Wake-up call 2014
SaveTheWest.com contributor writer Erez Winner, who spent 25 years in the Israel Defense Forces and retired as a colonel, argues that the days of...
When is a condemnation not a condemnation?
Mahmoud Abbas is a U.S. taxpayer-funded master of doubletalk on terrorism. His "condemnation" of a Palestinian terrorist's grisly murder of Jews in a Jerusalem synagogue is the latest example.
The Next War is Already Here
SaveTheWest.com contributor writer Erez Winner, who spent 25 years in the Israel Defense Forces and retired as a colonel, argues that a new war has broken out -- one that we have not yet begun to deal with in a serious, comprehensive fashion.
US college students sign petition to support ISIS – on 9/11/14
The Media Research Center's Dan Joseph visited George Mason University on the 13th anniversary of 9/11 to see how many of its elite students would sign a petition in support of ISIS. Your tax dollars at work.
Legal Forum For Israel blasts Ban Ki-Moon for bias
The Legal Forum for Israel recently sent a letter to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon, describing and objecting to his anti-Israel bias, and demanding that he begin to take a more balanced approach to Israel-Palestinian affairs. Read this fascinating letter here.
CIA veteran: The day the US switched sides in war on terror
In an expansive video interview with The Daily Caller's Ginni Thomas, former CIA operations officer and counter-terrorism consultant Clare Lopez explains that for the first time in history, the US actually armed Al Qaeda, in the lead-up to and after the Benghazi attack on the American consulate.
How to save Western civilization from itself
An essay by SaveTheWest.com's founder and president, describing the fight for Western civilization, why we are sometimes our own worst enemy, and slide shows containing key recommendations for how to win this war.
Ken’s speech in Nashville, TN 03Aug14
On August 3, 2014, Ken delivered this 17-minute speech before the Hayovel organization in Nashville, TN. Click here to view the handout that Ken cites, which accompanies this speech.
Hamas’s “victory”
In the Palestinian world, when Hamas is in a military conflict with Israel, anything short of being beaten to the point of having to cry "Uncle!," and sign an unconditional surrender, is considered a "victory." But to a chorus of Israel supporters, anything short of that is considered a loss. Which is it?
US Brigadier General: “A Few Airstrikes Don’t Win Wars”
Brigadier General Ernie Audino (ret.) says, "The destruction of ISIS and breaking its will to fight will not happen by the conduct of defensive operations alone. [T]his level of destruction will require the conduct of well-coordinated, well-equipped and well-supplied offensive operations."