Home Rachel Avraham How can Israel best fight the cultural war? – Rachel Avraham

How can Israel best fight the cultural war? – Rachel Avraham


By Rachel Avraham

Although the world is presently preoccupied with dealing with the coronavirus pandemic, the threats posed by both radical Islam and other dictatorial regimes have not gone away. As we speak, the Iranian regime is engaging in tests that can easily give them the ability to launch ballistic missiles and a top Iranian official has threatened to “raze Israeli cities.” Simultaneously, ISIS has encouraged its members who got the coronavirus to spread it amongst populations that they despise.

And in Turkey, Iran and across the Arab world, there are social media posts and other statements being made blaming the coronavirus on the Jewish people. In fact, coronavirus or no coronavirus, the Assad regime, Hezbollah, Iran, Hamas, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad and the PA all pose a strategic threat to the State of Israel.

At the same time, North Korea still is greatly problematic from an Israeli perspective due to the fact that they continuously prop up the Iranian nuclear program, which is very problematic amid reports that North Korea may in the future step up its own nuclear program. Furthermore, Chinese negligence in a Wuhan lab and an intentional cover-up has led to the coronavirus plaguing our world, leading to over 290,000 deaths worldwide and 260 in the Jewish state. This does not even include the global economic damage that is reminiscent of the Great Depression.

Nitsana Darshan-Leitner, the President of Shurat HaDin, otherwise known as the Israel Law Center, told Fox News in an interview that this is enough in order to hold China legally libel for the damage caused by the coronavirus. All of this indicates that Red states threaten the State of Israel as well and not just Green states.

As Israel forms the next unity government, it is very important that the State of Israel form a plan in order to deal with these issues, for the best defense is a good offense. Israel must fight these forces of evil and not let them off the hook despite the challenges posed by the coronavirus pandemic. After all, so much is at stake. The State of Israel cannot afford to neglect these issues merely in order to focus on fighting against the coronavirus and to implement Trump’s Deal of the Century.

For this reason, it is very important that Yamina still join the Israeli government, so that the new government will have a strong stance in favor of defending the State of Israel against threats emanating from both radical Islam and dictatorial regimes. Without Yamina, the government will slant to the left and this is not good for Israel’s national security. Therefore, if all that is missing is enough portfolios to make Natalfi Bennett satisfied, it is possible to create a portfolio devoted to fighting the cultural war titled the Cultural Defense Ministry and this can be given to either Bennett or someone else in Yamina.

If Yamina is not brought into the government, then a Likud minister could be appointed for this post. Alternatively, the PM could create this new position as part of a new department within the Prime Minister’s office.

Israel Defense Minister Natalfi Bennett (photo: Bloomberg/Getty)

The Cultural Defense Minister will be responsible for defending Jewish civilization worldwide against the threats posed by fundamentalist Islam and dictatorial regimes that pose a strategic threat to the State of Israel. He will support Shurat HaDin in seeking financial compensation from China for the havoc the virus caused in Israel. He will work with other countries in order to apply more pressure on the North Korean dictatorship whenever they transfer their nuclear knowledge to Iran. This ministry will fight against how Turkey has been buying up land in Jerusalem and how radical leftists seek to weaken Israel from within. He will also seek to preserve Jewish heritage sites at risk in the Diaspora and in the PA. In sum, his job is to preserve Jewish civilization against its ideological enemies, whether among the radical left, Neo-Nazis groups, radical Islam, pan-Arab nationalism or among Red states.

Together with the Health Ministry being given to Ayelet Shaked, this may be enough to keep Yamina in the coalition. Of course, the governing coalition must have an equal number of right wing parties and left wing parties, as the coalition agreement dictates. Therefore, in order to preserve the equilibrium, a Mental Health Ministry should also be established in order to help the nation recover psychologically from the coronavirus and this can be given to Blue and White. Mental health is no less important than physical health and Lancet, a British medical journal, found that populations who live under quarantine and lockdown are likely to develop post-traumatic stress disorder. Given this, mental health should be separated from the Health Ministry and merits its own portfolio, given the great toll that the pandemic has taken upon the people’s mental health.

If this approach is taken, then the next unity government will have the strength that it needs in order to face the Palestinian threat at the ICC, to fight against the Iranian regime and its proxies, to implement Trump’s Deal of the Century and to face a series of other issues aside from the coronavirus crisis. Of course, for the next six months, the coronavirus will be the focus of the next government, but at the same time, the next government will have the ideological strength in order to implement the wishes of the Israeli people, if this plan is implemented.


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Rachel Avraham is a political analyst working for the Safadi Center for International Diplomacy, Research, Public Relations and Human Rights, which is run by Mendi Safadi, a former Likud Candidate for the Knesset and a former chief of staff of former Israeli Communication Minister Ayoob Kara. Since 2012, she has been working as an Israel-based journalist and writer, covering Iran, Kurdistan, Turkey, Iraq, Syria, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and other developments in the greater Islamic world.

Her articles have appeared in the Washington Times, the Hill, Front Page Magazine, the Daily Wire, the Christian Post, the Baltimore Jewish Times, the Jerusalem Post, Israel Hayom, Ahval and many other publications across the globe. She received her MA in Middle Eastern Studies from Ben-Gurion University. She got her BA in Government and Politics with minors in Jewish Studies and Middle Eastern Studies from the University of Maryland at College Park.

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