Ken’s appearance on Israel’s i24 News, regarding Israel’s retaliatory strikes on...
STW founder and president Ken Abramowitz appeared on Israeli TV to discuss Iran's 40-year war on Western civilization, of which Israel is the Eastern border, the virtue of the Jewish state's fierce retaliatory strikes on Iranian bases in Syria, and his insights on the transitions occurring in the Arab world, to adopt Western values.
Countering Political Islam’s Economic Warfare
By Dr. Rachel Ehrenfeld: "To survive the fast-spreading cancerous metastases of the Political Islamic movement, liberal democracies must adopt a wide range of immunotherapeutic methods to inoculate their national cultural, political, and economic systems to withstand aggressive assaults on freedom."
Ken’s letter to the WSJ regarding the tactical alliance between Russia...
STW founder and president Ken Abramowitz points out that while analyzing the Russian-Turkey alliance is important, the Trump administration must remain focused on the #1 worldwide terror threat, which is so also heavily influencing the region, as well as this alliance: Iran.
“Political Islam in the Workplace” conference – April 26, 2018, Washington...
The purpose of this conference, according to its organizers, is "to break the taboo of the campaign being waged by political Islam to make Western businesses Sharia-compliant, and tackle the problem head-on." Click here to read more, and register for this free event, to take place in the U.S. Capitol.
Ken’s appearance on radio show, discussing President Trump’s new national security...
STW founder and president Ken Abramowitz was interviewed by Zev Brenner of Talkline Communications about President Trump's appointment of Rep. Mike Pompeo to be America's new Secretary of State, and Amb. John Bolton to be National Security Adviser.
Ken’s speech to the Republican Club of the Northern Palm Beaches...
STW founder and president Ken Abramowitz addressed the Republican Club of the Northern Palm Beaches, during which he assessed the performances of President Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and analyzed the investigations targeting them.
Ken’s appearance on a British TV show, describing how to save...
STW founder and president Ken Abramowitz participated in a one-hour interview on the British TV show Revalation TV, during which they discussed the threats to Western civilization (including Israel), and the steps we must take to defend ourselves and our values.
LGBTQ – The Islamic Perspective – Canada
In this blockbuster special report, SaveTheWest contributor Dr. Rachel Ehrenfeld provides deep documentation of the vehemently anti-LGBT indoctrination that occurs in Canadian mosques and cultural centers, which is apparently directly at odds with the "tolerant and inclusive" agenda of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who led efforts to criminalize criticism of Islamist doctrines.
Ken’s letter to the WSJ re Hamas firing rockets into Israel
STW founder and president Ken Abramowitz reminds the WSJ that Hamas's motivation for firing rockets into Israel is not the U.S.'s embassy move to Jerusalem, but its endless desire to wipe the Jewish state off the face of the Earth.
FAKE NEWS: What it is, who’s creating it, how to identify...
An original SaveTheWest report that presents the fascinating history of fake news -- often created outside the U.S., to pit Americans against each other, based on lies -- and tips for how you can identify it, and stop it.