How to save Western civilization from itself

. By Kenneth Abramowitz We are fighting a physical and intellectual war for our existence against three enemies. The first question to ask is, “Who is the...

The difficulty of perception, language and understanding

A detailed assessment of the corrupt optics and values through which today's "journalists" are viewing, and reporting on, Israel's defensive actions against Hamas's relentless terrorism.

Letter from an IDF reservist, called to duty, 22July14

This heartfelt letter was written on July 22, 2014 by an IDF reservist, two weeks after being called to duty in Operation Protective Edge. It's a fascinating look into the mind of a citizen-soldier who may never come home.

SaveTheWest’s Economic recommendations

0's top short-term and long-term recommendations to save the United States economy.

SaveTheWest’s Cultural recommendations

0's top short-term and long-term recommendations to save the United States culture.

SaveTheWest’s National Security recommendations

0's top short-term and long-term recommendations to strengthen the national security of the United States.

American Conversation Essentials by the Hoover Institution

(Copy from Hoover Institution) Working with the 92nd Street Y (92Y) in New York City, the Hoover Institution has launched a video series entitled American...

Israel’s Ten Security Challenges

Ken Abramowitz describes the ten security challenges facing Israel.

Ken interviewed by Mallory Factor on May 12, 2014

Ken and Mallory discuss how to save Western civilization.

Ken’s December 2013 speech on saving Western civilization

Ken delivered this speech in December 2013 to an audience of approximately 50 people at a private residence in Boca Raton, FL. The...