(1) Our definitions of “racism” and “racist bias in journalism” — with which HuffPost apparently agrees
(2) An overview of our core allegations against HuffPost
(3) Examples of HuffPost’s racist bias and incitement (43 case studies)
(1) Our definitions of “racism” and “racist bias in journalism” — with which HuffPost apparently agrees
SaveTheWest.com defines racism in general as:
A belief that all members of certain races are either superior or inferior to others, and that the inferior ones possess certain negative attributes
Applying this racial bigotry and prejudice to one’s business and personal relationships
As an extension, we define racist bias in journalism as:
Inciting public hatred and/or violence against people of one race, or a specific person of that race — not because of anything they have personally done, but rather, because of their membership in that race
Applying different standards to reporting on hate crimes, determined by the race of the perpetrator or victim
Examples of “racist bias in journalism” would include:
Blaming one race for all or the majority of the problems one people or nation/state are facing
Giving top coverage to allegations of hate crimes against people of one’s favored race(s) — even when there is no evidence to support the charges, while at the same time…
Ignoring, downplaying, whitewashing or even justifying actual hate crimes against people of the vilified race — even when the act was captured on video, and the perpetrator identified his motivations
HuffPost’s public statements indicate it supports our definitions
HuffPost has repeatedly and publicly stated that it does not allow any kind of offensive content on its pages, which presumably includes racism. According to its terms and conditions, HuffPost:
“prohibits materials that are… hateful, obscene, defamatory, libelous… or [are] otherwise inappropriate”
Also, in 2010, Arianna Huffington, its editor-in-chief and found, asserted that she had also prohibited “conspiracy theories [and] inflammatory claims”:
“[At HuffPost] there are guidelines that have to be followed — and they include a prohibition on conspiracy theories or inflammatory claims… what the great historian Richard Hofstadter called ‘the paranoid style in American politics,’ which he defined as angry minds that traffic in ‘heated exaggeration, suspiciousness, and conspiratorial fantasy,’ and that see ‘the fate of conspiracy in apocalyptic terms… always manning the barricades of civilization’.”
These statements are part of HuffPost’s broader series of public claims that it is an absolutely nonpartisan, professional “news” organization, that does not allow any kind of hate speech or incitement.
(2) An overview of our core allegations against HuffPost
Contrary to HuffPost’s claims (above), it has established a de facto two-tiered prism through which it views and presents every issue:
People of color (including Muslims) are to be depicted as victims — even when they are the ones perpetrating hate crimes and terrorism
White people in general (except leftists), especially white Republicans and conservatives, are to be depicted as the cause of all the problems in America and the world — and ignored when they are the victims of hate crimes and terrorism by people of color
While HuffPost’s racial bias and incitement is not new, since 2015 it has taken on a far more hysterical, overt and incendiary tone. Given HuffPost’s unrivaled reach and influence (it attracts an estimated 200 million monthly readers around the world), one can only speculate on the impact that its acts and omissions are having on (a) race relations in America, in general, and (b) the escalating racial hatred and violence we are witnessing on our streets.
(3) Examples of HuffPost’s racism, racist bias and incitement
Summary: Based on the above definitions, the following case studies are but a small sampling of our documentation of HuffPost’s racism and racist bias, which are part of its broader use of hate speech. Many more case studies are found on the following pages:
(3.1) RACIST BIAS AND INCITEMENT: HuffPost has, for years, been hiring almost exclusively white people for its top executive, journalist and editorial positions — while falsely calling conservative organizations that are far more racially diverse “racist”
(3.2) RACIST INCITEMENT: “It’s pretty clear who ruined America: white people”
(3.3) RACIST INCITEMENT: “Let’s be honest, white people are the problem here”
(3.4) RACIST INCITEMENT: HuffPost gave top, sustained coverage to a report that falsely claimed white conservatives are responsible for the vast majority of terrorism in America
(3.5) RACIST INCITEMENT: HuffPost’s South Africa edition published, and defended, an editorial that contained a plethora of lies to justify hate, discrimination and violence against white people throughout the world; Its executive editor was reportedly forced to resign
(3.6) RACIST BIAS: HuffPost gave top coverage to a fake hate crime against a Muslim student — but completely ignored a white student who was beaten nearly to death because of his skin color
(3.7) RACIST BIAS: HuffPost gave top coverage to a “news” story in which it asked a convicted black rapist, who justified his attack on a white woman on racial grounds, what makes him “cry” — but completely ignored the video of a white man who was dragged out of his car and beaten by a black mob, because of his skin color
(3.8) RACIST BIAS: HuffPost gave front-page splash coverage to a Palestinian who was detained for sixty minutes at a U.S. airport — but downplayed and dehumanized a white U.S. military veteran who was murdered by a Palestinian terrorist
(3.9) RACIST BIAS: HuffPost gave front-page coverage to a Muslim woman who was asked in a restaurant if she has a green card — but completely ignored a U.S. soldier who was beaten nearly to death by a black mob, because of his skin color
(3.10) RACIST BIAS: HuffPost gave sustained, front page coverage to a “racist poster” urging white Americans to report illegal aliens — but completely ignored a six-year-old white California boy who had been nearly killed by a repeatedly-deported, drunk illegal alien
(3.11) RACIST BIAS: HuffPost gave top, graphic, sympathetic coverage to the Muslim victim of a road-rage incident in Maryland — but completely ignored the four white men who were murdered by a black racist Muslim in California, and never mentioned his motivation
(3.12) RACIST BIAS: HuffPost gave top coverage and credibility to a black Red Lobster waitress who (falsely) reported a racist message on a receipt from a white customer — but completely ignored a black racist who attempted to murder a white person on a NY subway, in front of witnesses, while shouting “I hate white people!”
(3.13) RACIST BIAS AND INCITEMENT: HuffPost ignored a black Trump supporter who was beaten, on video, by a white leftist — then gave top coverage to a black entertainer who assailed a black Trump supporter — without ever mentioning that far more black Americans voted for President Trump than Gov. Romney in 2012
(3.14) RACIST BIAS: October 2017: HuffPost ignored a racist attack upon an elderly white man by a black teen in New York, who shouted, “White people suck. I hate white people!”
(3.15) RACIST BIAS: HuffPost completely ignored a white woman who was physically assaulted on a NY train, on video, by a black man who used racial epithets against her — yet gave top, sustained coverage to two Muslim women who claimed they were insulted and spat at by a man, on a NY train, because of their faith
(3.16) RACIST BIAS: HuffPost completely ignored a violent, racist assault on a white woman, in front of witnesses, because they (falsely) assumed she was a Trump supporter — yet two days earlier, HuffPost gave top coverage to, and explicitly condemned several white Trump supporters who said unkind things to three Palestinian anti-Trump activists
(3.17) RACIST BIAS: HuffPost completely ignored a savage, unprovoked beating of a white man by four black men, all captured on video — yet gave top, sustained, graphic coverage to an evidence-less allegation by a Muslim girl that a white man cut her hijab [UPDATE: Her story was quickly determined to be a complete lie; HuffPost never notified its readers that they’d been misled]
(3.18) RACIST BIAS: HuffPost completely ignored a videotaped speech by Louis Farrakhan, the notoriously racist and anti-Semitic black leader of the Nation of Islam, in which he called for 10,000 of his followers to “rise up” and murder white people — yet it consistently gives top coverage to its smearing and vilifying white Christians who support traditional marriage, and one who voiced opposition to yoga
(3.19) RACIST INCITEMENT: HuffPost published a “news” story near the top of its front page that claimed, “White Women Who Enable Trump Do Not Deserve The Benefit Of Your Doubt”
(3.20) RACIST BIAS: HuffPost completely ignored the black suspect in the murder of two white police officers, after downplaying the story of what happened — yet it consistently gives top, graphic coverage to white suspects who are accused of committing crimes against Muslims
(3.21) RACIST INCITEMENT AND BIAS: HuffPost gave top, detailed coverage to those whom it accuses of being white nationalists/anti-Semites who are running for Congress — but completely ignored the fact that three members of the Congressional Black Caucus, including Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN), the deputy chair of the Democratic National Committee, had dinner with Rev. Louis Farrakhan, and the President of Iran, two of the world’s most notorious anti-Semites [UPDATE: HuffPost continues doing free PR for Ellison]
(3.22) RACIST BIAS AND INCITEMENT: HuffPost published a splash headline that claimed the man who murdered 17 students at a Florida high school was, definitively, a “white supremacist” — even though the rumor upon which it was based had already been debunked, was based on completely unproven allegations, and his targeted victims were apparently were all white
(3.23) RACIST BIAS AND INCITEMENT: HuffPost consistently gives top publicity to stories that expose and condemn white people when they report fake, racially-motivated hate crimes against them — while ignoring actual hate crimes against them — but ignores the recent explosion of reported hate crimes against people in its Favored Groups, which were soon after discovered to be hoaxes, some of which it falsely legitimized on its front page
(3.24) RACIST BIAS: HuffPost completely ignored a Hispanic illegal alien, DACA recipient, who was arrested for making a terrorist threat against the NY high school, days after the Parkland, FL high school massacre
(3.25) RACIST INCITEMENT: HuffPost published a front-page headline that claimed white people should “be quiet and know your place”
(3.26) RACIST BIAS: HufffPost gave top coverage to a story about a white woman who falsely alleged she was raped by three black men — yet invariably ignores such fake crimes, when reported by people in their Favored Groups, even when they are spared jail time
(3.27) RACIST BIAS AND INCITEMENT: HuffPost completely ignored the latest anti-Semitic and racist incitement speech by Rev. Louis Farrakhan — yet gave top publicity to a racist smear against Rev. Billy Graham, as he lay in state at the U.S. Capitol [UPDATED: HuffPost rose to Khloe Kardashian’s defense against unfair “shaming”]
(3.28) RACIST BIAS: HuffPost completely ignored students at a publicly-funded Texas university who launched a magazine called “No Whites Allowed”
(3.29) RACIST INCITEMENT: HuffPost falsely smeared an array of conservative public figures who attended the 2018 CPAC convention as “white supremacists,” at the top of its front page [UPDATE: HuffPost completely ignored numerous testimonials by Democratic activists who refuted such allegations]
(3.30) RACIST BIAS: HuffPost gave top, detailed, original coverage to a previously unknown teacher in FL who allegedly operates a white supremacist Internet radio show — but continues to completely ignore Louis Farrakhan’s racist incitement to violence, and the incitement of radical imams on U.S. soil [UPDATED: HuffPost gloated over its report being credited with leading to teacher’s firing]
(3.31) RACIST BIAS: HuffPost completely ignored a black man who was charged with murdering six white people in Kansas City, and who publicly claimed, “Kill all white people!” — yet consistently gives top, detailed coverage to its false, racist smears against white conservatives
(3.32) RACIST BIAS: HuffPost completely ignored a white boy who was chronically harassed by black students at his school, then, after he reported it, woke up to find racist death threats painted on his family’s home
(3.33) RACIST INCITEMENT: HuffPost South Africa ordered by press ombudsman to apologize for publishing racist incitement and fake news (again)
(3.34) RACIST BIAS: HuffPost gave top coverage to an alleged white supremacist who was indicted for gun charges, said he wanted to perpetrate a mass violence attack against various minority groups, and struck a plea deal — while continuing to completely ignore black and Muslim supremacists who openly incite or perpetrate such violence
(3.35) RACIST BIAS: HuffPost completely ignored the anti-Semitic conspiracy theories voiced by a black Congressman, after he was exposed for his ties to Louis Farrakhan — while continuing to claim white people are racists
(3.36) RACIST BIAS AND INCITEMENT: After a series of bombings in Austin, TX, HuffPost published on its front page an allegation that they were due to white racism, and another that the bomber was a conservative — but buried his recorded confession that he was motivated by neither politics or race
(3.37) RACIST BIAS: HuffPost completely ignored a black radical Islamist who murdered his wife and 8-year-old daughter, and attempted to murder his son, while yelling, “Allahu Akbar!”
(3.38) March 2018: RACIST BIAS: A HuffPost editor boasted of its racially discriminatory publishing standards, geared against white authors
(3.39) April 2018: RACIST BIAS AND INCITEMENT: HuffPost gave top coverage to its depiction of four NYPD officers as racist murderers, on what it knew was a false and grossly decontextualized basis, then ignored, downplayed and whitewashed information that exonerated them
(3.40) April 2018: RACIST BIAS AND INCITEMENT: HuffPost gave two days of top-of-the-front page coverage to its opinion that a black teen was sentenced to an unfairly severe term for a crime he was convicted of committing — but completely ignored news that four black men who were convicted to gang-raping a 13-year-old girl were sentenced only to probation
(3.41) RACIST BIAS: HuffPost flew a “journalist” to a tiny town in Georgia, to cover what he acknowledged was a “tiny” gathering of neo-Nazis — yet it completely ignored what was promoted to be a rally of more than 100,000 supporters of Louis Farrakhan, the most powerful and notorious anti-Semite in America, in front of the White House — mere steps from its DC office [UPDATED]
(3.42) RACIST INCITEMENT AND BIAS: HuffPost published a front-page editorial that mocked an American college student held captive in North Korea, for the terror state’s “revocation of his white privilege,” and his presumed, belated realization that “his white privilege is not universal”
(3.43) RACIST INCITEMENT AND BIAS: HuffPost published a front-page editorial that falsely claimed that local police took Dylan Roof, who murdered nine black church members in South Carolina, to Burger King for dinner after the shooting, as a symbol of American racism
(3.1) RACIST BIAS AND INCITEMENT: HuffPost has, for years, been hiring almost exclusively white people for its top executive, journalist and editorial positions — while falsely calling conservative organizations that are far more racially diverse “racist”
Throughout 2009 and 2010, HuffPost repeatedly libeled the Tea Party, often by calling it “racist,:” Yet as a detailed investigative report documented, the Tea Party was actually far more racially diverse than HuffPost was (and to a certain extent, still is).
For example, here is a picture of HuffPost’s 2009 employee Christmas party – which looks almost so purely white it might be mistaken for a Klan rally:
75% of America is white; 79% of the Tea Party is white (Gallup). Yet as this article documents, apparently 0% of HuffPost’s top executives, reporters and editors are black.
A roster of HuffPost’s top people at the time, obtained via its masthead, proves the point:
Same for its Section Editors:
All of HuffPost’s top reporters at the time were exclusively white, as well:
This practice continued, to a large extent, through May 2016, as evidenced by this picture of a meeting of HuffPost’s top editors – all white people — at its New York City headquarters:
The photo was taken by HuffPost’s executive editor, for which she and HuffPost were widelyridiculed on social media, for proving its lack of diversity, in contrast to its incessant attacks on others for being “racist.”
(3.2) RACIST INCITEMENT: “It’s pretty clear who ruined America: white people”
On November 10, 2016, HuffPost published a racist editorial at the top of its front page, that led to a story page which contained a sub-headline that read:
“It’s pretty clear who ruined America: white people.”
Note that HuffPost positioned this incitement-based racist editorial under an ad for Nordstrom (above), and on its front page, next to an ad for State Farm insurance:
(3.3) RACIST INCITEMENT: “Let’s be honest, white people are the problem here”
Many of the bizarre racist and anti-Semitic premises and allegations underlying this editorial were quickly demolished by Micha Mitch Danzig, a Jewish lawyer and former Israeli soldier. Danzig, however, did not address this explicitly racist excerpt:
“Let’s be honest, white people are the problem here”
(3.4) RACIST INCITEMENT: HuffPost gave top, sustained coverage to a report that falsely claimed white conservatives are responsible for the vast majority of terrorism in America
HuffPost left this report on its front page for nineteen straight days, until July 11, 2017. The first clue that HuffPost’s report was not credible, is the the fact that the “poster-boy” it chose to use as an example of white right-wing terror is actually a Bernie Sanders supporter with apparent mental health issues.
In summary, HuffPost’s report made the following claims:
White right-wing extremists perpetrated nearly twice as many terrorist attacks on U.S. soil between 2008-2016 as Muslim extremists (121 incidents vs. 63)
Left-wing terror (19 incidents) is comparatively non-existent.
SaveTheWest conducted a thorough analysis of HuffPost’s claims, and found them to be demonstrably false, or at best, egregiously decontextualized. The reality is that:
67% of domestic terrorism during the past eight years has been perpetrated by Islamists (35) and leftists (45) – not white right-wingers (39).
Since the 9/11 attacks, Islamist terrorists have killed almost twice as many Americans as white right-wingers (95 to 51).
While there are 60 times more white, non-Hispanic people than Muslims in America,
Muslims are, proportionally, 54 times more likely to perpetrate terrorist attacks on American soil.
Sunni Muslims are, proportionally, four times more likely to perpetrate terrorist attacks on American soil than white right-wingers.
This incident follows another in 2016, in which Arianna Huffington promoted a HuffPost report, entitled “Muslims Are Not Terrorists,” despite the fact that its own data shows that during the period it cited, 94% of terror deaths were due to Muslim terrorism (details here and here).
(3.5) RACIST INCITEMENT: HuffPost’s South Africa edition published, and defended, an editorial that contained a plethora of lies to justify hate, discrimination and violence and discrimination against white people throughout the world; Its executive editor was reportedly forced to resign
The following is excerpted from our detailed case study on this incident, here.
On April 13, 2017, HuffPost published this editorial on the front page of its South Africa edition:
It is time to wrestle control of the world back from white males, and the first step will be a temporary restriction of the franchise to them. […]
Some of the biggest blows to the progressive cause in the past year have often been due to the votes of white men. If white men were not allowed to vote, it is unlikely that the United Kingdom would be leaving the European Union, it is unlikely that Donald Trump would now be the President of the United States, and it is unlikely that the Democratic Alliance would now be governing four of South Africa’s biggest cities.
If white men no longer had the vote, the progressive cause would be strengthened. It would not be necessary to deny white men indefinitely – the denial of the vote to white men for 20 years (just less than a generation) would go some way to seeing a decline in the influence of reactionary and neo-liberal ideology in the world. The influence of reckless white males were one of the primary reasons that led to the Great Recession which began in 2008. This would also strike a blow against toxic white masculinity, one that is long needed. […]
This redistribution of the world’s wealth is long overdue, and it is not just South Africa where white males own a disproportionate amount of wealth.[…]
Over the past 500 years colonialism, slavery, and various aggressive wars and genocides, have been due to the actions of white men. Redistributing some of their assets will go some way to paying the historical debt that they owe society.
The fascistic thrust of this editorial aside, it is factually wrong, and thus, as HuffPost knew or should have known, it could only serve to incite more racial hatred, based on lies.
As the black economist and social commentator Dr. Thomas Sowell revealed in his study of slavery, while white Americans had a role in slavery, they inherited it — and did the most to end it. Further, as Dr. Sowell revealed in his book, “Black Rednecks and White Liberals”, it was not white men, but rather, black Africans, Muslims and Arabs who have played the dominant role in the bulk of the slave trade for the past five hundred years — as they do to this day. This audio excerpt is from Dr. Sowell’s book:
This was just the beginning of the outrage perpetrated by HuffPost South Africa. It ended up becoming an international story, and inciting racial hatred throughout the world, against white people.
HuffPost’s South Africa editor was forced to resign; The co-owner of the site expressed “outrage,” calling it “a sad day for journalism”; The SA press ombudsman decried HuffPost’s explicit hate speech, and incitement of racial hatred and violence
See SaveTheWest’s full documentation of this incident, and the aftermath, here. A summary:
HuffPost bragged about its boost in traffic: HuffPost South Africa’s executive editor defended the article, and boasted of how it was causing the website’s traffic to spike.
