(15) Police officers “are murdering our (black) kids and getting away with it”
(16) “How America Kills Black Men Without Lifting A Finger”
(17) HuffPost’s South Africa edition published, and defended, an editorial that contained a plethora of lies to justify hate, discrimination and violence against white people throughout the world; Its executive editor was reportedly forced to resign
(18) HuffPost attacked a cable news network for hiring a white male
(19) HuffPost assailed Vice-President elect Pence for posting “whitest selfie ever” — ignoring its own history of hiring almost exclusively white people, and giving them all its top positions
(20) HuffPost top-of-the-front-page “news” article: “There Is No Justice For Black People Killed By Cops”
(21) HuffPost falsely insinuated, repeatedly, that a road-rage incident against a Muslim woman of color was due to either Islamophobia or white supremacism, when it knew for a fact that the actual cause was neither
(22) HuffPost published a front-page editorial that mocked an American college student held captive in North Korea, for the terror state’s “revocation of his white privilege,” and his presumed, belated realization that “his white privilege is not universal”
(23) HuffPost published a front-page editorial that falsely claimed that local police took Dylan Roof, who murdered nine black church members in South Carolina, to Burger King for dinner after the shooting, as a symbol of American racism
(24) HuffPost asserted that “Our Fear Of Black Men Is Racist, And It Killed Philando Castile” — while ignoring its own legendary fear of, and reluctance to hire black men
(25) June 2017: HuffPost again falsely accused police officers of murdering black Americans, while omitting all essential context, such as the fact that juries — which included black members — exonerated the vast majority of them, and some of the cops were black
(26) June 2017: HuffPost claimed Eric Trump got a haircut to make him look like a racist — but omitted the fact that many Hollywood stars now have the same haircut
(27) February 2017 (belated discovery): HuffPost published claim that “white churches must repent” for “practices and policies of racism”; Yet HuffPost never makes similar call for homophobic, violence-inciting imams at Orlando mosques
(28) June 2017: After consistently ignoring Muslim hate crimes against Muslims, HuffPost gave sympathetic, pictorial, front-page coverage to the story of an acid attack on two Muslim females in England — but apparently, only because the alleged perpetrator was a white, non-Muslim male [UPDATED: HuffPost proved this theory, less than one month later]
(29) September 2017: In the hours after the acquittal of a St. Louis, MO police officer of killing a black drug suspect, HuffPost published on its front page a “news” story containing only a self-produced “news video” that presented black people who were killed by police officers, insinuating that they were all shot for no reason other than their race
(30) September 2017: HuffPost falsely claimed “many Americans share white supremacist views”
(31) September 2017: HuffPost ignored the faces, names and stories of the four white American female college students who were victims of an acid attack in Marseilles, France — but gave top, graphic, sustained coverage to two British Muslim women of color in England, who were victims of an acid attack, reportedly by a white male [UPDATED]
(32) September 2017: HuffPost claimed that any white athletes who stand for the American national anthem “are standing for white supremacy”
(33) October 2017: HuffPost published a headline that it knew was an inflammatory half-truth, and could only serve to incite racial hatred based on it
(34) October 2017: HuffPost gave front page coverage to a picture of a white man whispering into a phone to accompany a story about a man who confessed to calling in a threat to a mosque — even though it knew for four months that the perpetrator is a black man
(35) September 2017, College Park, MD: HuffPost ignored the fact that a swastika spray-painted inside student residence hall was allegedly perpetrated by a black man
(36) October 2017, San Francisco, CA: HuffPost ignored the discovery that the prime suspect in a series of swastika vandalism incidents at BART stations is a black man
(37) HuffPost gave top, sustained coverage to a report that falsely claimed white conservatives are responsible for the vast majority of terrorism in America
(39) HuffPost writer racially smeared a black Republican U.S. Senator, as a “manipulated prop,” because he supported the GOP tax reform bill
(40) January 2018: HuffPost gave top publicity to an original article that claimed “a drunken huddle of angry white men” in New York complained about “brown people”; Just one tiny problem: there was no proof of them saying anything about “brown people” [UPDATE: HuffPost also completely ignored a leftist’s unprovoked assault on a conservative attendee]
(41) February 2018: HuffPost published a splash headline that claimed the man who murdered 17 students at a Florida high school was, definitively, a “white supremacist” — even though it had already been debunked, was based on completely unproven allegations, and his targeted victims were apparently were all white
the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics, abilities, or qualities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races
One classic justification for racism and incitement based on racial bigotry, is to blame all the members of one race for all of a nation’s, or town’s, problems.
HuffPost insists it is a professional, nonpartisan newspaper, that does not tolerate any form of racism or bigotry. These headlines reveal the grim reality: and, as documented elsewhere in this report, it also employs an extreme bias in terms of reporting the hate crimes it helps to incite, in part based on the race of the of the victim(s), and the perpetrator(s).
HuffPost’s senior executives have repeatedly and publicly stated that they do not allow any kind of offensive content on its pages. According to its terms and conditions, HuffPost:
prohibits materials that are… hateful, obscene, defamatory, libelous… or [are] otherwise inappropriate
And in 2010, Arianna Huffington, its editor-in-chief and found, asserted that she had also prohibited “conspiracy theories [and] inflammatory claims”:
“[At HuffPost] there are guidelines that have to be followed — and they include a prohibition on conspiracy theories or inflammatory claims… what the great historian Richard Hofstadter called ‘the paranoid style in American politics,’ which he defined as angry minds that traffic in ‘heated exaggeration, suspiciousness, and conspiratorial fantasy,’ and that see ‘the fate of conspiracy in apocalyptic terms… always manning the barricades of civilization’.”
The reader must judge how the contents of this page comport with these policies — and, given HuffPost’s unrivaled reach and influence, the impact that it is having on race relations in America.
(1) “It’s pretty clear who ruined America: white people”
On November 10, 2016, HuffPost published a racist editorial at the top of its front page, that led to a story page which contained a sub-headline that read:
“It’s pretty clear who ruined America: white people.”
Note that HuffPost positioned this incitement-based racist editorial under an ad for Nordstrom (above), and on its front page, next to an ad for State Farm insurance:
(2) “Let’s be honest, white people are the problem here”
Many of the bizarre racist and anti-Semitic premises and allegations underlying this editorial were quickly demolished by Micha Mitch Danzig, a Jewish lawyer and former Israeli soldier. Danzig, however, did not address this explicitly racist excerpt:
“Let’s be honest, white people are the problem here”
(3) White people conspire to “steal elections”
On March 11, 2016, HuffPost published an editorial near the top of its front page that was entitled:
A personal tweet I sent out this week said: “Let’s be clear — and Christian: A vote for Donald Trump is a vote for racism.” […]
Donald Trump is appealing to the worst instincts of white people, and American history has shown how ugly and violent those white instincts can be. He is right when he claims to be bringing out people that have never voted before — but he leaves out that those new voters are angry white people.
At the same time we’re adding them to our voting rolls, there are active political forces directly engaged in trying to block and diminish the turnout of black, Hispanic, Asian, and Muslim voters. They’re doing so in four ways.
First, as Michelle Alexander explains in The New Jim Crow, political strategies now connect the deliberate mass incarceration of black and brown men and women with the subsequent and purposeful political disenfranchisement of those millions of people of color when they return to society. […]
As HuffPost knew, or should have known, each of these inflammatory claims and conspiracy theories (which HuffPost claims it has strictly prohibited), and those that followed, can be easily debunked. For example, the bulk of what the writer claims are examples of “whites stealing elections” are actually examples of bipartisan measures, practiced for decades. As in the case of mandatory minimum prison sentences, they were enacted under a Democratic president (Clinton), and authorized by a Democratic Congress (sources 1, 2). Instead of being honest about this, however, apparently trusting that the general public is unaware of these facts, the writer connects the things about which he complains exclusively to Republicans in general, and Trump in specific.
And as HuffPost also knew, or should have known, this editorial writer, Jim Wallis, whose editorial screeds it has posted weekly on its front page for years, is an inflammatory radical leftist who sees pretty much everything through the prism of racial and religious intolerance. This even includes an outrageous statement he made about one of the U.S. military’s most heroic achievements – when it assassinated Osama Bin Laden:
Pumping our fists in victory or celebrating in the streets is probably not the best Christian response to anyone’s death, even the death of a dangerous and violent enemy. […] The chants of “USA, USA, USA” are also not the best mantra for believers who should know that they are meant to be Christians first and Americans second.
Further, he said that it is Americans who should repent for the Islamist terror attacks on them:
The violence of terrorism, the violence of war, and even the violent reprisal against Osama bin Laden on Sunday should all push us to deeper reflection, and even repentance, for how we have allowed the seeds of such destruction to take root and grow in our hearts and in our world.
This is also not the first time that Wallis has made a false charge of racism. In 2010, at HuffPost, he said:
“There is something wrong with a political movement like the Tea Party which is almost all white. Does that mean every member of the Tea Party is racist? Likely not. But is an undercurrent of white resentment part of the Tea Party ethos, and would there even be a Tea Party if the president of the United States weren’t the first black man to occupy that office?”
It is ironic that Wallis would publish such an editorial at HuffPost, given that at the time, it was provably far less racially diverse than the Tea Party was, at this time, as documented by the Huff-Watch blog.
75% of America is white; 79% of the Tea Party is white (Gallup). Yet as this article documents, apparently 0% of HuffPost’s top executives, reporters and editors are black.
As documented in the above blog article, here is a picture of HuffPost’s employee 2009 Christmas party – which looks almost so purely white it might be mistaken for a Klan rally – and is far less diverse than the Tea Party at that time:
(4) “The Klan won last night”
On November 9, 2016, HuffPost published an editorialnear the top of its front page that claimed, “The Klan won last night.” Excerpt:
And it wasn’t just Donald Trump who won last night—it was his supporters too. The Klan won last night.
Note: Sometime after November 9, HuffPost selectively edited the above line out of its version of the editorial, but it remains at its original source, Vanity Fair (screencap). Apparently, HuffPost determined that this line had done its job, and it had nothing to lose by removing the line, after-the-fact.
(5) HuffPost implies that half of America’s voters are Nazis or Klan members
This was HuffPost’s front page splash headline on November 12, 2016:
This racist, anti-Semitic vandalism was perpetrated on a sign at a private athletic facility in Wellsville, NY. No one knew whether the vandalism was perpetrated by actual Nazis or racists.
Despite this, HuffPost published this incendiary splash headline, definitively assigning blame to Trump supporters, and implying that those who would do such a thing constitute his base, amounting to half of America’s voters. And as of March 30, 2017 — four months later — no arrest has been made.
Yet the reality, as HuffPost has consistently ignored both before and after it published this shock headline, is that it was far more likely to be one of the dozens of fake hate crimes that radical leftists had perpetrated in recent years, against black Americans, Jews and Muslims and, which were initially blamed on Trump supporters or conservatives. A sampling:
Oberlin, OH: During a one-month period, Oberlin College was the site of repeated anti-black, anti-Semitic and homophobic graffiti, including swastikas; A police investigation identified the perpetrators as leftist activists
Jersey City, NJ: A black candidate for high school student council reported receiving racist text messages, threatening him to drop out of the race; Police determined he sent texts to himself
Skokie, IL: A Northwestern University chapel was vandalized with painted swastikas, “Trump”; Soon after, two Jewish students confessed to perpetrating the crime, based on video evidence
San Francisco, CA: A Nazi swastika flag was discovered flying over home; Soon after, it was discovered to be owned by an anti-Trump activist
East Garden City, NY: Nassau Community College was repeatedly vandalized with more than a hundred swastikas and racist signs; A brown-skinned man was caught in the act, and charged
Denton, TX: White couple discovered anti-black graffiti painted on home, and vehicles torched; Soon after, husband confessed to the crime
Ormond Beach, FL: A woman finds pro-Trump, anti-black racist threats at her home, and her car on fire; Soon after, Her black ex-boyfriend confessed to perpetrating the crimes
Sylvania Township, OH: A Muslim family’s home was defaced with racist hate graffiti; A Muslim man was later arrested and charged with perpetrating the crime
See many more examples of recent fake hate crimes at:
Further, it is notable that for many years HuffPost has consistently ignored actual, documented hate crimes against Jews. In 2015 alone, HuffPost ignored 18 such incidents, many of which occurred within New York City, where it is headquartered. And from January 1, 2016 through March 31, 2017, HuffPost also ignored 28 anti-Semitic incidents across America. See the detailed documentation at:
All of the above is especially notable when one considers how consistently HuffPost explicitly incites hatred against Jews, as was highlighted in SaveTheWest’s recent documentary:
HuffPost did this despite the plethora of evidence that was emerging at the time — all of which it ignored or downplayed — that showed Michael Brown:
Refused to comply with Officer Darren Wilson’s commands
Grabbed Officer Darren Wilson’s gun and was attempting to murder him with it
Rather than being an isolated incident, this libelous, incitement-based editorial was part of HuffPost’s ongoing racist lies, deception and bias at the time, as an extension of its efforts to incite hatred against American police officers.
