STW founder and president Ken Abramowitz urges the Trump administration to develop a comprehensive strategy for confronting, and defeating the supremacist ideology that gives birth to and legitimizes Islamist terrorism.
How does STW founder Ken Abramowitz grade President Trump in terms of growing the U.S. economy, and keeping Americans safe? Watch this interview with the Daily Caller's Ginni Thomas, to learn why Ken gives the president a B-.
From STW founder and president Ken Abramowitz: “It is a sad day when American diplomats insist on acting against American and Israeli self interest by giving away Israeli land.”
From STW founder and president Ken Abramowitz: "The Kurds were our best allies in the fight against ISIS. Going forward, they represent a crucial ally in our existential fight to stop Iranian imperialism in the Middle East and then throughout the world."
STW founder and president Ken Abramowitz submitted this letter to the Wall St. Journal in response to its editorial about gun control after the Las Vegas massacre, and points out the startling success that Israel has enjoyed thanks to Jerusalem's revised policy on the matter.
In this editorial, written for the Daily Caller, STW founder and president Ken Abramowitz urges the U.S. government to urgently address North Korea's and Iran's joint nuclear and missile programs, which these rogue nations have explicitly stated will be used to destroy America and Israel. founder and president Ken Abramowitz appeared on Israel’s i24 News channel on September 8, 2017, to discuss the threats facing America from Iran's and North Korea's nuclear weapons and missile programs, and the urgency with which these they must be addressed. founder and president Ken Abramowitz appeared on Israel's i24 News channel on July 18, 2017, to discuss the recent Palestinian terrorist attack on the Temple Mount, in which two Israeli policemen were murdered, and why Israel should ignore criticism of its efforts to improve security at the site.
Social justice warriors have been fuming over groups and organizations that "cultural appropriate" habits and mannerisms that originate elsewhere. Now, ISIS is joining the bandwagon, by filing a complaint at the UN against ANTIFA anarchists, for "culturally appropriating" their outfits.
Captain Alfred Dreyfus was a Jewish officer in the French military who was falsely convicted of treason, amid the anti-Semitic hatred of the late 19th century. George Soros's apologists are claiming that his situation is similar. As Dr. Rachel Erhenefeld documents, it is not.