The author left numerous hints in his article as to why it should never have been published — but HuffPost did it anyway: The author of the piece explained why he wrote it, and his lack of surprise that HuffPost enthusiastically published and defended it: “The piece was accepted without question by the Huffington Post even though – as others have pointed out on social media and elsewhere – the piece is riddled with factual errors, logical fallacies, and is not something that an MA student could possibly write. Huffington Post did not fact check any of my ludicrous claims in the article, nor, as far as I can tell, was the piece edited. After the piece was published I saw that I had entered one of the hyperlinks wrong for one of my ‘sources,’ and this had clearly not been checked.”
HuffPost’s parent company in SA became “outraged” after the issue blew up publicly: The CEO of the company that co-owns HuffPost South Africa became enraged after it discovered what its executive editor had done, calling the episode “hugely damaging” to its reputation. “Responsible journalism is at the heart of what we do; it’s the currency we trade in,” said Media24 CEO Esmaré Weideman. “In an era of fake news, I know only too well that our editors spend an inordinate amount of time checking the veracity of information before they publish. When our systems fail, we’re not just alarmed; we’re outraged. This is a sad day for journalism.”
The South Africa press ombudsman blasted HuffPost’s racism and incitement to violence: The ombudsman for South African news media also expressed his shock at the racism and incitement contained within the HuffPost editorial: “Let me be short and sweet: If disenfranchisement of anybody (whether white males or black females for that matter) is not discriminatory‚ the meaning of discrimination should be redefined.”
HuffPost SA’s executive editor was reportedly forced to resign, in the wake of this episode.
The South Africa Press Ombudsman condemned HuffPost for its “racist and sexist hate speech”
The Huffington Post has been ordered to apologise to the public for publishing a ”racist and sexist” blog that incited hate speech, titled “Could It Be Time To Deny White Men The Franchise?”.
In a strongly worded finding, Press Ombudsman Johan Retief said editor Verashni Pillay had violated numerous sections of the Press Code, and had “contributed to the erosion of public trust in the media”. […]
The Ombud’s investigation was in response to complaints from AfriForum’s Deputy CEO Ernst Roets, Dr Christopher McCreanor and Mr Shean King, after Huffington Post published work by supposed feminist researcher Shelley Garland. It emerged that Garland was a pseudonym for Centre for Development and Enterprise researcher Marius Roodt, who said he had wanted to make a point about the media. He has since resigned.
Retief cut straight to the chase.
“Let me be short and sweet: if disenfranchisement of anybody (whether white males or black females, for that matter) is not discriminatory, the meaning of discrimination should be redefined. Moreover, the reasons given for such a malicious suggestion certainly were denigratory. […]
Pillay had removed the blog, not because of the content, but over doubts about Garland’s identity, and had treated it as a “slip” or an “accident”, when it was actually a mistake by the editor and the editorial team.
“Let me be painfully clear about this: If it is Pillay’s belief that the gist of Garland’s article is correct, she is free to believe that and pursue her view – but then she must know that this is not possible within the confines of the code.”
(3.6) RACIST BIAS: HuffPost gave top coverage to a fake hate crime against a Muslim student — but completely ignored a white student who was beaten nearly to death because of his skin color
The following is a summary of our full documentation of this incident, here.
On October 12, 2016, HuffPost published an in-depth, original story near the top of its front page, in which it alleged that a 7-year-old Muslim boy, Abdul Aziz Usmani, was beaten by his fellow classmates on a school bus to the point where he had a severely injured arm, and no one did anything to help him:
The father, Zeeshan-ul-hassan Usmani, also claimed that Abdul’s classmates:
Attempted to force him to eat food that was not halal (permissible in Islam)
Insulted him because of his faith
“Keep beating him all the way from school to home on the bus”
Beat him so severely that he required this arm sling
The father filed no police report, and no school complaint. Instead, HuffPost’s entire “story” was based on Usami’s Facebook post, which featured the picture of Abdul with his arm in a sling, and the caption,
“Welcome to the United States of America of Donald Trump. Meet my son Abdul Aziz. He is in grade 1, bullied and beaten by his own classmates in school bus for being a Muslim.”
HuffPost supplemented its “story” with an interview it conducted with Usami after he fled with his family to his native Pakistan.
Its “story” then went viral, with the inflammatory headline it constructed, throughout the Western world, as well as throughout the Middle East and North Africa.
Just one problem: Investigations conducted by local police and school officials revealed that there was no evidence whatsoever to support anything the father said. To the contrary, eyewitness interviews and surveillance videos show that none of it ever occurred.
Yet HuffPost never posted a new story on its front page to correct the record, or apologize for how it misled readers throughout the world, on such an incendiary basis. Instead, it merely replaced the copy in the “story” page with a new headline and introduction, explicitly claiming that the investigations found no evidence that any of the allegations were true. Thus, to anyone who gets their “news” from HuffPost’s front page, they would have no idea that Usami’s “story” was completely untrue. Rather, they would continue to believe the myth that America is an “Islamophobic” hellhole, and that little Abdul was merely its latest victim.
For more examples of HuffPost’s racist bias, see this page, which contains more than 140 detailed case studies of how it ignores hate crimes against people it views as worthless.
Contrast how HuffPost treated the false allegations concerning Abdul Usami, versus 17-year-old Brian Ogle, who was beaten nearly to death by an estimated 9-60 Black Lives Matter-affiliated teens, allegedly in retaliation for his Facebook post in support of police officers
The following is a summary of our full documentation of this incident, here, located on a page that contains more than 130 other case studies of how HuffPost ignored hate crimes against those whom it views as worthless people.
A 17-year-old Alabama high school student is in critical condition after being assaulted this weekend. According to Sylacauga Police Chief Kelley Johnson, Brian Ogle was assaulted in an Ace Hardware parking lot following Sylacauga High School’s homecoming game on Friday.
When authorities arrived on the scene, they discovered Ogle beaten and bleeding from the head.
Ogle’s mother, Brandi Allen, told police she believes the assault occurred after he posted a pro-police message to Facebook. “Instead of us planning for his 18th birthday, we’re here,” Allen told WBRC from the UAB Hospital on Sunday. “Why? Because he made a statement that he backs the blue? I’m still trying to understand how someone, no matter the color of their skin, can do this to another human being.”
Allen added that her son received “threatening messages” after making the post. “My son took it to the principal at Sylacauga High School and I commend him for that. He showed her the threats that were being made to him, but she told him there was nothing she could do. I’m appalled.”
Brian Ogle, after he was beaten nearly to death. For a Facebook post, in support of police officers.
On October 4, local reporter Jon Paepcke, with WVTM13 TV, posted a Tweet that claimed the police told him “Ogle was attacked by between 9-60 males”:
On October 4, 2016, the Washington Post published a story about the assault on Ogle; and on October 12, the NY Daily Newsrevealed that four of his attackers had been arrested and charged with the crime. Ogle’s story was covered by the Daily Mail (UK), the International Business Times, and a number of otherUSnews outlets.
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story.
Instead, here is a sampling of the “news” stories that HuffPost published on its front page from October 5-7, the three days following the October 4, Washington Post story:
For more examples of HuffPost’s racist bias, see this page, which contains more than 140 detailed case studies of how it ignores hate crimes against people it views as worthless.
(3.7) RACIST BIAS: HuffPost gave top coverage to a “news” story in which it asked a convicted black rapist, who justified his attack on a white woman on racial grounds, what makes him “cry” — but completely ignored the video of a white man who was dragged out of his car and beaten by a black mob, because of his skin color
The Daily Caller published this story on July 18, 2016:
According to a report by The Tennessean, former Vanderbilt football player Cory Batey told the young woman whom he and three other men raped that her assault was payback “for 400 years of slavery.”
Batey was sentenced to 15 years in prison last week — the minimum sentence allowed under the law — for raping and then urinating on the unconscious victim, who was 21 years old at the time. Metro Nashville police reportedly discovered explicit photographs and video of the rape during their investigation, which were shown to the victim. […]
According to The Tennessean,prosecutors had successfully kept the exact words of Batey’s “horrific racial hate speech” from being used in trial. However, multiple sources told the newspaper on Friday that during the attack Batey had said:“That’s for 400 years of slavery, you bitch.”
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this aspect of the story.
A December 24 search using the string “Cory Batey That’s for 400 years of slavery” returned zero results. Instead, here is a sampling of the “news” stories that HuffPost published on its front page, from July 19-21 (three days after the Daily Caller first reported this story):
HuffPost did, however, post an original story entitled, “Watch What Makes Former Vanderbilt Football Player [Cory Batey] Convicted Of Rape Cry“:
Rather than featuring the above story (and acknowledging that it may have been the result of its chronic incitement of racial hatred), four months later, on November 28, 2016, HuffPost published a “story” that could only be designed to evoke sympathy for this convicted rapist:
Contrast how HuffPost treated this convicted rapist, to the fact that it completely ignored a black mob that was caught on video, severely beating a white man, while accusing him of voting for Trump
The following is a summary of our full documentation of this incident, here, located on a page that contains more than 130 other case studies of how HuffPost ignored hate crimes against those whom it views as worthless people.
On November 9, 2016 a black mob in Chicago, IL dragged a white driver from a car and severely beat him, while screaming, “You voted Trump? You gonna pay for that shit!” The attack was captured on video, and uploaded to YouTube the same day:
The Washington Post covered the story on November 11:
In a video that appeared to be shot on a smartphone, a group of young men and women viciously beat a 49-year-old man named David Wilcox while screaming phrases such as “You voted Trump” and “Don’t vote Trump.” […]
In the video, several men and women threw him to the concrete and kicked him repeatedly, sometimes in the face. The laughing group threw haymakers at the Wilcox’s head, as he desperately tried to crawl and limp back to his Bonneville. The door hung open until one of the young men climbed into the driver’s seat and slammed the door. […]
A subsequent video obtained by the Tribune showed Wilcox grabbing onto the open back window of the car, as the young man drove off. Wilcox hung from the window, his feet dragging along the concrete as the Bonneville picked up speed. “The guy took off. He was doing 70 or 80 down Roosevelt, swerving. He was trying to have me fall off, and I knew if I somehow let go, I was going to die,” Wilcox told the paper.
For more examples of HuffPost’s racist bias, see this page, which contains more than 140 detailed case studies of how it ignores hate crimes against people it views as worthless.
(3.8) RACIST BIAS: HuffPost gave front-page splash coverage to a Palestinian who was detained for sixty minutes at a U.S. airport — but downplayed and dehumanized a white U.S. military veteran who was murdered by a Palestinian terrorist
On February 20, 2013, HuffPost published this top-of-the-front page splash headline, alleging that a Palestinian film maker was detained for 60 minutes at a U.S. airport:
Contrast the “stop-the-presses,” graphic treatment that HuffPost gave to this Palestinian filmmaker to how it dehumanized Capt. Taylor Force, a beloved, white U.S. military veteran, who was murdered in Israel by a Palestinian terrorist
SaveTheWest produced a 17-minute documentary about this incident, below. in summary:
HuffPost only posted an initial wire service report about Taylor’s murder on its front page, then quickly moved the story to a secondary page. Although his name was known, and pictures of him were available at the time, its headline only said a generic “American tourist” had been killed, which it matched with a picture of an Israeli policeman, at night.
HuffPost never published a single picture of Taylor, or any of the details about his character, heroism and grief-stricken family, that emerged in the 24 hours after his murder, in U.S. and Israeli newspapers.
The highest position HuffPost gave Taylor’s story was just beneath a graphic, original story it wrote about Kim Kardashian’s anger at other celebrities criticizing her for posting a nude selfie (which it also posted on its front page as “news”; right).
HuffPost’s treatment of Taylor, his murder and his family stands in sharp contrast to the other stories to which it gave personalized, graphic and sympathetic treatment on both its front page and World page, during this period. These picture-rich stories depicted a swan that was abused in Eastern Europe; a dying whale; an American jihadi who regrets joining ISIS; and profiles of two Syrian refugees in Turkey.
HuffPost also ignored the fact that the Palestinian Authority and Hamas openly celebrated Taylor’s murder. Instead, it posted stories on its front page about a dog that appears to be driving a tractor; an ISIS leader who may have been killed; and a tattoo-faced gangster who was arrested.
See the full documentation behind our documentary here.
Rather than being an isolated incident, HuffPost has a long history of giving front-page , personalized, sympathetic treatment to Palestinians civilians and even terrorists with grievances, or who are experiencing grief; see our documentation here.
For more examples of HuffPost’s racist bias, see this page, which contains more than 140 detailed case studies of how it ignores hate crimes against people it views as worthless.
(3.9) RACIST BIAS: HuffPost gave front-page coverage to a Muslim woman who was asked in a restaurant if she has a green card — but completely ignored a U.S. soldier who was beaten nearly to death by a black mob, because of his skin color
The woman was not touched or harmed in any way, yet HuffPost decided this story deserved positioning near the top of its front page.
Contrast HuffPost’s treatment of this story, to the fact that it completely ignored a white U.S. soldier who was severely beaten by a black mob — on video — because of his skin color
David Palmer served seven years in the U.S. Army, then returned home to North Carolina to be close to his family, and resume his life, in peace. On September 21, 2016, however, while walking home after a dinner in a restaurant, he was targeted and severely beaten by a gang of black men, specifically was of his skin color.
A video released online shows rioters in Charlotte, North Carolina, attacking a military veteran and then shouting at him: “You’re in the danger zone, white boy!”
The video’s early seconds show a white man being attacked by two black rioters. The man eventually flees while holding a hand over his injured face, while onlookers jeer. After the man jogs off, somebody can be heard shouting “You’re in the danger zone, white boy!”
Since the video’s release, the white man in the video has been identified as David Palmer, a seven-year Army veteran who only returned to civilian life within the past year. The video was recorded the night of Sept. 21 and uploaded to YouTube shortly after.
Palmer’s sister, Ashley Brooke Warlick, has created a GoFundMe page for her brother, seeking to raise money for his medical and living expenses in the wake of the attack.
And here was David Palmer in the hospital:
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story.
A December 9, 2016 search using the string “Charlotte NC beat David Palmer,” returned zeroresults. Instead, here is a sampling of the “news” stories that HuffPost published on its front page, from October 1-3:
And in regards to the donations sought to help veteran David Palmer with his medical expenses, while HuffPost completely ignored this aspect of his story — as well as the rest — four months earlier, in May 2016, it posted this “news” story, with a solicitation for donations, near the top of its front page:
For more examples of HuffPost’s racist bias, see this page, which contains more than 140 detailed case studies of how it ignores hate crimes against people it views as worthless.
(3.10) RACIST BIAS: HuffPost gave sustained, front page coverage to a “racist poster” urging white Americans to report illegal aliens — but completely ignored a six-year-old white California boy who had been nearly killed by a repeatedly-deported, drunk illegal alien
For two straight days, on March 16 & 17, 2017, HuffPost featured the story of a “racist flyer” on its front page:
Colleges across the U.S. continue to be plagued with fliers promoting racism.
On Monday, multiple fliers posted by members of Vanguard America ― a white supremacy group ― were found on the University of Maryland Campus.
“A notice to all white Americans,” one flier read. “It is your civic duty to report any and all illegal aliens. …They are criminals. America is a white nation.”
“Carry the torch of your people,” another said. It was the third time in three months that fliers were found on the campus, according to The Washington Post.
Similar fliers were found the same day at George Washington University in D.C.
This flyer was clearly intended to incite racial hatred among whites against illegal aliens, the overwhelming majority of which are Hispanic. HuffPost’s presumed purpose in giving this flyer such prominent positioning was to evoke sympathy for the estimated 11 million illegal aliens who now reside in America — while consistently ignoring the horrific crimes that have been perpetrated against Americans by illegals who have been deported 2, 5, 10 or more times, yet are able to keep re-entering the U.S. One example is the story of Lennox Lake.
Contrast how HuffPost publicized this flyer, to the fact that it completely ignored the story of six-year-old Lennox Lake, who was nearly killed in an auto accident that was caused by a drunken illegal alien who had been deported at least fifteen times since 2002
On May 9, 2017, news broke in California that a family returning from a Disneyland vacation had been in an auto accident that was caused by a repeatedly-deported illegal alien, and that their six-year-old son, Lennox Lake, had suffered severe injuries.
Lennox Lake, age 6, before he was nearly killed by a drunk illegal alien who’d been deported fifteen times
A man accused in a traffic collision that injured a boy Saturday has been deported at least 15 times in the last 15 years, according to a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement spokesperson.
Constantino Banda, 38, faces charges of driving under the influence, driving without a license and felony hit and run following the collision at Camino De La Plaza and Dairy Mart Road in San Diego’s San Ysidro district.
The victims in the traffic collision included 6-year-old Lennox Lake, who was listed Tuesday night in serious condition at Rady Children’s Hospital in San Diego.
Lennox and his parents were returning from a trip to Disneyland when the crash occurred. […]
Lennox was strapped into a car seat in the backseat. His mother found Lennox unconscious from the impact. He added, “the first thing he (Lennox) asked was if mommy was okay.”Lennox suffered a long list of injuries, some including a fractured skull and bleeding from his nose and ears.
Lennox after the first round of surgeries to safe his life, left in a coma (WSVN image)
Lennox’s family set up a GoFundMe page to help raise money for his medical expenses:
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story, and fundraiser
This is part of HuffPost’s continuing pattern of completely ignoring incidents of horrific violent crimes being perpetrated by illegal aliens who had been deported up to 20 times, yet were able to re-enter America, including:
So what kinds of “news” stories did HuffPost decide to publish on its front page in the days after news about Lennox and the fundraiser for him broke? Here’s a sampling.
Instead of publishing a single word about happened to him, who did it, or the fundraiser his family had initiated to help pay for his medical expenses, here is a sampling of the “news” stories that HuffPost published on its front page, in the three days after this story broke, May 10-12, 2017:
This “news” story appeared for the second day in a row on HuffPost’s front page on May 12, 2017, in its “Voices” section.
Also contrast HuffPost ignoring the fundraiser for Lennox to the fact that one year earlier, in May 2016, it posted this “news” story, with a solicitation for donations, near the top of its front page:
Ironically, less than one month earlier, in April 2017, HuffPost’s new editor claimed it has “a new mission ― to tell the stories of people who have been left out of the conversation”
On April 25, 2017, newly-installed HuffPost executive editor Lydia Polgreen wrote an editorial that appeared at the top of HuffPost’s front page, the subhead of which claimed:
We’ve got a new name, look and mission ― to tell the stories of people who have been left out of the conversation.
Under Polgreen’s leadership, however, HuffPost decided that neither Lennox nor his family or loved ones deserve to even be acknowledged, anywhere on its site.
For more examples of HuffPost’s racist bias, see this page, which contains more than 140 detailed case studies of how it ignores hate crimes against people it views as worthless.
(3.11) RACIST BIAS: HuffPost gave top, graphic, sympathetic coverage to the Muslim victim of a road-rage incident in Maryland — but completely ignored the four white men who were murdered by a black racist Muslim in California, and never mentioned his motivation
On June 19-20, 2017, HuffPost published three picture-rich, sympathetic stories on its front page about the murder of a Muslim teenager, Nabra Hassanen, depicting it as a hate crime — even though there was zero evidence to support this contention. Notice how in two of the three stories below, HuffPost used the victim’s first name and picture in the headlines, thus humanizing her. Note also that the content of each story implies that she was murdered by a white male who hated Muslims:
Note: HuffPost published this story near the top of its front page on June 20:
It was soon discovered, however, by the Daily Caller and the Washington Post, that the reality was not what Instead, it was a road rage incident, perpetrated by a Hispanic illegal alien from El Salvador — not because the victim was a Muslim, or a woman of color.
