Ken’s Thought of the Week: The sad state of public affairs TV shows

This week, Ken examines the sad state of America's Sunday morning public affairs TV shows and their focus on gossip and sensationalism, rather than substantive issues facing the American people.

Ken’s Thought Of The Week: The urgent need to complete Brexit

This week, Ken examines the status of Brexit, and urges the U.K. to implement it, and rational immigration reform policies, as soon as possible, if it wishes to avoid the problems plaguing Western Europe.

Ken’s Thought of the Week: How should the USA respond to Iran’s escalating provocations?

This week, Ken discusses how Iran has been engaging in escalating provocations against the U.S. government, and suggests a six-point plan that the Trump administration should employ in response.

Ken’s Thought of the Week: Dealing with America’s most lethal adversaries

This week, Ken examines the most recent moves by America's top adversaries, and the Trump administration's responses, and describes the two basic approaches to going forward from here.

Ken’s Thought of the Week: The interconnectedness of America’s enemies

This week, Ken analyzes the interconnectedness between America's primary adversaries, including Iran, North Korea, China, Venezuela and Russia, and urges the U.S. to remain strong in dealing with them.

Ken’s Thought Of The Week: The four key false narratives of our time

This week, Ken identifies and examines four false yet widely-accepted narratives that prevent Americans and our leaders from addressing vital issues that affect our future national and economic security.

Ken’s Thought Of The Week: The Sri Lanka massacre

This week, Ken addresses the Islamist terrorists' massacre of Sri Lankan Christians, celebrating Easter, as but the latest incident in the war being waged against Western civilization, and the urgent need to recognize this fact.

Ken’s letter to the Wall St. Journal regarding Iran’s status as a terrorist regime

In this letter, Ken responds to a Wall St. Journal story about the U.S. government declaring Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) a terrorist organization, and suggests further steps to address this threat.

Letters to major news organizations’ top executives regarding STW’s “Madonna & Child” report

STW sent letters to the heads of the five "news" organizations profiled in our recent special investigative report by editor Jon Sutz: "The U.S. 'news' media depicts an American terrorist and her son as 'Madonna & Child'"

Ken’s Thought of the Week: A real plan for peace in the Middle East

This week, Ken examines the ideological terrain into which President Trump has put forth a "deal of the century" for Middle East peace, and recommends preconditions that must be established before such a plan can have a reasonable chance of succeeding.