Ken’s Thought of the Week: “Endless war” is inevitable, manageable, and winnable

This week, Ken and STW editor-videographer Jon Sutz address the allegation that America is involved in "endless wars," and the facts that help put this concern into a rational context.

Ken’s Thought of the Week: We need a comprehensive strategy for dealing with Islamists...

This week, Ken and STW editor-videographer Jon Sutz examine the threats posed by key Islamist groups, and strategies that America should employ to protect herself, and her people.

Ken’s Thought of the Week: Trump’s forthcoming Middle East peace plan is guaranteed to...

This week, Ken explains why the Trump administration's upcoming proposed peace deal between Israel and the Palestinian Authority cannot succeed, given the reality on the ground.

Ken’s Thought of the Week: Troop withdrawals in Afghanistan and Syria are guaranteed to...

This week, Ken expresses why despite Americans' frustration with "endless wars," President Trump's decision to withdraw most American soldiers from vital front lines is counterproductive.

Ken’s Thought of the Week: Negotiations with Iran are guaranteed to fail

This week, Ken explains why any effort to negotiate a solution with Iran's mullahs to their quest for nuclear weapons, and the means to deliver them, can't succeed without these preconditions.

Ken’s Thought of the Week: Losing Bolton increases the chance of war

This week, Ken explains why, contrary to popular opinion, John Bolton's departure is likely to increase the price America pays, in blood and treasure, to resolve the most pressing national security threats facing us.

Ken’s Thought of the Week: Defending ourselves from Islamists is a marathon

This week, Ken, along with STW editor Jon Sutz and contributor Dr. Rachel Ehrenfeld, together examine America's efforts to defend herself from Islamists, in a current and historical context.

Ken’s Thought of the Week: G7 meeting missed the key challenges

This week, Ken identifies five key threats that the G7 attendees did not discuss, which must be addressed if we are to avoid World War 3.

Ken’s Thought of the Week: Hong Kong implications are big

This week, Ken discusses the Hong Kong protests, and why the courageous activists leading it represent the front line of the fight against the dictatorships that are determined to conquer the world.

Ken’s Thought of the Week: Did the EU Learn Anything from World War 2?

This week, Ken and STW editor-videographer Jon Sutz point out how European nations' refusal to deal with existential threats led to WW2 - and are now leading to WW3.