Yet HuffPost never posted any new headlines that revealed this reality, presumably because it would have revealed its original narrative as completely false. To prove that HuffPost never put up new headlines to reveal this reality, see the following full-page screencaps from the Wayback Machine, on June 20-22:
This omission is a continuation of HuffPost’s attempts to falsely legitimize many other hate crimes that turned out to be false, or hoaxes, against people in the groups it favors — particularly Muslims, black Americans, and members of the LGBT community. See our documentation of more than a dozen such incidents here:
Contrast the sympathetic, personalized, top coverage HuffPost gave to Nabra Hassanen, to the fact that it completely ignored the identities of the four white victims of a black Muslim racist in Fresno, CA
At approximately 10:45am (CA time) on April 18, 2017, a black Muslim racist, Kori Ali Muhammad, went on a race-motivated murder spree against white people in Fresno, CA. Local and international news bureaus reported that witnesses said that both while he was shooting, and as he was arrested, Muhammad screamed “Allahu Akbar!” Three men, all white, soon lay dead. Muhammad also murdered a white motel clerk five days earlier, allegedly because he felt “disrespected.”
Kori Ali Muhammad
Notable facts that were soon discovered after Muhammad’s rampage:
He had an extensive criminal background that, according to the local police chief, includes “making terrorist threats, weapons violations, drugs, and false imprisonment”
He had served seven years of a nine-year sentence on an array of prior convictions
His father says he warned Muhammad’s probation officer “about his son’s hatred of white people and his plans of killing them, but believes no one followed up on his report.”
HuffPost gave only delayed, downplayed, whitewashed, brief coverage to this story
For the first hours after the story of the Fresno rampage broke, HuffPost featured nothing about it. Finally, sometime around 9:00pm (EST) it featured one story about it, mid-way down its front page. Note that the headline made no mention of the racist motivation behind Muhammad’s rampage, or the fact that he was screaming “Allahu Akbar!,” both as he perpetrated the crime, and when he was being arrested:
This screencap was taken at 9:45pm, and was the highest positioning HuffPost ever gave this story. By 11:45pm, HuffPost moved it to nearly the bottom of the front page — beneath the story of anger over a gay tattoo.
HuffPost, however, was aware of all the salient distinguishing characteristics of this rampage, as it proved in the story page to which that whitewashed headline led:
A California man accused of fatally shooting a security guard last week was captured Tuesday after shooting three other people to death, police said. He allegedly shouted “Allahu akbar” as he was being detained. […]
Muhammad is a homeless man who Dyer said had posted on Facebook that he “does not like white people” and expressed anti-government sentiments.
Compare how HuffPost whitewashed what it knew about Muhammad, as contrasted to this splash headline it published against Sen. Ted Cruz and Donald Trump, neither of whom murdered four people because of racial hatred:
And, against a black candidate for Lt. Governor of Virginia. who supports traditional marriage – but also did not murder four people because of his racism:
See more examples of HuffPost’s “headline jihads” against those it hates, and wants to stir up public hatred against, here.
Within 24 hours, HuffPost had removed this story of Muhammad’s rampage from its front page.
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored the victims of Muhammad’s April 18 rampage
The three victims from Muhammad’s April 18 rampage were identified as Zackary Randalls, 34, Mark Gassett, 37, and David Jackson, 58. The motel guard he murdered on April 13 was identified as Carl Williams, 25. HuffPost only mentioned Carl Williams within the confines of its first story, but never published his picture, or dedicated a story to who he was. Here is a montage of all of Muhammad’s victims, containing their personal stories, published by the Daily Mail (UK) on April 20 at 2:00pm EST:
An April 22, 2017 search using strings containing (a) each of the April 18 victims’ names, and (b) Kori Ali Muhammad, produced zero results. Try it for yourself:
HuffPost ignored Muhammad’s April 18 victims — right after giving four straight days of front page coverage to sympathetic coverage of convicted murderers
Contrast HuffPost’s black-out of information on Muhammad’s April 18 victims to the fact that in the four days prior to his massacre, it gave four straight days of front page coverage to this story:
On April 15, HuffPost debuted this story at the top of its front page. And for the next three straight days, it remained on front page. You can see this for yourself via these full-page screencaps from the Wayback Machine (Internet Archive):
This is part of HuffPost’s long pattern of giving top publicity to sympathetic depictions of convicted murderers — while ignoring their victims, especially if those who killed them were Islamist or Palestinian terrorists.
The day after the Fresno massacre, HuffPost gave sympathetic, personalized, pictorial, front-page coverage to a wombat that died — as a virgin, and a woman whose hand was stuck in a toilet
While HuffPost ignored these victims, here are some of the “news” stories it published on its front page in the days following the Fresno massacre:
On April 19, 2017, HuffPost featured on its front page the original story that one of its “journalists” wrote, about “Patrick,” an elderly wombat in Australia, whom it discovered had tragically died — as a virgin:
Also on April 19, 2017, HuffPost featured on its front page the sympathetic story about a woman whose hand got stuck in a toilet:
HuffPost devoted its resources to telling the world about those “news” stories after the Fresno massacre– yet never even posted the names, pictures or stories of its victims.
For more examples of HuffPost’s racist bias, see this page, which contains more than 140 detailed case studies of how it ignores hate crimes against people it views as worthless.
(3.12) RACIST BIAS: HuffPost gave top coverage and credibility to a black Red Lobster waitress who (falsely) reported a racist message on a receipt from a white customer — but completely ignored a black racist who attempted to murder a white person on a NY subway, in front of witnesses, while shouting “I hate white people!”
On September 9, 2013, HuffPost ran this headline on its front page, and left it there for two straight days:
Note that HuffPost’s front page headline said, de facto, that a racist note was left on a Red Lobster receipt — even though it was, at this point, nothing more than an allegation (which quickly was revealed to be yet another in the dozens of recent fake hate incidents; details below). This stands in stark contrast to the doubt it casts on any allegation made by American soldiers, police officers, and the Israeli government, which it invariably puts in quotes, to imply that the claim is not credible. Examples:
It did this knowing that the only evidence for this incident was a screencap of the receipt, which the alleged victim, Toni Christina Jenkins, posted on her Facebook page.
Clicking on that headline brought the reader to this story page:
A waitress at a Red Lobster in Franklin, Tenn., was reportedly left a racist messageon a receipt over the weekend, according to multiple reports. In the tip section, instead of leaving a gratuity, the customer apparently wrote, “None n**ger.”
Red Lobster waitress Tori Christina Jenkins, who is black, allegedly received the shameful message on Saturday. Her father posted a screenshot of the message to Facebook Sunday night, saying he hopes it will make people more aware “[t]hat we still have much ignorance to overcome.”
The credibility that HuffPost gave to this allegation, and given its reach and influence, helped to generate more than $10,000 in donations to Jenkins.
Soon after the story was published, however, it began to unravel:
On September 10, 2013 — the day after HuffPost first reported the allegation — the attorney of the customer whose name appeared on the receipt that the Jenkins posted, Devin Barnes, publicly denied writing that message.
On October 30, 2013, the Daily Caller revealed that two separate handwriting experts concluded that Barnes had not written the message on the receipt.
On May 24, 2014, the NY Daily News reported that Barnes filed a lawsuit against Red Lobster and Watkins.
HuffPost published nothing about Watkins’ unraveling story untilMay 28, 2014 – but not on its front page. Here is the story page, date-stamped as being published on May 28:
We know that HuffPost did not publish this story on its front page on May 28, 29 or 30, thanks to the Wayback Machine (Internet Archive). Below are the links to HuffPost’s entire front pages for those three days:
So what kinds of “news” stories did HuffPost decide to put on its front page during these three days, instead of the unraveling story behind another apparently outrageous hoax that it helped to publicize? Here is a sampling — the first of which was on its front page for two straight days:
Update: SaveTheWest.com has confirmed through Devin Barnes’s attorney, Richard Dugger, that their lawsuit against Red Lobster was settled out of court, under terms of confidentiality. HuffPost’s search engine shows that it has not reported this fact. A March 26, 2017 search using the string “Devin Barnes settle Red Lobster” returns no results:
Contrast how HuffPost treated the fake racist receipt incident, to the fact that it completely ignored a black racist in Queens, NY who tried to murder a white subway rider, in front of witnesses, while screaming “I HATE WHITE PEOPLE!”
Cops busted a Queens man for trying to push a straphanger onto the subway tracks in Harlem and yelling, “I hate white people!” Police cuffed Gary Weeks, 51, of Wavecrest for the bizarre attack Monday at 2 p.m. at the 4-5-6 subway station at 125th St. and Lexington Ave., officials said.
The straphanger was waiting for a northbound train when Weeks walked up to him and tried to push him onto the tracks. The victim got away from Weeks, as other people started pointing and yelling at the attacker to simmer down.
He then began yelling about his hatred for whites.
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story.
A December 12 search using the string “NY subway Gary Weeks I hate white people” returned zero results. Instead, here is a sampling of the “news” stories that HuffPost published on its front page, from November 24-26, 2016:
For more examples of HuffPost’s racist bias, see this page, which contains more than 140 detailed case studies of how it ignores hate crimes against people it views as worthless.
(3.13) RACIST BIAS AND INCITEMENT: HuffPost ignored a peaceful black Trump supporter who was beaten, on video, by a white leftist — then gave top coverage to a black entertainer who assailed a black Trump supporter — without ever mentioning that far more black Americans voted for President Trump than Gov. Romney in 2012
On August 23, 2017, a peaceful black Trump supporter was beaten in Laguna Beach, CA by a white leftist, on video. The leftist perpetrator bragged about what he did, and invited the police to arrest him, which they did. As documented in our case study on the matter, HuffPost completely ignored the video, and the aftermath.
Rather than being an isolated incident, this was part of HuffPost’s long-term practice of inciting hate and justifying violence against Trump supporters and conservatives, as documented in the following short video by SaveTheWest:
Then, on August 25, 2017, HuffPost continued its racial bias and incitement against black conservatives, by positioning this “news” story at the top of its front page:
Clicking on that headline brought the reader to this page:
It was hard to miss. At President Donald Trump’s Phoenix rally this week, a black supporter was standing just behind him, holding up a “Blacks for Trump” sign. Turns out that man is a conspiracy theorist with a bizarre online presence.
But on “Weekend Update: Summer Edition,” anchor Michael Che wanted to make one thing very clear.
“I feel like I have to say on behalf of black people everywhere: We don’t know this fool,” Che said.
This was one black commentator who expressed a view that could only be interpreted as a belief that all black people have to vote for Democrats, or they are somehow not legitimate, or are sell-outs. This was also verbatim what was said by the black conservative who was beaten by a white leftist, in Laguna Beach, CA, said he felt is how black leftists view him — which HuffPost completely ignored.
Aside from its anti-black bias and incitement in these incidents, HuffPost also never informed its readers that far more black Americans voted for President Trump than vote for Gov. Romney in 2012
After the 2016 election results came in, HuffPost essentially went on a “jihad” to propagandize how Sec. Clinton could have lost, and refused to publicize the actual, contextual numbers. SaveTheWest documented quite a bit of this “jihad” on the following page:
For example the following facts are included in the above report:
New York Times:Trump won substantially more black and Hispanic votes than Gov. Romney did in 2012. 8% of black Americans vote for Trump, up 7% since 2012, and 29% of Hispanics voted for him, up 8% from 2012 (chart below).
Philadelphia Tribune: “Almost two million black votes cast for Obama in 2012 did not turn out for Clinton.”
Wall St. Journal: 3.5 million fewer Americans — including 1.8 million black Americans — voted for Hillary Clinton than voted for President Obama in 2012.
Yet before and since the election, HuffPost has consistently marginalized and vilified any black person who stood with Trump, and even now, nearly a year later, it is still doing it, apparently as part of a broader effort to ensure that black Americans feel compelled to vote for the Democratic Party. Which, as court documents indicate, HuffPost was founded to serve, while lying to its advertisers and the general public.
(3.14) RACIST BIAS: October 2017: HuffPost ignored a racist attack upon an elderly white man by a black teen in New York, who shouted, “White people suck. I hate white people!”
On October 6, 2017, the NY Post reported the following story about a racist attack:
A black teenager has been arrested for assaulting a stranger allegedly for being white, police said Friday.
Devon Ahmad, 18, of Amityville, LI, was riding an elevator with a 65-year-old man at 257 W. 39th St. in the Garment District around 5:15 p.m. Thursday when he allegedly first began a verbal attack.
“White people suck. I hate white people. White people are the source of my problems,” said Ahmad, who is black, to the white man, according to cops.
When the elevator reached the ground floor and the doors opened, things turned physical. Ahmad punched the victim multiple times, causing swelling and bruising to the right side of his face, police said.
Ahmad was picked up a little while later at the commercial building. He was charged with assault as a hate crime.
The teenager was arrested previously for assault in December 2016. Several other arrests are now sealed, police said.
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story
(3.15) HuffPost completely ignored a white woman who was physically assaulted on a NY train, on video, by a black man who used racial epithets against her — yet gave top, sustained coverage to two Muslim women who claimed they were insulted and spat at by a man, on a NY train, because of their faith
Sam Saia, displaying the result of her assault
On November 17, 2017, the NY Daily News broke this story, at 1:43am:
A Brooklyn woman said a straphanger punched her in the face and cursed her out because she complained he was “manspreading” on a rush hour subway Thursday.
Sam Saia, 37, said she was riding the N train to work, sitting at the end of the car when the man next to her spread his legs open wide, and pushed her into the side of the car at 7:45 a.m.
When she asked the man, “Can you give me a little room?” she says he went off on her. “B—-, you ain’t nothing! I’ve raped white b—–s like you, f—ing c—! You ain’t nothing, you f—ing b—-!” the man yelled, according to Saia.
“Stupid me, I should have got up at that point,” she told the Daily News. “I just told him to relax and I put my earbuds in.”
Sam Saia was punched in the face and bloodied by a subway passenger who she says flew off the handle when she asked him to make room on the rush-hour train.
Instead of calming down, the enraged man socked Saia in the mouth, splitting her lip and banging her head against the wall of the subway car, she said.
A video posted by a witness to Saia’s Facebook page shows what happened next — a good Samaritan, who described himself as being “off-duty” stepped in, grabbed the creep and ordered him to leave the train.
“Get the f— off the train. Get off the train, bro, you just f—ing hit a lady,” the man said.
The unnamed Good Samaritan (R) who intervened to save Saia from the man who physically and verbally assaulted her (L), on a racial basis:
The Daily Mail (UK) published its own version of the story less than four hours later, at 5:06am, and posted this video, taken of the incident by a witness:
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story
A November 19, 2017 search at 10:30am — 57 hours after the incident was first reported — using the string “Sam Saia” returned zero results:
So what did HuffPost publish on its front page in the following days, instead of anything about this racist assault?
A sampling:
This “news” story appeared at the top of HuffPost’s front page on November 19, 2017.
Contrast how HuffPost completely ignored this violent, racist assault on a NY train, to the top, graphic, sympathetic coverage it gave when the alleged victims were Muslim women
HuffPost published this story on its front page on March 8 and March 9, 2016:
Clicking on that headline brought the reader to this page — containing an original, 800-word story, replete with pictures of the victims, and a sympathetic narrative:
A man allegedly spat at a group of Muslim female college students last week while aboard a New Jersey train, and addressed them with racial and gendered slurs. The women said no one on the train came to their defense.
Patrick Pietropaolo, 62, of Newark, was arrested for the attack on Thursday, a New Jersey Transit Police spokeswoman said. He was charged with simple assault, bias intimidation, theft of service (for not paying the train fare) and resisting arrest. He was taken to the Essex County Jail, where bail was set at $15,000.
Why would HuffPost devote such high-level, sustained coverage to this incident — but not to a far more serious one, which drew blood, was perpetrated on a racist basis, and was caught on video? Only HuffPost’s executives can answer that question.
Contrast HuffPost completely ignoring this incident, to the sympathetic, top-level coverage it’s given to other “victims” in the recent past
A sampling:
On April 19, 2017, HuffPost featured on its front page the original story that one of its “journalists” wrote, about “Patrick,” an elderly wombat in Australia, whom it discovered had tragically died — as a virgin:
Also on April 19, 2017, HuffPost featured on its front page the sympathetic story about a woman whose hand got stuck in a toilet:
(3.16) RACIST BIAS: HuffPost completely ignored a violent, racist assault on a white woman, in front of witnesses, because they (falsely) assumed she was a Trump supporter — yet two days earlier, HuffPost gave top coverage to, and explicitly condemned several white Trump supporters who said unkind things to three Palestinian anti-Trump activists
Shortly after midnight on December 14, 2017, the NY Daily News reported the following story:
A 32-year-old white woman stepped into a Bronx deli for a late-night sandwich after work — and was accused of being a President Trump supporter by two strangers who threw groceries at her and then robbed her, police sources said Wednesday.
The victim, her roommate told the Daily News, is most definitely not a Trump fan.
But the suspects, possibly teens, saw her differently. “You stupid white c—,” they yelled at the victim inside the Musa Gourmet Deli on Jerome Ave. near E. 167th St. in Highbridge about 3 a.m. Dec 2.
“You think you can live here in the Bronx, you Trump supporter? You white b—h!” Her attackers started flinging store goods at her.
Zid Ali, 31, the deli manager, said when one of the suspects grabbed the woman’s bag, which she had placed on the counter, “she said she was going to call the cops, so the other one took her phone.”
“They ran out,” he added, “and she ran after them.”
But the suspects got away and are still being sought. The NYPD’s Hate Crime Task Force is investigating the incident.
“She is no fan of the President,” said the roommate, who asked her name not be printed. “How can you live in the Bronx, with all kinds of people, and support Trump?” The roommate said the suspects got away with the victim’s phone, money and keys.
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story
A December 15, 2017 search at 12:05pm — nearly 36 hours after the incident was first reported — using the string “Musa Gourmet Deli attack white woman” returned zero results:
So what did HuffPost publish on its front page in the following days, instead of anything about this racist assault?
A sampling:
This “news” story appeared near the top of HuffPost’s front page on December 15, 2017.
Yet two days earlier, HuffPost gave top coverage to, and explicitly condemned several white Trump supporters in CA who insulted three Palestinian anti-Trump activists
On December 13, 2017, HuffPost featured this headline near the top of its front page:
Clicking on that headline brought the reader to this original story, which describes several short videos that show several Trump supporters call Palestinian supporters “terrorists,” then drive away:
(3.17) RACIST BIAS: HuffPost completely ignored a savage, unprovoked beating of a white man by four black men, all captured on video — yet gave top, sustained, graphic coverage to an evidence-less allegation by a Muslim girl that a white man cut her hijab [UPDATE: Her story was quickly determined to be a complete lie; HuffPost never notified its readers that they’d been misled]
On January 11, 2018, Cincinnati.com (part of the USA Today network) published the following story:
John Watts was several minutes into his sentencing Thursday when the judge asked him why he tackled a man at random, then participated in a beating so violent the judge wasn’t able to watch the entire video.
“I just attacked him,” the 20-year-old Watts said.
“Why did this happen?” Hamilton County Common Pleas Judge Jody Luebbers asked.
