Home Ken's Thoughts Of The Week Ken’s Thought of the Week: A comprehensive peace plan for the Middle...

Ken’s Thought of the Week: A comprehensive peace plan for the Middle East



President Trump receives a Book of Psalms from Rabbi Shmuel Rabinowitz (center), the rabbi of the Western Wall. (Photo credit: Israel Bardugo)

By Ken Abramowitz, President & Founder, SaveTheWest.com

Lots of commentators like to discuss what might be in the Trump Administration’s “Deal of the Century” to promote Middle East peace and a future peace process.

As a result, an economic conference in Bahrain is scheduled for late June, at which ideas for regional cooperation will be discussed. At a later time, key leaders will convene to discuss political cooperation and integration.

Not willing to speculate, I propose an alternative “Deal of the Century,” with five key strategic goals:

(1) Strengthen our key allies

(2) Encourage/pressure our best allies

(3) Work to reform our “frenemies”(nations that are sometimes-friends, and sometimes-enemies)

(4) Encourage/pressure our adversaries

(5) Defeat our enemies

To strengthen our key allies, the U.S. should recognize Israel’s annexation of East Jerusalem and Area C in Judea-Samaria.

The endemically corrupt UNRWA should be closed, and replaced by an Israeli school system for Arabs.

Western-friendly Gulf States should be encouraged to step up investments, both directly and through new venture capital and private equity funds, in new high technology-based corporations, focusing on Egypt, Jordan, and the seven major Arab cities in Judea & Samaria (aka “The West Bank”).

U.S. should encourage the U.K. to integrate its foreign policies with ours, and distance itself from failed, anti-U.S., E.U. policies, as it prepares for a likely hard Brexit later this year.

For “frenemies” such a Turkey and Qatar, we should pressure them to cease financing the Muslim Brotherhood (MB), and to cease building new mosques in the U.S., which are then run by anti-American, anti-Semitic imams.

The U.S. should prohibit all donations by Turkey, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia to American educational institutions (currently estimated at $1.5 billion over the past ten years), until they reform, and join Western Civilization.

Russian President Vladimir Putin (L) and Iranian supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei (R) meet in Tehran, Iran. (Photo: EPA/ALEXEI DRUZHININ / SPUTNIK)

For adversaries such as China and Russia, we should pressure them to cut trade and diplomatic relations with (a) Iran, which finances the largest terror organization in the World, and (b) North Korea, with which Iran has been collaborating on the development of nuclear weapons and missile technology, if they want to continue trading with the U.S.

For enemies such as Iran and ISIS, we should bankrupt them, and insist on regime change for Iran, and decimation worldwide for ISIS.

Regarding the corrupt, tyrannical, terror-inciting Palestinian Authority, we should downgrade our relationship further, and encourage the formation of eight self-governing city-states in their major population centers, as a replacement for the PA.

In net, any new peace plan should help us and our allies to win, while forcing our enemies to lose. It should not be so complicated!

Additional reading

Allegedly leaked Trump peace deal cites ‘New Palestine,’ united Jerusalem – Jerusalem Post

White House invites Trump business allies to Middle East forum – CNBC

‘Deal of Century’ now has one goal: Saving Netanyahu – Jerusalem Post

Is Trump’s “Deal of the Century” really a peace plan? – Middle East Institute

On 65th Anniversary, Looking at UNRWA and its Hamas Ties – Algemeiner.com

Turkey becomes biggest Muslim Brotherhood backer in the world – Ahval

How Erdogan Exports Turkish Islam – Foreign Policy

Why Are American Imams Saying “Kill the Jews”? – The Tower

Ken’s Thought Of The Week: Recommendations for how to deal with Iran, North Korea, and US allies – Save The West

Qatar on Our Campuses – Clarion Project

Abbas Admits: The PA is Behind All Terrorism – MIDA

Palestinian killed in Israel after accusations of selling land to Jews – The Times of Israel

7 reporters held, ‘brutally beaten’ by Hamas for covering Gaza protests – The Times of Israel

