Home Douglas Altabef Michael Oren’s new book has done Israel and America a great service

Michael Oren’s new book has done Israel and America a great service



The following is an excerpt of an editorial by SaveTheWest contributor Doug Altabef that first appeared in the Times of Israel on June 28, 2015. Altabef is a retired American financial adviser from New York, who now lives in Israel.

Excerpt from Times of Israel:

Michael Oren’s memoir, available at Amazon.

How many of the gratuitous attackers of Michael Oren’s new book, “Ally: My Journey Across the American-Israeli Divide,” have actually read the book? My bet is very few. And I would wager that even fewer approached the book with an open mind.

What Michael Oren has written is an immensely important book on several levels, including a revealing behind the scenes look at the issues that have been dominating world headlines for the past four years, and a greater understanding of the positions, personalities and interplay of the key players, as well as the enablers of foreign policy.

Above all, though, Oren has shown us not only the chasm, the ever yawning chasm, between Israeli and American Jewish worldviews, but also the critical need to find common ground between us, not withstanding the differences.

Of course, most of the commentators have focused on the criticism of President Obama. Would that the criticisms had been as thoughtful and nuanced as what Oren actually focuses on!



