Home Jon Sutz SPECIAL REPORT: Democrats routinely employed what they now say is “white nationalist”...

SPECIAL REPORT: Democrats routinely employed what they now say is “white nationalist” language regarding border security



By Jon Sutz, Editor, SaveTheWest.com


(1) Introduction: The construction of  a vicious, fake narrative

(2) College students vehemently condemn this “racist, divisive” language — until they discover it was all expressed by Democratic icons

(3) A partial accounting of individual Democratic leaders’ statements regarding border security and illegal aliens that, by their own, current definition, is “white nationalist” language

(4) Contrast Democrats’ current condemnations of the need for a security wall with the walls that leftist Hollywood celebrities build around their homes

(5) Contrast Democrats’ claims that a border wall would be “an immorality,” and “ineffective,” to what U.S. Customs & Border Protection officials say about the issue

(6) Conclusion — and the broader, self-destructive implications of this domestic subversion

(1) Introduction: : The construction of  a vicious, fake narrative

“A lie told once remains a lie, but a lie told a thousand times becomes the truth.”

– Joseph Goebbels, Nazi minister of propaganda

If a rational being from another world were able to begin observing Earth for the first time, in January 2019, he or she would likely conclude that President Trump’s intent to construct an border wall separating the U.S. from Mexico is something straight out of Nazi Germany. This impression would be particularly strong if such a being only observed the “news” media that targets young people, which depict Trump as a “fascist,” a “Nazi,” a “racist,” and a “dictator.”

The reality, however, is that:

(a) Senior Democratic Party political figures have been making identical statements as Trump, since 1994.

(b) All Trump is doing is attempting to ensure that existing laws, passed by Congress, and signed by previous presidents, be enforced.

Further, significant swaths of mainstream Democrats in Congress have voted in the past to construct and enforce a robust physical barrier along America’s southern border, to prevent illegal aliens from entering America.

Here is a compilation of such statements by top Democrats; individual incidents are posted in Section 3, with source data:


(2) College students vehemently condemn this “racist, divisive” language — until they discover it was all expressed by Democratic icons

Over the past year, the overwhelming majority of the national mainstream “news” media has been, with increasing frequency, parroting the Democratic Party’s false, incendiary narrative, that constructing a border wall to impede the influx of thousands of illegal aliens into America –some of whom are criminals who’ve been deported 5, 10, 20 or more times — is “racist,” and “white nationalist” language. See an example of these lies here.

In January 2019, Campus Reform interviewed a number of college students to ask them what they thought about some of the above quotes — without identifying who uttered them. Here was their reaction — which only confirms the depth and breadth of the”echo chamber” of lies that the Democratic Party, and those in the “news” media who enable and protect it, have created:

(3) A partial accounting of Democratic leaders’ statements regarding border security and illegal aliens that, by their own, current definition, is “white nationalist” language

Below is a chronological sampling of the many statements made by these and other top Democrats — most of whom are now vilifying President Trump for statements that are almost exactly like those of leaders of their own party.

1993: Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV): “If making it easy to be an illegal alien isn’t enough, how about offering a reward for being an illegal immigrant?”

1994: Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) explicitly advocated for strong U.S. border protection and enforcement of immigration laws, and denounced the costs and crimes caused by illegal aliens

1996: President Bill Clinton articulated the need for strong border protection against illegal aliens, and tough laws against any business that employs them

2005: Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) on the cost of illegal aliens, the cultural resentment their open-borders rallies cause, and the urgent need to protect America via a strong border wall

2006: Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) supporting the construction of physical barrier to prevent illegal aliens from entering America

2006: Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) wrote in his book about his resentment over support for illegal Mexican aliens in America, and the economic impact on our economy

2006: Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA) spoke out in support of a strong physical barrier to prevent illegal aliens from entering America

2006: Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA): “Democrats Support the Border Fence”

2008: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA): Claimed she is for “securing the border,” and that Americans “don’t want any more undocumented people (illegal aliens) coming in(to America)”

2009: Sen Charles Schumer (D-NY): “Illegal Immigration is wrong, plain and simple”

2009: President Obama: “We can’t have a situation where you just have half a million people pouring over the border.”

