Home Jon Sutz Special report: The U.S. “news” media depicts an American terrorist and her...

Special report: The U.S. “news” media depicts an American terrorist and her son as “Madonna & Child”


UPDATE April 23, 2019: SaveTheWest sent certified letters to the heads of five of the major “news” organizations featured in this report, seeking their reaction, and any steps they will take to ensure their employees will never perpetrate such an outrage again. Read each letter here.

If you arrived here from the slide show summary of this report, and want to see the documentation page cited in the last frame, go here.

“If the people in the media cannot decide whether they are in the business of reporting news or manufacturing propaganda, it is all the more important that the public understand that difference, and choose their news sources accordingly.”

– Thomas Sowell

By Jon Sutz, Editor, SaveTheWest.com

In January and February 2019, the mainstream national “news” media was exposed and humiliated for two back-to-back incidents of journalistic malpractice. First came the false story about the Covington students allegedly terrorizing an elderly Native American veteran of the Vietnam war. Then, days later, came the Jussie Smollett “hate crime” hoax.

Both of these incidents shared four common trademarks:

(1) The supposedly objective “news” media gave each story instant credibility and top publicity, without any substantive analysis.

(2) Each story was designed from the ground up to achieve one purpose: to whip up worldwide hatred against political conservatives, particularly those who wear MAGA caps, depicting them as racist monsters, with a propensity towards physical violence & intimidation.

(3) As the facts emerged, and each story fell apart, the “news” media struggled to hold them together, apparently because advancing the narrative in (2) was too good to let go of. Ultimately, in both instances they were forced to issue retractions — and in the case of the Covington teens, the Washington Post and CNN are now facing massive lawsuits.

(4) These “news” organizations did all the above despite the extensive recent history of fake racist hate crime claims against MAGA cap wearers — which they typically ignore or bury, once they’re confirmed to be hoaxes.

It is against that backdrop that we are prepared to examine how, beginning on February 19, major players among the same supposedly-objective national “news” media began visually depicting an actual monster as a saintly, angelic figure — and advocating for her interests.

Specifically, these “news” professionals:

(1) Published obviously staged photos of Hoda Muthana, a self-professed ISIS terrorist, with her toddler son, in poses that depict them as the modern-day equivalent of “Madonna & Child.”

(2) Produced captions for these photos, and their story copy, that’s almost indistinguishable from that which is developed by paid public relations (PR) professionals, to advocate for their clients.

(3) Ignored the fact that numerous Yazidi women and girls whom ISIS captured and used as rape slaves have attested that in many cases, the wives of ISIS terrorists — like Muthana — were actually more brutal and cruel to them than their husbands.

(4) Ignored or downplayed what Muthana knew, or likely knew, before she left Alabama to join ISIS in Syria, about its savagery, ultimate objectives, and treatment of Yazidis.

The following slide show provides a summary of all these facts.

The documentation behind all the assertions made in this slide show is located here.

ABC News’s contribution to whitewashing Muthana: “She’s alone with her 18 month old son… full of regret, she’s begging to come home.”

This page contains extensive documentation and supporting information on how the “news” media depicted Muthana, what they knew or should have known before they did this, and the similarities between the obviously-staged photos they employed and the iconic “Madonna & Child” imagery.

Key sections (click links at left):

(1) Examples of the national mainstream “news” media visually depicting Hoda Mothana and her son as Madonna & Child, and writing sympathetic accompanying narratives

(2) Do these “journalists” really not know of the high probability that Mothana was lured by, and participated in ISIS’s abuse and murder of Yazidi slaves, and other acts of terrorism?

(3) The history of “Madonna & Child” imagery

(4) Examples of “Madonna & Child” imagery

Do you view these “news” organizations’ actions as a moral abomination?

If so, and if you’d like to make your thoughts known to these “news” organizations, here’s how. Should you reach out, please be polite and concise. and reference the link to this report: savethewest.com/terroristasmadonna/

ABC News

CBS News



NBC News

New York Times





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