Intentional Illegal Migration Chaos – Ken’s Thought of the Week


Biden called on migrants to enter the U.S. illegally from Mexico - and the tsunami of migrants rushing our border is now a human catastrophe.

Op-Ed: How China Threatens America


"China is the number one national security threat for the United States since World War II." John Ratcliffe, former U.S. Director of National Intelligence (DNI)

Op Ed: Who Are The Modern-Day Pharaohs?


What are the parallels between pharaoh and various totalitarian regimes in our times? Who are modern-day leaders who aspire to be like pharaoh?

Reality Check: Video Reminds Us How Much America Has Changed Since 9/11


. Threat Analyst Ken Abramowitz is author of “The Multifront War” Britanny Hughes filmed this video on September 11, 2017. The 16th anniversary of 9/11 .. Don’t miss this one!!! Worth your time!!! Ms Hughes gives us a reality check: How much we have forgotten about an event that changed our lives, and how much Americans have changed in only 16...

Freedom Lessons from Passover – Ken’s Thought of the Week


What lessons can we learn today from the Passover story? QAnd who are the Pharaohs, the tyrants, who threaten our freedoms today

New Administration Declares War on Our Children – Ken’s Thought of the Week


The Declaration of Independence says the government must protect Life, liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. But the new radical-socialist Biden government ignores our founding documents.

The Golden Calf is Alive and Kicking — Ken’s Thought of the Week


The Torah, New Testament, & US Constitution are under attack today. The Golden Calf is once again trying to disrupt our values & our lives.

Op-Ed: Will Antifa-inspired Copycats Ever Undermine the Jewish State?


Could the riot that happened at the U.S. Capitol on January 6 also happen at the Knesset in Jerusalem?

Time to Commemorate Alexis de Tocqueville – Ken’s Thought of the Week


America is facing a Constitutional crisis. Maybe it's time to revisit some of Alexis de Tocqueville’s more insightful observations.

Op Ed: Will Biden’s Middle East Policy Fail like Previous Obama/Biden Administration?


The United States has a president who wants to reverse all Trump's important policies, He has thereby emboldened the Iranian terror regime to once again be more aggressive.