Home Ken's Thoughts Of The Week Ken’s Thoughts of the Week: Elections have consequences!

Ken’s Thoughts of the Week: Elections have consequences!



Photo: US News & World Report; Charlie Neibergall/AP

By Ken Abramowitz, founder and president, SaveTheWest.com

Congratulations to all Republicans! Congratulations to all Democrats! We survived a contentious midterm election without killing each other!

Both parties won in some ways. Both parties lost in some ways.

The American population voted for a split government, and that’s what they got. The markets reacted favorably to this news.

Mostly, we should be very proud of maintaining our long tradition of peaceful changes in power!

Now, however, let’s look at the election from the foreign bad guy’s point of view:

(1) Are the bad guys more scared of us? Or less scared? Future events will answer this.

But the fact that tens of thousands of foreign citizens of unknown origin, character and intent are marching towards the U.S. border, carry the flags of their own nations, and claiming they will get into America through legal or illegal means, as pointed out in SaveTheWest’s recent report, “Who benefits from the lies being spread about the ‘caravans’?,” should be troubling to all our citizens.

Even more so, as recent reports indicate that there will be more “caravans” joining the several now headed for our border. This is a direct challenge to our national borders and sovereignty. What lessons will Iran — which has been positioning terrorist operatives in Central and South America for many years — take from how we react? What about its ally, North Korea? China? Russia? What about ISIS, Al Qaeda and other Islamist terror groups? Time will tell.

(2) Does a divided government make it easier or harder for our President to use military force? Harder.

(3) Will it be easier or harder to raise future military spending? Harder.

Here are a few more predictions:

  • Iran/North Korea negotiations are less likely to succeed in curbing their nuclear ambitions, thereby increasing the chance of physical war.
  • The Muslim Brotherhood, funded by Turkey and Qatar, will be less likely to be deterred in the Middle East or even inside the USA.
  • The Saudi Wahabbis will continue to mis-educate Muslim students and mosque congregants. Only the war against ISIS will continue to receive bipartisan support.
  • Adversaries like China and Russia continue to challenge us in every way. But our President will still be able to confront them, as he sees fit.
  • America’s budget deficit will not come down, thus contributing to growing our now-$22 trillion debt.

Will the 2 parties spend 75% of their time fighting each other, instead of our real enemies? Hopefully not.

Will the world become more dangerous, if they do? Yes.

God bless America. Especially on this Veteran’s Day, when we honor the service, courage and sacrifice of all those who have worn America’s uniform, in combat and support roles.


