STW contributor Dr. Rachel Ehrenfeld presents extensive evidence of the little-known alliance between Black Lives Matter and various fervent anti-Israel groups, some with documented links to terrorist organizations.
The riots in our cities and the enormous damage that they have caused to our nation is now compounded by their efforts to the cancel the U.S. Constitution and all the freedoms that it guarantees, through deceit and chaos.
Why has Speaker Pelosi incited a frenzy, based on loose rumors that Russia is paying bounties to kill U.S. soldiers - but ignored the voluminous evidence that Iran has actually been doing this, for many years? By Jon Sutz.
This week, Ken and STW editor Jon Sutz examine the relationship between the U.S. Civil War, Democrats' racism, and the violent seditious anarchy we're witnessing in Democrat-run cities across America.
A special submission to STW by author & business consultant Lee Broad, which examines how these two groups of historically oppressed peoples have reacted to their situations
STW contributor Dr. Rachel Ehrenfeld presents a jarring potential scenario for the aftermath of the November 3 election, and why President Trump should implement measures to preserve peace.
This week, Ken and STW editor Jon Sutz discuss KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov, and his warnings from decades ago about what communist infiltrators were doing to America
This week, Ken presents ten reasons why Americans should be proud to stand for our flag, and oppose those who denounce & threaten the principles that gave rise to all it symbolizes.
STW contributor Dr. Rachel Ehrenfeld examines the history of bioterrorism, the present threat facing the free world from various malign actors, and how to protect ourselves.
This week, Ken identifies ten facets of American culture that must be preserved if we are to remain a free, prosperous nation.