(1) HuffPost provided prominent, sympathetic, graphic coverage of an Iranian girl who needed surgery in America — but ignored an American Jewish girl who was murdered by a Palestinian terrorist
(2) May 2017, Samaria, Israel (The West Bank): A Palestinian mob is suspected of burning down Jewish school, during their “day of rage” activities
(3) June 2017: HuffPost produced and published a video that it says documents the history of car-ramming as a terror tactic — but completely ignored its actual history, as a means by which Palestinians murder Jews
(4) July 2017: HuffPost buried the news that a Jewish family was massacred in their home by a Palestinian terrorist — then published a story that implied the Palestinians are the victims
(5) October 2017: HuffPost ignored a new watchdog report that revealed the United Nations is using its resources to promote anti-Semitism and terrorism — but gave top coverage to a man who asked a Muslim woman if she has a green card
(6-15) Fall 2015: Ten case studies of Jewish victims of Palestinian terrorism whose stories HuffPost either ignored or whitewashed
(16) November 2017: For the second time in five months, HuffPost produced and published a video that allegedly depicts the history of car-ramming as a terror-tactic — but completely ignored its actual history, as a means by which Palestinians murder Jews
(2) HuffPost has repeatedly whitewashed and humanized Hitler, including to falsely attack a Trump nominee — while consistently depicting Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu as irredeemably evil
(2) HuffPost provided prominent, sympathetic, graphic coverage of a Palestinian man who had been subdued by Israeli police — but ignored an American rabbi and his wife who were murdered by a Palestinian terrorist, in front of their four children
(3) HuffPost provided prominent, sympathetic, graphic coverage of a an American who joined ISIS — but ignored a beloved American Jewish teenager who’d been murdered by a Palestinian terrorist
(4) HuffPost gave top coverage to a blood libel that Israeli soldiers murder Palestinians to “harvest their organs,” when it knew that the “reporter” who wrote it claimed — in the “story” — that he had “no idea, no clue if it is true or not.”
(x) HuffPost gave top coverage in its two Arabic editions that a Jewish woman murdered Mohammed (founder of Islam), and refused the ADL’s demands that it remove this blood libel.
(4) HuffPost ignored a Palestinian terror-propagandist being enabled to indoctrinate third-graders in a NY public school to hate Israel — but gave top coverage to a pro-life group that handed out literature at a public school in Australia
(x) HuffPost routinely publishes stories containing headlines about “Jewish extremists” being accused of committing crimes — yet ignores the faith of radical Islamists, even after they openly admit perpetrating terrorist attacks because of Islam, and its tenets
(x) HuffPost falsely claimed that a “pack of Jews” chased Gov. Romney’s motorcade away from a wedding — then buried the fact that they were fans of his, and wanted their pictures taken with him
(x) HuffPost went even further than Iranian propaganda outlets, in its “reporting” on the number of Palestinian children who were killed in its efforts to defend itself from Hamas
(x) HuffPost engaged in an escalating series of anti-Semitic bias and incitement incidents in order to attack Israel and its prime minister during the public debate over the Iran deal
(1) HuffPost provided prominent, sympathetic, graphic coverage of an Iranian girl who needed surgery in America — but ignored an American Jewish girl who was murdered by a Palestinian terrorist
On February 8, 2017, HuffPost published on its front page a sympathetic, personalized, graphic story of an Iranian girl in need of heart surgery, whose trip to an Oregon hospital had been delayed, due to the Trump administration putting a temporary pause on entry visas from seven nations, including Iran. This was an original, in-depth photo-story that HuffPost wrote.
Iranian Baby Barred By Travel Ban Enters U.S. For Lifesaving Surgery; Doctors treating the girl in Oregon say they’re hopeful they can successfully manage her heart condition, by Nina Golgowski, The Huffington Post, February 8, 2017. Excerpt:
An Iranian baby girl denied entry to the U.S. for lifesaving surgery under President Donald Trump’s travel ban has arrived in America for treatment.
Fatemeh Reshad was admitted at Oregon Health & Science University’s Doernbecher Children’s Hospital in Portland on Tuesday, doctors confirmed. Her arrival ended a terrifying ordeal for the 4-month-old child’s family, after authorities had told them they’d have to wait 90 days to apply for a U.S. Visa.
Contrast how HuffPost treated this Iranian girl, to how it treated an American Jewish girl who was murdered by a Palestinian terrorist — and Hamas openly celebrating this attack
This top, sympathetic, graphic coverage that HuffPost provided to tell this Iranian girl’s story stands in sharp contrast to the fact that it essentially ignored a three-month-old American Jewish girl, Chaya Zissel Braun, who had been murdered by a Palestinian terrorist on October 22, 2014:

The story of Chaya’s murder was initially covered by Jewish publications throughout the U.S. and Israel, including the Jerusalem Post, the Algemeiner, and others.