(7) “Why I’m Tired of Seeing White People On The Big Screen”
HuffPost published this editorial as “news”* on its front page on July 28, 2014 (*note that it is positioned mid-way down the right column, instead of on the left column, where its editorials reside):
If there is any uncertainty as to whether or not this headline should be considered as an incitement of racial hatred, consider how HuffPost would react if a conservative “newspaper” ran a headline that said, “Why I’m Tired of Seeing Black People On The Big Screen,” or “”Why I’m Tired of Seeing Brown People On The Big Screen,” or “Why I’m Tired of Seeing Muslims On The Big Screen.”
Given the precedents documented in this report, it is clear that HuffPost would be first out of the gate to condemn this racism and bigotry, with front-page shock headlines.
And yet, this is HuffPost itself, the supposed champion of black Americans and other minorities, promoting such a racially bigoted editorial, right on its front page.
(8) “Black women suffer from America”
This “news” story about “suffering from America” appeared on HuffPost’s front page on March 18, 2017:
In the broadest sense, this assault on America is part of HuffPost’s broader pattern of incitement against the U.S. military and police officers, based on lies and egregious distortions.
But when one considers how long HuffPost has been inciting racial hatred — while ignoring the rash of fake anti-black hate crimes, which in a number of cases it helped to legitimize — it becomes clear that it is headlines such as this that help advance its racially-divisive “jihad” against America.
Curiously, on the subject of “artists,” on March 16, two days before it published this editorial, HuffPost completely ignored a Hollywood actor who publicly said that if he could go back in time, he would assassinate President Trump. Details here.
(9) HuffPost used a black man to indicate “the laziest people ever”
One of the age-old racist smears against black people is that they are lazy. Yet on March 20, 2010, this “news” story appeared on HuffPost’s front page:
Update, February 4, 2017: HuffPost has now removed this picture from its story page.
(10) HuffPost: White people who say “All Lives Matter” are racist, and need to atone
This hardly needs to be debunked. It is just more of HuffPost’s relentless efforts to incite racial hatred where it does not exist, in large part to advance its incitement of hatred against police officers.
Dear fellow white people, let’s have an honest talk about why we say “All Lives Matter.” First of all, notice that no one was saying “All Lives Matter” before people started saying “Black Lives Matter.” So “All Lives Matter” is a response to “Black Lives Matter.” Apparently, something about the statement “Black Lives Matter” makes us uncomfortable. Why is that? […]
The racism that we need to face today is much more insidious than white hoods and racial slurs. It is the racism of well-meaning people who are not consciously or intentionally racist.
The racism that we need to face is the racism of average white middle-class Americans who would never think of saying the N-word and would vociferously condemn the KKK, but nevertheless unwittingly participate in institutionalized racism. We most often participate in racism by omission, rather than commission. We participate in racism when we fail to see it where it exists. We participate in racism when we continue to act like race is a problem that only Black people have. We participate in racism when we seek comfortable responses like “All Lives Matter.”
Addendum: HuffPost also ignored all rebuttals to this article, including this one — by a black man.
(11) “We should be meaner to racists”
Five months after item 10, in which a HuffPost editorial claimed all white people who say “All lives matter” are racists, it turned up the heat, by coming one step closer to helping to incite more violence — just as it did in at least threerecentoccasions. One need not travel past the first paragraph to realize the utter insanity of what HuffPost advocated:
There’s been a lot of talk since the election about being nicer to racists. “Don’t call people racists!” think pieces written by white men urge, because then those racists will refuse to listen. (Ironically, the same people saying we should never use the word “racism” are often the same ones who say we can’t fight ISIS unless we use the words “radical Islam.”) But coddling white people’s feelings is not the way to get people to change. In fact, we need to call out racism more often and more vehemently than we have been. It’s not about making ourselves feel better, it’s about changing our country for the better and finally overcoming the racism that poisons us.
Ironically, the author of this “think piece,” which excoriates a vast swath of white people, and all those who want to call radical Islam what it is, is a white woman.
(12) “Don’t fuck anyone who tells you ‘all lives matter’”
I’m a queer woman who is married to a man. I have fucked lots of men, some of whom deserved it, and some of whom didn’t. I AM saying don’t fuck people who profit off of your disenfranchisement. I AM saying don’t give pleasure to someone who doesn’t respect your right to exist. This message isn’t just for women, it’s for anyone who fucks men. […]
(13) “My Skin Color Is A ‘F**king Disease’ In Trump’s America”
This editorial screed was written by HuffPost’s “Senior Contributors Editor.” No one knows whether the incident she described ever actually took place. But apparently, because it contributed to HuffPost’s steady incitement of racial hatred in America, and possibly its efforts to legitimize fake hate crimes, and the myth of “Islamophobia,” that Muslims are at such disproportionately high risk of being victims of religiously-motivated hate crimes in America.
On Monday, after I ignored a seemingly affluent, maybe 30-something man who was aggressively hitting on me, he told me to “go home to where you came from because no one wants your f**king disease.” Then, with pleasure, he told me he voted for Trump and added, “you people aren’t going to last long.”
I’ve been trying to hold on to a semblance of American pride, for the sake of immigrants everywhere in this nation and for the sake of my parents, who moved here before I was born to give me a better life, and especially for the sake of an identity I’m questioning and lost without.
Since the election, I’ve been feeling conflicted. I have this perpetual ache in my chest that I don’t belong as an Indian because I’m too American and like I don’t belong as an American because I’m Indian/Sikh and have brown skin.
(14) “All My (Bigot) Friends Are Dead”
Continuing HuffPost’s steady incitement of inciting racism (and subtly, of violence), and of enabling anyone who didn’t support Sen. Clinton to be smeared as a Nazi…
I do without a doubt believe that Trump supporters would have supported Hitler’s accusatory rhetoric and his rise to power. Only to claim at the end, after all the goodness in the world had asserted its virtuous might, that they had no idea what the smell wafting through the air was. […]
I purged my Facebook account and unfriended more people, disassociated with others through different means. I didn’t want to be anyone’s black alibi, that one friend referred to as part of their “I’m not racist” defense. The same went for those who’d made disparaging comments about LGBT rights, immigrants and Muslims, and any man who’s used offensive names to describe Secretary Clinton.
(15) Police officers “are murdering our (black) kids and getting away with it”
The following is adapted from an article at the Huff-Watch blog.
On November 26, 2014, HuffPost ran this story on its front page:
The Huff-Watch blog documented the endemic problems with this article, which could only serve to help incite hatred of, and violence against police officers:
Any honest, first-year journalism student would be able to look at the individual cases cited, and realize how egregiously HuffPost used selective editing to omit inconvenient yet crucial facts, such as how many of these individuals were killed after having been observed committing crimes, or refusing to comply with police orders – or were pointing weapons at officers. Another inconvenient fact: the median age of the six “kids” profiled is 23.5 years old.
Regarding HuffPost’s use of the term “murder,” see attorney Ben Shapiro’s demolition of this lie here.
HuffPost has also never published any of the scholarly reports, that challenge this incendiary narrative:
A report by a black Harvard economics professor, that demonstrated the reality is the exact opposite of its incendiary allegations; specifically that police officers are actually less likely to shoot a black suspect than a white one
A report that documents how the “news” media is playing a key role in inciting racial hatred in America, based on false allegations such as these
A report by a scholar that demonstrates that most of the narrative employed by Black Lives Matter is pure propaganda
Through these acts and omissions, HuffPost not only served to help incite hatred against police officers by propagating incendiary falsehoods, it also contributed to advancing racial hatred in general.
(16) “How America Kills Black Men Without Lifting A Finger”
On April 6, 2017, HuffPost published this “news” story on its front page:
Debra J. Barksdale, professor and associate dean of academic programs at Virginia Commonwealth University’s School of Nursing, has been examining stress in African-American men for three decades. Like Hasson, she cites cortisol and its role in chronic stress, stating that it’s like “having your stressors turned on all the time.”
“The fight-or-flight response is more of an acute reaction,” she says. “Whether it’s related to the pressures from society, increased chances of being stopped by the authorities, trying to provide for their families or trying to find a job or sustain a job, when a stressor occurs, there are physiological processes that occur in the brain that trigger the release of cortisol. What we have found was in certain people who are constantly stressed, cortisol levels do not go down throughout the day. It will remain high.”
Nowhere, however did the article indicate that “America kills black men.”
That is because HuffPost rewrote the actual headline of this “piece,” which had originally been published in Richmond Magazine, as it indicated at the end:
At Richmond Magazine, as HuffPost knew, the article was given a very different title:
Is Stress Killing Black Men? Experts point to hormone that links stress to diabetes, other health disparities, by Chris Jones, Richmond Magazine, October 25, 2016.
So why did HuffPost so egregiously and dishonestly rewrite the headline for this article, if not to deceptively, maliciously advance its long, documented pattern of:
Assaulting America as a whole — in this case, by falsely blaming it for black mens’ health problems
Inciting black hatred against America
It should also be noted that this is part of HuffPost’s continuing pattern of rewriting source headlines, in order to deceive its readers, to advance its subversive, unannounced political agenda. Other examples:
(17) HuffPost’s South Africa edition published, and defended, an editorial that contained a plethora of lies to justify hate, discrimination and violence against white people throughout the world; Its executive editor was reportedly forced to resign
On April 13, 2017, HuffPost published this headline on the front page of its South Africa edition:
Clicking on that headline brought the reader to this story page — allegedly written by a “MA Philosophy Student”:
It is time to wrestle control of the world back from white males, and the first step will be a temporary restriction of the franchise to them. […]
Some of the biggest blows to the progressive cause in the past year have often been due to the votes of white men. If white men were not allowed to vote, it is unlikely that the United Kingdom would be leaving the European Union, it is unlikely that Donald Trump would now be the President of the United States, and it is unlikely that the Democratic Alliance would now be governing four of South Africa’s biggest cities.
If white men no longer had the vote, the progressive cause would be strengthened. It would not be necessary to deny white men indefinitely – the denial of the vote to white men for 20 years (just less than a generation) would go some way to seeing a decline in the influence of reactionary and neo-liberal ideology in the world. The influence of reckless white males were one of the primary reasons that led to the Great Recession which began in 2008. This would also strike a blow against toxic white masculinity, one that is long needed. […]
This redistribution of the world’s wealth is long overdue, and it is not just South Africa where white males own a disproportionate amount of wealth.[…]
Over the past 500 years colonialism, slavery, and various aggressive wars and genocides, have been due to the actions of white men. Redistributing some of their assets will go some way to paying the historical debt that they owe society.
The fascistic thrust of this editorial aside, it is factually wrong, and thus, as HuffPost knew or should have known, it could only serve to incite more racial hatred, based on lies.
