit incitement of violence against gays by Islamist imams, on U.S. soil, including the one who preached this hate in Orlando, two months before the Pulse nightclub massacre

(5.4) HuffPost publishes explicit, X-rated pornography on its front page, with no age restrictions

(5.5) HuffPost publishes explicit pictures of nude women in degrading submission and bondage situations, on its front page

(5.6) HuffPost obsessively publishes vaginas on its front page

(5.7) HuffPost explicitly advocates and glamorizes cheating on one’s spouse/partner on its front page

(5.1) HuffPost smears and dehumanizes American soldiers, while whitewashing our enemies

The following is a condensation of our detailed documentation page on these matters, here.

Over the past eight years:

  • HuffPost has repeatedly smeared the U.S. military as a whole.  It has constructed incendiary headlines that accused members of the US military of perpetrating horrific crimes that it knew, or should have known, were completely untrue, unprovable, or were being depicted in an egregiously decontextualized fashion.
  • HuffPost has repeatedly dehumanized American soldiers.  It has ignored American soldiers who were being awarded the military’s highest distinction, the Medal of Honor — in one case, while at the same time, devoting sustained, top-level sympathy on a “homesick American jihadist.”  Further, it has ignored service members who were killed in action, or sacrificed themselves to save others, and at least four incidents in which they were victims of violent race-based hate crimes, on U.S. soil.
  • HuffPost has repeatedly undermined the U.S. military, while whitewashing America’s enemies.  It has posted “news” stories that provide sympathetic, “humanizing” depictions of Islamist terrorists.  This includes one of Al Qaeda’s top scientists, who was developing WMDs for the terror group, and an incident in which it featured a front-page story about “the gentle face of Al Qaeda” — while never showing (or even acknowledging) the “gentle face” of American soldiers.

Examples of HuffPost smearing American soldiers, and the U.S. military as whole

  • HuffPost published a splash front-page headline that graphically depicted U.S. soldiers and intelligence personnel as sadistic, medieval torturers, to support a hyper-partisan report — while ignoring those who had debunked it.  See the documentation here.
  • HuffPost published a front-page editorial that alleged one of Al Qaeda’s top assets, a female neuroscientist who was working to develop WMDs for the terror group, had been tortured by U.S. soldiers — two days after she stated, in open court, that this allegation was untrue, and asked her supporters to stop spreading it.  See the documentation here.
  • HuffPost published a splash front-page headline that accused U.S. soldiers of using a helicopter gunship to deliberately murder non-combatants in Iraq — then ignored all of the evidence that debunked this lie.  See the documentation here.
  • HuffPost gave top coverage to an proof-less claim, by a discredited “journalist,” that American soldiers are murdering civilians in Afghanistan out of convenience, as a matter of policy.  See the documentation here.
  • HuffPost published a splash front-page headline that falsely accused the U.S. military of “torturing, abusing and murdering” Iraqi detainees, when it knew, or should have known, that this incendiary allegation was untrue.  See the documentation here.
  • HuffPost has repeatedly published stories about U.S. military drone strikes that it knew, or should have known, were based on incendiary lies and terrorist propaganda.  See the documentation here, here and here.

See our complete archive of examples on how HuffPost smears the U.S. military here.

Examples of HuffPost dehumanizing American soldiers

  • HuffPost ignored four incidents of white American soldiers who were severely beaten, on U.S. soil, because of their skin color, by black mobs.  Two of these attacks were captured on video.  In one case, the soldier’s face was so badly damaged he required reconstructive surgery; in another, he had to have metal plates installed in his jaw, and his mouth was wired shut for two weeks.
    Instead, in the following days, HuffPost gave front-page coverage to stories including: “The First Sex Toy Designed Specifically For Transgender Men,” “Unadoptable Sad-Faced Cat Shows That Everyone Deserves A Chance,” and “Chimp Abandoned On Island Welcomes Rescuers With Open Arms.”
    See the documentation here, here, here and here.
  • HuffPost gave only brief, subdued, depersonalized coverage to the story of a beloved Army veteran who was murdered by a Palestinian terrorist, depicting him only as “a tourist,” and not featuring a single photo of him, or detail about his life, or grieving loved ones.
    Instead, in the following days, HuffPost gave two straight days of front-page, detailed, pictorial coverage to a sympathetic story about a swan that was abused — in Eastern Europe, Kim Kardashian’s latest nude selfie, and her sadness over another celebrity’s insult, a sad American who joined ISIS but regretted his decision, and numerous Syrian refugees.
    See the details of this incident in a 16-minute documentary video, produced by SaveTheWest, here.  The trailer is here.
  • HuffPost ignored a beloved U.S. Army officer who sacrificed his life to save a young Afghan girl.
    Instead, it gave front-page coverage to stories including, Six-legged calf is adorable and milking the attention,” “Dolphins’ sexuality may be more open than you think,” and numerous exploitative stories focusing on womens’ bodies.
    See the documentation here.
  • HuffPost ignored the story of an American war hero who was being awarded the Medal of Honor, for what President Obama described as “one of the most intense battles of the entire war in Afghanistan,” against an overwhelming number of jihadis who snuck onto his base.
    Instead, it gave five straight days of top coverage to a sympathetic, pictorial, in-depth story about a “homesick American jihadi.”
    See the documentation here.
  • HuffPost ignored the story of a revered, decorated Navy SEAL who was killed in a bold military strike against an Al Qaeda communications compound that had gone wrong.
    Instead, it gave sustained, pictorial, front-page coverage to a sympathetic story about a top Al Qaeda terrorist’s daughter, who was accidentally killed in the strike.
    See the documentation here.