The Daily Caller (a publication that HuffPost follows and cites when it can attack its founder, Tucker Carlson) was the first U.S. mainstream publication to report the story on October 22:
Palestinian Terror Attack Kills American Baby, Wounds 7 Others In Israel, by Sarah Hurtubise, The Daily Caller, October 22, 2014, 11:25pm. Excerpt:
A Palestinian driver with a history of anti-Israel violence crashed into a crowded train station in Jerusalem on Wednesday in an apparent terrorist attack, killing a three-month old baby American girl and wounding eight Israelis. […]
“We look at this incident as a terrorist attack,” police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said. The driver, who lived in east Jerusalem in Silwan, appeared to deliberately strike those waiting at the train station. He “has served time in Israeli prison for terrorism.” He is in serious condition.
The infant, Chaya Zissel Braun, died later of her injuries, according to Haaretz. Her parents, both American citizens, were also injured in the attack.
Within hours, Hamas celebrated and justified the attack that killed Chaya:
Baby girl killed in Jerusalem is an American, US official says, by Ben Hartman & Michael Wilner, The Jerusalem Post, October 23, 2014. Excerpt:
[Chaya] flew 10-20 meters in the air before landing headfirst on the pavement, Shimshon Halperin said Wednesday night. Standing outside Hadassah University Medical Center on Jerusalem’s Mount Scopus, after Chaya had died of intracranial bleeding Halperin explained how the driver from Silwan rammed a row of pedestrians, hitting Chaya’s stroller and sending her flying.
“This is a natural response to the crimes of the occupation and invasion of our land by the Jews,” Hamas spokesman Hossam Badran said in response to the attack.
The Post story also described an added aspect of this tragedy:
[…] Chaya had been born after her parents had tried for years to have a baby to no avail, said Halperin, adding that her parents were in shock, having just learned of her death.
Also, early the next day (October 23), the U.S. Department of State issued a press release condemning the attack, and indicating that Chaya was indeed a U.S. citizen:
U.S. condemns Jerusalem terror attack that killed infant, by JTA, October 23, 2014 6:45am. Excerpt:
The United States condemned as “despicable” a terror attack in Jerusalem that claimed the life of a 3-month-old girl. Hundreds of mourners attended the funeral late Wednesday night in Jerusalem for Chaya Zissel Braun, who is reported to be an American citizen. […]
Hours after the attack, the U.S. State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said in a statement, “The United States condemns in the strongest possible terms today’s terrorist attack in Jerusalem. We express our deepest condolences to the family of the baby, reportedly an American citizen, who was killed in this despicable attack, and extend our prayers for a full recovery to those injured. We urge all sides to maintain calm and avoid escalating tensions in the wake of this incident.”
Soon after, the NY Daily News, another publication that HuffPost regularly cites, ran a story about Chaya’s murder, confirming that she was an American citizen:
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored Chaya’s murder — and Hamas celebrating this attack — with the exception of an op-ed blog that it buried beyond casual public view
A search of the string “Chaya Zissel Braun” returns one result: an op-ed piece:
No Child Should Be Expendable, by Harry Leibowitz, World of Children Award Co-Founder & Board Chair, The Huffington Post, October 24, 2014.
Yet neither this item, nor anything about Chaya’s murder, or Hamas celebrating it, appeared on HuffPost’s front page from October 23-26, as proven by screencaps provided by the Internet Archive:
So what kinds of “news” stories did HuffPost decide to put on its front page during this period, instead of anything about Chaya’s murder, her family’s grief, or Hamas celebrating its murderous act? Here is a sampling:
HuffPost decided on October 24 that sympathetic pictures of aging dogs was worthy of being on its front page — for two straight days, October 24-25 — but nothing about Chaya and her family:
LOOK: Photo Series Captures The Dignity Of Aging Dogs
And that Kim Kardashian’s “daring” dress and birthday were more front page-worthy — for two straight days (October 25-26) — than the fact that Chaya would never be able to celebrate her first birthday:
Kim Kardashian Dons A Daring White Dress For Her Birthday Bash
And HuffPost scoured the world and found this inane “news” story, which it posted on its front page for two straight days — October 25-26:
These Awkward Animal Couples Really Suck At Making Out
Here are some more of the “news” stories that HuffPost decided were worthy of being on its front page from October 23-26, instead of anything about Chaya:
Kate Hudson’s Matthew McConaughey Impression Is Spot On
WATCH: Howie Mandel Refuses To Leave HuffPost Live
‘Here Comes Honey Boo Boo’ Canceled By TLC
Bet You Can’t Ace This ‘Sex And The City’ Quiz
(2) May 2017, Samaria, Israel (The West Bank): A Palestinian mob is suspected of burning down Jewish school, during their “day of rage” activities
On May 22, 2017, during a series of “Day of Rage” protests and riots ordered by the Palestinian government, a mob of Palestinian civilians was reportedly witnessed setting fire to a Jewish school in Samaria, also known as part of The West Bank. From the JNS (Jewish News Service) News Bureau, one of the largest wire services for Jewish news, on May 24:
Palestinian arsonists burn down Jewish school in Samaria, by JNS.org staff, May 24, 2017. Excerpt:
(JNS.org) Palestinian arsonists burned down a Jewish religious school in Israel’s northern Samaria hills Monday, during a “Day of Rage” in support of an ongoing hunger strike by Palestinian terrorists in Israeli prisons.
The former Jewish community of Homesh, which was evacuated in 2005 as part of the Israeli government’s disengagement from Gaza and four communities in Judea and Samaria. Credit: Wikimedia Commons.