2013: Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) voted for $18 billion to build a wall along the U.S. southern border — but is opposing $5 billion in 2018 for the same purpose

2014: Sec. Hillary Clinton claimed that illegal alien children should be sent back to their nation of origin — and America’s borders should be secured

2014: President Obama advised parents in Mexico and Central America to not send their children to the U.S. border; “They will be sent back”

2015: Sec. Hillary Clinton said she supports building a physical barrier to prevent the influx of illegal aliens into America

July 2016: The Democratic National Committee erected a four-mile-long chain link wall around its convention, to protect itself from Democratic activists

January 2019: Contrast the above to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s claim, that “A wall is an immorality!”

1993: Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV): “If making it easy to be an illegal alien isn’t enough, how about offering a reward for being an illegal immigrant?”

Key excerpt:

“If making it easy to be an illegal alien isn’t enough, how about offering a reward for being an illegal immigrant?

“No sane country would do that, right? Guess again.

“If you break our laws by entering this country without permission and give birth to a child, we reward that child with U.S. citizenship and guarantee a full access to all public and social services this society provides. And that’s a lot of services. Is it any wonder that two-thirds of the babies born – at taxpayer expense – in county-run hospitals in Los Angeles are born to illegal alien mother?”

1994: Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) explicitly advocated for strong U.S. border protection and enforcement of immigration laws, and denounced the costs and crimes caused by illegal aliens

Consider Feinstein’s words — and the fact that she got elected and re-elected on this platform:

“I think we can enforce our borders. I think we should enforce our borders. To have a situation where 40 percent of the babies born on Medicaid in California today are born of illegal immigrants creates a very real problem for the state which is in deficit … to have 17 percent of our prison population at a cost of $300 million a year be illegal immigrants who come here and commit felonies – that’s not what this nation is all about.”

1996: President Bill Clinton articulated the need for strong border protection against illegal aliens, and tough laws against any business that employs them
If you saw only these words, today, and were asked who said them, would you not think they came from the mouth of President Trump?

“There are some areas that the federal government should not leave and should address and address strongly. One of these areas is the problem of illegal immigration. After years of neglect, this administration has taken a strong stand to stiffen the protection of our borders. We are increasing border controls by 50 percent. We are increasing inspections to prevent the hiring of illegal immigrants. And tonight, I announce I will sign an executive order to deny federal contracts to businesses that hire illegal immigrants.

“Let me be very clear about this: We are still a nation of immigrants; we should be proud of it. We should honor every legal immigrant here, working hard to become a new citizen. But we are also a nation of laws.”

2005: Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) on the cost of illegal aliens, the cultural resentment their open-borders rallies cause, and the urgent need to protect America via a strong border wall

If you saw only these words, today, and were asked who said them, would you not think they came from the mouth of President Trump?

“We simply cannot allow people to pour into the United States undetected, undocumented, unchecked and circumventing the line of people who are waiting patiently, diligently and lawfully to become immigrants in this country.”


2006: Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) supporting the construction of physical barrier to prevent illegal aliens from entering America

If you saw only these words, today, and were asked who said them, would you not think they came from the mouth of President Trump?

“The bill before us will certainly do some good. It will authorize some badly needed funding for better fences and better security along our borders and that should help stem some of the tide of illegal immigration in this country.”

2006: Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) wrote in his book about his resentment over support for illegal Mexican aliens in America, and the economic impact on our economy

From The Audacity of Hope:, as reported by the Daily Caller (with audio). If you saw only these words, today, and were asked who said them, would you not think they came from the mouth of President Trump?

“When I see Mexican flags waved at pro-immigration demonstrations, I sometimes feel a flush of patriotic resentment. When I’m forced to use a translator to communicate with the guy fixing my car, I feel a certain frustration. […]

“[T]his huge influx of mostly low-skill workers… threatens to depress further the wages of blue-collar Americans and put strains on an already overburdened safety net [welfare system].”

“[T]here’s no denying that many blacks share the same anxieties as many whites about the wave of illegal immigration flooding our Southern border—a sense that what’s happening now is fundamentally different from what has gone on before.”

2006: Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA) spoke out in support of a strong physical barrier to prevent illegal aliens from entering America

If you saw only these words, today, and were asked who said them, would you not think they came from the mouth of a Republican?

“I don’t oppose building a fence where you need to do it where the border is porous. I just don’t have a problem with that.”