Thomas Sowell as a key debunker of the hateful lies upon which this editorial screed was based
As the black economist and social commentator Dr. Thomas Sowell revealed in his life-long study of slavery, while white people, and white Americans in particular, had a role in slavery, they inherited it — and did the most to end it. Further, as Dr. Sowell revealed in his book, “Black Rednecks and White Liberals”, it was not white men, but rather, black Africans, Muslims and Arabs who have played the dominant role in the bulk of the slave trade for the past five hundred years — as they do to this day. Here is a key excerpt from the audio version of Dr. Sowell’s book:
There is no shortage of easily-accessible, thoroughly-documented research to validate and expand upon the facts that Dr. Sowell cites. Here are but a few examples:
HuffPost is one of the world’s most-read websites, and its senior executives have repeatedly claimed that it is a purely objective, nonpartisan, professional “news” organization, that does not allow any kind of hate speech. A sampling of these public statements:
“The Huffington Post has in place rigorous editorial policies and standards… to ensure that we maintain the highest level of journalistic integrity.”
“We embrace journalistic values like accuracy, fact checking, and correct punctuation and grammar.”
“If you’re looking for the usual flame-throwing, name-calling, and simplistic attack dog rhetoric … don’t bother coming to the Huffington Post.”
“[At HuffPost] there are guidelines that have to be followed — and they include a prohibition on conspiracy theories or inflammatory claims […] what the great historian Richard Hofstadter called ‘the paranoid style in American politics,’ which he defined as angry minds that traffic in ‘heated exaggeration, suspiciousness, and conspiratorial fantasy,’ and that see ‘the fate of conspiracy in apocalyptic terms… always manning the barricades of civilization’.”
“[W]e are increasingly seen as an Internet newspaper, not positioned ideologically in terms of how we cover the news.”
“There is an objective reality, and it is the media’s job to present it unequivocally.”
Yet as we’re about to see, those are all lies — and publishing this racist, lie-filled editorial screed was just one of the climaxes of HuffPost’s betrayals of its readers, and advertisers, in the context of inciting worldwide racist hatred and violence.
UPDATE, April 17, 2017: HuffPost heavily promoted, defended and profited from this article — then removed it, but not because of its racism, lies or incitement
On April 16, 2017, Heat St. broke the story that this article was written by a person who doesn’t exist, as an experiment to see if HuffPost would run it, on the speculation that it catered to the “nonpartisan newspaper’s” desire to incite racial hatred, Marxist redistribution schemes, and to do so via deception and easily-disproved lies:
Huffington Post’s South African editors were initially pleased with the reception of Garland’s article. On Saturday night, HuffPostSA editor Sipho Hlongwane bragged that the article had received plenty of traffic while making a tongue-in-cheek complaint about his corrections inbox.
HuffPost’s editor, bragging about how much traffic this hate article was generating — meaning, profits for the site.
After the piece went viral on social media due to coverage from right-leaning Twitter and Facebook personalities […] HuffPostSA editor Verashni Pillay wrote an article (archived post) defending its publication. She highlighted examples of complaints sent to the website, and blamed readers for having a poor understanding of the “pretty standard feminist theory” Shelley used.
Then, following the extensive backlash, Huffington Post deleted the article, replacing it with a meek apology and a claim that they were unable to confirm that Shelley Garland was a real person. They even had to hilariously clarify that they are in favor of universal voting enfranchisement.
A person claiming to be Shelley Garland has since reached out to Cliff Central, with evidence of the original pitch email she had sent to Huffington Post. “Shelley” says she received the website’s content guidelines, which her piece certainly does not adhere to despite the site’s decision to post it.
As it turned out, the author who wrote the piece and submitted it to HuffPost was a male, and stands for none of the lies, distortions or incitement that the article contained. He pitched the piece to HuffPost on the speculation that the “objective” newspaper might be eager to publish it — and he was right, as he explained in a detailed email to a South African site:
Recently the Huffington Post published a blog post (which has gone viral) by Shelley Garland, an MA philosophy student and self-styled activist and feminist, on whether it is time to deny white men around the globe the vote, and at the same time redistribute their assets globally. There was some speculation on social media that Garland, who claims to not be a fan of South Africa’s ‘rainbow politics’ and is thinking of ways to smash the patriarchy, was not real. Those who thought that Garland is not real were correct. For she is a pseudonym used by myself, a white South African male, to show that one can write absurd racist and sexist hogwash, as long as the target is the right one.
I have had the idea for some time. Breathless meditations on ‘angry white men’ or earnest letters addressed to ‘white people’ seem to be more common than spelling or grammatical errors in The New Age. It seemed to me that one could write any kind of collectivist tripe, as long as the target was white men, and I decided to put this theory to the test and the idea of writing a piece about depriving white men around the globe of the franchise was born.
Armed with a heavily photoshopped picture I found on the Internet and some ridiculous phrases beloved of those on the less sensible left, I set to work. […] Huffington Post […] published the piece as a blog, which has now gone viral. The piece was accepted without question by the Huffington Post even though – as others have pointed out on social media and elsewhere – the piece is riddled with factual errors, logical fallacies, and is not something that an MA student could possibly write (apologies to philosophy students, one of my best friends is a philosopher, but it was the first humanities discipline that popped into my head when I was creating Shelley).
Huffington Post did not fact check any of my ludicrous claims in the article, nor, as far as I can tell, was the piece edited. After the piece was published I saw that I had entered one of the hyperlinks wrong for one of my ‘sources,’ and this had clearly not been checked. […]
A further indictment on the Huffington Post is the fact that its editor, Verashni Pillay, then took it upon herself to defend the total garbage that I had written.
April 18, 2017 update: An anonymous critic produced a 15-minute video analysis of this episode.
See the video here. Caution: Strong language and vulgarity. SaveTheWest is neither affiliated with, knows the identity of, nor endorses this video, but only includes it here because it contains relevant information to this incident.
April 23, 2017 update: HuffPost editor was forced to resign, and the entire “news” site was scolded by its parent company and the South Africa journalism ombudsman, for breaching its commitment to “responsible journalism”
Huffington Post SA Editor Verashni Pillay has resigned following a scathing ruling by the press ombudsman and severe criticism over the publication of a blog which called for white men to lose their voting rights.
News24 reported the former Mail and Guardian head submitted her resignation on Saturday and it was accepted by head of 24.com Andreij Horn.
“With immediate effect‚ Ferial Haffajee‚ The Huffington Post SA’s editor-at-large‚ and Pieter du Toit‚ the site’s deputy editor‚ will take over the editorial management of the site until we have appointed a new editor‚” the news site reported.
Pillay’s resignation follows a ruling by press ombudsman Johan Retief which found that a blog which called for white men to be disenfranchised‚ published by the website‚ was discriminatory and constituted hate speech.
“Let me be short and sweet: If disenfranchisement of anybody (whether white males or black females for that matter) is not discriminatory‚ the meaning of discrimination should be redefined‚” Retief wrote in a hard-hitting 14-page finding.
[T]he post’s flawed analysis and erroneous facts—such as that white South Africans own 90% of South Africa’s land—raised the suspicions of local journalists, who over the course of a few days managed to uncover that its purported author, Shelley Garland, a grad student majoring in philosophy, did not exist, and that the piece had in fact been penned by a white man called Marius Roodt.[…]
It also attracted the ire of some South Africans, who submitted multiple complaints about it to the country’s press ombudsman, an independent regulator appointed by local press to adjudicate complaints against the media. The ombudsman found on April 22 that the blog constituted hate speech and lambasted Pillay’s defense of the blog.
And an article at the now-defunct HeatSt.com (via TownHall.com), the co-owner of HuffPost South Africa expressed its shock and contriteness over how this incident had harmed it:
The CEO of Media24, which operates HuffPost in South Africa, issued a statement calling the article’s publication “hugely damaging” to their reputation.
“Responsible journalism is at the heart of what we do; it’s the currency we trade in,” said Media24 CEO Esmaré Weideman. “In an era of fake news, I know only too well that our editors spend an inordinate amount of time checking the veracity of information before they publish. When our systems fail, we’re not just alarmed; we’re outraged. This is a sad day for journalism.”
(18) HuffPost attacked a cable news network for hiring a white male
On May 8, 2017, HuffPost featured this “news” story near the top of its front page, which attacked MSNBC for hiring a white conservative commentator (George Will) as a contributor. Note the headline it chose to employ: “PALE MALE STALE”:
Lest there be any question as to whether or not this headline could only have been designed to incite racial hatred, consider:
Given how HuffPost fervently champions the causes of the people within its favored groups — and even falsely legitimizes fake hate crimes against them — how would it have reacted had it discovered that a conservative “news” site published a headline, atop the face of a person of color, that read: “Dark male stale”?
We can safely speculate that HuffPost would be going berzerk, accusing the site of racism. But apparently, because HuffPost perpetuated racial hatred against people of another skin color, it believes it is in the clear — just as the editor of its South African edition presumably believed, in this recent incident.
(19) HuffPost assailed Vice-President elect Pence for posting “whitest selfie ever” — ignoring its own history of hiring almost exclusively white people, and giving them all its top positions
On November 17, 2016, HuffPost published the following article:
Move over Paul Ryan, Vice President-elect Mike Pence just took home the gold for capturing the whitest selfie ever. On Thursday, Pence took a picture with sitting House Republicans during a visit to the group’s conference meeting. The photo was shared by the official House Republicans Twitter account with the caption: “Unified.”
It then took to Twitter to spread this incendiary assertion of racism:
Bloggers who are familiar with HuffPost’s history of lies, and its own internal racism, soon took to social media to expose its hypocrisy. Most focused on this “selfie” that HuffPost’s executive editor, Liz Heron, took six months earlier, showing that every one of its editors was white:
Soon after, this graphic began making the rounds on social media:
And iPhone Conservative pointed out that HuffPost’s top editors are less diverse than one of the organizations against which it relentlessly smears and incites hatred, the NRA:
Few, however, were aware of this picture, of HuffPost’s 2009 Christmas party — consisting almost invariably of a sea of white faces:
Further, as this blog article documented, every one of HuffPost’s top editors, reporters and executives was white:
(20) HuffPost top-of-the-front-page “news” article: “There Is No Justice For Black People Killed By Cops”
On June 16, 2017, a jury in Minnesota, comprised of ten white and two black people, found Officer Jeronimo Yanez not guilty in the 2016 shooting death of Philando Castile. The local paper, the St. Paul Star Tribune, covered the story here.
That evening, HuffPost published this “news” story at the top of the front page — asserting, as fact, that “There is no justice for black people killed by cops”:
Starting with that inflammatory, incendiary, opinionated premise, HuffPost opens its “news” story by catering to the “journalist’s” personal feelings on the matter:
I have to write about Philando Castile, the 32-year-old black man who was shot and killed by a Minnesota police officer last July. I have to compose myself, sit at this laptop and write something profound about another black life taken by a police officer, another officer found not guilty for killing a black person.
And, you know, I have nothing much to say.
After beginning to address some of the facts of the case, albeit in a way that gives all credibility to Castile, HuffPost left out of its “news” story what was apparently one of the facts that caused the jury to render a not guilty verdict: as reported in the Star Tribune:
Defense attorneys argued that Castile was culpably negligent in the shooting because he volunteered that he possessed a gun without disclosing that he had a permit to carry it, that he reached for it instead of keeping his hands visible, and that he was high on marijuana, rendering him incapable of following Yanez’s order not to reach for the gun. Yanez testified last week that he fired because he feared for his life.
Here, however, is how HuffPost depicted this alleged fact:
Yanez pulled the car over. Things escalated. Yanez shot seven times into the vehicle. He thought Castile was reaching for his weapon, a gun that Castile was licensed to carry and that he had informed the officer about moments before. Castile’s girlfriend, Diamond Reynolds, says he was reaching for his wallet. She began filming on her phone. The resulting video, with Castile bleeding to death on camera as Reynolds calmly complies with the officer’s screamed instructions, is impossible to forget.
Notice that HuffPost selectively-edited the allegations in order to spin a one-sided narrative of the situation:
It insinuated that Castile had informed Officer Yanez about both his gun, and his permit to carry it — omitting the fact that the defense asserted that Castile never told Yanez that he had a carry permit.
It completely omitted the defense’s assertion that Castile was not following Officer Yanez’s commands, especially when instructed to not reach for his gun.