The arsonists entered the area surrounding Homesh Yeshiva and set the building alight. No injuries were reported. Officials from the school said they expect the IDF to bring the arsonists “to justice,” and vowed to build a larger structure at the same site to replace the destroyed building.Jewish residents of Homesh were evicted and had their homes demolished in 2005 as part of the Israeli government’s unilateral disengagement from Gaza as well as four communities in Judea and Samaria.
And from the Jewish Press, this picture of the school emerged, also on May 24:
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story.
A May 28, 2017 search using the string string “Homesh Yeshiva Palestinian arson” returned zero results. Instead of publishing anything about this story, here is a sampling of the “news” stories that HuffPost published on its front page, during the three days after this story broke, from May 25-28:

Did You Hear The One About Al Franken in 2020?
Ina Garten’s New Show Airs This Weekend, And We’re So Freaking Excited
Mom Draws The Trials And Tribulations Of Parenting In Hilarious Cartoons
Contrast HuffPost’s policy of ignoring of this story, to the top-line, graphic treatment it gave to accusations against Jewish civilians for harming Palestinians
Notice that in these headlines, however, HuffPost identifies the alleged perpetrators as Jewish or Israeli, and explicitly holds them to account for what they are accused of doing, by using loaded, inflammatory terms, such as “rampage,” “extremist,” etc. Also note that in each of these cases, HuffPost uses pictures of the victims in the headlines, something it never does when Jews are the victims.
(3) June 2017: HuffPost produced a video that it says documents the history of car-ramming as a terror tactic — but completely ignored its actual history, as a means by which Palestinians murder Jews
On June 19, 2017, HuffPost published this story at the top of its front page:
Clicking on that headline led to this page:
How Vehicles Have Become Deadly Tools Of Terror
The contents of the page only consist of this short video, produced by HuffPost — which completely omits the fact that it was Palestinians who pioneered the use of car-ramming to murder Jews, and glorify this practice via social media:
Why did HuffPost not mention anything about the Jews who have been murdered by Palestinian car-ramming attacks in Israel — including a 3-month-old American girl? Or the fact that this use of a terror tactic originated in the Palestinian territories, and is glorified throughout their social media
One such victim, whose murder in October 2015 wasa captured on video, was an elderly Israeli rabbi, Yeshayahu Krishevsky. He was first run over by a Palestinian terrorist, who then hacked him to death with a meat cleaver. See our detailed documentation of Rabbi Krishevsky’s murder, with video, at:
The murder of Rabbi Yeshayahu Krishevsky
Anther victim was three-month-old Chaya Zissel Braun, an American Jewish girl who died after being rammed in her stroller by by a Palestinian driver on October 22, 2014:

The fact is that HuffPost ignored Chaya both (a) in its video about car-rammings, and (b) at the time it happened.
The story of Chaya’s murder was initially covered by Jewish publications throughout the U.S. and Israel, including the Jerusalem Post, the Algemeiner, and others.
The Daily Caller (a publication that HuffPost follows and cites when it can attack its founder, Tucker Carlson) was the first U.S. mainstream publication to report the story on October 22:
Palestinian Terror Attack Kills American Baby, Wounds 7 Others In Israel, by Sarah Hurtubise, The Daily Caller, October 22, 2014, 11:25pm. Excerpt:
A Palestinian driver with a history of anti-Israel violence crashed into a crowded train station in Jerusalem on Wednesday in an apparent terrorist attack, killing a three-month old baby American girl and wounding eight Israelis. […]
“We look at this incident as a terrorist attack,” police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said. The driver, who lived in east Jerusalem in Silwan, appeared to deliberately strike those waiting at the train station. He “has served time in Israeli prison for terrorism.” He is in serious condition.
The infant, Chaya Zissel Braun, died later of her injuries, according to Haaretz. Her parents, both American citizens, were also injured in the attack.
Within hours, Hamas celebrated and justified the attack that killed Chaya:
Baby girl killed in Jerusalem is an American, US official says, by Ben Hartman & Michael Wilner, The Jerusalem Post, October 23, 2014. Excerpt:
[Chaya] flew 10-20 meters in the air before landing headfirst on the pavement, Shimshon Halperin said Wednesday night. Standing outside Hadassah University Medical Center on Jerusalem’s Mount Scopus, after Chaya had died of intracranial bleeding Halperin explained how the driver from Silwan rammed a row of pedestrians, hitting Chaya’s stroller and sending her flying.
“This is a natural response to the crimes of the occupation and invasion of our land by the Jews,” Hamas spokesman Hossam Badran said in response to the attack.
The Post story also described an added aspect of this tragedy:
[…] Chaya had been born after her parents had tried for years to have a baby to no avail, said Halperin, adding that her parents were in shock, having just learned of her death.
Also, early the next day (October 23), the U.S. Department of State issued a press release condemning the attack, and indicating that Chaya was indeed a U.S. citizen:
U.S. condemns Jerusalem terror attack that killed infant, by JTA, October 23, 2014 6:45am. Excerpt:
The United States condemned as “despicable” a terror attack in Jerusalem that claimed the life of a 3-month-old girl. Hundreds of mourners attended the funeral late Wednesday night in Jerusalem for Chaya Zissel Braun, who is reported to be an American citizen. […]
Hours after the attack, the U.S. State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said in a statement, “The United States condemns in the strongest possible terms today’s terrorist attack in Jerusalem. We express our deepest condolences to the family of the baby, reportedly an American citizen, who was killed in this despicable attack, and extend our prayers for a full recovery to those injured. We urge all sides to maintain calm and avoid escalating tensions in the wake of this incident.”