2006: Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA): “Democrats Support the Border Fence”

Feinstein in ’06: ‘Democrats Support the Border Fence’, by Chris Deaton, The Weekly Standard, January 6, 2017. Excerpt:

“Democrats are solidly behind controlling the border, and we support the border fence,” [Feinstein] said, according to the Los Angeles Daily News. “We’ve got to get tough on the border. There’s no question the border is a sieve.”

2008: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA): Claimed she is for “securing the border,” and that Americans “don’t want any more undocumented people (illegal aliens) coming in(to America)”

“Do we [Democrats] have a commitment to secure the border? Yes. [..] While we need to address the issue of ‘undocumented people’ in our country, we certainly don’t want any more coming in.”

See video here:

2008 Nancy Pelosi secure border [CSPAN]

2009: Sen Charles Schumer (D-NY): “Illegal Immigration is wrong, plain and simple”

If you saw only these words, today, and didn’t know who said them, then turned on any mainstream “news” organ (outside of Fox), who do you think the journalists and pundits would predict said them? Probably a neo-Nazi, a white nationalist or right-wing extremist:

“When we use phrases like ‘undocumented workers,’ we convey a message to the American people that their government is not serious about combating illegal immigration, which the American people overwhelmingly oppose. If you don’t think it’s illegal, you’re not going to say it. I think it is illegal and wrong and we have to change it.”

“People who enter the United States without our permission are illegal aliens, and illegal aliens should not be treated the same as people who entered the U.S. legally.”

In fact, they were uttered, on video, by one of the most far-left members of the U.S. Senate, less than ten years ago:

2009: President Obama: “We can’t have a situation where you just have half a million people pouring over the border.”

From Snopes report, “Did Obama Say in 2009 We ‘Can’t Have Half a Million People Pouring’ Over Border?”

2013: Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) voted for $18 billion to build a wall along the U.S. southern border — but is opposing $5 billion in 2018 for the same purpose

From Sanders Gets Called Out for Supporting $18 Billion Wall In 2013 But Opposing $5 Billion Wall Now, NTK Media, December 13, 2018:

“I think border security is enormously important, but I think building a wall is a very costly and inefficient way to do that,” Sanders said. “And I’m not alone. I mean, many experts think that given the kind of technology that we have today, we can protect our southern border without building the wall and spending $5 billion.”

“Yes. And senator, in 2013 you voted for comprehensive immigration that included $18 billion for a wall in border security,” Baier interjected. Baier then asked Sanders why the $5 billion is a nonstarter for him.

“Well, I’m saying that you have $5 billion as part of tens of billions more for a wall. What I’m saying right now, sometimes you vote for things that are part of a broad package.”

2014: Sec. Hillary Clinton claimed that illegal alien children should be sent back to their nation of origin — and America’s borders should be secured

In an ultimate irony, four years later she is condemning President Trump for saying effectively the exact same things that she did, on June 17, 2014. If you saw only these words, today, and were asked who said them, would you not think they came from the mouth of President Trump?

They [illegal alien children] should be sent back as soon as it can be determined who the responsible adults in their families are. There are concerns about whether all of them can be sent back, but I think all of them who can be should be reunited with their families [in their native countries]. […]

We have to do more to deal with the violence in this region, to deal with border security, but we have to send a clear message that just because your child gets across the border that doesn’t mean the child gets to stay. We don’t want to send a message that is contrary to our laws or that will encourage more children to take that dangerous journey.


2014: President Obama advised parents in Mexico and Central America to not send their children to the U.S. border; “They will be sent back”

Starting in late 2012-early 2013, Obama began using U.S. taxpayer money to advertise to Central Americans and Mexicans that America’s welfare agencies are prohibited from asking about residency status or national origin. Yet on June 26, 2014, he said this on ABC News (cue up the video to the 2:50 mark):

“Our message absolutely is don’t send your children unaccompanied, on trains or through a bunch of smugglers. We don’t even know how many of these kids don’t make it, and may have been waylaid into sex trafficking or killed because they fell off a train. Do not send your children to the [U.S.] borders. If they do make it [to the U.S. border], they’ll get sent back.”

2015: Sec. Hillary Clinton said she supports building a physical barrier to prevent the influx of illegal aliens into America

If you saw only these words, today, and were asked who said them, would you not think they came from the mouth of a Republican?