The rest of HuffPost’s “news” story contained more emotional appeals and opinions from its “journalist,” and more selective editing, that could be designed only to serve only one purpose: to whip up more hatred against American police officers, based on emotional appeals, half-truths and yellow journalism, and which, given HuffPost’s massive reach and influence, may well contribute to getting more police officers murdered.
(21) HuffPost falsely insinuated, repeatedly, that a road-rage incident against a Muslim woman of color was due to either Islamophobia or white supremacism, when it knew for a fact that the actual cause was neither
A Muslim teenager was murdered in Norther Virginia, in what was determined early on to be a road-rage incident, and had nothing to do with a) her religion, or b) her skin color. Further, the perpetrator, a Hispanic illegal alien from El Salvador, had darker skin than his victim.
In the face of these facts, HuffPost published three front-page stories within 24 hours that contained insinuations that this crime was somehow related to white supremacism and/or Islamophobia, and was part of the broader fear that Muslim women of color feel in America.
Further, HuffPost never published another headline on its front page to indicate to its readers that they had been severely misled as to the nature of this crime.
An example of one of HuffPost’s deceptive, incitement-based front-page headlines concerning this incident. See the details here.
(22) HuffPost published a front-page editorial that mocked an American college student held captive in North Korea, for the terror state’s “revocation of his white privilege,” and his presumed, belated realization that “his white privilege is not universal”
On March 23, 2016, HuffPost published the following editorial mid-way down its front page:
The article mocked, on a racist basis, Otto Warmbier, the American college student whom North Korea accused of trying to steal a propaganda poster, and sentenced him to fifteen years of hard labor.
[T]he Revocation of White Privilege in North Korea […]
[M]y reaction to [a] young white man who went to an Asian country and violated their laws, and learned that the shield his cis white male identity provides here in America is not teflon abroad.
That kind of reckless gall is an unfortunate side effect of being socialized first as a white boy, and then as a white man in this country. Every economic, academic, legal and social system in this country has for more than three centuries functioned with the implicit purpose of ensuring that white men are the primary benefactors of all privilege. The kind of arrogance bred by that kind of conditioning is pathogenic, causing its host to develop a subconscious yet no less obnoxious perception that the rules do not apply to him, or at least that their application is negotiable. […]
If he had obeyed North Korea’s laws, he would be home now.
After Warmbier was released by North Korea in June 2017, and this racist screed came to light, HuffPost edited the article, to remove some of the most inflammatory accusations, but left its central passages intact — and was roundly mocked for doing so.
This was only part of the outrageous assertions that HuffPost enabled this “contributor” to claim in this editorial screed. See Case Study 23 for more — her incendiary, false assertion that local police took the white suspect who’d murdered nine black parishoners in a SC church to dinner at Burger King, after he was arrested.
(23) HuffPost published a front-page editorial that falsely claimed that local police took Dylan Roof, who murdered nine black church members in South Carolina, to Burger King for dinner after the shooting, as a symbol of American racism
As a continuation of Case Study 22, in which HuffPost published a front-page editorial that incited racist hatred against, and mocked Otto Warmbier, the American college student whom North Korea accused of trying to steal a propaganda poster, and sentenced him to fifteen years of hard labor.
In the same article, HuffPost also smeared the Shelby, NC police department with a provable lie, that could only be designed to further incite racist hatred against American police officers.
In summary, HuffPost falsely claimed that the police officers put Roof, a white supremacist, into a bulletproof vest and took him to dinner at Burger King — after it arrested him for murdering nine black church parishoners:
When you can watch a white man who entered a theatre and killed a dozen people come out unscathed, you start to believe you’re invincible. When you see a white man taken to Burger King in a bulletproof vest after he killed nine people in a church, you learn that the world will always protect you.
The writer’s link goes to this article at HuffPost, which claimed, accurately, that the Shelby, NC police bought food from Burger King for Roof — butit never put him in a bulletproof vest and took him to the restaurant.
HuffPost based its article on (and linked to) one in the Charlotte Observer, which reported the story accurately:
In Shelby, the FBI handled Roof’s initial questioning, Ledford said. Shelby police’s lone conversation with the mass-murder suspect was about food. Earlier in the day, Roof had bought water and chips at a south Charlotte gas station. Now he was hungry. Police bought him food from a nearby Burger King, Ledford said.
Thus, HuffPost knew the reality at the time it published this article on its front page — yet it chose instead to project this incendiary lie about the Shelby, NC police department to be spread to the world, as being a racist department, and representative of racist police departments all across America.
SaveTheWest.com reached out to Shelby, NC Chief of Police Jeffrey Ledford on June 22, 2017, to ask him if what is in HuffPost’s editorial is accurate. Here is his official response:
“In response to your question: ‘Did police officers with the Shelby Police Department put Dylan Roof in a bulletproof vest, and bring him to Burger King for a meal, after he was arrested?’That is absolutely not true. Roof was never taken to any restaurant to eat. He was provided food while in our custody, which is our obligation to do, to meet the needs of the prisoner. On that day, we actually provided lunch from Burger King (we use different food sources, Burger King being only one of them) for several people, who were at our headquarters, one of whom was Roof. No food is held on site, so all food is brought in from outside sources, depending on when it is needed. Just as it was on this day.”
Yet as of June 22, 2017, HuffPost’s incendiary, false, racist allegation is still published:
(24) HuffPost asserted that “Our Fear Of Black Men Is Racist, And It Killed Philando Castile” — while ignoring the fact that a Hispanic police officer shot Castile, and its own legendary fear of, and reluctance to hire black men
On June 22, 2017, HuffPost published this “news” story at the top of its front page:That “news” headline led to this story page — and the opening paragraphs are included, verbatim:
I was raised to be afraid of Black men. This was communicated in many subtle and not-so-subtle ways, from my sweet-as-pie grandmother whispering the word “Black” like she was afraid one of “them” would hear her, to the myriad ways our media, from entertainment to the news, portray Black men as dangerous.
This fear of Black men was perpetuated by unfamiliarity. I grew up in the rural Midwest, in a middle class family. The neighborhoods I lived in and the schools I went to were almost entirely White. I interacted with Black people only in superficial ways in public. And except for my best friend in second grade, I had no Black friends. Though I was taught to be “colorblind” and to abhor (overt) racism, I had very little meaningful contact with Black people. As a result of this combination of racist messaging and unfamiliarity, I developed a racist fear of Black men.
What HuffPost’s incitement-based editorial buried, however, is the fact that Officer Jeronimo Yanez, who was judged by a jury — including two black members — to have acted in reasonable fear of his life when he shot Castile, is himself a Hispanic person of color:
Officer Jeronimo Yanez
Twisting the knife, HuffPost enabled this contributor to claim that Officer Yanez only pulled Castile over because he was black:
HuffPost then twists the knife further, by claiming that the only reason Yanez shot Castile is because the latter was black:
“Officer Yanez shot Castile because he was afraid. And he was afraid because Castile was Black.”
The irony: HuffPost is also apparently afraid of black men — and has been, for many years
In March 2016, HuffPost was lambasted by right-leaning websites for the fact that its senior editor posted a Tweet containing a picture of a meeting of its senior editors. All of whom were white women:
Like many things, this photo, featuring a meeting brimming with white women, made people on the Internet very angry. The women clearly thought they were representative of a diverse workplace, though they seem to have forgotten to hire any people of color for their top spots.
Rather than being an isolated incident, HuffPost has for many years apparently avoided hiring any black males for its senior positions. For example, here is a picture of its 2010 Christmas staff party – with one black male:
Further, as an independent blog documented in 2010, HuffPost’s roster of senior executives, journalists and editors was exclusively white:
Yet now, HuffPost published an editorial screed, disguised as a “news” story, at the top of its front page, to help advance its false narrative that America is endemically racist.
And what are the qualifications of the contributor who wrote this screed? According to its bio page on him (screencap):
John Halstead: Activist, Blogger, Earthseed Shaper
John is an [sic] climate activist and one of the co-founders of 350 Indiana-Calumet. He writes for numerous online platforms, including The Huffington Post, Patheos, GodsandRadicals.org, Witches & Pagans, and GodisChange.org, and is an Editor-at-Large at HumanisticPaganism.com. John edited the anthology, “Godless Paganism: Voices of Non-Theistic Pagans” (2016). He was the principal facilitator of “A Pagan Community Statement on the Environment,” which can be found at ecopagan.com. John is also a Shaper of the fledgling Earthseed community, which is described at GodisChange.org.
(25) June 2017: HuffPost again falsely accused police officers of murdering black Americans, while omitting all essential context, such as the fact that juries — which included black members — exonerated the vast majority of them, and some of the cops were black
On June 23, 2017, HuffPost published this headline at the top of its front page:
That headline led to this story page, and the following opening sentences (screencap):
We’ve been here before. Right here, at this very specific moment of anguish. Each time, it’s as though the world freezes and a familiar jolt zips through our bodies. Our vision blurs.
Panicked, we look around to see if anyone else feels what we are feeling, to see if anyone else is in the grip of the same dismay.
On June 20, two Seattle police officers shot and killed Charleena Lyles, a 30-year-old pregnant mother of three. The following day, the former Milwaukee police officer who shot and killed 23-year-old Sylville Smith in 2016 was found not guilty of reckless murder.
By HuffPost’s wording, these police officers murdered the cited individuals without any reasons — but presumably, only because they were black. The facts show otherwise:
In regards to Charleena Lyles, here are excerpts of how the Seattle Times presented the shooting, on June 18, 2017 — five days before HuffPost published this story:
Just after 10 a.m. Sunday, Seattle police responded after the woman had called to report an attempted burglary at her Magnuson Park apartment. At some point, police said, she displayed a knife and two officers shot and killed her. Relatives identified the woman as Charleena Lyles.
Family members said she was several months pregnant and had been struggling with mental-health issues for the past year. They said she was concerned authorities would take her children, one of whom they said has Down syndrome. […]
Police Detective Mark Jamieson said officers were alerted to “hazard information” in the system after a previous encounter with the woman, which prompted a two-officer response Sunday morning when she called to report an attempted burglary in her fourth-floor unit at Brettler Family Place apartments.
“Officers were confronted by a 30-year-old woman armed with a knife,” the department wrote on its web blotter. “Both officers fired their duty weapons, striking the woman.”
HuffPost completely ignored all of that context — and instead decided to falsely depict Lyles’ death as a murder, perpetrated by racist Seattle police officers. Are there facts to be determined as to whether Lyles presented a clear and present danger to the officers? Clearly, yes. But that investigation has not been completed, and HuffPost knew it at the time it decided to smear the Seattle police officers as racist murderers.
Regarding the second incident, here are the facts, according to a compilation of local news sources, by Heavy.com:
A 23-year-old black man armed with a stolen gun was fatally shot Saturday afternoon by police in Milwaukee during a foot pursuit, authorities say.
The man has been identified as Sylville Smith, police said. Smith was shot in the chest and arm, Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett said.
[Smith] fled from a car during a traffic stop Saturday about 2:30 p.m. in the Wisconsin city’s North Side, police said in a press release. […]
Mayor Tom Barrett said […] the officer ordered the man to drop his gun twice and then fired several times when he refused. Barrett said a photo from the body camera clearly shows Smith had the gun in his hand when he was killed.
Once again, HuffPost completely ignored all of those vital details, as to why Smith was shot. It also ignored another vital one: that as Heavy.com revealed, the police officer who ordered Smith to put his weapon down and surrender, Dominique Heaggan-Brown, who was acquitted over the shooting, is also black:
Officer Dominique Heaggan-Brown, a six-year veteran of the Milwaukee Police Department, who was acquitted for shooting Sylvie Smith, after he refused the officer’s commands to put his handgun down and surrender.
Rather than an isolated incident, this article represents the latest installment of HuffPost’s pattern of consistently inciting hatred against police officers based on either lies or grossly decontexualized allegations, and increasingly, based on false accusations of racism.
To continue its race-based hate-propaganda, HuffPost also invited readers who are “always angry about politics” to join this “journalist’s” email list:
(26) June 2017: HuffPost claimed Eric Trump got a haircut to make him look like a racist — but omitted the fact that many Hollywood stars now have the same haircut
On June 26, 2017, HuffPost published this “news” story near the top of its front page:
Eric Trump, the son of President Donald Trump who thinks people who oppose his dad are “not even people,” got a haircut over the weekend.