Soon after, the NY Daily News, another publication that HuffPost regularly cites, ran a story about Chaya’s murder, confirming that she was an American citizen:
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored Chaya’s murder — and Hamas celebrating this attack — with the exception of an op-ed blog that it buried beyond casual public view
A search of the string “Chaya Zissel Braun” returns one result: an op-ed piece:
No Child Should Be Expendable, by Harry Leibowitz, World of Children Award Co-Founder & Board Chair, The Huffington Post, October 24, 2014.
Yet neither this item, nor anything about Chaya’s murder, or Hamas celebrating it, appeared on HuffPost’s front page from October 23-26, as proven by screencaps provided by the Internet Archive:
(4) July 2017: HuffPost buried the news that a Jewish family was massacred in their home by a Palestinian terrorist — then published a story that implied the Palestinians are the victims
On July 14, 2017, three Palestinian terrorists murdered two Israeli policemen at the Temple Mount, the holiest site in Judaism. In the following days, Israel beefed up its security at the site, to include metal detectors, to which the Palestinians objected.
Then, on July 21, 2017, a Jewish family was having sabbath dinner in their home in Samaria, part of Jews’ ancestral homeland (along with Judea), in the disputed territory, when a Palestinian terrorist burst in, and hacked them to death. The Israeli police released this picture of the scene, at
HuffPost published nothing on its front page about this massacre until approximately 5:30pm, at which time it posted this, mid-way down, beneath… other “news” stories (details below).
That headline led to this story page, the first few paragraphs of which are pasted below. Notice that HuffPost/Reuters flips the responsibility for this massacre squarely on Israelis. And notice that rather than featuring a picture of the murder scene, it used a picture of angry Palestinians:
At Least Six Dead In Worst Israeli-Palestinian Bloodshed For Years; The bloodiest spate of Israeli-Palestinian violence for years was prompted by new security Israeli measures at Jerusalem’s holiest site, by Luke Baker and Ori Lewis, Reuters (via HuffPost), July 21, 2017, 3:54pm EST.
Six people were killed on Friday in the bloodiest spate of Israeli-Palestinian violence for years, prompted by new security Israeli measures at Jerusalem’s holiest site.
“Three Israelis were stabbed to death in a Jewish settlement in the Israeli-occupied West Bank, hours after three Palestinians were killed in violence prompted by Israel’s installation of metal detectors at entry points to the Noble Sanctuary-Temple Mount compound in Jerusalem’s walled Old City.”
Also note that HuffPost included not a single picture of the massacre, even on its story page. To the contrary, every single picture is of Palestinians, including rioters:
At Least Six Dead In Worst Israeli-Palestinian Bloodshed For Years | HuffPost
HuffPost also ignored the fact that the terrorist wrote an incitement-based, anti-Semitic suicide note on Facebook:
HuffPost also ignored the fact that both Fatah and Hamas were openly celebrating the massacre:
Hamas welcomes Samaria terrorist attack – Israel National News
So what did HuffPost feature in the top part of its front page, instead of any of these news items? Here is a sampling:
(5) October 2017: HuffPost ignored a new watchdog report that revealed the United Nations is using its resources to promote anti-Semitism and terrorism — but gave top coverage to a man who asked a Muslim woman if she has a green card
On October 19, 2017, Israel National news published the following:
Report: UN promotes anti-Semitic, pro-terror groups; Human rights NGO issues stinging report showing how UN gives accreditation to anti-Semitic groups and groups which support terror attacks, by Gary Willig, Israel National News, October 19, 2017. Excerpt:
The United Nations has supported and endorsed dozens of organizations which are anti-Israel, anti-Semitic, and promote terrorism, according to a new report.
According to the report by Human Rights Voices, a UN watchdog organization, the UN has granted formal accreditation to hate groups which use the legitimacy the UN gives them to spread anti-Semitic propaganda against the Jewish people and the Jewish State.
The report states:
“Accredited non-governmental organizations have been allowed to flaunt the core of the UN mission by advocating terror and intolerance. At the same time, they have been permitted to draw closer to the world of international diplomacy and gain access to the international media platforms associated with it.”
It continues:
“Most striking for an organization founded on the ashes of the Holocaust, the UN enables its accredited NGOs to play a central role in promoting modern anti-Semitism. Although the preamble of the UN Charter promises the equal rights of nations large and small, UN-accredited NGOs foster the destruction of the UN member state of Israel.”
The report details numerous examples of anti-Semitism from UN-accredited NGOs, including explicit support for the Hamas terrorist organization and terrorist attacks on Israeli citizens, comparisons between Israel, the Jewish people, and the Nazis, denial of Israel’s right to exist, and claims that the Talmud is “racist,” among many others.
Anne Bayefsky, senior editor of Human Rights Voices, told the Washington Free Beacon that many of these UN-accredited NGOs act in violation of the UN’s own bylaws.
