Home Ken's editorials Ken’s letter to the WSJ re PA propagandist editorial

Ken’s letter to the WSJ re PA propagandist editorial



Saeb Erekat
Saeb Erekat, the Baghdad Bob of the Palestinian “government.”

On November 10, 2015 SaveTheWest.com founder and president Ken Abramowitz wrote the following letter to the Wall St. Journal, to refute the lies in an editorial by notorious propagandist Saeb Erekat, Secretary-General of the Palestine Liberation Organization.

Letters To The Editor
Wall St. Journal
200 Liberty Street
New York, NY 10281

Dear Editor:

The “Palestinian People Ask: Where Is Israel’s F.W. de Klerk?” (11/7-8) article by Saeb Erekat was masterful in its use of false narratives.

Number 1, it is the Palestinian Authority (PA), not Israel, that refuses “to address the root causes” of the conflict.  The PA has never accepted a “two-state solution,” even though Israel has.  PA leaders consistently refuse to accept Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish State.

Number 2, the author pretends that the “occupation” and “settlements” in the “West Bank” are the essence of the problem, even though Jews have been living in this area, also known as Judea and Samaria, for 3,800 years.

Furthermore, the PA media outlets consistently describe all Israeli cities everywhere to be “settlements,” and that all of Israel is “occupied.”  The “Palestinian People” do not need a de Kerk.  Instead, they need a Sadat!


Kenneth Abramowitz
New York, NY


