Home Jon Sutz Letters to major news organizations’ top executives regarding STW’s “Madonna & Child”...

Letters to major news organizations’ top executives regarding STW’s “Madonna & Child” report



On March 22, 2019, SaveTheWest published its latest special investigative report, “The U.S. ‘news’ media depicts an American terrorist and her son as ‘Madonna & Child’.”

This report, produced by SaveTheWest editor Jon Sutz, exposes how some of the most influential news organizations in America — including ABC News, CBS News, CNN, NBC News and the New York Times — propagandized on behalf of Hoda Muthana, the “ISIS bride” who wants to return to America, after claiming she was “brainwashed,” but will now be a model citizen. Below is a montage of some of these news organizations’ Tweets and headlines:

Specifically, our report alleges that these news organizations:

(1) Published obviously staged photos of Muthana, a self-professed ISIS terrorist, with her toddler son, in poses that depict them as the modern-day equivalent of “Madonna & Child.”

(2) Produced captions for these photos, and their story copy, that’s almost indistinguishable from that which is developed by paid public relations (PR) professionals, to advocate for their clients.

(3) Ignored the fact that numerous Yazidi women and girls whom ISIS captured and used as rape slaves have attested that in many cases, the wives of ISIS terrorists — like Muthana — were actually more brutal and cruel to them than their husbands.

(4) Ignored or downplayed what Muthana knew, or likely knew, before she left Alabama to join ISIS in Syria, about its savagery, ultimate objectives, and treatment of Yazidis.

This graphic slide show provides a summary of these allegations, and the evidence upon which each is based:

This page contains all the source documentation that went into the report and slide show, including victim interviews, a detailed timeline of what Muthana knew, or is presumed to have known prior to her departing America to join ISIS in Syria, and deep evidence of the unspeakable horrors that ISIS brides — like her — perpetrated upon Yazidi females, as young as nine years old.

In the interests of helping to prevent any repetition of such an outrageous whitewashing of a self-admitted terrorist, on April 15, 2019, SaveTheWest sent certified letters to the heads of each of these news organizations. Each of these letters:

  • Presents our evidence of news organization’s acts and omissions regarding this incident (note: ABC News was the worst)
  • Ask key questions of the top executive that leads that news organization
  • Requests their written reply by May 13, 2019

Below are the links to each letter, along with proof that they were delivered and signed for by the news organization to which it was addressed. SaveTheWest will post any replies we receive from these news leaders.

(1) Letter to president of ABC News

(2) Letter to president of CBS News

(3) Letter to president of CNN

(4) Letter to president of NBC News

(5) Letter to the publisher of the New York Times

(1) Letter to president of ABC News

This letter was delivered to ABC News in New York City on April 18, 2019 at 2:18 pm. Here is the Certified Letter receipt, correlating to the delivery record (see tracking number).

Letter to ABC President 15A… by on Scribd

(2) Letter to president of CBS News

This letter was delivered to CBS News in New York City on April 18, 2019 at 2:40 pm. Here is the Certified Letter receipt, correlating to the delivery record (see tracking number).

Letter to CBS President 15A… by on Scribd

(3) Letter to president of CNN

This letter was delivered to CNN in Atlanta, GA on April 22, 2019 at 9:11 am. Here is the Certified Letter receipt, correlating to the delivery record (see tracking number).

Letter to CNN President 15A… by on Scribd

(4) Letter to president of NBC News

This letter was delivered to NBC News in New York City on April 22, 2019 at 5:26 pm. Here is the Certified Letter receipt, correlating to the delivery record (see tracking number).

Letter to NBC President 15A… by on Scribd

(5) Letter to the publisher of the New York Times

This letter was delivered to the New York Times in New York City on April 23, 2019 at 12:58 pm. Here is the Certified Letter receipt, correlating to the delivery record (see tracking number).

Letter to NY Times Publishe… by on Scribd

Do you view these “news” organizations’ actions as a moral abomination?

If so, and if you’d like to make your thoughts known to these “news” organizations, here’s how. Should you reach out, please be polite and concise. and reference the link to this report: savethewest.com/terroristasmadonna/

ABC News

CBS News



NBC News

New York Times







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