“The United Nations was founded as a global pact among states, but over the decades—in the name of transparency and openness, and in order to further the aim of globalization—the U.N. has opened its doors to non-governmental organizations,” Bayefsky said. “More than 6,200 NGOs [non-governmental organizations] have been invited to participate on a year-round basis in U.N. activities, and have thus been handed a coveted global megaphone.”
“An examination of these NGOs, however, reveals that both by design and gross negligence on the part of U.N. member states, the NGOs’ ranks include bigots, anti-Semites, and terrorist advocates who are now spreading hatred and inciting violence from the world stage,” she added.
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this report
A November 2, 2017 search using the string “Human Rights Voices Anne Bayefsky” returned zero results:
Another search the same day using the string “the NGOs’ ranks include bigots, anti-Semites, and terrorist advocates who are now spreading hatred and inciting violence from the world stage” also returned zero results:
(6-15) Fall 2015: Ten case studies of Jewish victims of Palestinian terrorism whose stories HuffPost either ignored or whitewashed
The following case studies were produced for SaveTheWest’s 2016 major video documentary, “The Huffington Post’s Anti-Semitic Bias and Incitement During the Third Intifada.” See the trailer here.
Each profiles one or more Jews who were attacked by Palestinian terrorists, and whom HuffPost either ignored or whitewashed, while at the same time evoking sympathy only for Palestinians.
For comparison, see how HuffPost showers top-level, personalized, graphic, sympathetic coverage on
(6) The murder of Hadar Buchris
(7) The murder of Cpl. Ziv Mizrahi
(8) The murder of Ezra Schwartz
(9) The murders of Rabbi Litman and Netanel Litman
(10) The murder of Alexander Levlovich
(11) The murders of Rabbi Eitam and Naama Henkin
(12) The murders of Rabbis Aharon Bennet and Nehemia Lavi
(13) The murder of Richard Lakin
(16) November 2017: For the second time in five months, HuffPost produced and published a video that allegedly depicts the history of car-ramming as a terror-tactic — but completely ignored its actual history, as a means by which Palestinians murder Jews
This is a continuation a preceding, similar incident documented in Case Study 3 on this page.
On November 1, 2017, the day after the Manhattan truck-ramming terror attack, perpetrated by an ISIS-inspired Islamist terrorist, HuffPost published the following headline near the top of its front page:
Clicking on that headline brought the reader to this page:
Why Vehicles Are The Latest Tool Of Terror
Here is the 1:16 video that is featured at right:
Why did HuffPost not mention anything about the Jews who have been murdered by Palestinian car-ramming attacks in Israel — including a 3-month-old American girl? Or the fact that this use of a terror tactic originated in the Palestinian territories, and is glorified throughout their social media
One such victim, whose murder in October 2015 wasa captured on video, was an elderly Israeli rabbi, Yeshayahu Krishevsky. He was first run over by a Palestinian terrorist, who then hacked him to death with a meat cleaver. See our detailed documentation of Rabbi Krishevsky’s murder, with video, at:
The murder of Rabbi Yeshayahu Krishevsky
Anther victim was three-month-old Chaya Zissel Braun, an American Jewish girl who died after being rammed in her stroller by by a Palestinian driver on October 22, 2014:

The fact is that HuffPost ignored Chaya both (a) in its video about car-rammings, and (b) at the time it happened.
The story of Chaya’s murder was initially covered by Jewish publications throughout the U.S. and Israel, including the Jerusalem Post, the Algemeiner, and others.
The Daily Caller (a publication that HuffPost follows and cites when it can attack its founder, Tucker Carlson) was the first U.S. mainstream publication to report the story on October 22:
Palestinian Terror Attack Kills American Baby, Wounds 7 Others In Israel, by Sarah Hurtubise, The Daily Caller, October 22, 2014, 11:25pm. Excerpt:
A Palestinian driver with a history of anti-Israel violence crashed into a crowded train station in Jerusalem on Wednesday in an apparent terrorist attack, killing a three-month old baby American girl and wounding eight Israelis. […]
“We look at this incident as a terrorist attack,” police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said. The driver, who lived in east Jerusalem in Silwan, appeared to deliberately strike those waiting at the train station. He “has served time in Israeli prison for terrorism.” He is in serious condition.
The infant, Chaya Zissel Braun, died later of her injuries, according to Haaretz. Her parents, both American citizens, were also injured in the attack.
Within hours, Hamas celebrated and justified the attack that killed Chaya:
Baby girl killed in Jerusalem is an American, US official says, by Ben Hartman & Michael Wilner, The Jerusalem Post, October 23, 2014. Excerpt:
[Chaya] flew 10-20 meters in the air before landing headfirst on the pavement, Shimshon Halperin said Wednesday night. Standing outside Hadassah University Medical Center on Jerusalem’s Mount Scopus, after Chaya had died of intracranial bleeding Halperin explained how the driver from Silwan rammed a row of pedestrians, hitting Chaya’s stroller and sending her flying.
“This is a natural response to the crimes of the occupation and invasion of our land by the Jews,” Hamas spokesman Hossam Badran said in response to the attack.
The Post story also described an added aspect of this tragedy:
[…] Chaya had been born after her parents had tried for years to have a baby to no avail, said Halperin, adding that her parents were in shock, having just learned of her death.