Watts, who stood in front of the judge’s bench, his hands shackled behind his back, paused for a few seconds.
John Watts, 20
“I don’t know how to explain it,” he said.
Watts is the second man convicted in the May 15, 2017 attack near Downtown’s Main Library. Luebbers sentenced Watts to seven years in prison. He pleaded guilty last month to felonious assault.
In September, Johntae Dearmond pleaded guilty to aggravated robbery and was sentenced to nine years. Dearmond, now 21, blamed the attack on “intoxication.”
On Thursday, Watts’ attorney, Doug Nicholas, said alcohol and peer pressure led to what happened. Court documents describe a third, unidentified attacker. […]
As surveillance video of the attack was being shown to Luebbers Thursday on a laptop, she stopped it: “That’s enough. I really can’t watch any more.”
Cincinnati police Detective Dan Kreider said it was one of the two worst beating cases he’s handled in his career.
Other local and national news media picked up this story.
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story
Yet on January 12, 2018, HuffPost gave top, sustained, graphic coverage to an evidence-less allegation that a man cut a Muslim girl’s hijab in Canada
For two straight days, on January 12 and 13, 2018, HuffPost featured this story on its front page:Clicking on that headline brought the reader to this page:
Notice that HuffPost included the girl’s face and name in both the front page teaser, and the story page, along with her personal feelings about the alleged “attack” on her — during which she suffered not so much as a paper cut or bruise of any kind:
Further, as HuffPost’s own story page confirms, there is not a shred of evidence that any of this girl’s allegation is true — no eyewitnesses, no surveillance camera footage. Which is not to say that this “attack” did not happen, but given the pattern of more than two dozen recent fake hate crimes against Muslims, documented here — and ten instances in which HuffPost helped to falsely legitimize them — we contend it is reasonable to ask:
Why would HuffPost completely ignore this unprovoked, videotaped attack by four black men on a white man — but give top, graphic coverage to a claim by a Muslim girl in Canada about an alleged hate crime against her, for which there is absolutely no evidence?
Why, as documented on this page and here, does HuffPost consistently refuse to report on the actual, documented, violent attacks on white people, because of their race — but give top coverage to false allegations of hate crimes against black people in America, and ignore the dozens of other similar fake anti-black hate crimes?
One thing SaveTheWest contends is beyond question: given HuffPost’s vast reach and influence, especially among young people, there can be little doubt that its incessant incitement and justification of violence against one’s political enemies played some role in creating the culture of ractial hatred that leads to attacks such as these.
(3.18) RACIST BIAS: HuffPost completely ignored a videotaped speech by Louis Farrakhan, the notoriously racist and anti-Semitic black leader of the Nation of Islam, in which he called for 10,000 of his followers to “rise up” and murder white people — yet it consistently gives top coverage to its smearing and vilifying white Christians who support traditional marriage, and one who voiced opposition to yoga
On August 13, 2015, notorious Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan was captured on video saying:
“White people deserve to die. And they know it!”
“Stalk them, and kill them and let them feel the pain of death that we are feeling!”
That he is seeking “10,000 fearless men who say death is sweeter than continued life under tyranny.”
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story
The widely-documented background of Louis Farrakhan’s racism and anti-Semitism
The following will give newcomers a brief overview of the documentation regarding Farrakhan’s endemic racist incitement and anti-Semitic hatred, which was well known long before his August 2015 explicit, videotaped call for mass murder against white people:
The broader context of HuffPost completely ignoring Farrakhan’s explicit incitement and hatred
As documented in Case Study 3.11 on this page, in 2017, On April 18, 2017, a black Muslim racist, Kori Ali Muhammad, went on a race-motivated murder spree against white people in Fresno, CA. Local and international news bureaus reported that witnesses said that both while he was shooting, and as he was arrested, Muhammad screamed “Allahu Akbar!” Three men, all white, soon lay dead. Muhammad also murdered a white motel clerk five days earlier. Soon after, it was discovered that Muhammad was a follower of Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam.HuffPost completely ignored all of these facts.
As documented in Section 1 on this page, in dozens of incidents, HuffPost completely ignored unprovoked, violent racist attacks by black people on whites. Were any of the perpetrators incited by Farrakhan’s video, or similar statements?
On this page and this page, SaveTheWest documented nearly 100 incidents of anti-Semitic hate crimes in America from 2014 to the present day, more than a dozen of which were perpetrated by black people. Were any of them inspired by Farrakhan’s notorious anti-Semitic rants? HuffPost readers would not know, because it ignored all of these incidents.
The “journalist” whom HuffPost tasks frequently with covering alleged hate crimes against Muslims (many or most of which turn out to be hoaxes), asked in a November 2016 headline, “Where were they radicalized?,” about the accused perpetrators:
Yet HuffPost has never, to our knowledge, publicly asked where any of the black perpetrators of actual violent hate crimes against whites were radicalized — or if Farrakhan’s hate speech and incitement were involved.
(3.19) RACIST INCITEMENT: HuffPost published a “news” story near the top of its front page that claimed, “White Women Who Enable Trump Do Not Deserve The Benefit Of Your Doubt”
It’s easy to see Donald Trump’s presidency as an assault on women. The “grab them by the pussy” president has continued to find new ways to humiliate women, appointed a Cabinet made up almost entirely of white men, and created policies on reproductive rights that are draconian and deadly. Many will argue that the Women’s March and #MeToo movements are reactions to this dystopian feminist novel come to life. But that is too simple a story.
Lost in this telling of events is the role white women play in this nightmare presidency. White women helped Trump ascend to power, and are working to keep him there. They are part of Trump’s base, his funders and his administration. Yet they continue to get a pass for the far-reaching, generational damage they are helping Trump to unleash on this country, and particularly on black and brown people.
HuffPost completely ignored the following facts — which it has militantly refused to report on, in general:
So what could have been HuffPost’s motivation to engage in such naked incitement of racial hatred — after having maintained a blockade against its readers discovering the above facts?
Perhaps it was this excerpt from an article, three weeks earlier, in The Atlantic, that indicates rising approval of President Trump among the “people of color” whom HuffPost claims are being harmed by his policies:
[B]lack men are one of the few groups for which Trump’s 2017 average approval rating significantly exceeds his 2016 vote share. […] Among Hispanics, men were also much more likely than women to express positive views about Trump. Among Hispanic men older than 50, Trump’s approval— strikingly—exceeded 40 percent. […] Trump’s 2017 approval rating slightly exceeded his 2016 vote share among Hispanic men.
So who is the “journalist” who wrote this racially inflammatory “news” story? She is a notorious racism inciter, and more:
Further, as shown in the previous 18 case studies on this page, however, there is no depth to which HuffPost will not sink to incite racial hatred, most often based on lies and egregious distortions. In this particular case, though, State Farm, one of the most respected corporations in America, appeared to be visibly supporting its racism:
Do State Farm’s senior executives know what they are really enabling when they advertise at HuffPost? If you’d like to voice your views on this matter to them, here’s how.
(3.20) RACIST BIAS: HuffPost completely ignored the black suspect in the murder of two white police officers, after downplaying the story of what happened — yet it consistently gives top, graphic coverage to white suspects who are accused of committing crimes against Muslims
The following is a summary of Case Study 28 on this page:
A summary of the rest of this case study, from here:
HuffPost first ignored this story, then only placed one, tiny item on its front page about it: a blurb on its sidebar.
Rather than writing a single word of original copy about these police officers, the blurb on HuffPost’s front page led to a Reuters wire story that it published. It wrote not a single original word about these police officers.
HuffPost removed this item from its front page after less than 12 hours.
At the same time, HuffPost gave top coverage on its front page to an original “news” story it wrote about a man in Australia who claims he is happily married to a whore.
See the rest of the documentation on this case study here.
Now, for the racial component:
HuffPost completely ignored the identification of the suspect who was arrested in this ambush, possibly because of racial bias
At aproximately 7:15pm on on February 11, 2018, the ABC TV affiliate in Ohio reported that the suspect in these murders has been identified:
COLUMBUS, Ohio — 6 On Your Side has been digging into the police history at the home where the two officers were shot as well as the suspect’s criminal background.
According to Westerville police records, a domestic violence call brought officers out to the same 312 Cross Wind Drive address after Quentin Lamar Smith’s wife called the police.
In the report, Smith’s wife tells police the two are separated and she wanted him to leave. She stated he was moving out but he was drunk in her garage and doing something to her car. […]
The woman explained how she and Smith weren’t getting along and how she just found out she had an STD. She also stated Smith forced himself on her one night. The woman expressed how when she threatens to leave, Smith says he’s going to kill her, their daughter and himself. She added Smith has a gun that he keeps close. A gun he isn’t supposed to have since he’s a convicted felon but a friend bought it for Smith.
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored the suspect being identified
A search at 8:25pm on February 12 — more than 24 hours later — using the string “Quentin Lamar Smith” returned zero relevant results:
Note that at the top of this page is an ad for Esurance, which appears to be sponsoring and endorsing HuffPost’s double-standards on racial issues. If you’d like to make your views known to Esurance’s management, go here.
Contrast HuffPost’s decision to completely ignore the suspect in these murders, to how it put the face of the suspected attacker of a Muslim — in England — on its front page
For example, on June 30, 2017, HuffPost published this headline near the top of its front page:That headline led to this original story, written by a HuffPost journalist:
Police are hunting a man after a young woman and her cousin had acid sprayed in their faces as they sat in their car.
Resham Khan, 21, and Jameel Mukhtar, 37, suffered serious burns after they were both doused in sulphuric acid as they waited in traffic in east London on 21 June.
Detectives are looking for John Tomlin, 24, who has distinctive tattoos on his face, who they would like to speak to in connection with the attack.
The first thing that is notable about HuffPost’s coverage of this story is that it covered it at all — because it has enacted a virtual blackout of all acid attacks on Muslims in England, and anywhere else in the world. Perhaps this is because, as in so many other instances, it chronically either ignores or whitewashes Islamist terror attacks and hate crimes — while at the same time, falsely legitimizing fake hate crimes against U.S. Muslims. It has also chronically ignored the fact that acid attacks are a common means employed by fundamentalist Muslims in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, and elsewhere, to punish women and girls who commit “honor crimes,” such as disobeying the males in the family, or dating someone of whom they disapprove.
As USA Todayreported only weeks earlier, in April 2017:
“It’s a growing problem, there’s no question,” said Jaf Shah, executive director of Acid Survivors Trust International, a London charity that supports victims, predominantly in South Asia, where acid attacks are more common.
Shah said acid attacks in other countries usually involve men targeting females. The reasons are often over spurned marriage proposals or sexual advances.
The woman was not touched or harmed in any way, yet HuffPost decided this story deserved positioning near the top of its front page. See the full documentation of this incident in Case Study 3.9.
Key questions
Why did HuffPost completely ignore the identified suspect?
Is it because he is black, and his victims were white?
Only HuffPost’s senior management can answer these questions. You can ask them here.
This incident fits in with HuffPost’s long-term pattern of racist bias and incitement, as documented in the following case studies on this page:
(3.6) RACIST BIAS: HuffPost gave top coverage to a fake hate crime against a Muslim student, but completely ignored a white student who was beaten nearly to death because of his skin color
(3.7) RACIST BIAS: HuffPost gave top coverage to a “news” story in which it asked a convicted black rapist, who justified his attack on a white woman on racial grounds, what makes him “cry” — but completely ignored the video of a white man who was dragged out of his car and beaten by a black mob, because of his skin color
(3.10) RACIST BIAS: HuffPost gave sustained, front page coverage to a “racist poster” urging white Americans to report illegal aliens — but completely ignored a six-year-old white California boy who had been nearly killed by a repeatedly-deported, drunk illegal alien
(3.11) RACIST BIAS: HuffPost gave top, graphic, sympathetic coverage to the Muslim victim of a road-rage incident in Maryland — but completely ignored the four white men who were murdered by a black racist Muslim in California, and never mentioned his motivation
(3.12) RACIST BIAS: HuffPost gave top coverage and credibility to a black Red Lobster waitress who (falsely) reported a racist message on a receipt from a white customer — but completely ignored a black racist who attempted to murder a white person on a NY subway, in front of witnesses, while shouting “I hate white people!”
(3.13) RACIST BIAS AND INCITEMENT: HuffPost ignored a black Trump supporter who was beaten, on video, by a white leftist — then gave top coverage to a black entertainer who assailed a black Trump supporter — without ever mentioning that far more black Americans voted for President Trump than Gov. Romney in 2012
(3.14) RACIST BIAS: October 2017: HuffPost ignored a racist attack upon an elderly white man by a black teen in New York, who shouted, “White people suck. I hate white people!”
(3.15) RACIST BIAS: HuffPost completely ignored a white woman who was physically assaulted on a NY train, on video, by a black man who used racial epithets against her — yet gave top, sustained coverage to two Muslim women who claimed they were insulted and spat at by a man, on a NY train, because of their faith
(3.16) RACIST BIAS: HuffPost completely ignored a violent, racist assault on a white woman, in front of witnesses, because they (falsely) assumed she was a Trump supporter — yet two days earlier, HuffPost gave top coverage to, and explicitly condemned several white Trump supporters who said unkind things to three Palestinian anti-Trump activists
(3.17) RACIST BIAS: HuffPost completely ignored a savage, unprovoked beating of a white man by four black men, all captured on video — yet gave top, sustained, graphic coverage to an evidence-less allegation by a Muslim girl that a white man cut her hijab [which was quickly discovered to be a complete hoax]
(3.21) RACIST INCITEMENT AND BIAS: HuffPost gave top, detailed coverage to those whom it accuses of being white nationalists/anti-Semites who are running for Congress — but completely ignored the fact that three members of the Congressional Black Caucus, including Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN), the deputy chair of the Democratic National Committee, had dinner with Rev. Louis Farrakhan, and the President of Iran, two of the world’s most notorious anti-Semites [UPDATE: HuffPost continues doing free PR for Ellison]
On February 11, 2018, HuffPost published this as its front page splash headline:
HuffPost deserves credit for identifying, and providing substantive links to expose actual white supremacists, and other actual haters, who are running for Congress. As the full title of this story indicates, however, HuffPost cast a wide net, and progressively descended in the credibility of its own article, to candidates who — as the headline admits — merely “talked to anti-Semitic publications.”
Yet as we’ve documented throughout this page, and the following ones, HuffPost has a long track record of applying completely different standards to covering hate, hate crimes and incitement to violence, often depending on the race (and religion) of the perpetrator, and who is the victim. The following resource pages contain more than 325 case studies of HuffPost’s biased behavior in this regard:
On February 11, 2018, news broke that three members of the Congressional Black Caucus, including the co-chair of the Democratic National Committee, had dinner with Rev. Louis Farrakhan, and the President of Iran, two of the world’s most notorious anti-Semites
Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN), Deputy Chairman of the Democratic National Committee
The Wall St. Journal broke this story on February 8, 2018 (behind paywall).
The Daily Caller reported on it the next day, February 9:
Three Democratic congressmen attended a private dinner hosted by Iranian President Hassan Rouhani in 2013, a new report reveals.
Reps. Keith Ellison of Minnesota, Andre Carson of Indiana and Gregory Meeks of New York attended the private dinner, along with Louis Farrakhan, a notorious anti-Semite who leads the black supremacist group Nation of Islam.
Iran is the number one state sponsor of terrorism, according to the United States government, which has listed the Islamic Republic as a state sponsor of terror since 1984. Rouhani was in New York for a United Nations meeting and held the dinner party just hours after speaking to the UN General Assembly.
Final Call, a Nation of Islam publication, noted the three Democrats’ attendance at the time and included photos of Ellison and Meeks at the dinner party. But aside from the Final Call article, the three Democrats’ presence at the dinner remained secret until a Wall Street Journal column revealed it on Friday. None of the three congressmen’s offices responded to The Daily Caller’s request for comment for this article. […]
Ellison attended Farrakhan’s Million Man March in 1995 and once publicly defended Farrakhan — who has repeatedly called Jews “Satanic” — against charges of anti-Semitism.
The following will give newcomers a brief overview of the documentation regarding Farrakhan’s endemic racist incitement and anti-Semitic hatred, which was well known long before his August 2015 explicit, videotaped call for mass murder against white people:
The broader context of Farrakhan’s explicit incitement and hatred
On August 13, 2015, Farrakhan was captured on video saying:
“White people deserve to die. And they know it!”
“Stalk them, and kill them and let them feel the pain of death that we are feeling!”
That he is seeking “10,000 fearless men who say death is sweeter than continued life under tyranny.”
As documented in Case Study 3.11 on this page, in 2017, On April 18, 2017, a black Muslim racist, Kori Ali Muhammad, went on a race-motivated murder spree against white people in Fresno, CA. Local and international news bureaus reported that witnesses said that both while he was shooting, and as he was arrested, Muhammad screamed “Allahu Akbar!” Three men, all white, soon lay dead. Muhammad also murdered a white motel clerk five days earlier. Soon after, it was discovered that Muhammad was a follower of Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam.
As documented in Case Study 3.18 on this page, HuffPost completely ignored all of these facts.
Who is Hassan Rouhani?
Here are some of the quotes of Rouhani, the president of Iran:
“Saying ‘Death to America’ is easy. We need to express ‘Death to America’ with action. Saying it is easy.” – May 8, 2013
“The beautiful cry of ‘Death to America’ unites our nation.” – May 1995
“If your definition of terrorist groups are Hezbollah(*) and Hamas, they are not terrorists. They are the kinds of groups who are fighting for the freedom of land.” – September 12, 2002 *Hezbollah is the Iran-funded terrorist group that murdered 241 American soldiers in 1983 in Beirut, Lebanon. Both it and Hamas have openly declared their intention to destroy America and Israel.
Rouhani answers to Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamaenei, who is notorious for publicly expressing Iran’s intent to destroy both America and Israel:
“You heard ‘Death to Israel’, ‘Death to the US.’ You could hear it. The whole nation was shaken by these slogans […] So we ask Almighty God to accept these prayers by the people of Iran.” – Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Supreme Leader, July 10, 2015
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story — which we argue is far more important than the story HuffPost ran
HuffPost’s story focuses on candidates for federal office. This story, however, is about sitting Congressional representatives’ willful collaboration with people who directly, explicitly incite and justify violence — including one who is the second-in-command of the Democratic Party. And it is for this reason that we contend that this story is far more important for the American people to be aware of, than the one that HuffPost ran.
Yet HuffPost completely ignored this story. A February 13, 2018 search — five days after the story broke in the Wall St. Journal — using the string “Keith Ellison Farrakhan Rouhani” returned zero results:
So what kinds of “news” stories did HuffPost decide were more important to feature on its front page, from February 9-13, instead of anything about this dinner, and its implications?
HuffPost has been advocating for, and defending Rep. Ellison, for years — including the imposition of a complete blockade of any articles that contain substantive criticism of him
This is all documented in a special page at SaveTheWest, here:
UPDATE, March 7, 2018: HuffPost did a PR interview with Rep. Ellison, in its offices, which it promoted at the top of its front page — yet never asked him a single question about his ties to Farrakhan, his lateste anti-Semitic, racist outburst in February 2018, or his dinner with Rouhani
Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.), the deputy chairman of the Democratic National Committee, became, all but officially, the lead proponent of single-payer health care in the House on Wednesday.
Ellison’s House colleagues gave their unanimous consent for him to replace Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.) as chief sponsor of H.R. 676, the Expanded and Improved Medicare for All Act. (Conyers is retiring at the end of his term under a cloud of sexual misconduct allegations.)
