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Ken’s letter to the Wall St. Journal regarding the Pentagon’s plans to deal with Iran



On January 16, 2019, SaveTheWest.com founder and president Ken Abramowitz submitted the following letter to the editor of the Wall St. Journal. The letter has not been published, so we are posting it here, with several key links inserted for the Internet reader’s benefit:

Letters To The Editor
Wall Street Journal
200 Liberty Street
New York, New York 10281

Dear Editor:

The “White House Asked Pentagon For Options To Strike Iran” article (1/14/19) claimed that the request generated “concern at the Pentagon.”

The key question that should be asked is: Why such a high level of concern?

The job of the Pentagon is to protect us from our foreign enemies. The Pentagon has to plan for numerous contingencies around the world, which can take place anytime.

Iran is currently our number one enemy. Its government has promised to kill everyone in America (hence its leaders publicly chanting, “Death to America!” during “negotiations” with the Obama administration).

Iran is now developing nuclear weapons and ICBMs. Iran is also financing over 400,000 terrorists/operatives dedicated to physical, narco, and cultural terror worldwide.

Our key concern should be that the Pentagon was “concerned” about doing its basic job!


Kenneth Abramowitz

Founder, SaveTheWest.com

New York