Also, early the next day (October 23), the U.S. Department of State issued a press release condemning the attack, and indicating that Chaya was indeed a U.S. citizen:
U.S. condemns Jerusalem terror attack that killed infant, by JTA, October 23, 2014 6:45am. Excerpt:
The United States condemned as “despicable” a terror attack in Jerusalem that claimed the life of a 3-month-old girl. Hundreds of mourners attended the funeral late Wednesday night in Jerusalem for Chaya Zissel Braun, who is reported to be an American citizen. […]
Hours after the attack, the U.S. State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said in a statement, “The United States condemns in the strongest possible terms today’s terrorist attack in Jerusalem. We express our deepest condolences to the family of the baby, reportedly an American citizen, who was killed in this despicable attack, and extend our prayers for a full recovery to those injured. We urge all sides to maintain calm and avoid escalating tensions in the wake of this incident.”
Soon after, the NY Daily News, another publication that HuffPost regularly cites, ran a story about Chaya’s murder, confirming that she was an American citizen:
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored Chaya’s murder — and Hamas celebrating this attack — with the exception of an op-ed blog that it buried beyond casual public view
A search of the string “Chaya Zissel Braun” returns one result: an op-ed piece:
No Child Should Be Expendable, by Harry Leibowitz, World of Children Award Co-Founder & Board Chair, The Huffington Post, October 24, 2014.
Yet neither this item, nor anything about Chaya’s murder, or Hamas celebrating it, appeared on HuffPost’s front page from October 23-26, as proven by screencaps provided by the Internet Archive:
(17) HuffPost gave top coverage to an original story about allegations of phone threats to a mosque — but consistently ignores actual hate crimes against Jews and Jewish facilities
On November 3, 2017, this story appeared near the top of HuffPost’s front page:Clicking on that headline brought the reader to this page:
Muslims Once Again Are Being Targeted For An Attack They Had Nothing To Do With; Mosques in New Jersey are receiving terrifying voicemails, including death threats, by Rowaida Abdelaziz, Huffington Post, November 3, 2017:
“We’re going to burn your mosque down,” a voice said angrily in a voicemail left on the mosque’s phone. “We’re coming to kill you,” another said.
This was just one of eight terrifying voicemails left at the Islamic Center of Passaic County (ICPC) in New Jersey less than 24 hours after a driver plowed a Home Depot rental truck into a bike path in lower Manhattan, killing eight people and injuring 12 others. Sayfullo Saipov, a 29-year-old native of Uzbekistan, has been charged in the killings.
One caller left three voicemails, saying he was angry and wanted revenge, even though this Muslim community had no relation to or contact with Saipov. He just happened to share the same faith as the congregants at ICPC.
Omar Awad, the president of ICPC, called police. The Paterson Police Department, the Passaic County Sheriff’s Office and federal authorities, including the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security, are working with the mosque to try to trace the threatening calls.
Unfortunately for this community, and for many other Muslims, this isn’t the first time they have dealt with such hostile backlash. In fact, it’s a routine that’s all too common and will likely continue.
“People are saddened that they have to deal with another heinous act like this again and the consequences of it,” Awad told HuffPost. “The community feels like they need to carry on the shoulders a response and justify a response, to say we are not like the attacker.”
If these allegations are accurate, and the threats legitimate, this is certainly a story that deserves publicity. However, does anyone know if those phone messages were real, or hoaxes? This is a highly relevant question, given the following facts:
- There have been a minimum of 23 fake hate crimes against Muslims in the past several years
- HuffPost actively or passively helped to falsely legitimize ten of these fake hate anti-Muslim crimes, even after it discovered they were not legitimate
HuffPost then provided a detailed background of alleged Islamophobia in America, a completely debunked allegation, given the fact that while Jews and Muslims have similar population sizes, Jews are 3-6 times more likely to be the victims of hate crimes
Further, it is notable that while HuffPost contacted the mosque in question to interview the imam, it:
- Completely ignored the fact that an imam in Australia notified NY mayor Bill de Blasio about a network of mosques in the NY-NJ area that are radicalizing Muslims, but that de Blasio never even responded
EXCLUSIVE: ‘We could have prevented a terror attack in New York’: Australian Imam wrote to New York mayor after witnessing ‘alarming rise in Islamic extremism’ in the city before latest attack – but claims he was ignored, by Kate Darvall, Daily Mail Australia, November 2, 2017. Excerpt:
An Australian Muslim leader who repeatedly warned the mayor of New York his city was a breeding ground for terrorists, claims he was completely ignored.
Adelaide’s Imam Mohammad Tawhidi sent two letters to Mayor Bill de Blasio warning him about the ‘alarming rate of radicalisation’ in his city but they went unanswered.
Eight people were killed and 11 more injured when Sayfullo Habibullaevic Saipov, 29, allegedly pledged his allegiance to ISIS and mowed down innocent people on the streets of New York on Tuesday.
‘I truly believe we could have prevented the terror attack in New York if the mayor gave me just 10 minutes of his time,’ Imam Tawhidi told MailOnline on Thursday.