The move makes Ellison the most prominent House spokesman for once-marginal legislation that has become a rallying point for progressives across the country. The bill, which Conyers introduced for decades with little support, now enjoys the backing of a majority of the House Democratic Caucus.
A companion bill introduced by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) has the backing of more than one-third of the Senate Democratic Caucus, including virtually every rumored 2020 presidential candidate.
And this custom-produced video, apparently sponsored by Microsoft and Comcast:
Notice that HuffPost asked Ellison nothing about Farrakhan’s latest anti-Semitic, racist incitement speech, in late February 2018 — less than two weeks before this PR interview:
Rev. Louis Farrakhan gave a Saviours’ Day 2018 Address on Sunday in which he declared that “the powerful Jews are my enemy,” and “white folks are going down.”
The Chicago speech went widely unnoticed at first, but garnered more traction on Wednesday when excerpts were tweeted out. CNN anchor Jake Tapper, for example, tweeted out a thread of the keynote speech with some of his quotes, and said Farrakhan was more dangerous than other “alt-reich” leaders because he “has a much larger following and elected officials meet with him openly.”
“Jews were responsible for all of this filth and degenerate behavior that Hollywood is putting out, turning men into women and women into men,” Farrakhan said in his keynote speech.
“White folks are going down. And Satan is going down. And Farrakhan, by God’s grace, has pulled a cover off of that Satanic Jew, and I’m here to say your time is up, your world is through,” Farrakhan said towards the end of his speech.
HuffPost’s search engine proves it has completely ignored all of Keith Ellison’s scandals
A March 7, 2018 search using the string “Keith Ellison” returns only positive stories regarding him (screencap).
(3.22) RACIST BIAS AND INCITEMENT: HuffPost published a splash headline that claimed the man who murdered 17 students at a Florida high school was, definitively, a “white supremacist” — even though the rumor upon which it was based had already been debunked, was based on completely unproven allegations, and his targeted victims were apparently were all white
On February 14, 2018, a deranged 19-year-old man, Nikolas Cruz, barged into Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in the outskirts of Fort Lauderdale, FL, and murdered 16 students, 1 teacher, and injured dozens.
A rumor erupted that Cruz was a white supremacist — but was debunked by 1:17pm on February 15
The rumor was based on a completely unproven claim by the supposed leader of a little-known hate group in Florida, who claimed that he was affiliated with them. However, this story quickly fell apart, as national and local news media began reporting at 1:17pm the next day, February 15:
At 1:17pm on February 15,CBS News reported that local law enforcement had no evidence of this, and that the leader of the group had “walked back” his comments:
Then, at 1:44pm on February 15, the Tallahassee Democrat, part of the USA Today network, confirmed that based on existing evidence, Cruz was a not a member of this or any white supremacist group:
Local law enforcement sources have not found a connection between accused Parkland school shooter Nikolas Cruz and a Tallahassee-based paramilitary group.
Leon County law enforcement sources told the Tallahassee Democrat that they could not find information linking Cruz, 19, to the Republic of Florida Militia, as claimed by the group’s self-proclaimed leader Jordan Jereb.
His comments to the Anti-Defamation League and The Associated Press set off a media firestorm Thursday at about midday that Cruz was connected to the alt-right, white nationalist group.
Further, the Southern Poverty Law Center, which HuffPost cites regularly as the authority on hate crimes and groups — had dismissed Jereb as “a publicity seeker,” and claimed another FL hate group claimed he is “a nut job who should be avoided”:
Jereb has always been somewhat of a publicity seeker. In 2014, in fact, he wrote us to complain that we had not already listed ROF as a hate group. In April 2017, Michael Tubbs, the leader of the Florida chapter of the League of the South, a well-known hate group, wrote that Jereb ‘never misses a photo op’ and called him ‘a nut job who should be avoided.’
3:00pm: HuffPost definitively declared in a splash headline that Cruz was a white supremacist — then steadily downplayed its own claims, until three hours later, when it removed the story from its front page
Despite all the above evidence, shortly before 3:00pm, HuffPost published this splash headline that explicitly claimed “SHOOTER WAS A WHITE SUPREMACIST” (Wayback Machine link here):
Notice that HuffPost didn’t say Cruz was an “alleged” white supremacist, or was “claimed to be” a white supremacist. Its headline said, definitively, that he “SHOOTER WAS A WHITE SUPREMACIST.”
The “story” produced by the self-described “objective, professional” newspaper — which claims it “embrace(s) journalistic values like accuracy and fact checking” — provided absolutely no proof that Cruz was a white supremacist. It only contained the already-debunked claims about Cruz.
Soon after, HuffPost rewrote the headline of, and demoted its “news” story
By 4:47pm, HuffPost had rewritten its headline to read, “White supremacist group says Florida shooter attended their trainings.” (“trainings”? anyway….), and moved it to a sidebar blurb:
Three hours after publishing this inflammatory, false splash headline, HuffPost completely removed the story from its front page — and did not replace it with one informing its readers that they had been misinformed
Then, by 6:02pm, HuffPost completely removed the story from its front page:
Further as the search at the bottom of the screen, for the term “supremacist” proves, HuffPost did not replace this story with one that alerted its readers to the fact that it had misinformed them.
HuffPost’s acts and omissions in this incident could only result in worldwide incitement of racist hatred based on lies:
Aside from making this false, incendiary story its splash front page headline, it declared to its worldwide readers that Parkland was another incident of “white supremacism”.
As with all its other splash front page headline stories, HuffPost heavily pushed this false one through social media, until it began being repeated by other media throughout the world.
By not putting up a new splash headline on its front page to replace this one, informing its readers that they had been misled, and also heavily pushing it through social media, HuffPost deliberately left both its readers, and those who saw the original, false story, with the impression that it was accurate.
Rather than being an isolated incident, as the previous case studies on this page demonstrate, this was part of HuffPost’s long-term, deliberate pattern of inciting racial hatred against white people based on lies — while completely ignoring dozens of race-motivated hate crimes, perpetrated against whites by people of color (case studies below). And whether they’re aware of it or not, by purchasing advertising at HuffPost, many of America’s leading publicly-owned corporations are enabling its malicious, deliberate efforts to tear America (and the world) apart, based on inciting racial hatred and violence on a global scale.
Contrast how HuffPost rushed to give this fake, racially-inflammatory “news” story top coverage — to the fact that it consistently ignores actual stories about race-driven hate crimes, when the victims are white, and the perpetrators are people of color
Here are just some of the dozens of detailed case studies from this page:
(3.6) RACIST BIAS: HuffPost gave top coverage to a fake hate crime against a Muslim student — but completely ignored a white student who was beaten nearly to death because of his skin color
(3.7) RACIST BIAS: HuffPost gave top coverage to a “news” story in which it asked a convicted black rapist, who justified his attack on a white woman on racial grounds, what makes him “cry” — but completely ignored the video of a white man who was dragged out of his car and beaten by a black mob, because of his skin color
(3.9) RACIST BIAS: HuffPost gave front-page coverage to a Muslim woman who was asked in a restaurant if she has a green card — but completely ignored a U.S. soldier who was beaten nearly to death by a black mob, because of his skin color
(3.12) RACIST BIAS: HuffPost gave top coverage and credibility to a black Red Lobster waitress who (falsely) reported a racist message on a receipt from a white customer — but completely ignored a black racist who attempted to murder a white person on a NY subway, in front of witnesses, while shouting “I hate white people!”
(3.14) RACIST BIAS: October 2017: HuffPost ignored a racist attack upon an elderly white man by a black teen in New York, who shouted, “White people suck. I hate white people!”
(3.15) RACIST BIAS: HuffPost completely ignored a white woman who was physically assaulted on a NY train, on video, by a black man who used racial epithets against her — yet gave top, sustained coverage to two Muslim women who claimed they were insulted and spat at by a man, on a NY train, because of their faith
(3.16) RACIST BIAS: HuffPost completely ignored a violent, racist assault on a white woman, in front of witnesses, because they (falsely) assumed she was a Trump supporter — yet two days earlier, HuffPost gave top coverage to, and explicitly condemned several white Trump supporters who said unkind things to three Palestinian anti-Trump activists
Key questions
Why would HuffPost so easily engage in this kind of chronic incitement of racial hatred, which can only result in pitting Americans against Americans based on lies and distortions?
Why would HuffPost publish such an inflammatory, unproven allegation against this murderer — yet either refuse to report on, or whitewash more than four dozen Islamist terror attacks, plots and arrests, as documented on this page?
Why did HuffPost not employ its supposed top-level standards and practices, including “embrac[ing] journalistic values like accuracy, fact checking,” and “rigorous editorial policies and standards… to ensure that we maintain the highest level of journalistic integrity,” before creating this top story, which it spread throughout the world on social media? See the sources for these and many similar quotes here.
Why did HuffPost then completely remove the story from its front page, instead of putting up a new splash headline, admitting its error, how it happened, and the steps it is taking to never allow anything like it to happen again?
(3.23) RACIST BIAS: HuffPost consistently gives top publicity to stories that expose and condemn white people when they report fake, racially-motivated hate crimes against them — while ignoring actual hate crimes against them — but ignores the recent explosion of reported hate crimes against people in its Favored Groups, which were soon after discovered to be hoaxes, some of which it falsely legitimized on its front page
In recent years, there have been at least 60 proven incidents of allegations of hate crimes being perpetrated against people in HuffPost’s Favored Groups — primarily Muslims and black Americans, as documented on this page:
Yet HuffPost consistently ignores these hoaxes. Worse, in at least eighteen cases, HuffPost gave top publicity to stories of alleged hate crimes against people in its Favored Groups, often based on nothing more than a social media post, which soon after were proven to be hoaxes, after which it quietly removed the stories from its front page:
Furthermore, as documented at the end of Case Study 22, on this page, and in dozens of case studies on the following pages, HuffPost has consistently ignored racially-motivated hate crimes against white people:
Yet HuffPost gives top publicity to when white people were caught reporting racially-motivated hate crimes against them, that were proven to be hoaxes, HuffPost gave top publicity to
HuffPost consistently gives top publicity to stories that expose and condemn white people when they report fake, racially-motivated hate crimes against them. Here are but a few examples:
Example 1: HuffPost gave top publicity to a story about fake anti-white hate crimes reported at screenings of “Black Panther” within 12 hours of initial reports
Audiences for this week’s “Black Panther” premiere went all-out in celebration, and the film’s opening weekend is expected to break records at the box office. Unfortunately, the superhero movie, which boasts an almost entirely black cast and has been hailed for its positive representation of black people and African culture, has also brought the racist trolls out of the woodwork.
Since Thursday, numerous false reports have bubbled up on social media claiming that white viewers were physically attacked by black fans at showings of the movie. Twitter and Facebook users have been taking images from unrelated incidents and reposting them, falsely claiming that they are photos of themselves or loved ones after racially motivated attacks.
In one example, a Twitter user posted a photo showing the blood-covered face of a teenager who had been assaulted at a nightclub in Sweden last month, fact-checking website Snopes reports. The Twitter user, whose account has since been suspended, wrote, “i went to see #BlackPanther with my gf and a black teenager shouted ‘u at the wrong theater’ and smashed a bottle on her face.”
Note that according to HuffPost, it published this story at 12:51pm on Saturday, February 17, 2018 — barely one day into the weekend — and mere hours after these alleged incidents occurred:
In summary, within approximately twelve hours, HuffPost did all the research necessary to:
Sift through these reports of race-motivated hate crimes against white people
Determine they were fake (in part by validating Snopes’ research)
Organized the documentation to support its claims
Constructed this entire story
Example 2: HuffPost gave front-page coverage to a report of a white man who filed da false report of being stabbed because of his haircut
On August 29, 2017, HuffPost published on its front page this story, of a man who admitted he made up a hate crime that he alleged had been perpetrated against him:
A Colorado man who claimed he was stabbed by an antifa militant because of his neo-Nazi haircut now admits he made up the whole story. […]
Investigators reviewed surveillance video from the area, and found nothing resembling what Witt had described. Officers found a man matching the description provided by Witt ― a transient who was quickly cleared of any involvement, according to KUSA-TV.
Conclusion: These acts and omissions are further evidence of HuffPost’s long-standing, de facto policy of racist bias and incitement
In all of these cases, HuffPost enthusiastically exposed on its front page the fact that white people lied about what they themselves had done, but blamed on others.
Yet when HuffPost discovers that people in its Favored Groups lied about hate crimes being perpetrated against them… it just quietly removes the stories from its front page, leaving its readers with no indication that they were anything other than legitimate, thus:
Advancing its subversive agenda, to falsely depict America as a place where racist, anti-Muslim and anti-LGBT hate crimes are skyrocketing
Giving false legitimacy to fake hate crimes
Helping to pit Americans against Americans, based on these lies
Stoking resentment among people in its Favored Groups, by falsely causing them to believe that they are the targets of escalating hate crimes
Making it far more difficult for people in its Favored Groups who are victims of actual hate crimes to come forward, and be believed
Why would HuffPost engage in such shameful, deceptive and malicious activities? Only its senior management can answer that question. Contact them here.
(3.24) RACIST BIAS: HuffPost completely ignored a Hispanic illegal alien, DACA recipient, who was arrested for making a terrorist threat against a NY high school, days after the Parkland, FL high school massacre
On February 23, 2018, one week after the Parkland, FL high school massacre, news broke from Rochester, NY that an illegal alien made a terrorist threat against a local high school:
Rochester Police have arrested a 21-year-old student in the Rochester City School District after they said she made a credible threat against East High School.
Rochester Deputy Mayor Dr. Cedric Alexander and Deputy Chief La’Ron Singletary spoke at a news conference Friday afternoon.
According to Alexander, police were notified on February 16 about the threat being made against East High School. Staff within the Rochester City School District called police at 5:08 p.m about a threat posted on the East High School Facebook page. The threat said, “I’m coming tomorrow morning and I’m going to shoot all of ya bitches.”
RPD Deputy Chief La’Ron Singletary said it took investigators days to arrest track down because she made the threats from a fictitious social media account. It took time for investigators to track down the person to whom the account belonged.
When officers responded to the home of Abigail Hernandez on February 20, they said they found a shotgun inside the home. Police did not clarify if the shotgun was registered to Hernandez or anyone living at the home in which it was discovered.
Hernandez was arrested and charged with making a terroristic threat. She was remanded to the Monroe County Jail at the time in lieu of $15,000 bail.
So what kinds of “news” stories did HuffPost decide were more important to put on its front page, in the following days?
Here’s a sampling — starting with an original, sympathetic story about “Molly,” a pig that a Canadian couple adopted from an animal shelter — then ate:
For anyone who questions whether this is, in fact, racist incitement, consider how you would react if (a) the headline were reworded to read one of the following — and (b) it appeared at a right-wing website, notorious for its racist bias and incitement (as documented in the previous 24 case studies on this page), and for inciting and justifying political violence (as documented in this 4-minute video):
You Want To Be An Ally? Be Quiet And Know Your Place;The lesson of “[movie title]” for the black allyis this: learn to be the sidekick.
You Want To Be An Ally? Be Quiet And Know Your Place;The lesson of “[movie title]” for the Muslim ally is this: learn to be the sidekick.
Chances are you would be outraged — as would HuffPost, which would likely embark on another one of its “jihads,” to expose and condemn the site that published such racist incitement, and publicize how to complain to its advertisers.
Yet this latest effort by HuffPost to whip up worldwide racist hatred and bias was apparently supported and legitimized by Lending Tree, whose ad appears at the top of the page:
If you’d like to let Lending Tree’s senior management know your thoughts on this matter, and learn about whether appearing to sponsor and legitimize this racist incitement, click here. Please be polite and concise.
(3.26) RACIST BIAS: HufffPost gave top coverage to a story about a white woman who falsely alleged she was raped by three black men — yet invariably ignores such fake crimes, when reported by people in their Favored Groups, even when they are spared jail time
On February 27, 2018, HuffPost published this story on its front page:Clicking on that headline brought the reader to this story page:
A North Texas teenager who falsely claimed she was kidnapped and raped by three black men last March will likely serve no jail time. On Thursday, 19-year-old Breana Harmon of Pottsboro pleaded guilty to four felony charges of tampering with physical evidence and government documents in relation to false reports of kidnapping and sexual assault.
“She’s very remorseful for what she did and what she said, and that’s why she decided to plead guilty,” Harmon’s attorney Bob Jarvis told the Sherman Herald Democrat. No suspects were ever identified or arrested in the case.
Harmon will be sentenced March 20. Her plea deal has two possible punishments: regular probation or deferred adjudication, which often involves fulfilling a requirement, such as treatment or community service. Neither involves jail time.
As shown below, this is but one of a string of stories that HuffPost published on its front page, that publicizes what were discovered to be false reports by white people of crimes being perpetrated against them by people of color, in its “Favored Groups”
Audiences for this week’s “Black Panther” premiere went all-out in celebration, and the film’s opening weekend is expected to break records at the box office. Unfortunately, the superhero movie, which boasts an almost entirely black cast and has been hailed for its positive representation of black people and African culture, has also brought the racist trolls out of the woodwork.
Since Thursday, numerous false reports have bubbled up on social media claiming that white viewers were physically attacked by black fans at showings of the movie. Twitter and Facebook users have been taking images from unrelated incidents and reposting them, falsely claiming that they are photos of themselves or loved ones after racially motivated attacks.
In one example, a Twitter user posted a photo showing the blood-covered face of a teenager who had been assaulted at a nightclub in Sweden last month, fact-checking website Snopes reports. The Twitter user, whose account has since been suspended, wrote, “i went to see #BlackPanther with my gf and a black teenager shouted ‘u at the wrong theater’ and smashed a bottle on her face.”
Note that according to HuffPost, it published this story at 12:51pm on Saturday, February 17, 2018 — barely one day into the weekend — and mere hours after these alleged incidents occurred:
In summary, within approximately twelve hours, HuffPost did all the research necessary to:
Sift through these reports of race-motivated hate crimes against white people
Determine they were fake (in part by validating Snopes’ research)
Organized the documentation to support its claims
Constructed this entire story
Several months earlier, on August 29, 2017, HuffPost published on its front page this story, of a man who admitted he made up a hate crime that he alleged had been perpetrated against him:
A Colorado man who claimed he was stabbed by an antifa militant because of his neo-Nazi haircut now admits he made up the whole story. […]
Investigators reviewed surveillance video from the area, and found nothing resembling what Witt had described. Officers found a man matching the description provided by Witt ― a transient who was quickly cleared of any involvement, according to KUSA-TV.
In all of these cases, HuffPost enthusiastically exposed on its front page the fact that white people lied about what they themselves had done, but blamed on others.
Yet when HuffPost discovers that people in its Favored Groups lied about hate crimes being perpetrated against them… it just quietly removes the stories from its front page, leaving its readers with no indication that they were anything other than legitimate, thus:
Advancing its subversive agenda, to falsely depict America as a place where racist, anti-Muslim and anti-LGBT hate crimes are skyrocketing
Giving false legitimacy to fake hate crimes
Helping to pit Americans against Americans, based on these lies
Stoking resentment among people in its Favored Groups, by falsely causing them to believe that they are the targets of escalating hate crimes
Making it far more difficult for people in its Favored Groups who are victims of actual hate crimes to come forward, and be believed
Yet as shown in the more than 60 case studies on this page, however, HuffPost refuses to publicize discoveries when the fraudulent complainant is a person within its Favored Group.