“I voted numerous times when I was a Senator to spend money to build a barrier to try to prevent illegal immigrants from coming in and I do think you have to control your borders.”

July 2016: The Democratic National Committee erected a four-mile-long chain link wall around its convention, to protect itself from Democratic activists

Contrary to Speaker Pelosi’s proclamation on January 4, 2019, that “walls are an immorality!,” the DNC hired contractors to install many tall security fences around its convention.



‘I thought Dems were against building walls’: DNC security fence elicits scorn, sarcastic tweets, by Colin Deppen, Penn Live, July 28, 2016 (h/t ilovemyfreedom.org). Excerpt:

A four-mile long, eight-foot high metal fence is still standing after a weeklong pummeling by DNC protesters, occasional breaches and months of controversy surrounding its existence.

“This was put up expressly to keep us from having access and so they can’t hear us,” Katie Troutman, a recently de-registered Democrat from Orange County, Calif., said during a protest at the fence on Wednesday.

“It was also put up to keep everything isolated and sanitized [inside the Democratic National Convention hall].”

Since its inception, the fence has proven a source of contention between government officials and the activists who spent months planning the protests that descended on the area all week.

The activists continue to feel the wall was positioned too far from the Wells Fargo Center arena, and that it negated their First Amendment rights by restricting their ability to be heard and seen by the very party leaders and Clinton delegates they had come to address and protest against.

In response, city officials called the fence a necessary precaution. They also argued that because of its see-through design, protesters would still be seen and heard by the credentialed delegates and conventioneers entering and exiting the arena or the parking lots outside it.

Some selfie videos of the oppressed Democratic activists who were kept out of the Democratic Convention — by a four-mile wall of chain link:

h/t ilovemyfreedom.org

January 2019: Contrast the above to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s claim, that “A wall is an immorality!”

According to Speaker Pelosi on January 4, 2019, walls “are ineffective… and an immorality!!!”

(4) Contrast Democrats’ current condemnations of the need for a security wall with the walls that leftist Hollywood celebrities build around their homes

Hollywood celebrities are among the Democratic Party’s most loyal, fervent and financially generous supporters — and many are on the front lines of the “open-borders,” welcome all refugees and migrants, without question movement. Which stands in stark contrast to how they live: behind big, expensive walls.

See this recent six-minute video, produced by SaveTheWest, which exposes this fact, and the documentation that supports its contents here.

(5) Contrast Democrats’ claims that a border wall would be “an immorality,” and “ineffective,” to what U.S. Customs & Border Protection officials say about the issue

The following is but a sampling of the near-unanimous opinion of those who have devoted many years of service to protecting America’s borders, regarding the prospect of building a more robust, expansive security wall.

Retired Hispanic U.S. ICE Special Agent explains the urgent need for a border wall, versus the fake Democrat-Media narratives

On the January 11, 2019 “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” retired ICE Special Agent Victor Avila, a Mexican-American, blasted the notion that support for a border wall is “racist,” explained the urgent need for such a physical barrier, and why the Democratic partisan obstructionism has to stop.

BP Agents: Wall Is Worth The Fight As Families Detained Hit Record High, by Sara Carter, January 10, 2019. Excerpt:

The number of so call ‘family units’ with unaccompanied alien children coming from Mexico through the U.S. Ports of Entry increased 136 percent over the past five months, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection. In December, the numbers skyrocketed to 27, 518, making it the highest monthly total ever recorded by the DHS.

And since the start of the year, CBP has already registered an average of 31,188 people.

With the government shutdown reaching it nineteenth day, US Border Patrol officials say their hands are tied and resources stretched. However, multiple Border Patrol agents and ICE officials say they support President Trump’s fight to allocate more resources and extend the wall at the southern border with Mexico.

“It’s been tough,” said a U.S. Border Patrol Official in McAllen, Texas. The official spoke on background as he was not authorized to speak to the media. “But look, the President is right. We deal with the border day in and out – our resources are stretched and the traffickers and drug cartels know this. The wall is not the total answer but it’s part of the bigger picture to make us more effective. It adds to our infrastructure and frees us up to do our job.”

An ICE officer, working along the Southern border, said “I’m disgusted with Pelosi and Schumer. They lie through their teeth to the American people. Will they open up their homes, kitchens and provide health care to all the people that cross illegally or fictitiously claim asylum?”

Obama’s Border Patrol Chief Fights Back Against Media, Defends Trump, by Mike Brest, Daily Caller, January 9, 2019. Excerpt:

Mark Morgan appeared on Tucker Carlson’s show Wednesday night to discuss the border wall and what the media labeled as “inaccurate statements” from President Donald Trump’s Oval Office address.

Morgan, who served as Border Patrol Chief under former President Barack Obama, was asked to step down from his position in January 2017 when the current administration took office.

“My response is that those people that are saying that, anybody that says that, Tucker, is misinformed and they’re misleading the American people. So before I was even chief of border patrol, I served in the FBI for two decades,” Morgan stated. “One of my assignments was I led the El Paso office. From my office right on the border I could see Juarez. Every single day, Tucker, we worked with the DEA and all components of DHS and we worked human trafficking cases, we worked drug cases and we worked gang cases.”

He continued, “I would also say one last point is 127 border patrol agents have died. They didn’t die playing monopoly. They died, defending, being the frontline defenders of our borders, trying to apprehend the 17,000 people, the bad people, that Secretary Nielsen mentioned. I wonder if you asked their families if this was a manufactured crisis.”

Trump Brings Federal Employee Union to White House to Make Case for Shutdown, by Eric Katz, Government Executive, January 3, 2019. Excerpt:

President Trump on Thursday afternoon called an impromptu press conference to trot out unexpected guests: leaders from a federal employee union.

The top officials of the National Border Patrol Council, a division of the American Federation of Government Employees, addressed reporters at the White House to discuss their support for Trump’s proposed wall along the U.S.-Mexico border. Trump said he was meeting with the union representatives and decided they should “go out and speak to the press.”

Brandon Judd, NBPC president, said in his 21 years of experience he has seen first hand that walls are effective.

“Anywhere that you look that we have built walls, they have worked,” Judd said. “They have been an absolute necessity for Border Patrol agents in supporting the border.”

Here is video of the press conference:

Walls work, says Arizona sheriff who claims crime dropped by 91 percent thanks to border fence, by Victor Garcia, Fox News, January 7, 2019.

CBP: Illegal Families Crossing Border at a Rate That Will ‘More Than Double Last Year’s Record Number, by Melanie Arter, CNS News, December 11, 2018.

Border Patrol agents overwhelmingly support Trump’s wall in new survey, by Stephen Dinan, The Washington Times, April 2, 2018.

Longtime border patrol agents recall when ‘the wall’ was welcome, by Gabby Morrongiello, Washington Examiner, November 08, 2017.

(6) Conclusion — and the broader, self-destructive implications of this domestic subversion

At this point, some questions are eminently merited:

(1) How is it that these statements, all by left-leaning Democrats, never caused the uproar that almost identical statements from President Trump are inciting from these very same public servants, today?

(2) Why is the national mainstream “news” media, which insists it is completely objective and nonpartisan, now almost uniformly calling Trump a fascist, a racist, and a dictator, because he seeks to (a) Enforce the national sovereignty laws that were passed by Congress, and (b) Is making statements almost identical to those of his Democratic opponents, in recent years? See examples here.

(3) Why is this same mainstream national “news” media almost completely ignoring the facts that support Trump’s statements, which they themselves reported on only several years ago — but about which they are silent now? Here is but one example, of the far-left MSNBC’s in-depth 2007 report on the fact that Iran has been establishing bases for Hezbollah terrorists in Central and South America for many years:

“Hezbollah builds a Western base” – MSNBC (2007)

Also see SaveTheWest’s recent report, which presents a litany of essential facts that support Trump’s allegations regarding the “caravans,” and what has been occurring south of the U.S. border — yet which the national mainstream “news” media has been ignoring:

“Who benefits from the lies being spread about the ‘caravans’?”

(4) Why have leading figures in this same mainstream national “news” media not only ignored the above facts, but resorted to the most vile accusations against Trump and his supporters, claiming they are “racists,” or “trying to gin up hate against brown people, and Muslims, without evidence” (a direct quote from a “senior CNN reporter”)? See the evidence of just some of these lies here.

Only the Democrats cited above, and the leaders of the most prominent national “news” organizations that enable and protect them, can answer these questions.