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story. A November 3, 2017 search using the string “Imam Mohammad Tawhidi” returned zero results:
So on the one hand, HuffPost is giving top publicity to allegations of death threats that may or may not be real, given the recent history of fake hate crimes against Muslims (which it will not publicize), but it will give zero coverage to a freedom-oriented imam who is trying to warn the government in the region HuffPost focuses on of the escalating radicalization in mosques.
(8) November 2016: HuffPost published a blood libel in its Arabic editions, that a Jewish woman murdered the Prophet Muhammad — then refused to even reply to the ADL CEO’s request that it and other anti-Semitic items be removed
ADL Dismayed Over Failure By HuffPost Arabi to Remove Anti-Semitic Blog, ADL.org, January 12, 2017. Excerpt:
The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) today voiced disappointment over the failure by editors at HuffPost Arabi to remove a blatantly anti-Semitic blog after it was first brought to their attention several weeks ago. The Arabic-language blog promotes a conspiracy theory blaming Jews for the death of the Prophet Mohammed.
“It is troubling that an anti-Semitic screed cleared The Huffington Post’s editorial review process and that our concerns so far have been ignored,” said Jonathan A. Greenblatt, ADL CEO. “We call on The Huffington Post to immediately remove this offensive entry and to ensure that the proper safeguards are in place so that the Arabic site is free of anti-Semitism and incitement against Jews.”
The blog, initially titled “’Arsenic’ The poison, which a Jewish woman put in the food of the Prophet, peace be upon him,’” has been live on The Huffington Post’s Arabic language web site since it was first published on Nov. 29. It claims that a Jewish woman used arsenic to poison the Prophet Mohammed and includes other offensive anti-Jewish conspiracy theories.
ADL initially reached out with a letter to the editor of HuffPost Arabi on Dec. 7 and issued various tweets in Arabic and in English directly at site’s editor in chief, but has not received a response.
The Daily Stormer, a neo-Nazi website, was in full agreement with HuffPost that it should not comply with the ADL’s demands:
ADL Demands Arabian HuffPo Remove Article Saying Muhammed was Poisoned by a Jew, by Andrew Anglin, Daily Stormer, January 14, 2017. Excerpt:
Can you imagine going around defending the actions of your ancestors 1500 years ago? […]
I guess their [the ADL’s] argument would be that this stirs up hatred against them in modern times.
But obviously, that is wrong. No one cares about what the Jews were doing over a thousand years ago. No one even cares what the Jews were doing a year ago. What matters, and why people hate the Jews, is what they are doing now.
(2) HuffPost has repeatedly whitewashed and humanized Hitler, including to falsely attack a Trump nominee — while consistently depicting Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu as irredeemably evil
HuffPost: Hitler was less evil than President Bush, because at least Hitler “meant well… by eliminating Jews”
At Least They Didn’t Mean Well, by Peter Mehlman, The Huffington Post, June 20, 2007. Excerpt:
So now we’re six and a half years into Bush and everyone from Helen Thomas on down is declaring him the worst president ever. What no one is saying is the one overarching reason he’s the worst: the Bush administration is the first that doesn’t even mean well. […]
You could argue that even the world’s worst fascist dictators at least meant well. They honestly thought were doing good things for their countries by suppressing blacks/eliminating Jews/eradicating free enterprise/repressing individual thought/killing off rivals/invading neighbors, etc.
Even though HuffPost was called out by numerous websites for this outrageous article, it is still published on the site, ten years later.
HuffPost: Hitler secretly liked Mickey Mouse
HuffPost featured this “news” story on its front page:
6 Brutal Leaders And Their Ridiculous Secret Hobbies, The Huffington Post, November 14, 2010. Excerpt:
Everybody needs a hobby, but people find release in many surprising ways. A mechanic might unwind by knitting, a ballet dancer might take up boxing. But what do you do to unwind after, say, a long day at the genocide factory? Just ask these guys…
And this article is still published at HuffPost, seven years later.
HuffPost featured a week-long pictorial of Hitler’s “private moments” with Eva Braun — while at the same time, dehumanized a Jewish family that had been slaughtered by a Palestinian terrorist
On March 9, 2011, HuffPost published near the top of its front page this “news” story, which it left there for at least seven straight days:
PHOTOS: Eva Braun and Adolf Hitler’s Private Moments
Some may find HuffPost’s decision to shower such sustained, top-level, “humanizing” attention to Hitler’s “private moments,” to be shocking. This, however, pales in comparison to the fact that during the seven days it left this story on its front page, HuffPost was knowingly suppressing, whitewashing and dehumanizing a family of Jews who had just been slaughtered by murderous anti-Semites.
At the same time: HuffPost dehumanized a Jewish family that had been slaughtered by an anti-Semitic terrorist
On March 11, 2011 — two days after HuffPost’s tribute to Hitler’s “private moments” began — two Palestinian terrorists savagely murdered the Fogel family, in Israel. The terrorists slashed all of their throats, including 3-month-old Hadas’s.
The Fogel family, clockwise, from top left: Ruth, 34; Udi, 36; Yoav, 11; Elad, 4; Hadas, 3 months. See pictures of their corpses at the crime scene here, here, here [CAUTION: GRAPHIC].
