Home Ken's Thoughts Of The Week Israel’s New Government Faces a Crisis of Legitimacy – Ken’s Thought of...

Israel’s New Government Faces a Crisis of Legitimacy – Ken’s Thought of the Week



Threat Analyst Ken Abramowitz is author of “The Multifront War

Editor: Dr. Rachel Ehrenfeld, President, American Center for Democracy (ACD)

See the sources for this article and more research in the Additional Reading section.

Quote of the Week:

Israel’s new government, led by Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, faces a crisis of legitimacy on multiple levels:

1) In Israel’s parliamentary democracy, Bennett became Prime Minister with a 61-member coalition (the slimmest majority possible in the 120 seat parliament). There were only seven members of his Yamina party in the coalition, and no participants from Likud, Israel’s largest party. Some suspect that one or two seats were pinched by the Left during the long night of the last election. 2) Though Yamina voters support a right-wing agenda, Bennett betrayed them by creating a left-wing government.

3) Israel is a right-wing country, but is now governed by a left-wing government.

4) The 61-seat parliamentary coalition is held together by four representatives of Ra’am, the Israeli Islamic Movement, also known as the United Arab List, which identifies with the global Muslim Brotherhood movement, including Hamas. It opposes Israel’s existence, supports ‘Palestinian’ terrorism, and is financed by Israel’s enemies, Qatar and Turkey. Furthermore, Ra’am does not accept Israel’s Basic laws, the country’s de facto Constitution.

5) The new government also excludes the Jewish religious parties, which have formed the ideological backbone of traditional right-wing governments.

6) The new government seems unable to address contentious issues that could break up this coalition of minor parties.

7) Thus, the new government is unlikely to address the massive, illegal Arab building activities in the southern Negev desert and Area C of Judea/Samaria.

8) The new government is also unlikely to indict Muslim clerics who publicly incite Arab Israelis to violence.

9) The Bennett government is more likely to acquiesce to the Biden Administration’s pressure to appease U.S. enemies, thus affecting Israel’s national security.

10) The new government is also unlikely to reform those portions of the textbooks, from which Arab students in Israel are taught under the Israeli Arabic curriculum, which are anti-Zionist and anti-Semitic.

Here are Save the West’s suggestions for the Bennett government:

1) The Israeli government should enforce the laws that sanction Arab-Israeli politicians and Imams who are inciting violence against the Jewish state and its people.

2) Israel’s Minister of Education must regain control over the Israeli Arabic curriculum. The Israeli secular education system should sanction teachers advocating Marxism, Islamism, and anti-Zionism.

3) Violent Arab looters within mixed Jewish/Arab cities, who rose up under Hamas instructions during the 11-day Gaza war, must be jailed for a long time or deported to Gaza.

4) Israel’s internal security forces must be strengthened sufficiently in order to be able to quickly quell any future Israeli-Arab uprising. The police force cannot manage this challenging task alone.

5) Israel’s external security agencies must be enlarged and upgraded to contend with the long reach of Iran, which is developing nuclear weapons and ICBMs to target Israel (and America). Hezballah, Iran’s proxy in Lebanon, now fires missiles into Israel, but has yet to be punished enough. With the U.S. not playing its proper superpower role, Iran is free to project its triad of physical, political, and narco-terror organizations all over the world. As the result, Israel must now confront Iran on a world-wide basis, almost alone.  6) In addition to its many challenges, Israel must continue to fight the COVID-19 epidemic relentlessly, through vaccines, new therapeutics, and judicious use of medical services.

With so much to do, the current dysfunctional government coalition seems unable to tackle the big issues. The “anybody but Bibi” slogan propelled this government into power. However, thus far, the Bennett government seems unable to address Israel’s urgent internal and external threats effectively. It is doing an inferior job to the Netanyahu administration on most fronts. Unless the new government is able to rise to its challenges, it could soon be replaced by a Likud-run government, most likely led by Netanyahu. Such a government has proven itself in the past, and will be required to undo the damage done by the current government.


Netanyahu decries ‘greatest election fraud’ – Yahoo.com

Smotrich: Bennett, Shaked forming left-wing government – The Jerusalem Post

History made as Arab Israeli Ra’am party joins Bennett-Lapid coalition – The Times of Israel

Despite Lone Arab Party Win in Knesset, Israeli Arabs Still Lose – InsideArabia.com

450% spike in EU-funded illegal Arab construction – Israel National News

How a Negev police operation nearly foiled establishment of the new government – The Times of Israel

WATCH: California Imam calls on Allah to annihilate Jews – The Jerusalem Post

Op Ed: New Israel Fund illegally infiltrates Israeli educational system – SaveTheWest.com

WATCH: California Imam calls on Allah to annihilate Jews – The Jerusalem Post