Further, as documented in the 18 case studies on this page, this holds true even when HuffPost gave top coverage to the original allegations by people within its Favored Groups. When each was discovered to be fakes, HuffPost simply removed the story from its front page, and never put a new one in its place to alert readers that they had been lied to, thus leaving them with the false impression of rampant hate crimes against people in its Favored Groups. Some examples:
(2.2) October 2016, Cary, NC: A Muslim father claimed 7-year-old son endured extended physical assault on school bus, in front of witnesses; School, police investigations found zero evidence it ever took place
(2.6) November 2016, Charlotte, NC: A North Carolina teacher was accused of “relentless bullying and harassing” a five-year-old Muslim boy; Investigation revealed it never happened
(2.11) January 2018, Toronto, Canada: An 11-year-old Muslim girl claimed she was attacked by a man who cut her hijab, as she walked to school; Police soon after determined that this attack “did not happen”
(3.27) RACIST BIAS AND INCITEMENT: HuffPost completely ignored the latest anti-Semitic and racist incitement speech by Rev. Louis Farrakhan — yet gave top publicity to a racist smear against Rev. Billy Graham, as he lay in state at the U.S. Capitol [UPDATED: HuffPost rose to Khloe Kardashian’s defense against unfair “shaming”]
Continued from Case Studies 18 and 21 which document HuffPost’s long-term pattern of completely ignoring Farrakhan’s racist and anti-Semitic hatred and incitement to violence
Rev. Louis Farrakhan gave a Saviours’ Day 2018 Address on Sunday in which he declared that “the powerful Jews are my enemy,” and “white folks are going down.”
The Chicago speech went widely unnoticed at first, but garnered more traction on Wednesday when excerpts were tweeted out. CNN anchor Jake Tapper, for example, tweeted out a thread of the keynote speech with some of his quotes, and said Farrakhan was more dangerous than other “alt-reich” leaders because he “has a much larger following and elected officials meet with him openly.”
“Jews were responsible for all of this filth and degenerate behavior that Hollywood is putting out, turning men into women and women into men,” Farrakhan said in his keynote speech.
“White folks are going down. And Satan is going down. And Farrakhan, by God’s grace, has pulled a cover off of that Satanic Jew, and I’m here to say your time is up, your world is through,” Farrakhan said towards the end of his speech.
At 8:44am on February 28, 2018 CNN star Jake Tapper posted the following Tweet:
The difference between Farrakhan and some members of the alt-reich whose heinous bigotry has received a lot of attention this past year: Farrakhan has a much larger following and elected officials meet with him openly.
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story
A February 28, 2018 search using the string “Louis Farrakhan” returned zero relevant results:
Contrast HuffPost completely ignoring Farrakhan’s incitement of hate and violence — again — to the top publicity it gave to a racist smear against Rev. Billy Graham, as he lay in state at the U.S. Capitol
Also on February 28, 2018, HuffPost published on its front page this hateful, racist screed against Rev. Billy Graham — as he lay in state and was mourned in the U.S. Congress:
Clicking on that headline brought the reader to this story page:
And who is the writer, Anthea Butler, whose racist screed against Rev. Graham HuffPost chose to hoist to the forefront of its global readership? She has quite a history of racist incitement — which HuffPost either knew of, or should have known of:
♦ Butler has tweeted that “God is a white racist…carrying a gun and stalking young black men”
♦ Butler has tenure status and has boasted “I can’t get fired” after previous criticism for her tweets
Note that on the story page, it appears that mortgage giant LendingTree is visibly enabling and legitimizing HuffPost’s consistent strain of racist hate and incitement:
If you’d like to let Lending Tree’s senior management know your thoughts on this matter, click here. Please be polite and concise.
UPDATED: HuffPost rose to Khloe Kardashian’s defense against unfair “shaming”
Several hours after HuffPost published its racist smear against Rev. Graham, it published this “news” story at the top of its front page:
(3.28) RACIST BIAS: HuffPost completely ignored students at a publicly-funded Texas university who launched a magazine called “No Whites Allowed”
On March 1, 2018, Campus Reform published the following report:
A group of students at the University of Texas, San Antonio plans to start publishing a “No Whites Allowed” (NWA) magazine.
According to a Facebook event titled “Zine Release,” the magazine will be revealed on March 1 at La Botanica, which describes itself as “Texas’ first vegan restaurant with a full bar and performance and event venue.”
“Thursday at La Botanica from 8-11pm there will be the NWA Zine release party! This zine specifically features and promotes black and brown lgbtqa creatives,” the description states. “We hope to showcase our talent and create an open space for our voices to be heard.”
The description goes on to explain that “for a very long time, black and brown people, especially those who are queer, have been told that they don’t have a space. That they don’t have a voice or a say. With this we would like to create a space.”
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story
Note that on this search page, it appears that Quaker Oats is visibly enabling and legitimizing HuffPost’s racist bias and incitement. If you’d like to let Quaker Oats’s senior management know your thoughts on this matter, click here. Please be polite and concise.
(3.29) RACIST INCITEMENT: HuffPost falsely smeared an array of conservative public figures who attended the 2018 CPAC convention as “white supremacists,” at the top of its front page [UPDATE: HuffPost completely ignored numerous testimonials by Democratic activists who refuted such allegations]
On March 2, 2018, HuffPost published this story at the top of its front page:
Notice that it appears BMW is endorsing this incendiary headline — which we will soon see is libelous:
Clicking on that headline brought the reader to this story page:
The annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) always attracts its fair share of racists and conspiracy theorists looking to rub shoulders with respected, establishment Republican types.
But at 2018’s CPAC last week, it at times felt like the loons had taken control of the place. The Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center, just outside of Washington, D.C., was crawling with white nationalists.
Note that this story appeared to be endorsed and legitimized by Chevrolet:
The reality is that the vast majority of the people whom HuffPost smeared as “white nationalists” are mainline conservative activists, who have long stood against racial bias and incitement. Which is quite ironic, given that it is HuffPost that is one of the world’s biggest online purveyors of racist bias and incitement, as documented in the 28 previous case studies on this page (which is just a sampling of that which is in SaveTheWest data archives).
One “white supremacist” that HuffPost targeted is Dr. Sebastian Gorka, which it has libeled on repeated occasions, including in one richly-documented case study produced by SaveTheWest:
(3.1) April 2017: HuffPost used a previously-debunked smear against one of America’s most fervent supporters of Israel and the Jewish people as being among a “Nazi problem” within the GOP
In summary, more than a month after its previous smears against Gorka had been thoroughly debunked, HuffPost published a splash headline on its front page that targeted him, accompanied by a graphic that contains a lapel pin that doesn’t exist, but apparently had made for this purpose (physical, or Photoshopped):
While a small number of the people whom HuffPost accused of being “white nationalists” actually have said or done things that would indicate support for racial segregation or supremacy, the vast majority are actually the exact opposite of what it claims they are.
Contrast HuffPost’s racially-inciting smears to its self-professed standards and practices, which are one of the pretexts upon which many mainstream American corporations purchase advertising space:
“If you’re looking for the usual flame-throwing, name-calling, and simplistic attack dog rhetoric … don’t bother coming to the Huffington Post.”
“[At HuffPost] there are guidelines that have to be followed — and they include a prohibition on conspiracy theories or inflammatory claims […] what the great historian Richard Hofstadter called ‘the paranoid style in American politics,’ which he defined as angry minds that traffic in ‘heated exaggeration, suspiciousness, and conspiratorial fantasy,’ and that see ‘the fate of conspiracy in apocalyptic terms… always manning the barricades of civilization’.”
“The Huffington Post has in place rigorous editorial policies and standards… to ensure that we maintain the highest level of journalistic integrity.”
“[W]e are increasingly seen … as an Internet newspaper, not positioned ideologically in terms of how we cover the news.”
If you’d like to let BMW and Chevrolet know your thoughts on their apparent enabling and legitimizing of HuffPost’s incessant racist bias and incitement, please click on the following links to discover who to contact, and their values statements:
HuffPost completely ignored both of these articles.
(3.30) RACIST BIAS: HuffPost gave top, detailed, original coverage to a previously unknown teacher in FL who allegedly operates a white supremacist Internet radio show — but continues to completely ignore Louis Farrakhan’s racist incitement, and the incitement of radical imams on U.S. soil [UPDATED: HuffPost gloated over its report being credited with leading to teacher’s firing]
On March 3, 2018, HuffPost published this story at the top of its front page:
Clicking on that headline brought the reader to this story page:
Dayanna Volitich, a 25-year-old social studies teacher at Crystal River Middle School in Florida, has been secretly hosting the white nationalist podcast “Unapologetic” under the pseudonym “Tiana Dalichov” and bragging about teaching her views in a public school, HuffPost has discovered.
In her most recent podcast on Feb. 26, a guest railed against diversity in schools, dismissing the idea that “a kid from Nigeria and a kid who came from Sweden are supposed to learn exactly the same” and have the “same IQ.” Volitich enthusiastically agreed with the guest, and went on to argue that “science” has proven that certain races are smarter than others.
In the same episode, Volitich boasted about bringing her white nationalist beliefs into the classroom and hiding her ideology from administrators. She said that when parents complained to the school’s principal about how she is injecting political bias into the classroom, Volitich lied to the principal and said it was not true.
The article goes into great detail about Volitich’s alleged statements, screencaps of her Tweets, and more.
Contrast this to how HuffPost completely ignores the racist rants of highly influential radical Islamists
In total, this is a well-done expose’, that should chill any reasonable, freedom-loving, tolerant American.
Which is precisely why it stands out so much — because whereas Volitich was completely unknown to this point, and has an apparently miniscule following, HuffPost has completely ignored:
The rantings of highly influential radical Islamists on U.S. soil, especially Louis Farrakhan, who has hundreds of thousands if no millions of followers, around the world
The fact that one of Farrakhan’s followers murdered four white men in California, less than a year after he called for the mass murder of whites
The fact that there have been more than a dozen radical imams on U.S. soil who have been caught openly inciting hatred and violence against Jews and members of the LGBT community — including, in one incident, in Orlando, two months before the Pulse nightclub massacre
Examples of sermons by radical Islamists that HuffPost has completely ignored
Rev. Louis Farrakhan gave a Saviours’ Day 2018 Address on Sunday in which he declared that “the powerful Jews are my enemy,” and “white folks are going down.” […]
“Jews were responsible for all of this filth and degenerate behavior that Hollywood is putting out, turning men into women and women into men,” Farrakhan said in his keynote speech.
“White folks are going down. And Satan is going down. And Farrakhan, by God’s grace, has pulled a cover off of that Satanic Jew, and I’m here to say your time is up, your world is through,” Farrakhan said towards the end of his speech.
Three Democratic congressmen attended a private dinner hosted by Iranian President Hassan Rouhani in 2013, a new report reveals.
Reps. Keith Ellison of Minnesota, Andre Carson of Indiana and Gregory Meeks of New York attended the private dinner, along with Louis Farrakhan, a notorious anti-Semite who leads the black supremacist group Nation of Islam.
(2.2) HuffPost completely ignored the fact that two months before the Pulse massacre, a notoriously homophobic imam from England gave a sermon in Orlando, FL, where he claimed — on video — that Muslims must murder gays
(2.3) HuffPost completely ignored the fact that another notoriously homophobic imam, from Syria, also preached in Central Florida, that Muslims must murder gays
(2.4) HuffPost ignored the fact that two other notoriously homophobic imams, from Iran, spoke in 2016 at mosques in Silicon Valley and England
(2.5) May 2017, Orlando, FL: HuffPost completely ignored a tip that still another notorious, violence-inciting, homophobic imam was scheduled to speak at an Orlando mosque
(49) July 2017, Davis, CA: HuffPost completely ignored an imam who was captured on video during sermon at Islamic center, calling for the murder of all Jews, everywhere
(50) July 2017, Riverside, CA: HuffPost completely ignored an imam who was captured on video during sermon at an Islamic center — which was attended by jihadists who murdered 14 in San Bernadino in 2015 — calling on Muslims to wage jihad against Jews, to help Allah destroy them
(76) December 2017, New Jersey: HuffPost completely ignored an imam who was caught preaching for the murder of all Jews, everywhere
(77) December 2017: HuffPost completely ignored a Texas imam who proclaimed, on video, that Jews must be murdered
UPDATE, March 4, 2018: HuffPost gloated over its report being credited with leading to teacher’s firing
A Florida middle school social studies teacher was removed from the classroom while her school district investigates a HuffPost report that she hosted a white supremacist podcast under a pseudonym, shared anti-Semitic conspiracy theories and suggested that Muslims be eradicated from the planet.
Dayanna Volitich won’t teach classes at Crystal River Middle School during the investigation, which began Friday after HuffPost raised questions about the podcast, Citrus County School District Superintendent Sandra Himmel said in a statement Sunday:
Key question for HuffPost management
While in this case, HuffPost performed a noble journalistic deed, why does it completely ignore the incitement of hatred and violence perpetrated by notorious, influential Islamists and others, against:
Members of the LGBT community
White people
Only HuffPost’s senior management can answer these questions. You can ask them here.
(3.31) RACIST BIAS: HuffPost completely ignored a black man who was charged with murdering six white people in Kansas City, and who publicly claimed, “Kill all white people!” — yet consistently gives top, detailed coverage to its false, racist smears against white conservatives
A black man suspected of fatally shooting five white men, four of them along Kansas City biking and hiking trails, once threatened to “kill all white people,”The Kansas City Star reported.
Court documents related to a three-year-old harassment citation say Fredrick Demond Scott, 22, made the statement in January 2014 while threatening to carry out a “Columbine-style” school shooting, according to the Star. […]
Scott was handed a suspended 180-day sentence for his 2014 threats against the Center Alternative School. He also was found guilty of shoplifting in 2016 and was cited for assaulting his mother in 2013, according to the Star.
A Missouri man who threatened to ‘kill all white people’ and was already charged with slaughtering three in the Kansas City area was indicted Friday in the murders of three other people.
Frederick Demond Scott, a 23-year-old black man, is now charged in the murders of five white men and one white woman in total, although investigators and prosecutors have not discussed a motive for the killings.
After the indictments, Scott faces a total of six counts of first-degree murder and six counts of armed criminal action in a string of killings that began in August 2016. […]
Scott made his comment about wanting to kill people while he was a student in January 2014 at an alternative school near Kansas City, according to a municipal citation for harassment regarding the case.
Also on March 3, 2018, the NY Postpublished the following story, sourced from the AP (HuffPost’s most frequently-cited news wire):
A man already charged with killing three people in the Kansas City area was indicted Friday in the deaths of three more men, all of whom were shot in apparently unprovoked attacks along or near hiking trails, Jackson County prosecutors said.
The suspect, Frederick Demond Scott, a 23-year-old black man, once threatened to “kill all white people.” All the victims were white, but investigators and prosecutors have not discussed a motive for the killings.
After the indictments, Scott faces six counts of first-degree murder and six counts of armed criminal action in a string of killings that began in August 2016. The last killing currently linked to Scott occurred Aug. 13, 2017. He has pleaded not guilty in the previous three cases. […]
Scott was indicted Friday in the deaths of David Lenox, 67, Timothy Rice, 57, and Michael Darby, 61.
The first victim was John Palmer, 54, who was shot Aug. 19, 2016. His body was dragged off the Indian Creek Trail and was found in nearby woods. The last victim, Steven Gibbons, 57, died Aug. 13, 2017, after he got off a bus in south Kansas City. The woman, 64-year-old Karen Harmeyer, was found in her tent by friends.
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story
A March 4, 2018 search — seven months after this story broke — using the string “Fredrick Demond Scott” returned zero results:
Note that on the search page, it appears that Nissan and Northwestern University are visibly enabling and legitimizing HuffPost’s racist bias and incitement. If you’d like to let their senior management know your thoughts on this matter, click Nissan and Northwestern University. Please be polite and concise.
(3.32) RACIST BIAS: HuffPost completely ignored a white boy who was chronically harassed by black students at his school, then, after he reported it, woke up to find racist death threats painted on his family’s home
Joey Messina is soft-spoken. A first honors student at Mastery Charter Thomas Campus, the 12-year-old loves baseball, but Joey can’t shake the troublemakers at school.
“They don’t like me, they never did,” he says.
Overnight, this seventh-grader’s schoolyard differences followed him home, spray-painted for all to see on his South Philadelphia home where he lives with his parents and two younger siblings.
The threatening racially-charged words cut deep. “I turned around and just went, ‘Oh my God.’ I called him and said, ‘Hurry up, get out here and look at this,’” Margaux Messina, Joey’s mom, said. […]
Joey’s mom and dad say their son was targeted because of his race. The family is white.
They have police reports documenting a 6-on-1 school hallway attack that happened three weeks ago.
“And then they all started coming in and punching my back, I was covering my face,” the younger Messina said.
The Messinas accuse staff at Mastery Charter Thomas Campus of looking the other way.
“They let them run that school. It’s a shame to say, they really do,” Margaux Messina said. “They don’t care about the gangs in there, they deny that when there really is.”
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story
So what kinds of “news” stories did HuffPost publish on its front page in the days after this story broke?
Here’s a sampling — starting with a sympathetic, original story that HuffPost wrote about “Molly,” a pig whom a Canadian couple adopted from an animal shelter — then ate:
This “news” story appeared on HuffPost’s front page on February 24, 2018.
(3.33) RACIST INCITEMENT: HuffPost South Africa ordered by press ombudsman to apologize for publishing racist incitement and fake news (again)
This was the second time in seven months that HuffPost was ordered to apologize for its incitement of racist hate and violence in South Africa; see Case Study 3.5
The Press Ombudsman found that Huffington Post South Africa should apologise to AfriForum in public after publishing fake news, which comes down to a serious contravention of the press code of ethics and conduct in South Africa.
This follows the publication of an article by Pieter du Toit, editor of Huffington Post South Africa on 30 July this year entitled Morake: A victim of South Africa’s “Bell Pottinger” – Solidarity and AfriForum thrive on ethnic mobilisation and false narratives. Now they have a popular radio presenter in their sights on Huffington Post South Africa. […]
The Press Ombudsman found that Du Toit indeed had the right to express his opinions, but that there were no grounds to attribute to AfriForum certain allegations as fact. Huffington Post South Africa must publish an apology to AfriForum on their website.
(3.34) RACIST BIAS: HuffPost gave top coverage to an alleged white supremacist who was indicted for gun charges, said he wanted to perpetrate a mass violence attack against various minority groups, and struck a plea deal — while continuing to completely ignore black and Muslim supremacists who openly incite or perpetrate such violence
On March 7, 2018, HuffPost featured this headline on its front page:
Clicking on that headline brought the reader to this story page:
A South Carolina white supremacist who praised racist mass shooter Dylann Roof and longed to commit violence against Jews, Muslims and people of color has reached a plea deal with federal prosecutors that will likely result in a relatively short stint in federal prison.
Benjamin Thomas Samuel McDowell, a 30-year-old from Conway, South Carolina, was arrested in an FBI sting in February 2017 after he purchased a disabled weapon from an undercover FBI agent who McDowell believed was a member of a white supremacist organization. The feds said McDowell, who has white supremacist tattoos, believed white supremacists needed to turn their talk into action, and that he expressed a desire to “do something on a fucking big scale.”
