Home Ken's editorials Ken’s letter to the WSJ re “How To Fix the Johnson Amendment”

Ken’s letter to the WSJ re “How To Fix the Johnson Amendment”



On February 12, 2015, SaveTheWest.com founder and president Ken Abramowitz wrote the following letter to the Wall St. Journal, to comment on a recent WSJ editorial about how to fix the “Johnson Amendment.” (This is the portion of the IRS code that prohibits 501(c)3 tax-exempt religious organizations from lobbying politicians or government officials, engaging in campaign activity to benefit a political party, or supporting or opposing political candidates; details at the Daily Caller).

The WSJ has not published Ken’s letter, so we are publishing it here.

Letters To The Editor
The Wall St. Journal
200 Liberty Street
New York, New York 10281

Dear Editor:

The “How To Fix the Johnson Amendment” article (2/10) explained why the time has arrived to repeal this “1954 provision of the tax code that allows the IRS to police the speech of churches and other non-profits.”

Although the Johnson Amendment is dated from the past, it remains a good idea for the future. Religious institutions should remain faithful to their religious tax-deductible mandate and not become political entities, which are inherently non-tax deductible.

Maintaining this division will apply to all religious institutions equally.

This will prove to be increasingly important as Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated groups take over many mosques, and divert their religious focus into political activity.


Kenneth Abramowitz
New York, New York