As one HuffPost watchdog website documented, rather than putting this story on its front page, HuffPost waited a full day to provide any coverage of it — then only posted a Reuters wire story, which featured no pictures of the Fogels, and buried it on a secondary page, behind a picture of a Jeep:
HuffPost then removed the story less than twenty-four hours later, and never put up another one — all the while, keeping its tribute to Hitler’s “private moments” with Eva Braun prominently featured on its front page, until at least March 15 — seven straight days.
Further, as another HuffPost watchdog site noted, it also never published a story that revealed the fact that one of the Palestinian terrorists publicly expressed his pride at having done it:
Palestinian baby killer: Proud of what I did; Amjad Awad said he has no regrets over butchering five members of Fogel family in Itamar, even if it means he’ll get death sentence, by Ahiya Raved, YNete.com, June 5, 2011. Excerpt:
“I’m proud of what I did,” so declared Amjad Mahmad Awad, 19, on Sunday just moments before an indictment against him and his partner Hakim Awad was filed before the Judea and Samaria Sector Military Court, over the murders of five members of the Fogel family two and a half months ago.
“I don’t regret what I did, even if it means I’m sentenced to death,” Amjad said ahead of the indictment hearing.
In fact, HuffPost’s own search engine proves it never published the murderer’s name. A January 27, 2017 search using the string “Amjad Mahmad Awad“ returns zero results. Which stands in stark contrast to the fact that:
- HuffPost routinely puts stories on its front page about “Jewish extremists” who are merely suspected of attacking Palestinians.
- When a Russian punk band, “Pussy Riot,” was arrested for barging into a Russian orthodox church, during services, and singing a protest song, at one point HuffPost had nine separate, sympathetic stories on its World page about their plight, depicting them as “victims.”
HuffPost also gave no coverage to the fact that Palestinians had been photographed handing out candies in “celebration” of the Fogels’ murders:
A Palestinian man offers sweets to Hamas policemen in the streets of the southern Gaza Strip town of Rafah on March 12, 2011 to celebrate the murder of the Fogel family. (Photo Said Khatib/AFP/Getty Images)
Further, as shown in SaveTheWest.com’s recent documentary, when Palestinians — including terrorists — are killed, HuffPost rushes personalized, graphic, sympathetic stories of them to its front page, while at the same time, ignoring and dehumanizing Jews who are murdered by Palestinians:
“The Huffington Post’s Anti-Semitic Bias and Incitement During the Third Intifada”
The trailer:
UPDATE: January 30
The above report was published on January 27, International Holocaust Remembrance Day. Since then, HuffPost has published several items that only further indicate the depths to which it will sink to whitewash Hitler, and his murder of six million Jews.
On Sunday, January 29, HuffPost published the following two articles near the top of its front page:
A Tremendous Roundup Of Street Art Ridiculing Donald Trump
The below “news” article was based entirely on one Muslim’s statement, of her fears that Trump is going to do to Muslims what Hitler did to Jews:
‘Is This Our Version Of The Holocaust That’s About To Start?’
And we were also alerted to this article, which appeared on December 26, 2016, on HuffPost’s front page, that explicitly compares those who voted for Trump to those who supported Adolf Hitler:
What Those Who Studied Nazis Can Teach Us About The Strange Reaction To Donald Trump; While it’s important to watch the president-elect closely, we also must be mindful of our own response to him, by Shawn Hamilton, The Huffington Post, December 19, 2016. Excerpt:
People rejected the uglier aspects of Nazism but gave ground in ways that ultimately made it successful. They conceded premises to faulty arguments. They rejected the “facts” of propaganda, but not the impressions of it. The new paradigm of authoritarianism was so disorienting that they simply could not see it for what it was, let alone confront it. […]
Before there were the camps and murders ― and the euphemisms to hide all of the camps and all of the murders ― there was this feel-good lie that should have been dismissed ― along with the people telling it, from the beginning.
In today’s United States, the suggestion that illegal immigration is the cause of the economic struggles of working-class whites is an American Dolchstoss. Mechanization, globalization and the decline of unions have affected working-class whites to a far greater extent than illegal immigration ― or immigration of any kind. And this is not an obscure fact or liberal talking point. Yet many who supposedly reject Trump’s scapegoating of illegal immigrants seem willing to concede it. […]
We should not waste our time or imaginations trying to reconfigure Trumpism to explain why all of the “good people” supported him. It is more important to see it for what it is and resist. Hopefully, they will join us. If not, it will not be necessary to call them names, they will have named themselves.
Recall that HuffPost established an absolute prohibition of “hate speech,” “inflammatory claims” and “conspiracy theories”:
“If you’re looking for the usual flame-throwing, name-calling, and simplistic attack dog rhetoric … don’t bother coming to the Huffington Post.”
– Arianna Huffington“[At HuffPost] there are guidelines that have to be followed — and they include a prohibition on conspiracy theories or inflammatory claims […] what the great historian Richard Hofstadter called ‘the paranoid style in American politics,’ which he defined as angry minds that traffic in ‘heated exaggeration, suspiciousness, and conspiratorial fantasy,’ and that see ‘the fate of conspiracy in apocalyptic terms… always manning the barricades of civilization’.”
– Arianna Huffington
See more of HuffPost management’s public claims that it is an absolutely nonpartisan, professional news organization here.