The 33-year-old debuted the new look during a Fox News appearance on Sunday and Twitter had some serious thoughts:
Many thought the haircut made him resemble white nationalist Richard Spencer:
On the surface, the comparison would initially appear to be reasonable.
Until, that is, one considers that this particular haircut, called the “undercut”:
Is among the most popular male haircut styles in America today, as conservative author and radio host Dana Loesch (among many others) pointed out at Twitchy.com
Is sported by mainstream celebrities Macklemore and David Beckham, as was pointed out at the Washington Post — in November 2016
Or Miley, Brad Pitt, David Beckham, Scarlett Johansson, Fantasia, Pink, etc it’s called an “undercut” you morons. https://t.co/aGG0C9Oxgo
Curiously, however, HuffPost included none of those revelations in its “news” article. It effectively set up a hermetically sealed chamber through which it fed this racist-incitement to its readers, as if it was living up to the advertising pitch that its parent company, AOL, employs to sell advertising on the site: that “The Huffington Post covers the world’s stories from every viewpoint”:
(27) February 2017: HuffPost published claim that “white churches must repent” for “practices and policies of racism”; Yet HuffPost never makes similar call for homophobic, violence-inciting imams at Orlando mosques
On February 17, 2017, HuffPost published this editorial on its front page (h/t Daily Caller):
[I]n this new age of Trump, many people of color are losing hope for an America that values diversity — and them — and are losing trust in white Christians who loudly claim not to be racist but who clearly decided that Trump’s racial bigotry was not a disqualifier for their vote.
What racial bigotry did Trump exhibit? HuffPost points to not a single example. It also omits the fact that more black Americans voted for Donald Trump in 2016 than voted for Gov. Romney in 2012. HuffPost continues:
White Christians ignored Trump’s bigotry with no seeming understanding of or empathy toward families of color. Further, when white people dismiss the real fears that parents of color have for their children after this election, it painfully reveals the distance of the white majority from people of color in America and the realities of their daily lives.
Finally, HuffPost urges that white Christians “repent” for the sin of voting for Trump:
In our homes and in our churches, we must answer the question: “What should white Christians and white churches do in the Trump era?” Repent of the sin of racism.
HuffPost demands that all white Christians repent — yet completely ignores the anti-gay violence incitement at mosques throughout the U.S.
Among these are three incidents that occurred in rapid succession in 2016 of notoriously homophobic, violence-inciting foreign imams who were all able to obtain travel visas from the Obama State Department to go preach in Orlando, FL mosques — including one who said, in April 2016, on video, that devout Muslims must murder gays “out of compassion.”
Note that this was two months before the June 2016 Pules nightclub massacre, in which an Orlando Muslim murdered 49 gays and injured 54 more, because, as he told the FBI and 911 operators in recorded calls, he was acting in accordance with his faith, and out of allegiance to ISIS.
HuffPost has not only never publicized those facts, it also put up a front-page headline that claimed, after those recorded calls became public, that “religion had nothing to do with it.”
See the complete documentation of these incidents — and of the fact that HuffPost completely ignored them — here:
(28) June 30, 2017: After consistently ignoring Muslim hate crimes against Muslims, HuffPost gave sympathetic, pictorial, front-page coverage to the story of an acid attack on two Muslim females in England — but apparently, only because the alleged perpetrator was a white, non-Muslim male [UPDATED: HuffPost proved this theory, less than one month later]
On June 30, 2017, HuffPost published this headline near the top of its front page:That headline led to this story page:
Police are hunting a man after a young woman and her cousin had acid sprayed in their faces as they sat in their car.
Resham Khan, 21, and Jameel Mukhtar, 37, suffered serious burns after they were both doused in sulphuric acid as they waited in traffic in east London on 21 June.
Detectives are looking for John Tomlin, 24, who has distinctive tattoos on his face, who they would like to speak to in connection with the attack.
The first thing that is notable about HuffPost’s coverage of this story is that it covered it at all — because it has enacted a virtual blackout of all acid attacks on Muslims in England, and anywhere else in the world. Perhaps this is because, as in so many other instances, it chronically either ignores or whitewashes Islamist terror attacks and hate crimes — while at the same time, falsely legitimizing fake hate crimes against U.S. Muslims. It has also chronically ignored the fact that acid attacks are a common means employed by fundamentalist Muslims in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, and elsewhere, to punish women and girls who commit “honor crimes,” such as disobeying the males in the family, or dating someone of whom they disapprove.
As USA Todayreported only weeks earlier, in April 2017:
“It’s a growing problem, there’s no question,” said Jaf Shah, executive director of Acid Survivors Trust International, a London charity that supports victims, predominantly in South Asia, where acid attacks are more common.
Shah said acid attacks in other countries usually involve men targeting females. The reasons are often over spurned marriage proposals or sexual advances.
This phenomenon is also discussed in graphic detail in the recent documentary, “The Honor Diaries,” hosted by Muslim women:
Then, there is this accounting from FrontPageMag*, which chronicles the massively disproportionate use of acid attacks within the Muslim community in England (* Due to its inflammatory nature, we only cite FrontPageMag in cases in which it alone has uncovered verifiable information about important issues — such as in this incident):
Newham is the London borough with the highest number of acid attacks. It also has the second highest percentage of Muslims in the UK. 398 acid attacks occurred in 5 years in the area named as “the most ethnically diverse district in England and Wales”. 33% of Newham consists of non-UK passport holders.
But surely that’s some sort of random coincidence.
Except that the place with the third highest number of acid attacks is Tower Hamlets. Tower Hamlets is a Muslim no-go zone. It has one of the smallest native British populations in the country. 35% of the population is Muslim. Most of those are Bangladeshis with a healthy sprinkling of Somalis.
Also, entirely by coincidence, Bangladesh has the highest rate of acid attacks in the world. But if anyone suggests that these two statistics are related, the Met police will investigate them for hate crimes.
The second highest acid attack location in London was Barking and Dagenham, a growing Muslim enclave which elected its first Muslim mayor whose plans include holding an Islamic festival “for the whole community—regardless of religion”.
Yet HuffPost left all those facts completely out of its story — and never covers incidents of Muslims perpetrating acid attacks. Why?
And after consistently refusing to give any coverage to the proliferation of acid attacks on Muslim women, by Muslim males, and increasingly on Western soil by fundamentalist Muslim refugees and immigrants, what was so different about this particular story that caused HuffPost to position it near the top of its front page, on June 30?
The only self-evident, distinguishing characteristic of this story was that it was a white, non-Muslim male who was suspected of having perpetrated the attack. And this fits in perfectly with HuffPost’s incessant incitement of hatred against white people, based on their skin color — which it has been doing for a very long time, as documented in case studies 1-27, above on this page.
Further, it should be noted that HuffPost consistently ignores hate crimes against Jews in W. Europe, America and Israel, no matter the suffering of the victims and their families — just as in this case. Instead, in the days after these attacks, it showers sympathetic coverage on sad stories about farm animals, sad celebrities, and other various oddities.
Also, see SaveTheWest’s recent documentary about this phenomenon (44 minutes; 2016):
Given all the above facts, we believe it is reasonable to speculate that the reasons that HuffPost decided to give this particular acid attack top publicity are:
The alleged perpetrator is white
The victims are Muslims
By giving top publicity to this incident, it helps to fuel HuffPost’s global incitement campaign against white people, and particularly white males (documentation here)
UPDATE: July 27, 2017: HuffPost’s racist bias in another incident proved the above assertion
On July 25, 2017, stories emerged in several British newspapers about the fact that a 19-year-old Muslim girl in London had been kidnapped, raped and murdered in an apparent “honor crime.”
An Indian Muslim teenager involved in a relationship with an Arab man was kidnapped, raped and murdered in a suspected “honour killing” in London, a court has heard.
The body of Celine Dookhran, 19, was found stuffed in a fridge with her throat slit after a second woman who was also attacked raised the alarm from her hospital bed.
The two women were said to have been bound, gagged and kidnapped by masked men on Wednesday. They were taken to a house in Kingston-upon-Thames, south-west London, where they were both raped and Ms Dookhran was killed.
Mujahid Arshid, 33, of no fixed address, appeared before Wimbledon Magistrates’ Court on Monday charged with the murder, attempted murder, and two counts of rape and kidnap.
HuffPost’s own search engine proves it completely ignored this story.
(29) September 2017: In the hours after the acquittal of a St. Louis, MO police officer of killing a black drug suspect, HuffPost published on its front page a “news” story containing only a self-produced “news video” that presented black people who were killed by police officers, insinuating that they were all shot for no reason other than their race
On September 15, 2017 a judge acquitted former St. Louis police officer Jason Stockley, who was accused of murdering Anthony Lamar Smith.
For context on the events that led up to this acquittal, see this overview by Heavy.com:
A former St. Louis police officer was found not guilty in the 2011 death of Anthony Lamar Smith, adding his name to a growing list of officers who have walked free after the shooting deaths of black men and women.
Note that HuffPost included the officer’s name in neither the headline, nor this body copy — but did include the name of the man whom he was accused of murdering. This subtle act of dehumanizing the officer is a continuation of HuffPost’s behavior in this regard — to super-humanize the alleged victims of police racism, but not the officers themselves, almost every one of which has been exonerated from that which the “nonpartisan” newspaper accused them of doing.
The video in HuffPost’s “story” page, however, is the biggest problem, because as in many of the previous 17 case studies on this page, it only lists the faces and names of the black people who were killed by American police officers in recent years, while making no mention whatsoever of:
The fact that the police officers who shot them were white, black and Hispanic — further indicating that they were not shot because of white racism
The circumstances of the shootings — which in almost all cases was because the person who was shot was either brandishing a weapon, or the police officer claimed to have reason to believe that they were a threat
Here is HuffPost’s “news video”:
Given these facts, HuffPost’s massive reach, and the fact that published this video at the top of its front page within several hours of the judge’s acquittal of former officer Stockley, could only have contributed to:
The anti-police hatred on the ground in St. Louis
The hate that led, hours after its video was released, to nine local police officers were assaulted, with two suffering serious injuries
[Details of police assaults from 9/15]
The next day, September 16: HuffPost continued ratcheting up the anti-police incitement, by falsely claiming — visually and verbally — that police violently attacked peaceful protesters
As NBC Newsreported at 12:48pm the next day, September 16:
“Nine city officers were injured”
“Officers were hurt by thrown bricks, police said, and they had to use tear gas and pepper balls on the crowd”
“Agitators have converged on Mayor Krewson’s house. Throwing rocks and breaking windows”
At 1:30pm on September 16, HuffPost’s front page contained not a single headline about the fact that nine police officers had been injured as a result of being attacked by rioters. Instead, HuffPost positioned this “news” story at the top of its front page:
Notice that even though HuffPost knew or should have known that nine police officers had been injured in violent attacks by rioters, in this headline, it:
Falsely implied that the police had initiated the violence, by attacking the demonstrators with tear gas and rubber bullets. (Note: This is the exact same tactic that HuffPost uses repeatedly to incite hatred against Israel, when it must defend itself against Palestinian terrorists; it refuses to report the preceding attacks on the Jewish state, then only depicts Israel as “attacking”; examples on this page.)
Visually depicted the police, in riot gear, standing off against a lone, seemingly peaceful black male — thus reinforcing the false notion that underlies both the lies in this story, as well as almost all its other stories about police shootings of black males; specifically, that they had done nothing wrong, and were merely shot because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time, or were standing up to police misconduct
(30) September 2017: HuffPost falsely claimed “many Americans share white supremacist views”
On September 15 and 16, 2017, HuffPost ran this “news” headline at the top of its front page:
A new poll in the wake of the violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, finds that while Americans widely say they oppose racism and white nationalism, many still appear to hold far-right, white supremacist views.
The Ipsos poll, for Thomson Reuters and the University of Virginia Center for Politics, was conducted online from Aug. 21 to Sept. 5 ― in the weeks following the deadly white supremacist rally in Charlottesville. It sampled around 5,360 American adults, asking questions about race that respondents could agree or disagree with to varying degrees.