As part of a deal with federal prosecutors, McDowell pleaded guilty last week to a single count of being a felon in possession of a firearm and ammunition. While the charge carries a maximum sentence of 10 years, McDowell’s sentencing range will be between 10 months and just over three years. The plea agreement isn’t binding, so the judge could potentially give him a lengthier sentence. But as part of the deal, McDowell has the right to appeal if he’s sentenced to more than three years and one month behind bars.
A casual review indicates that this is a reasonably accurate and necessary story, about a person whose hate and desire to perpetrate violence was, and should be publicly revealed. However, a closer examination of the story, and how HuffPost presented it, reveals further proof of its endemic political and racial bias:
HuffPost included McDowell’s picture prominently in the headline, and story page; yet as shown throughout the previous 33 case studies on this page, it either ignores actual violent hate crimes when perpetrated by persons within its Favored Groups (generally Muslims and black Americans), or leaves their pictures out of the stories.
HuffPost buried the mitigating circumstances that explained why prosecutors were amenable to a shorter sentence for McDowell; notably, as its own story page admits:
[H]is federal public defender said McDowell was diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder and bipolar disorder. McDowell’s “cognitive functioning is very low” and his intellectual ability is “significantly below average,” according to a prior court filing, which indicated he’d received disability benefits until he was 18 because he was classified as mentally disabled.
Contrast how HuffPost buried the details of McDowell’s mental condition, to the way that it gave fourstraightdaysof front-page, sympathetic coverage to Alfredo Prieto, a convicted mass-murderer — because he allegedly had a mental disability that he argued should keep him from death row:
(3.35) RACIST BIAS: HuffPost completely ignored the anti-Semitic conspiracy theories voiced by a black Congressman, after he was exposed for his ties to Louis Farrakhan
Rep. Andre Carson (D-IN)
Please see Cases Studies 18, 21, 27 and 30 for background on the notorious racist and anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan, senior Congressional Democrats’ long-term affiliations with him, and HuffPost’s racist refusal to report on any of it — while consistently giving top coverage to white people who engage in hate speech against people of color, Muslims and others in its Favored Groups.
February 5, 2018: A senior Democratic Congressman rejected criticism of Farrakhan, and called him “an outstanding human being”
Democratic Illinois Rep. Danny Davis defended Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan as an “outstanding human being” on Monday.
Farrakhan is known for embracing radically anti-Semitic and anti-white views, as even the left-wing Southern Poverty Law Center has acknowledged. Farrakhan’s history of racially extreme comments includes blaming Jews for the September 11 attacks, saying white people “deserve to die” and praising Adolf Hitler as a “very great man.”
February 28: Louis Farrakhan delivered his latest racist, anti-Semitic screed during a videotaped sermon on February 25
On February 28, 2018 the Washington Examiner reported:
Rev. Louis Farrakhan gave a Saviours’ Day 2018 Address on Sunday in which he declared that “the powerful Jews are my enemy,” and “white folks are going down.”
The Chicago speech went widely unnoticed at first, but garnered more traction on Wednesday when excerpts were tweeted out. CNN anchor Jake Tapper, for example, tweeted out a thread of the keynote speech with some of his quotes, and said Farrakhan was more dangerous than other “alt-reich” leaders because he “has a much larger following and elected officials meet with him openly.”
“Jews were responsible for all of this filth and degenerate behavior that Hollywood is putting out, turning men into women and women into men,” Farrakhan said in his keynote speech.
“White folks are going down. And Satan is going down. And Farrakhan, by God’s grace, has pulled a cover off of that Satanic Jew, and I’m here to say your time is up, your world is through,” Farrakhan said towards the end of his speech.
March 6: HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored Farrakhan’s racist, anti-Semitic rant
A March 6, 2018 search using the string “Louis Farrakhan” returned zero relevant results:
Note that on the search page, it appears that State Farm and AstraZeneca (maker of Zyrtec) are visibly enabling and legitimizing HuffPost’s anti-Semitic bias and incitement.
If you’d like to let the senior management of these corporations know your thoughts on this matter, click State Farm and AstraZeneca. Please be polite and concise.
March 6: A major Jewish organization called for all the Congressional representatives who have admitted to long-term ties to Farrakhan to resign
The Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC) on Tuesday called on seven prominent lawmakers to resign, accusing them of having close ties to Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, who drew criticism recently after a speech full of anti-Semitic remarks.
“Anti-Semitism is unacceptable. Farrakhan is the moral equivalent of a leader of the KKK. If it was discovered that members of Congress had met with the leader of the KKK, they would need to resign. In this case, for meeting with, and embracing, Louis Farrakhan, nothing short of resignation is acceptable from these seven Democrats,” the group said in a statement on Tuesday.
March 9, 2018: Rep. Carson would not respond to criticisms of his affiliation with Farrakhan, and instead advancd libelous anti-Semitc conspiracy thoeries
On Friday, Rep. Andre Carson (D-IN) admitted to meeting with radical Nation of Islam Minister Louis Farrakhan in the past and then appeared to defend himself by attacking Jews.
Fox 59 anchor Angela Ganote asked Carson to address the scandal and the Republican Jewish Coalition’s call for him and six other Democrats to resign for meeting with Farrakhan, who has openly praised Hitler in the past.
Carson responded by attacking the Republican Jewish Coalition, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and Israel’s government.
“That organization doesn’t have any credibility with me. I know they have a political agenda,” Carson replied. “The Congressional Black Caucus is asking that organization to condemn Benjamin Netanyahu and the government for discriminating against Africans who are migrating, who are fleeing dictatorships, who are fleeing oppression. There’s a great deal of bigotry and racism happening right now that they failed to condemn.”
March 11: HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored Rep. Carson’s anti-Semitic libels and deflection
March 10: Instead of covering any of this endorsement of Farrakhan’s racist, anti-Semitic hate and incitement of violence, by at least seven senior Democratic members of Congress, HuffPost published at the top of its front page an unverified allegation of racist bias by President Trump
(3.36) RACIST BIAS AND INCITEMENT: After a series of bombings in Austin, TX, HuffPost published on its front page an allegation that they were due to white racism, and another that the bomber was a conservative — but buried his recorded confession that he was motivated by neither politics or race
Beginning in mid-February 2018, bombs were sent to random parties in Austin, TX. HuffPost initially blamed it on endemic white racism, in a scathing article at the top of its front page:
As documented in the preceding 35 case studies on this page, this allegation — without any proof whatsoever that this bombing spree was motivated by racism — was part of HuffPost’s long-term pattern of inciting racist hatred in America, and beyond. As it turned out, this allegation was proved completely false, just as are so many of HuffPost’s bombastic, racist lies.
After the bomber was apprehended, HuffPost rushed to the top of its front page an alleged blog in which he expressed conservative views…
Five days later, on March 21, 2018, the perpetrator was identified, and blew himself up as police closed in. Within hours, HuffPost rushed this story to the top of its front page:
… yet buried beyond its readers’ view the fact that it new, hours earlier, that the bomber recorded a confession, that obliterated its lie that this was due to politics or race
Before HuffPost even published the above story, it was aware that the bomber had recorded a 25-minute video confession, shortly before the police closed in on him. The recording revealing that his motivations had zero to do with politics or race. The following is a screencap of Fox News’s front page, at the same time the above screencap was taken of HuffPost’s:
Mark Anthony Conditt, the man linked to the deadly bombings that rocked Austin, Texas, and surrounding areas over the past month, recorded a 25-minute-long “confession” to his crimes, police said late Wednesday.
Officers located the recording, in which Conditt, 23, described creating seven devices, including one he blew up to kill himself, Austin Police Chief Brian Manley said at a news conference. The recording was made on a phone, which was found in the suspect’s possession following the confrontation with police.
In the recording, the suspect did not mention “anything about terrorism, nor does he mention anything about hate,” the police chief said. The message is rather “the outcry of a very challenged young man talking about challenges in his personal life.”
HuffPost was well aware of the confession tape; one of its “journalists” wrote an article that contained the police chief’s quote about it, which it published at 7:35pm:
Yet HuffPost kept this story off its front page; as this screencap taken at 11pm on March 21 shows that the word “confession” is nowhere on the front page:
(37) RACIST BIAS: HuffPost completely ignored a black radical Islamist who murdered his wife and 8-year-old daughter, and attempted to murder his son, while yelling, “Allahu Akbar!”
When Walter Ballard ran into his buddy Ronnie Oneal four days ago, nothing about him foreshadowed the horror that was to come. […]
The first of two bizzare 911 calls came about 11:43 p.m.
A female caller pleaded for help, saying she had been shot, and a male is overheard in the background yelling, “Allah Akbar,” according to the Sheriff’s Office.
In a news release, the Sheriff’s Office gave this account of what happened next:
At one point, the female caller seems to say, “I’m so sorry Ronnie,” as she screams loudly. A male can be heard saying, “She killed me,” and, “Don’t come outside, call 911 now,” according to the news release.
In a second call, about 11:51 p.m., a male caller says, “I’ve just been attacked by some white demons.” He then says, “Her name is Ke-Ke and she tried to kill me and I just killed her.”
The caller provided an address, 13248 Pike Lake Dr., and then the line went dead. The number was later confirmed as belonging to Oneal.
Sheriff’s deputies arrived at the scene about 11:49 p.m. to find Barron in the front yard of a house next door, at 13246 Pike Lake Dr. Deputies and a crew from Hillsborough County Fire Rescue were helping her when they noticed what appeared to be a fire starting in the home at 13248 Pike Lake Dr.
Deputies forced their way into the home just as the automatic garage door opened and Oneal walked out toward them.
Deputies ordered him to stop and get on the ground a number of times but he ignored them, so they fired their electronic weapons, incapacitating him, the Sheriff’s Office said.
Oneal was placed in the back of a deputy’s vehicle and began repeating, “Allah Akbar,” deputies said. The Arabic phrase “Allahu Akbar” means “God is greatest.”
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story
So what kinds of “news” stories did HuffPost decide were more worthy of being on its front page than anything about this jihadist attack?
Here’s a sampling of the “news” stories that HuffPost put on its front page on March 20 and 21 — starting with an expert analysis of actor Ben Affleck’s back tattoos, for twostraight days, at the top of its front page:
(38) March 2018: RACIST BIAS: A HuffPost editor boasted of its racially discriminatory publishing standards, geared against white authors
Hat tip to Rob Shimshock of the Daily Caller, for revealing this latest example of HuffPost’s racism, here.
On March 14, 2018, HuffPost’s “Deputy Opinion Editor” openly admitted, on Twitter, that the “nonpartisan” newspaper for which she works is applying a racist publishing and hiring standards, with the explicit intent to reduce the presence of “white authors,” while boosting others. Specifically, she said:
Our goals for this month were: less than 50% white authors (check!), Asian representation that matches or exceeds the US population (check!)…
Here is her Tweet:
Our goals for this month were: less than 50% white authors (check!), Asian representation that matches or exceeds the US population (check!), more trans and non-binary authors (check, but I want to do better).
Consider the “journalistic” philosophy at work here:
HuffPost is explicitly making an author’s race a determining factor in whether or not they get hired, and if and when they get published.
HuffPost views and judges people not “on the content of their character,” as Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. advocated, but based on the color of their skin.
In summary, HuffPost is saying that if it gets a bonanza of superb, timely article submissions by white authors regarding an issue in the news, while at the same time getting a slew of sub-standard, irrelevant or hate-filled articles by its preferred groups (non-white), it will deliberately reject some or many of the former, to make room for the latter — based entirely on the author’s skin color.
HuffPost is legitimizing and mainstreaming the anti-white racist hatred that it has been inciting and legitimizing, in the U.S. and beyond, as documented in the previous 37 case studies on this page.
Aside from being legally questionable, these practices are racist at their core. Yet in this incident, HuffPost not only admits what it is doing, its “deputy opinion editor” is proudly boasting of it, publicly.
This is just one more, blatant example of how HuffPost segregates society by race and enthnicity, and makes its hiring and publishing decisions based solely on those factors.
Do HuffPost’s array of blue-chip, sharholder-owned corporations really know what they are paying to enable, by purchasing advertising there? Especially given the previous 37 case studies of HuffPost’s racist bias and incitement, contained on this page?
(3.39) April 2018: RACIST BIAS AND INCITEMENT: HuffPost gave top coverage to its depiction of four NYPD officers as racist murderers, on what it knew was a false and grossly decontextualized basis, then ignored, downplayed and whitewashed information that exonerated them
HuffPost published a front page splash headline that claimed NYPD officers “Fatally Shoot Unarmed Black Man On Brooklyn Street.”
HuffPost knew at the time that he was shot only because numerous people called 911 to report he was pointing a gun in people’s faces, then when confronted by NYPD officers, assume a “shooting stance,” pointing what appeared to be a gun at them, at which point they opened fire.
Soon after the NYPD released surveillance video of what preceded the 911 calls, which confirmed what witnesses and police reported — but HuffPost did not publish a new headline to indicate this for another 30 hours. Instead, it continued depicting the man as a victim of white police officers’ racism, and gave top coverage to his family calling the officers “murderers.”
Other information emerged about the man, as having had nearly twenty years of severe mental illness, resulting in bizarre, violent criminal behavior, in which he threatened to attack his mother, and laid in the street, eating rocks. HuffPost completely ignored all of this information
See the detailed documentation at:
(1.24) April 2018: HuffPost gave top coverage to its depiction of four NYPD officers as racist murderers, on what it knew was a false and grossly decontextualized basis, then ignored, downplayed and whitewashed information that exonerated them
(3.40) April 2018: RACIST BIAS AND INCITEMENT: HuffPost gave two days of top-of-the-front page coverage to its opinion that a black teen was sentenced to an unfairly severe term for a crime he was convicted of committing — but completely ignored news that four black men who were convicted to gang-raping a 13-year-old girl were sentenced only to probation
(3.7) RACIST BIAS: HuffPost gave top coverage to a “news” story in which it asked a convicted black rapist, who justified his attack on a white woman on racial grounds, what makes him “cry” — but completely ignored the video of a white man who was dragged out of his car and beaten by a black mob, because of his skin color
On April 7, 2018, HuffPost published this original news story at the top of its front page, as verified by this full-page screencap from the Wayback Machine (Internet Archive):
HuffPost left this story at the top of its front page through April 8, as well.
A judge on Thursday sentenced an Alabama teenager to 65 years in prison for a series of crimes, including murder, even though a police officer was the one who actually killed the victim.
An Alabama teen laughed Thursday as a judge sentenced him to 65 years in prison for murder and theft after he rejected a plea deal that would have given him 25 years behind bars.
Lakeith Smith, 18, of Montgomery, Ala., was sentenced to 65 years by Judge Sibley Reynolds for “felony murder, armed burglary, second-degree theft and third-degree theft,” FOX8 LIVE reported.
Smith smiled and laughed while being sentenced at the Elmore County courthouse. He had turned down a plea deal that would have recommended he spend 25 years in prison on the charges.
“I don’t think Mr. Smith will be smiling long when he gets to prison,” C.J. Robinson, chief assistant district attorney, said.
HuffPsot knew why Smith was sentenced to such a long term, and his reaction to the sentence
HuffPost either ignored or suppressed this information
HuffPost did these things in order to depict him as a victim of racist bias in America’s judicial system, and in doing so, continue its incessant effort to whip up racist hatred among black people in America, and beyond
Yet HuffPost completely ignored news that four black men who were convicted to gang-raping a 13-year-old girl were sentenced only to probation
Contrast HuffPost’s outrage at, and whitewashing of the above case, to this one, which happened to news of four black men who were convicted of gang-raping a 13-year-old girl, who, according to court testimony by the victim’s grandmother, “never be able to have children.”
On April 3, 2018, news broke from Colorado Springs, CO about the case:
There will be no jail time for two men involved in the brutal gang-rape of a 13-year-old girl.
Like two other defendants before them Tommy Williams, 20, and Clarence Williams, 19, each received a minimum of 10 years of sex offender intensive supervised probation, with a maximum of life on probation.
The family of the young victim was outraged after learning the sentence Tuesday.
“There was six of them and they gang-raped my granddaughter,” said the girl’s grandfather, who got in a shouting match with the Williams’ family members and was forced to leave. He protested the plea bargain, angrily stating the men should do time.
A family in Colorado is outraged after two men, who were accused of gang-raping a 13-year-old girl with their brothers and cousins, were only sentenced to probation.
Tommy Williams, 20, and Clarence Williams, 19, were each sentenced on Tuesday to a minimum of 10 years of sex offender intensive supervised probation, with a maximum of life on probation, KKTV reported. […]
The group of suspects — some of whom are reportedly related as cousins or brothers and identified as Jacolby Williams, Tyron Williams, James Williams, and a juvenile, in addition to Tommy and Clarence — were with the girl on Dec. 19, according to The Gazette. […]
In January 2017, Tyron Williams was also sentenced to 10 years to life of sex offender intense supervised probation. Before his sentencing, he apologized to the victim and her family, and reportedly said that “If I knew she was underage, it wouldn’t have happened in the first place.”
James Williams was sentenced in August 2016 to five years of probation, and the unidentified juvenile reportedly has an impending court date.
From left to right in top row, Tyron Williams, Clarence Williams and Jacolby Williams, and left to right in bottom row, James Williams and Tommy Williams were all accused of gang-raping a 13-year-old girl in December 2016. (Colorado Springs Police Department via KOAA, via Fox News)
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story
On April 25, 2017, newly-installed HuffPost executive editor Lydia Polgreen wrote an editorial that appeared at the top of HuffPost’s front page, the subhead of which claimed:
We’ve got a new name, look and mission ― to tell the stories of people who have been left out of the conversation.
Under Polgreen’s leadership, however:
HuffPost decided that due to racial factors, the 13-year-old girl who was gang-raped by six men, who she saw get only probation after being convicted of this crime, deserved absolutely no coverage.
HuffPost decided to evoke sympathy at the top of its front page, for two straight days, for a man who was convicted of armed burglary, second-degree theft and third-degree theft, turned down a plea deal, and was convicted an sentenced to a long term in prison.
Do HuffPost’s array of blue-chip, sharholder-owned corporations really know what they are paying to enable, by purchasing advertising there? Especially given the previous 39 case studies of HuffPost’s racist bias and incitement, contained on this page?
Note that Target and Chevrolet appear to be visibly enabling and legitimizing HuffPost’s racist bias and incitement, as documented in this case study. If, after reading the rest of this case study, you’d like to let their senior executives know your thoughts on this matter, click on the link. Please be polite and concise.
(3.41) RACIST BIAS: HuffPost flew a “journalist” to a tiny town in Georgia, to cover what he acknowledged was a “tiny” gathering of neo-Nazis — yet it completely ignored what was promoted to be a rally of more than 100,000 supporters of Louis Farrakhan, the most powerful and notorious anti-Semite in America, in front of the White House — mere steps from its DC office [UPDATED]
See update here, proving the depths to which HuffPost consistently ignores hate crimes and incidents perpetrated by Farrakhan and his supporters — yet gives top coverage, including its custom-produced videos, to what it admits are “tiny” gatherings of white nationalists who hold rallies, etc.