See our complete archive of examples on how HuffPost dehumanizes American soldiers here.

Examples of HuffPost whitewashing and evoking sympathy for Islamist terrorists

  • HuffPost published a glowing fashion pictorial that focused only on the wife of murderous Syrian dictator Basher Assad, which it called an “all-natural beauty” — as “news.”  It was later discovered that the photo-shoot upon which this “news” story was based was the outgrowth of a PR campaign funded by Assad.  See the documentation here.
  • HuffPost whitewashed and helped evoke worldwide sympathy for one of the world’s most dangerous anti-American terrorists, in part by using the propaganda media employed by her supporters.  See the documentation here.
  • HuffPost posted a front-page story about the “human face” of Al Qaeda — based on an egregious half-truth.  See the documentation here.
  • From 2013 onward, HuffPost gave glowing PR to Iran’s leaders, and enabled their notorious PR front group in America, to help trick America into accepting the nuclear “deal.”  See the documentation here and here.
  • HuffPost published a front-page headline that assailed the NSA for breaking into what it claimed were “activists’” computers, when its own story proved they were supporters and funders of Islamist terror, including Al Qaeda.  See the documentation here.

See our complete archive of examples on how HuffPost undermines the U.S. military, and whitewashes America’s enemies, here.


In 2005, Ayman al-Zawahiri, the second-in-command of Al Qaeda (now its leader) said:

“We are in a battle, and more than half of this battle is taking place in the battlefield of the media.”

One year later, the Al-Qaeda Media Committee issued a memorandum that read, in part:

“People of jihad have to create a media war that goes parallel to the military war. They should not be short on anything because we see the effect the media has on the nation and people in supporting or denouncing us.”

“The Nature of the Enemy,” a U.S. Department of Defense publication, October 17, 2006 (via Global Security)

In the following years, ISIS and other Islamist terror groups echoed the utmost importance of this “propaganda jihad,” particularly against the U.S. military (example).  To aid the newcomer in fully grasping these terrorist groups’ information warfare strategies and tactics, SaveTheWest has prepared a comprehensive bibliography of articles and reports.

As relating specifically to the U.S. military, these groups’ key objectives are:

  • To falsely accuse American soldiers of murdering innocent Muslims and committing various war crimes
  • To falsely depict the U.S. military as being on a “crusade” to convert Muslim nations into Christian ones, by force (HuffPost gave top coverage to two articles that falsely made this accusation, one of which used the term “crusade”)

As documented above, and on this page, the facts show that for many years, HuffPost has perpetrated acts and omissions that, given its immense influence and reach, it knows (or should know) could only serve to help advance Islamist terror groups’ information warfare objectives, by:

  • Inciting global hatred against the U.S. military
  • Contributing to the documented phenomenon of “sudden jihad syndrome,” in which borderline violent Islamists say later that they were pushed into a terrorist act, by seeing or hearing something — often online, via the “Internet jihad” — that validates an inflammatory, erroneous perception of his enemy, most often, the U.S. military
  • Emboldening and legitimizing the jihadists who are  murdering American soldiers — especially now that HuffPost has two all-Arabic editions, in the Middle East and North Africa

Considered as a whole, HuffPost’s bigotry, bias and incitement against the U.S. military is comparable to that of newspapers controlled by the Ku Klux Klan in the Deep South, in the early 20th century. Disguised as “news,” the only time one saw stories in these newspapers about black people, or featuring black faces, was when they were being accused of having perpetrated crimes large and small (whether truthfully or not), or being stupid, lazy, violent, or similar. Yet whenever black Americans performed some noble deed, big or small, these “newspapers” ignored them.

It was these indoctrinated, incendiary perceptions — propagated by the local “news” media — that incited such a frenzy of hatred against blacks that they were lynched throughout the deep South.

In HuffPost’s case, however, it is getting rich by inciting hatred against and dehumanizing U.S. soldiers, while whitewashing and evoking sympathy for America’s enemies — thanks to advertising from mainstream American corporations, many of whom probably have no idea that they’ve been enabling this behavior.

(5.2) HuffPost incites hatred against police officers — then ignores hate crimes against them

(5.3) HuffPost publishes homophobic, gay-defaming headlines, and attacks Christians who denounce homosexuality – but completely ignores explicit incitement of violence against gays by Islamist imams, on U.S. soil, including the one who preached this hate in Orlando, two months before the Pulse nightclub massacre

(5.4) HuffPost publishes explicit, X-rated pornography on its front page, with no age restrictions

(5.5) HuffPost publishes explicit pictures of nude women in degrading submission and bondage situations, on its front page

(5.6) HuffPost obsessively publishes vaginas on its front page

(5.7) HuffPost explicitly advocates and glamorizes cheating on one’s spouse/partner on its front page



(6) Conclusion: Why HuffPost’s enablers must be called out, now

(6.1) The net effect of HuffPost’s malicious acts and omissions is to help tear America apart, based on lies, incitement and human degradation

(6.2) The key forces that are enabling HuffPost to engage in this behavior — and why they must be called out, now

(7) Our letter to HuffPost’s top twenty advertisers

(7.1) The letter

(7.2) The advertisers to whom this letter was sent, their stated values, and how you can contact them

About this report