“While there is relatively little national endorsement of neo-Nazis and white supremacists,” according to the release describing the poll’s findings, “there are troubling levels of support for certain racially-charged ideas and attitudes frequently expressed by extremist groups.”
Before we go any further, let us review the source that HuffPost cited in order to construct this “story”:
So we have gone now from HuffPost claiming “many” Americans harbor “white supremacist views,” to “some Americans” harboring these attitudes, according to the source of HuffPost’s “news” article. This is just the first indication of HuffPost’s latest act of deliberate deception.
HuffPost’s latest assault on America, and its effective jihad to whip up racial hatred, gets even worse, quickly.
Next, let us consider the “internals” of this survey:
For the survey, a sample of roughly 5,360 adults age 18+ from the continental U.S., Alaska and Hawaii was interviewed online in English. The sample included 2,255 Democrats, 1,915 Republicans and 689 Independents. [Page 1]
The sample drawn for this study reflects fixed sample targets on demographics. Post-hoc weights were made to the population characteristics on gender, age, race/ethnicity, region, and education. [Page 5]
Left unmentioned in HuffPost’s “news” story is the fact that more Democrats were included in the survey than Republicans — and yet, it claimed “many Americans” — not Democrats — harbor white supremacist views. Further, it made no mention of the fact that people of color were also included in this survey. So, for instance, when HuffPost reports, who is it that is expressing these views?
Even support for interracial marriage ― 50 years after the landmark Supreme Court decision Loving v. Virginia ― isn’t as widespread as one might think: Around 1 in 6 Americans, or 16 percent, strongly or somewhat agreed that “marriage should only be allowed between people of the same race,” while 65 percent of Americans disagreed.
For example, opposition to gay marriage is very strong among black and Hispanic Americans — even stronger than among white Americans. For example, as the following 2017 Pew Research data shows, black Americans are 25% less supportive of gay marriage than white Americans. Is this a similar situation, in which 16% of Americans across the racial spectrum oppose inter-racial marriages — or is it only or predominantly white Americans?
According to a June 2017 Pew Research survey, black Americans are 25% less supportive of gay marriage than white Americans.
HuffPost implies that it is the latter — because when one gets down to that part of the page, this advertisement pops up:
“White supremacy won’t fall with just a few statues. Keep up with the story here.”
Is HuffPost an objective, nonpartisan “newspaper,” as it has repeatedly claimed for 12 years to be? Or, is it a website combating alleged white supremacy, while disguising itself as an objective, nonpartisan “newspaper”?
Does acknowledging that white people are under attack — including by a “news” entity as influential as HuffPost — classify one as “sharing white supremacist beliefs”?
Going deeper into the survey data upon which HuffPost based its incendiary allegation, here are a few examples:
39 percent agreed that “white people are currently under attack in this country.”
Is there any doubt that this is absolutely true? HuffPost itself has taken the lead in regularly assaulting white Americans — not because of anything they, specifically have done, but specifically and exclusively because of their skin color. This page contains 29 preceding examples of HuffPost engaging in this behavior; there are dozens of other examples that can be easily found, not included here.
HuffPost would be apoplectic if any website did anything remotely similar to any other race, or ethnicity. Yet by virtue of its reach and influence, it has helped to create a safe, cottage industry in which to incite racial hatred against white people, in general, with impunity.
Then, when violent hate crimes are perpetrated on white people, presumably at least in part because of the mass racial hatred that HuffPost incites, it completely ignores them, as documented in dozens of examples, on this page:
While HuffPost is certainly not alone in whipping up this kind of anti-white hatred, then ignoring the resulting violence — thus tacitly condoning it — it is unquestionably the largest online perpetrator of these acts on U.S. soil.
Does the mere fact that people (again, majority Democrats) recognize that white people are under attack in America, make them supportive of white supremacy? Of course not.
31 percent of Americans polled strongly or somewhat agreed that “America must protect and preserve its White European heritage.”
The wording of this question is thus clearly intended to capitalize on the widespread lack of knowledge about American and world history, and in many cases, the general population’s egregious misconceptions concerning these issues. Specifically, the American Revolution was, in large part, intended to break clean from the corrupt, repressive European ideologies — and the racist, classist underpinnings that animated them. America is a place where people from any part of the world, of any color, with nothing but a dream, can come here, and with work and focus and resilience, create a good life for themselves — and they do this every day. How does this relate to “white European heritage”? It doesn’t — and the fact that it would be included in this survey, and cited by HuffPost, only reveals their betrayal of reality, to bait
Had the question been phrased, “that America must protect and preserve its legacy of freedom, free enterprise and opportunity for all,” the response would likely have garnered far wider support — and it would have been a far more honest question.
(31) September 2017: HuffPost ignored the faces, names and stories of the four white American female college students who were victims of an acid attack in Marseilles, France — but gave top, graphic, sustained coverage to two British Muslim women of color in England, who were victims of an acid attack, reportedly by a white male [UPDATED]
On Sunday, September 17, 2017, four American college girls were victims of an acid attack in Marseilles, France. The Boston Globecovered the story on September 17. Notice that it featured the girls’ faces and names at the top of its story page:
Boston College students Kelsey Kosten, Michelle Krug, Charlotte Kaufman and Courtney Siverling. (Boston Globe)
Four Boston College students studying abroad were outside a Marseille train station at the end of a weekend getaway to the southern French city when a woman whom police described as “disturbed” sprayed acid at their faces, according to a spokesman for the college.
After the late Sunday morning attack at Saint Charles train station, the women were treated for burns at a local hospital and released, according to Jack Dunn, the spokesman for Boston College. One student plans to visit an eye doctor on Monday, he said.
The women in the Marseille attack, all juniors at BC, were identified as Courtney Siverling, Charlotte Kaufman, and Michelle Krug, who are enrolled in the college’s Paris program, and Kelsey Kosten, a student at the Copenhagen Business School.
On September 18, 2017, China’s NTD News also featured the story — with different pictures of the victims, at the top of the page:
Four Boston College students were sprayed with acid by a woman at a train station in Marseille on Sunday, Sept. 17.
The female students were identified as Courtney Siverling, Charlotte Kaufman, Michelle Krug and Kesley Korsten, according to the Boston Globe.
Three of them were enrolled at the school’s Paris program while Korsten was a student at the Copenhagen Business School in Denmark, a Boston College affiliate program.
After the morning attack at the Saint Charles train station, the four women were taken to a hospital. Two suffered from facial injuries and the other two from shock, the New York Post reported. One of the women may also have eye damage.
HuffPost briefly published a generic version of the story, without the victims’ faces or names, mid-way down its front page, then quickly removed it
Note that the story did not feature the pictures of any of the victims; instead, the associated image was of a generic scene in a train station or airport.
Clicking on that headline brought the reader to this page, which contains a Reuters wire story. Notice that, as shown in the screencap, the entire story occupied three short paragraphs — without a single picture of any of the victims:
As this screencap from the Wayback Machine (Internet Archive) shows, however, less than 24 hours later, by September 18, 2017, HuffPost removed the story from its front page.
HuffPost’s search engine proves it never published the victims’ names or faces
Contrast how HuffPost treated these white American victims of an acid attack, to the top-level, graphic, sympathetic treatment it showered on a British victim of an acid attack, in England — a Muslim woman of color, who was allegedly attacked by a white male
The following is summarized from a more detailed article here.
On June 30, 2017, HuffPost published this headline near the top of its front page:That headline led to this story page:
Police are hunting a man after a young woman and her cousin had acid sprayed in their faces as they sat in their car.
Resham Khan, 21, and Jameel Mukhtar, 37, suffered serious burns after they were both doused in sulphuric acid as they waited in traffic in east London on 21 June.
Detectives are looking for John Tomlin, 24, who has distinctive tattoos on his face, who they would like to speak to in connection with the attack.
The first thing that is notable about HuffPost’s coverage of this story is that it covered it at all — because it has enacted a virtual blackout of all acid attacks on Muslims in England, and anywhere else in the world. Perhaps this is because, as in so many other instances, it chronically either ignores or whitewashes Islamist terror attacks and hate crimes — while at the same time, falsely legitimizing fake hate crimes against U.S. Muslims.
HuffPost has also chronically ignored the fact that acid attacks are a common means employed by fundamentalist Muslims in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, and elsewhere, to punish women and girls who commit “honor crimes,” such as disobeying the males in the family, or dating someone of whom they disapprove.
As USA Todayreported only weeks earlier, in April 2017:
“It’s a growing problem, there’s no question,” said Jaf Shah, executive director of Acid Survivors Trust International, a London charity that supports victims, predominantly in South Asia, where acid attacks are more common.
Shah said acid attacks in other countries usually involve men targeting females. The reasons are often over spurned marriage proposals or sexual advances.
This phenomenon is also discussed in graphic detail in the recent documentary, “The Honor Diaries,” hosted by Muslim women:
What was so different about this particular story that caused HuffPost gave its victims top-level, graphic, personalized, sympathetic coverage?
Why would HuffPost decide to not even acknowledge the names and pictures of the American victims of the Paris acid attack, but shower such prominent coverage on the British victims of the England attack?
The only self-evident, distinguishing differences between these stories were (a) the alleged perpetrator was a white, non-Muslim male — and (b) the victims were Muslim women of color.
And as the previous 30 case studies on this page document, this egregious racial bias dovetails with HuffPost’s veritable “jihad” to incite hatred against white people, in general, around the world — not because anything, specifically, that any of them had done, but rather, solely because of their skin color, which is the very definition of racism.
UPDATE October 27, 2017: HuffPost completely ignored a racist, liquid attack on a 13 year old girl in New York
As documented here, on October 25, 2017 in New York City, a black man allegedly threw unknown corrosive liquid into white 13 year old girl’s eyes, as he yelled, “This is for you white bitch!” The girl was treated in a local hospital. HuffPost completely ignored the story.
(32) September 2017: HuffPost claimed that white athletes who stand for the American national anthem “are standing for white supremacy”
Previously: In June 2016, HuffPost editorial writer Jesse Benn explicitly incited and justified radical leftists’ initiation of violence against political opponents; see our documentation of this incident here.
On September 25, 2017, HuffPost published the following editorial:
The absence of white athletes kneeling for the anthem Sunday was a particularly illustrative moment in white privilege.
See, for white athletes the anthem and American flag do represent freedom, liberty and whatever other amorphous American values one might ascribe these symbols. So, from their view, kneeling would be disrespectful to the privileges a white supremacist nation affords them. […]
[L]et’s at least be clear that what those players stood for on Sunday was white supremacy. Full stop.
(33) October 2017: HuffPost published a headline that it knew was an inflammatory half-truth, and could only serve to incite racial hatred based on it
On October 10, 2017, HuffPost published this headline at the top of its front page:
A black man who was assaulted by white supremacists in a parking garage during violent clashes in Charlottesville, Virginia, in August is facing an arrest warrant for the incident.
Question: Is this black victim really facing an arrest warrant because he was beaten by white supremacists?
No. And HuffPost knew it at the time. Continuing with its article…
A Virginia magistrate issued the warrant for Deandre Harris, 20, who is now wanted on charges of unlawful wounding in connection with the Aug. 12 incident, according to WCPO-TV.
Question: Does this mean that he is to be arrested for fighting back against the white supremacists who assaulted him?
No. And HuffPost knew it at the time. Continuing with its article…
Harris was one of a dozen people injured during the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, where white supremacists gathered to protest the proposed removal of statue honoring Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee. They were met by hundreds of counter-demonstrators.
In one of the many fights that broke out, videos and photo tweets posted by journalists showed white supremacist marchers beating Harris with signs and poles. Also that day, a car plowed into a group of the counter-protesters, killing a 32-year-old woman. A 20-year-old who was part of the white supremacist rally has been charged in that attack. […]
All of the above is true. Yet none of it has anything to do with HuffPost’s incendiary headline: why a warrant was issued for Harris’s arrest.