(3.18) RACIST BIAS: HuffPost completely ignored a videotaped speech by Louis Farrakhan, the notoriously racist and anti-Semitic black leader of the Nation of Islam, in which he called for 10,000 of his followers to “rise up” and murder white people — yet it consistently gives top coverage to its smearing and vilifying white Christians who support traditional marriage, and one who voiced opposition to yoga
(3.21) RACIST INCITEMENT AND BIAS: HuffPost gave top, detailed coverage to those whom it accuses of being white nationalists/anti-Semites who are running for Congress — but completely ignored the fact that three members of the Congressional Black Caucus, including Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN), the deputy chair of the Democratic National Committee, had dinner with Rev. Louis Farrakhan, and the President of Iran, two of the world’s most notorious anti-Semites
(3.27) RACIST BIAS AND INCITEMENT: HuffPost completely ignored the latest anti-Semitic and racist incitement speech by Rev. Louis Farrakhan — yet gave top publicity to a racist smear against Rev. Billy Graham, as he lay in state at the U.S. Capitol
(3.30) RACIST BIAS: HuffPost gave top, detailed, original coverage to a previously unknown teacher in FL who allegedly operates a white supremacist Internet radio show — but continues to completely ignore Louis Farrakhan’s racist incitement to violence, and the incitement of radical imams on U.S. soil
(3.35) RACIST BIAS: HuffPost completely ignored the anti-Semitic conspiracy theories voiced by a black Congressman, after he was exposed for his ties to Louis Farrakhan — while continuing to claim white people are racists
Clicking on that headline brought the reader to this page:
Note the critical difference between the front page headline, and the story page: the latter openly emphasized that this was a “tiny” rally, whereas the front page headline made no such reference to size. This clash may seem irrelevant, but when one considers it in the context of the rest of this case study, it becomes pivotal.
NEWNAN, Ga. — A heavily militarized police force of some 400 officers aggressively patrolled a small neo-Nazi rally in this city 40 miles southwest of Atlanta on Saturday and arrested about 10 counterprotesters, many for the crime of wearing a mask.
Police officers arrived before the rally began and approached a group of about 50 anti-fascist protesters. They demanded the protesters remove their masks or face arrest. The officers — who wore bulletproof vests and helmets, and carried semi-automatic rifles — cornered the anti-fascist protesters, then grabbed those who were still masked, tossing them to the ground and handcuffing them.
Had you ever heard of Newnan, GA, prior to seeing this article? It’s a safe bet that 99.9% of HuffPost’s readers had not, either. Probably because it is a town of only 33,000 people, off in an obscure region of Georgia. And according to HuffPost,
The Newnan rally was organized by the National Socialist Movement, an older neo-Nazi group that favors explicit Third Reich iconography over the more coded racist memes of the so-called alt-right. Fewer than 30 NSM members, along with a small contingent of the white supremacist group League of the South, showed up for the event.
So for an rally of fewer than 30 neo-Nazis, HuffPost flew one of its “journalists” to Georgia, and put this story at the top of its front page.
Who is Malik Zulu Shabazz, organizer of this pro-Farrakhan rally?
The Southern Poverty Law Center, which HuffPost routinely cites to smear activists or scholars who dare to expose the threat, motivations and acts of radical Islamists, has a page dedicated to exposing Shabazz’s virulent anti-Semitic hate an incitement:
“Kill every goddamn Zionist in Israel! Goddamn little babies, goddamn old ladies! Blow up Zionist supermarkets!”
— Speech during protest of B’nai B’rith International, Washington, D.C., 2002
Shabazz: “Who is it that controls the Federal Reserve?” Audience: “Jews!”… Shabazz: “Who is it that controls the media and Hollywood?” Audience: “Jews! Jews!” Shabazz: “Who is it that has our entertainers … and our athletes in a vice grip?” Audience: “Jews!”
— Speech at Howard University before becoming Panther leader, 1994
Further, according to the ADL, hate crimes against Jews in America grew faster between 2016-2017 than any single-year in its history.
Given the fact that Farrakhan and Shabazz have huge followings, and are able to speak openly, by invitation, at U.S. college campuses and religious institutions, there can be no question that they are helping to incite such hatred and violence against Jews.
According to HuffPost’s alleged standards, of its being a leading online champion against hate speech and hate crimes, one might think that it would have publicized Shabazz’s anti-Semitic hate and incitement. As the following section proves, however, one would be very wrong.
HuffPost’s search engine proves it has completely ignored Shabazz’s anti-Semitic hate and incitement
Contrast HuffPost showering resources and top coverage to the “tiny” rally of neo-Nazis in backwoods Georgia, to the fact that it completely ignored a massive rally, organized by Shabazz, a few hundred feet from its Washington, DC office, for America’s most notorious and powerful inciter of anti-Semitic and racist hate and violence, Louis Farrakhan
On March 14, 2018, Shabazz posted on his Facebook page the following itinerary of the April 21 pr0-Farrakhan rally he was organizing to occur in front of the White House:
An Executive Board Decision has been made: Black Lawyers For Justice and the 10,000 Black Men’s March organizers, the New Black Panther Party and our affiliate organizations will Lobby Congress on Monday to condemn President Donald Trump and not to condemn Minister Louis Farrakhan.
We will be professional yet firm as lobbyists and advocates should be. We cannot allow a hypocritical political situation to exist whereas a racist president, Donald Trump is given a free pass and to spew racist venom and racist policies by a confederate GOP and then they force Black Congresspeople to condemn a private citizen and Black leader who is dearly beloved by the masses. […]
Rally is from 10:00 am to 3 pm marchers will march to the White House
Location : White House 1600 Pennsylvania Ave SE Washington DC
Rally with stage and sound and podium inside Lafayette Park
On March 28, Fox News reported on the April 21, 2018 pro-Farrakhan rally in front of the White House:
A planned anti-Trump rally next month outside the White House is shaping up to be as much a test of African-American leaders’ support for bigoted firebrand Louis Farrakhan as a denunciation of the commander-in-chief.
Organizers of the April 21 rally to “condemn the appalling bigotry and racism of the Trump administration,” say Colin Kaepernick and black members of Congress will take part. But many African-American leaders, especially those on Congress, have come under fire for not condemning Farrakhan, known for his bigoted vitriol against Jews, whites and the LGBT community.
“Condemn President Donald Trump and leave Louis Farrakhan alone,” said organizer Malik Zulu Shabazz, president of Black Lawyers for Justice. “Please do not try to stop us because we will not turn back. We will represent professionally and politically vigorously.”
On April 16, the Fox News affiliate in New Orleans, LA reported the press release that Shabazz and the head of the New Black Panther Party were set to announce the following ay, in which they said they were expecting over 100,000 people to attend their rally in front of the White House:
Press Conference – Tuesday – April 17 – 2 pm – Lafayette Park – Washington, D.C.
Based on my reports from 30 states, we are looking for at least 100,000 brothers and sisters descending on the White House to condemn the racism and warmongering and police brutality.”— Hashim Nzinga – Chairman – New Black Panther Party
WASHINGTON, DC, USA, April 16, 2018 /EINPresswire.com/ — Famed social activist, Professor, Dr. Cornel West, Attorney Malik Zulu Shabazz (National President of Black Lawyers for Justice) New Black Panther Party, Black Lives Matter and the American Indian Movement, families of police killings, H. U. Resist, and 100 Black organizations will rally and ‘Condemn Donald Trump’ Saturday, April 21 (1 pm 6 pm).
Invited and expected to attend are Congressional Black Caucus Members, Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA), and NAACP leaders. Organizers have invited former U.S. President Barack Obama to come out and address the serious issues involving his predecessor Donald Trump; an answer is expected this week.
The occasion is the 10,000 Black Men’s March. Men, women and all major activist groups will be in attendance. Following the rally, over 10,000 Black Men will march up 16th street NW up 14th Street NE and down U Street NW in a powerful display of unity and solidarity. The city will be shut down.
“Based on my reports from 30 states, we are looking for at least 100,000 Brothers and Sisters to descend on the White House to condemn the racism and warmongering and police brutality of this mad-man in the White House Donald Trump,” says New Black Panther Party Chairman Hashim Nzinga
The 1-6 pm rally will feature a 32 x 32 stage and 20 x 20 video screen to get the message out to a massive crowd.-END-
Note that HuffPost’s Washington, DC office is locatedliterally only a few hundred feet from the White House, and Lafayette Square, where the pro-Farrakhan rally took place:
The following three hour, thirty-seven minute video of the rally at Lafayette Square was taken by Shabazz and his colleagues:
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this rally
Keeping in mind that HuffPost wrote and published at the top of its front page an original story about the “tiny” Georgia event within hours of its occurrence, consider:
A May 1, 2018 search, using the string “Shabazz Farrakhan rally April 21 White House” — ten days after the Shabazz-Farrakhan rally took place, mere steps from its Washington, DC office — HuffPost had published nothing about it, anywhere on its site:
So what kinds of “news” stories did HuffPost decide to feature on its front page, instead of anything about Shabazz’s hate rally?
Here’s a sampling of the “news” stories that appeared on HuffPost’s front page from April 22-24, 2018:
Although former chief Trump strategist Steve Bannon had supporters from within the white nationalist and neo-Nazi communities, HuffPost never pointed to a single thing he’d ever said that could be considered anti-Semitic. Yet on November 13, 2016, this is the splash headline it ran against him.
Yet throughout this page, and especially as documented in the references at the beginning of this case study, HuffPost consistently, completely ignores the racist and anti-Semitic hate speech and incitement to violence as perpetrated by Louis Farrakhan and Malik Zulu Shabazz.
So what is the difference between them, and white nationalists and neo-Nazis, who also incite hate and violence against Jews?
We contend the answer is: the fact that these men are black, and as such, as shown throughout this page, HuffPost consistently shields them from being held publicly accountable for what they say, incite and do. Which would be bad enough, in isolation; but considering that white nationalists and neo-Nazis are almost universally hated, and wherever they gather in public, they are met with fierce opposition (as well they should be, in our opinion), Farrakhan in particular has a massive following, as Shabazz openly indicated, including:
Why does HuffPost apply such a racist double-standard to incitement of anti-Semitic and racist hatred and acts of violence? Only its senior managers can answer that question. You can ask them here.
UPDATE, May 1, 2018: HuffPost produced a 7-minute video about the Georgia white nationalists’ event — yet still has not even mentioned the Shabazz rally for Farrakhan, or anything about the fact that in two incidents in less than a week, Farrakhan supporters attacked Jews using his verbiage
On March 1, 2018, HuffPost published a custom video it produced about what its “journalist” observed in Georgia. Within its first hour, it had been viewed 142,000 times, giving indication to its massive reach and influence:
Yet as noted above, ten days after the Shabazz rally for Farrakhan, HuffPost has still not published a single word about it:
A May 1, 2018 search, using the string “Shabazz Farrakhan rally April 21 White House” — ten days after the Shabazz-Farrakhan rally took place, mere steps from its Washington, DC office — HuffPost had published nothing about it, anywhere on its site:
Further, HuffPost has published absolutely nothing about the following two anti-Semitic attacks by Farrakhan supporters, both of which occurred within one week:
[Menachem] Moskowitz, a 52-year-old father of nine, was returning home from a prayer service about 1:30 p.m. on April 21 when he walked past Vincent, who was smoking a cigar on E. 46th St. at Rutland Road.
When Moskowitz waved at him, Vincent went ballistic, the victim said.
“Next thing I know, he started yelling: ‘I don’t say hello to fake Jews. Who did you say hello to?’” Moskowitz told the Daily News Tuesday.
Things escalated when the Jewish man was just a block from his home. Vincent ran up to Moskowitz from behind and put him in a chokehold.
“He started grabbing me, trying to choke me,” the victim recalled. “He said, ‘You f—ing Jews! You stole my money! I gotta kill you!’”
It was the second attack in a week against a Jewish man in the Orthodox neighborhood, cops said.
Note that the term “fake Jews” (or “false Jews”) has been a Farrakhan trademark for more than twenty years. Examples, as documented by the ADL:
“These false Jews promote the filth of Hollywood that is seeding the American people and the people of theworld and bringing you down in moral strength. It’s the wicked Jews, the false Jews, that are promoting Lesbianism, homosexuality. It’s wicked Jews, false Jews that make it a crime for you to preach the word of God, then they call you homophobic.”
– Saviours’ Day sermon, Chicago, Illinois, 2/26/06
“Christians are in a struggle to discipline themselves to the way of Jesus Christ, and Jews have had same struggle, but there are Jews that ain’t strugglin’ at all. These are the Hollywood Jews, who say they are Jews but they are not, and until the true Jew points the finger at the false Jew, the false Jew will make the true Jew look bad.” – Saviours’ Day sermon, Chicago, Illinois, 2/26/06
“If they go to war with Iran, which they’re setting the stage for now, it’ll be because the Zionists have pushed Obama to do their bidding and to put a black face on an illegitimate war and use black and brown and poor white to fight a war for the Ashkenazi false Jews that have come out of Europe. These same people started apartheid in Africa. The same Jews are guilty of Jim Crow and the laws that segregated us and they’re the same forces that are in Palestine right now telling Palestinians in their own land what roads they can travel on and what they’re not free to travel on.” – Speech at Mosque Maryam, Chicago, Illinois, 10/3/10
“David — even though he may have made a mistake — he submitted and repented before God. This you false Jews have not done. No. You are not a Jew! I say you’re a so-called Jew. You are Satan masquerading as a covenanted people of God. You must be exposed, regard less of the consequences…” – Farrakhan video, The Time and What Must Be Done: Part 57, 2/8/14
This is the man whom the NYPD arrested for the attempted murder of Mr. Moskowitz, James Vincent:
James Vincent
How much coverage did HuffPost give this story? Absolutely none.
A May 1, 2018 search at HuffPost using the string “Menachem Moskowitz” returned zero relevant results — four days after the arrest of Mr. Vincent, and ten days after the first report of his attempted murder of Mr. Moskowitz was reported, on April 21, by NBC New York:
HuffPost also completely ignored another anti-Semitic attack by a Farrakhan follower, who called a Washington DC city councilwoman a “fake Jew” — on video
D.C. Council member Elissa Silverman (I-At Large) on Friday called for the ouster of a mayoral appointee who organized a rally outside District headquarters where a Nation of Islam representative blasted her as a “fake Jew.”
Joshua Lopez, who Mayor Muriel E. Bowser (D) paid as a consultant in her 2014 campaign and appointed to the board of the public housing authority, convened Thursday’s “unity rally” to defend Council member Trayon White Sr. (D-Ward 8).
White has been at the center of controversy for the past month, after it was reported that he repeated anti-Semitic conspiracy theories on his Facebook page and in a meeting with the mayor and city council.
He also donated $500 from a fund meant for his constituents to a Chicago event for the Nation of Islam, where leader Louis Farrakhan said Jews were his enemy. To make amends, White visited the U.S. Holocaust museum with a Jewish leader but left the tour early, sparking further criticism.
The event, which attracted about 25 people, was fairly low key until Abdul Khadir Muhammad, a Mid-Atlantic representative for Farrakhan, spoke.
“What is the fake Jew that calls themselves Jews, the ADL, the JDL,” Muhammad said, referring to the Anti-Defamation League and Jewish Defense League. Members of the Nation of Islam are active in community affairs in White’s ward and the council member has lauded their efforts in the impoverished neighborhoods east of the river. […]
Then Muhammad tore into Silverman, one of two Jewish members of the D.C. Council.
“Elissa Silverman talking about Brother Farrakhan can’t come into D.C. no more. That will never happen,” he said. “You got your nerve to say Farrakhan can’t come back to D.C. What nerve are you, you fake Jew?”
How much coverage did HuffPost give this story? Absolutely none.
(3.42) RACIST INCITEMENT AND BIAS: HuffPost published a front-page editorial that mocked an American college student held captive in North Korea, for the terror state’s “revocation of his white privilege,” and his presumed, belated realization that “his white privilege is not universal”
On March 23, 2016, HuffPost published the following editorial mid-way down its front page:
The article mocked, on a racist basis, Otto Warmbier, the American college student whom North Korea accused of trying to steal a propaganda poster, and sentenced him to fifteen years of hard labor.
[T]he Revocation of White Privilege in North Korea […]
[M]y reaction to [a] young white man who went to an Asian country and violated their laws, and learned that the shield his cis white male identity provides here in America is not teflon abroad.
That kind of reckless gall is an unfortunate side effect of being socialized first as a white boy, and then as a white man in this country. Every economic, academic, legal and social system in this country has for more than three centuries functioned with the implicit purpose of ensuring that white men are the primary benefactors of all privilege. The kind of arrogance bred by that kind of conditioning is pathogenic, causing its host to develop a subconscious yet no less obnoxious perception that the rules do not apply to him, or at least that their application is negotiable. […]
If he had obeyed North Korea’s laws, he would be home now.
After Warmbier was released by North Korea in June 2017, and this racist screed came to light, HuffPost edited the article, to remove some of the most inflammatory accusations, but left its central passages intact — and was roundly mocked for doing so.
This was only part of the outrageous assertions that HuffPost enabled this “contributor” to claim in this editorial screed. See Case Study 3.43 for more — her incendiary, false assertion that local police took the white suspect who’d murdered nine black parishoners in a SC church to dinner at Burger King, after he was arrested.
Update: As of June 26, 2018, HuffPost still features La Sha as an active blogger:
(3.43) RACIST INCITEMENT AND BIAS: HuffPost published a front-page editorial that falsely claimed that local police took Dylan Roof, who murdered nine black church members in South Carolina, to Burger King for dinner after the shooting, as a symbol of American racism
As a continuation of Case Study 3.42, in which HuffPost published a front-page editorial that incited racist hatred against, and mocked Otto Warmbier, the American college student whom North Korea accused of trying to steal a propaganda poster, and sentenced him to fifteen years of hard labor.
In the same article, HuffPost also smeared the Shelby, NC police department with a provable lie, that could only be designed to further incite racist hatred against American police officers.
In summary, HuffPost falsely claimed that the police officers put Roof, a white supremacist, into a bulletproof vest and took him to dinner at Burger King — after it arrested him for murdering nine black church parishoners:
When you can watch a white man who entered a theatre and killed a dozen people come out unscathed, you start to believe you’re invincible. When you see a white man taken to Burger King in a bulletproof vest after he killed nine people in a church, you learn that the world will always protect you.
The writer’s link goes to this article at HuffPost, which claimed, accurately, that the Shelby, NC police bought food from Burger King for Roof — butit never put him in a bulletproof vest and took him to the restaurant.
HuffPost based its article on (and linked to) one in the Charlotte Observer, which reported the story accurately:
In Shelby, the FBI handled Roof’s initial questioning, Ledford said. Shelby police’s lone conversation with the mass-murder suspect was about food. Earlier in the day, Roof had bought water and chips at a south Charlotte gas station. Now he was hungry. Police bought him food from a nearby Burger King, Ledford said.
Thus, HuffPost knew the reality at the time it published this article on its front page — yet it chose instead to project this incendiary lie about the Shelby, NC police department to be spread to the world, as being a racist department, and representative of racist police departments all across America.
SaveTheWest.com reached out to Shelby, NC Chief of Police Jeffrey Ledford on June 22, 2017, to ask him if what is in HuffPost’s editorial is accurate. Here is his official response:
“In response to your question: ‘Did police officers with the Shelby Police Department put Dylan Roof in a bulletproof vest, and bring him to Burger King for a meal, after he was arrested?’That is absolutely not true. Roof was never taken to any restaurant to eat. He was provided food while in our custody, which is our obligation to do, to meet the needs of the prisoner. On that day, we actually provided lunch from Burger King (we use different food sources, Burger King being only one of them) for several people, who were at our headquarters, one of whom was Roof. No food is held on site, so all food is brought in from outside sources, depending on when it is needed. Just as it was on this day.”
Yet as of June 22, 2017, HuffPost’s incendiary, false, racist allegation is still published:
Update: As of June 26, 2018, HuffPost still features La Sha as an active blogger: