HuffPost praises McCain in death – after viciously smearing him for 10 years
HuffPost viciously smeared Sen. John McCain in 2008, to help ensure he lost the presidential race to Sen. Barack Obama. Yet since he emerged as a fierce critic of President Trump, then died, it treated him as a model statesman.
Even Machiavelli Could Not Dream Up Such A Process
Retired IDF Col. Erez Winner analyzes the evolution of the Arab Spring, the escalating chaos in the region, President Obama's repeated admissions that he has no strategy for fighting ISIS, and where all of it is leading.
How to save Western civilization from itself
An essay by's founder and president, describing the fight for Western civilization, why we are sometimes our own worst enemy, and slide shows containing key recommendations for how to win this war.
Why was Israel forced to accept such a bad deal when a much better deal could have been negotiated one month later, aided by the threat of force?
Time to Reconsider Turkish and Qatari Relations – Ken’s Thought of the Week
Israel’s unrelenting attacks on Hezbollah and Iranian agents and weapons in Lebanon and Syria, have dramatically changed the character of the Middle East, but there is still much to be done, and it is a job in which America must play a major role. This is what we at Save the West think the US must do....
2025 FORECAST: WHOLE LOT OF CHAOS GOING ON – Ken’s Thought of the...
The year 2025 should be a turning point in the battle of Democracies versus Dictatorships, but only after the extreme chaos of the next six months makes the direction clear. We at Save the West think that this is how it will play out.
How to prevent “America’s race riots” from spreading further in Israel – By Rachel...
Are the violent riots in the US a forecast of what we can expect in Israel? How to avoid it? Here are 9 ways that may make a difference.
Ken’s Thoughts Of The Week: Fireworks Coming At The UN
This week, founder and president Ken Abramowitz explains why America must press the United Nations to take significant punitive actions against Iran, the world's #1 state sponsor of terrorism, and employ other means to stop the threat it poses - and promises - against the U.S. and our ally, Israel.
Common Sense 2022
Fellow citizens, we are out of time. Either take a stand now or bend a knee and accept a wretched existence as a serf. Real patriots are joining forces to take back America, united under the banner of a renewed Common Sense.
Think CNN isn’t in the tank for Joe Biden? Here’s the...
Have you been looking on the front page of CNN's website for coverage of, and commentary on Biden's latest racist slur against black Americans? Good luck; it buried, then ignored the story.
VIDEO: sent a “Non-Living American” to the Univ. of Virginia...
Meet "Emmett Croaker,"'s representative Non-Living American. Emmett recently visited the University of Virginia to hand out literature about our new "social justice" campaign, "The Coalition for Non-Living Americans," to stand up for the right of dead voters.
Ken’s letter to the WSJ re “How To Fix the Johnson... founder and president Ken Abramowitz's letter to the Wall St. Journal, in reaction to its article, "How to Fix the Johnson Amendment," dealing with the prohibition on political activities by 501(c)3 charitable institutions, such as churches.