At the bottom of the article, however, after many more paragraphs, and embedeed Tweets, we find this:
Now, though, allegations by an unnamed victim have led to Harris also being charged in the incident. The Charlottesville Police Department issued a statement explaining the circumstances behind this development:
“The victim went to the Magistrate’s office, presented the facts of what occurred and attempted to obtain the warrant. The magistrate requested that a detective respond and verify these facts. A Charlottesville Police Department detective did respond, verified the facts and a warrant for Unlawful Wounding (Va Code 18.2-51) was issued.”
So what is the real story here?
On October 9, one day before HuffPost published this story, the Charlottesville Daily Progress — the only major local print paper in the area — reported the story accurately: that apparently, according to the evidence the Charlottesville Police Department reviewed, it was Harris who attacked one or more of the white supremacists, which preceded the savage beating that he received, on video:
Harris was attacked by a swarm of people in the Market Street Parking Garage, and several individuals have been charged in the beating. The warrant against Harris stems from accusations that he attacked someone, which led to the beating inside the garage.
HuffPost ignored the Daily Progress report, even though it cited it many times in regards to the August 12, 2017 white supremacist rally in Charlottesville.
HuffPost’s apparent motive for doing this was to further incite racial hatred in America, and perpetuate the insinuation that America’s police forces are endemically racist. And the previous 32 case studies on this page show, this was part of its long-term pattern of deliberately ignoring or downplaying vital aspects of stories, in order to trick its readers into believing things that aren’t true, to incite racial hatred.
(34) October 2017: HuffPost gave front page coverage to a picture of a white man whispering into a phone to accompany a story about a man who confessed to calling in a threat to a mosque — even though it knew for four months that the perpetrator is a black man
A Florida man has pleaded guilty to committing a hate crime for a threatening call he made to a local mosque in February.
The Miami U.S. Attorney’s Office announced on Thursday that Gerald Wallace, 35, admitted in a plea hearing to leaving a threatening voicemail for the Islamic Center of Greater Miami on Feb. 19. He pleaded guilty to one count of obstructing the free exercise of religious beliefs.
Wallace admitted to leaving a message with hateful remarks against Islam, the Quran and the prophet Muhammad. In the voicemail, he reportedly said: “l hate you Muslims, you Muslims are terrible. l hate you people. l’m gonna go down to your center, I’m gonna’ shoot all ya’ll.”
The defendant faces up to 20 years in prison and a $250,000 fine for committing a hate crime, according to the Miami U.S. Attorney’s Office.
Curiously, HuffPost included not a single picture of the perpetrator, Gerald Wallace. Perhaps that is because Wallace is acuallly a black man:
Gerald Wallace, whom HuffPost falsely depicted on its front page as white.
HuffPost knew was Wallace is black since June 15, 2017, four months earlier:
Contrast HuffPost lying about the race of the perpetrator of this hate crime, to how it gave top publicity, the same day, to white supremacists who were arrested for another hate crime
On HuffPost’s front page, at the same time, on October 21, 2017 was also this headline:
Notice that HuffPost included the perpetrators’ faces alongside the headline, which led to this story page:
Three white extremists were arrested and charged with attempted homicide after they got into an argument and fired on a group of people protesting white nationalist Richard Spencer’s speech in Gainesville, Florida, police said Friday.
Shortly after Spencer’s speech Thursday at the University of Florida ― which was met by thousands protesting him and his racist message ― a silver Jeep carrying three white men, two of whom have connections to extremist groups, pulled up to a bus stop and started to argue with protesters who had gathered there, according to the Gainesville Police Department.
The three men, Tyler Tenbrink, 28, William Fears, 30, and Colton Fears, 28, quickly began threatening the protesters, making Nazi salutes and shouting chants about Adolf Hitler.
Why wold HuffPost lie in the first instance, posting a picture of a white man with such an incendiary headline, about a threat to a mosque — when it knew the perpetrator is black — yet correctly depict the white perpetrators of another hate crime?
Only HuffPost can answer that question. Based on the evidence on this page, however, contained in 33 previous case studies, this is merely the latest incident of HuffPost’s willingness to turn reality on its head, as “news,” in order to incite racial hatred.
(35) September 2017, College Park, MD: HuffPost ignored the fact that a swastika spray-painted inside student residence hall was allegedly perpetrated by a black man
Background: Following up on Case Study 34, in which HuffPost falsely claimed, pictorially, that a white man pled guilty to phoning in a threat to a Florida mosque — when it knew for four months that he is black – this case study is an act of racial bias, by omission.
Since the 2016 election, HuffPost has been 100% invested in spreading the claim that white right-wingers are responsible for the rash of anti-Semitic hatred and hate crimes in America and beyond — despite the fact that:
As a recent report from the University of Oslo, Norway confirmed, the dominant threats to Jews is radical Islamists and radical leftists
As documented on the two pages of case studies SaveTheWest produced, covering hate crimes from 2014 through the present day (here, here), not one hate crime against Jews has been perpetrated by a white right-winger
Which brings us to this case study, in which HuffPost ignored the fact that in this latest anti-Semitic hate crime, the accused perpetrator was a black American. Rather than an overt act of racist incitement, this case study depicts how far HuffPost will go to shield those who are not white right-wingers from being held to account for their anti-Semitic hate crimes.
Ronald Alford Sr., 52
On September 28, 2017 the University of Maryland – College Park reported that a swastika had been spray-painted on a trash receptacle inside Hagerstown Hall, a student dormitory.
On October 10, 2017, Fox5DC.com reported that police have charged Ronald Alford Sr., a former employee of the University of Maryland, with the crime — and noted that he is a black American:
Court records show the man accused of spray-painting a swastika inside a residence hall at the University of Maryland in September is African American.
Students were surprised to learn someone who is a member of a race which has been historically oppressed is accused of the hate-related incident.
“I guess it proves that you don’t have to be a certain race to hate people, but I mean, it’s just you would think that someone, especially from a race that has been subjected to hate before, you would think why would you want to reciprocate that to somebody else,” said student Abby Gorun.
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story.
An October 16, 2017 search using the string string “Ronald Alford Sr.” returned zero results:
(36) October 2017, San Francisco, CA: HuffPost ignored the discovery that the prime suspect in a series of swastika vandalism incidents at BART stations is a black man
SFGate.com caption: “This man was seen at the Embarcadero Station drawing a swastika similar to the ones reported over the past week. BART police are seeking the public’s help in identifying him.”
A swastika drawn at the Glen Park BART station Friday morning is the latest in a series of vandalism incidents on BART property, officials said.
BART police are searching for a serial vandal suspected of drawing several swastikas and writing ethnic slurs on BART property over the past week. The first incident was reported Oct. 20, BART spokesman Chris Filippi said.
Officials believe the same person is responsible for the string of vandalism due to similarities in the images and word choice. Incidents have been reported at the San Leandro, Glen Park and MacArthur stations, officials said.
A person was seen on camera at the Embarcadero Station drawing a swastika similar to the ones reported over the past week. BART police are seeking the public’s help in identifying the man and have released images of the man believed to be responsible.
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story.
(37) HuffPost gave top, sustained coverage to a report that falsely claimed white conservatives are responsible for the vast majority of terrorism in America
HuffPost left this report on its front page for nineteen straight days, until July 11, 2017. The first clue that HuffPost’s report was not credible, is the the fact that the “poster-boy” it chose to use as an example of white right-wing terror is actually a Bernie Sanders supporter with apparent mental health issues.
In summary, HuffPost’s report made the following claims:
White right-wing extremists perpetrated nearly twice as many terrorist attacks on U.S. soil between 2008-2016 as Muslim extremists (121 incidents vs. 63)
Left-wing terror (19 incidents) is comparatively non-existent.
SaveTheWest conducted a thorough analysis of HuffPost’s claims, and found them to be demonstrably false, or at best, egregiously decontextualized. The reality is that:
67% of domestic terrorism during the past eight years has been perpetrated by Islamists (35) and leftists (45) – not white right-wingers (39).
Since the 9/11 attacks, Islamist terrorists have killed almost twice as many Americans as white right-wingers (95 to 51).
While there are 60 times more white, non-Hispanic people than Muslims in America,
Muslims are, proportionally, 54 times more likely to perpetrate terrorist attacks on American soil.
Sunni Muslims are, proportionally, four times more likely to perpetrate terrorist attacks on American soil than white right-wingers.
This incident follows another in 2016, in which Arianna Huffington promoted a HuffPost report, entitled “Muslims Are Not Terrorists,” despite the fact that its own data shows that during the period it cited, 94% of terror deaths were due to Muslim terrorism (details here and here).
That Tweet led to this article, which points out that not a single white male was nominated for the Grammy’s Album of the Year.
Question: Would HuffPost have reacted with the same implied celebratory tone, if not a single black male was nominated for the top Grammy Award?
(39) HuffPost writer racially smeared a black Republican U.S. Senator, as a “manipulated prop,” because he supported the GOP tax reform bill
The previous 38 case studies on this page demonstrate HuffPost’s long history of racial bias and incitement against anyone whom it views as a political enemy.
Throughout mid-December 2017, HuffPost had been engaged in an escalating campaign of splash headlines containing lies and incitement about the GOP’s tax reform bill, and the GOP, as evidenced by this “story” it published on its front page, on December 17:
The reality, of course, was that the GOP did no such thing; the story is a complete lie. Neither the GOP nor the DNC are not even able, legally, to give themselves a tax cut. The “news story” to which this inflammatory headline led claimed that the GOP gave a tax break to members of Congress — which, again, it did not. It was another complete lie:
It is within this cauldron of HuffPost’s hate and lies, and its long history of racial bias and incitement, that we are prepared to consider what one of HuffPost’s writers did on December 20, 2017.
This incident
On December 20, 2017, after passing the final vote on their tax reform proposal, Republican Senators and Congressional representatives gathered at the White House for a press conference, with President Trump. At the event, this photo was taken of Sen. Tim Scott a black Republican from South Carolina, with President Trump, and CBS News reporter Mark Knoller Tweeted it with the following caption:
Under the tax cut bill, @POTUS says typical family of four making $75,000/year will receive more than $2K/year tax cut. Thinks that’ll be “less than the average.” pic.twitter.com/m4Q6L58D2e
In response, HuffPost writer Andy Ostroy posted the following Tweet in reply:
Sen. Scott replied as follows:
Uh probably because I helped write the bill for the past year, have multiple provisions included, got multiple Senators on board over the last week and have worked on tax reform my entire time in Congress. But if you’d rather just see my skin color, pls feel free. https://t.co/KLLNXqIZ3i
Ostroy later deleted his Tweet and apologized to Sen. Scott.
(40) January 2018: HuffPost gave top publicity to an original article that claimed “a drunken huddle of angry white men” in New York complained about “brown people”; Just one tiny problem: there was no proof of them saying anything about “brown people”
[UPDATE: HuffPost also completely ignored a leftist’s unprovoked assault on a conservative attendee; see end]
Clicking on that headline brought the reader to this page (captured from Google Cache on January 23, in case HuffPost tries to edit the original article after-the-fact, to cover what it did):
Look, we get it. The extremist, far-right New Yorker doesn’t get many opportunities to attend a gala event with like-minded folks in the city these days.
But on Saturday, a few hundred “patriots and political dissidents” got their big night, hosted by men’s rightser and far-right propagandist Mike Cernovich. Pro-Trump rabble rousers spent hundreds of dollars to watch Cernovich and other conservative Twitter celebrities spew hot garbage at “brown people,” women, “faggots,” and leftist snowflakes.
If one searches the entire article for the word “brown,” however, there are only two citations on the page:
The headline: “A “men’s rights” bash in NYC had far-right fixtures whining about “lower classes,” women and “brown people.”
And in the body copy: “Pro-Trump rabble rousers spent hundreds of dollars to watch Cernovich and other conservative Twitter celebrities spew hot garbage at “brown people,” women, “faggots,” and leftist snowflakes.”
There is not, however, a single reference to the attendees of the event even mentioning “brown people” in the article, or in the (offensive) video that its “journalist” shot at the event, and which HuffPost embedded in the “story”:
Not sure what Proud Boys founder Gavin Mcinnes is trying to get across but how he keeps people in the audience with “will you faggots shut up” and “most women would be happier at home” is beyond me pic.twitter.com/ov3NbBdfqJ
Analysis: HuffPost made up yet another charge to smear white people — yet continues to completley ignore documented incitements to racial hate and violence by influential leftists and Islamists
The previous case studies on this page document HuffPost’s worldwide efforts to incite racist hatred and violence.
In this case, however, it’s worth asking: why would HuffPost construct a “news” article that contained an obvious falsehood, that could only have the effect of inciting anti-white racial hatred based on a lie — when it consistently ignores actual, documented hate speech and incitement of violence against white people, because of their skin color?
For example: On August 13, 2015, the notorious radical Islamist Louis Farrakhan was captured on video calling for 10,000 men to murder whites, in retaliation for what he claims are whites’ murdering of blacks. Specifically:
“White people deserve to die. And they know it!”
“Stalk them, and kill them and let them feel the pain of death that we are feeling!”
That he is seeking “10,000 fearless men who say death is sweeter than continued life under tyranny.”
HuffPost completely ignored this story. Further, as documented in this case study, HuffPost also completely ignored the fact that in April 2017, a radical Islamist who claimed he was inspired by Farrakhan engaged in a massacre of white people — because of their skin color.
Here are more examples of HuffPost completely ignoring hate speech and incitement by people of color, and radical Islamists, against white people — and the LGBT community:
Against white people:
January 2017, Seattle, WA: HuffPost completely ignored Black Lives Matter leaders who explicitly advocated — on video — murderous violence against white people, and to destroy the White House
May 2017, Berkeley, CA: HuffPost completely ignored an illegal alien student at UC-Berkeley who posted a Tweet calling for his fellow Hispanics to gather at a local park to “beat the shit out of white people”
November 2016, Chicago, IL: HuffPost completely ignored Black Lives Matter’s announced plan to blockade white-owned businesses
February 2017, Toronto, CA: HuffPost completely ignored a Black Lives Matter leader who claimed — on video — that white people are “sub-human,” and indicated how they could be exterminated
May 2017, College Station, TX: HuffPost completely ignored a black professor at Texas A&M who was discovered to have said, on a radio program, that “white people have to die,” and justified it on scholarly grounds
Against the LGBT community in North America:
June 2016, Orlando, FL: HuffPost completely ignored the fact that two months before the Pulse massacre, a notoriously homophobic imam from England gave a sermon in Orlando, FL, where he claimed — on video — that Muslims must murder gays
January 2017, Orlando, FL: HuffPost completely ignored the fact that another notoriously homophobic imam, from Syria, also preached in Central Florida, that Muslims must murder gays
May 2017, Orlando, FL: HuffPost completely ignored a tip that still another notorious, violence-inciting, homophobic imam was scheduled to speak at an Orlando mosque
July 2017, Oakland, CA: HuffPost completely ignored the FBI arrest of a militant Islamist who claimed he was going to murder 10,000 or more gays and lesbians with mass poisoning
August 2017: HuffPost completely ignored the largest Islamist group in America kicking out members of the LGBT community from their annual conference
If HuffPost only engaged in one or several of the acts and omissions documented on this page, it could be dismissed as mere anomalies. That is not the case.
This page, and this case study, provide comprehensive documentation that HuffPost has been engaged in a long-term, systemic campaign of inciting hatred and violence against certain people, based on their skin color, often based on lies or egregious distortions — while ignoring the actual hate and violence incited and perpetrated by other people, against them, based on the perpetrators’ skin color.
UPDATE, January 23: News and video emerged that a leftist assaulted a conservative attendee of this event, without provocation, then attacked a police officer — all of which HuffPost also ignored
At 3:27am on January 21, 2018 — a day before HuffPost published its “story” — the NY Post reported the following:
Caption, by the NY Post: “An attendee of an event, headlined by Mike Cernovich, was seriously injured after being assaulted by a protester.”
A supporter of President Trump who had attended an alt-right Manhattan celebration of the anniversary of the inauguration was attacked by a protester Saturday night, police said.
Several hundred people had bought tickets for the gathering at a nightclub at West 50th Street and 12th Avenue — which featured right-winger Mike Cernovich and which was, oddly, crashed by transgender Wiki-leaker Chelsea Manning. […]
About 80 anti-Trump protesters marched outside. A contingent of some 60 cops set up barriers between the two groups.
When the event broke up, a protester followed a Trump supporter, punching and choking him a block away, police said.
The victim, 56, was rushed to Bellevue Hospital in stable condition.
Then, at 4:29pm on January 21, the NY Post published this follow-up story:
The protester accused of choking a Trump supporter late Saturday outside a Manhattan nightclub also tried to put an arresting NYPD officer in a headlock, authorities said.
David Campbell was slapped with charges Sunday for the alleged beat-down of the unnamed 56-year-old after the man left an event headlined by alt-right personality Mike Cernovich.
The 30-year-old peeled off from a group of about 80 rallying after spotting the man, cops said, and followed him as he left FREQ nightclub in Hell’s Kitchen, which was hosting ticketed event “A Night For Freedom.”
Campbell allegedly jumped the Trump supporter once they were a block away, punching him and choking him so aggressively that he was not breathing and had a faint pulse. […]
Campbell, who was also carrying a can of Mace, was charged with strangulation, multiple counts of assault, resisting arrest, loitering, criminal possession of a weapon, and obstruction of government administration, police said.
He was also booked on charges of attempted assault and attempted criminal obstruction of breathing after he tried to put an officer in a headlock, authorities said.
The cop was treated for his injuries at Mount Sinai St. Luke’s-Roosevelt Hospital Center.
This video emerged soon after the assaults, and Campbell’s arrest:
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored the documented assaults by this radical leftist
This was the 160th incident that SaveTheWest has documented of HuffPost ignoring hate crimes and threats being perpetrated against people in groups it considers worthless, since January 1, 2016. See the previous 159 case studies here:
RACIST BIAS AND INCITEMENT: HuffPost published a splash headline that claimed the man who murdered 17 students at a Florida high school was, definitively, a “white supremacist” — even though it had already been debunked, was based on completely unproven allegations, and his targeted victims were apparently were all white
On February 14, 2018, a deranged 19-year-old man, Nikolas Cruz, barged into Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in the outskirts of Fort Lauderdale, FL, and murdered 16 students, 1 teacher, and injured dozens.
A rumor erupted that Cruz was a white supremacist — but was debunked by 1:17pm on February 15
Soon after the shooting, a rumor began circulating on social media that Cruz was a white supremacist, because the supposed leader of a little-known group in Florida claimed that he was affiliated with them.
At 1:17pm on February 15,CBS News reported that local law enforcement had no evidence of this, and that the leader of the group had “walked back” his comments:
The leader of a white nationalist militia Thursday night appeared to walk back his earlier statements that Florida shooting suspect Nikolas Cruz was a member of his group. Law enforcement in Tallahassee, Florida, said they had no record of Cruz being part of the organization.
Jordan Jereb, the leader of Republic of Florida, told the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) Thursday that Cruz participated in paramilitary drills in Tallahassee. Someone posting under his name on Gab, a social media site popular with far-right extremists, complained about getting criticized over a “prank,” claimed there was a “misunderstanding” and said he received “a bunch of conflicting information.”
Florida school shooting: FBI got call about suspect a year before shooting
Leon County law enforcement sources told the Tallahassee Democrat they could not find any information linking Cruz to ROF. “We are still doing some work but we have no known ties between the ROF, Jordan Jereb or the Broward shooter,” Sheriff’s Office spokesman Lt. Grady Jordan told the Tallahassee Democrat. The sheriff’s office has arrested Jereb at least four times since January 2014 and has been monitoring ROF’s membership.
At 1:44pm on February 15, the Tallahassee Democrat, part of the USA Today network, confirmed that based on existing evidence, Cruz was a not a member of this or any white supremacist group:
Local law enforcement sources have not found a connection between accused Parkland school shooter Nikolas Cruz and a Tallahassee-based paramilitary group.
Leon County law enforcement sources told the Tallahassee Democrat that they could not find information linking Cruz, 19, to the Republic of Florida Militia, as claimed by the group’s self-proclaimed leader Jordan Jereb.
His comments to the Anti-Defamation League and The Associated Press set off a media firestorm Thursday at about midday that Cruz was connected to the alt-right, white nationalist group.
3:00pm: HuffPost definitively declared in a splash headline that Cruz was a white supremacist — then steadily downplayed its own claims, until three hours later, when it removed the story from its front page
Despite all the above evidence…
Shortly before 3:00pm, HuffPost published this splash headline that explicitly claimed “SHOOTER WAS A WHITE SUPREMACIST” (Wayback Machine link here):
Notice that HuffPost didn’t say Cruz was an “alleged” white supremacist, or was “claimed to be” a white supremacist. Its headline said, definitively, that he “Shooter was a white supremacist.”
As its “story” described, the “objective, professional” newspaper was told by a white supremacist that Cruz was a member of the group. HuffPost required and produced zero proof of anything to support this bombastic claim — which had already been debunked, more than an hour earlier.
By 4:47pm, HuffPost had rewritten its headline to read, “White supremacist group says Florida shooter attended their trainings.” (“trainings”? anyway….), and moved it to a sidebar blurb:
Then, by 6:02pm, HuffPost completely removed the story from its front page:
Contrast how HuffPost rushed to give this fake, racially-inflammatory “news” story top coverage — to the fact that it consistently ignores actual stories about race-driven hate crimes, when the victims are white, and the perpetrators are people of color
Here are just some of the dozens of detailed case studies from this page:
(3.6) RACIST BIAS: HuffPost gave top coverage to a fake hate crime against a Muslim student — but completely ignored a white student who was beaten nearly to death because of his skin color
(3.7) RACIST BIAS: HuffPost gave top coverage to a “news” story in which it asked a convicted black rapist, who justified his attack on a white woman on racial grounds, what makes him “cry” — but completely ignored the video of a white man who was dragged out of his car and beaten by a black mob, because of his skin color
(3.9) RACIST BIAS: HuffPost gave front-page coverage to a Muslim woman who was asked in a restaurant if she has a green card — but completely ignored a U.S. soldier who was beaten nearly to death by a black mob, because of his skin color
(3.12) RACIST BIAS: HuffPost gave top coverage and credibility to a black Red Lobster waitress who (falsely) reported a racist message on a receipt from a white customer — but completely ignored a black racist who attempted to murder a white person on a NY subway, in front of witnesses, while shouting “I hate white people!”
(3.14) RACIST BIAS: October 2017: HuffPost ignored a racist attack upon an elderly white man by a black teen in New York, who shouted, “White people suck. I hate white people!”
(3.15) RACIST BIAS: HuffPost completely ignored a white woman who was physically assaulted on a NY train, on video, by a black man who used racial epithets against her — yet gave top, sustained coverage to two Muslim women who claimed they were insulted and spat at by a man, on a NY train, because of their faith
(3.16) RACIST BIAS: HuffPost completely ignored a violent, racist assault on a white woman, in front of witnesses, because they (falsely) assumed she was a Trump supporter — yet two days earlier, HuffPost gave top coverage to, and explicitly condemned several white Trump supporters who said unkind things to three Palestinian anti-Trump activists
Key questions
Why would HuffPost so easily engage in this kind of chronic incitement of racial hatred, which can only result in pitting Americans against Americans based on lies and distortions?
Why would HuffPost publish such an inflammatory, unproven allegation against this murderer — yet either refuse to report on, or whitewash more than four dozen Islamist terror attacks, plots and arrests, as documented on this page?
Why did HuffPost not employ its supposed top-level standards and practices, including “embrac[ing] journalistic values like accuracy, fact checking,” and “rigorous editorial policies and standards… to ensure that we maintain the highest level of journalistic integrity,” before creating this top story, which it spread throughout the world on social media? See the sources for these and many similar quotes here.
Why did HuffPost then completely remove the story from its front page, instead of putting up a new splash headline, admitting its error, how it happened, and the steps it is taking to never allow anything like it to happen again?