Ken’s Thought of the Week: Defending ourselves from Islamists is a marathon
This week, Ken, along with STW editor Jon Sutz and contributor Dr. Rachel Ehrenfeld, together examine America's efforts to defend herself from Islamists, in a current and historical context.
Ken’s Thought of the Week: G7 meeting missed the key challenges
This week, Ken identifies five key threats that the G7 attendees did not discuss, which must be addressed if we are to avoid World War 3.
Ken’s Thought of the Week: Hong Kong implications are big
This week, Ken discusses the Hong Kong protests, and why the courageous activists leading it represent the front line of the fight against the dictatorships that are determined to conquer the world.
Ken’s Thought of the Week: Did the EU Learn Anything from World War 2?
This week, Ken and STW editor-videographer Jon Sutz point out how European nations' refusal to deal with existential threats led to WW2 - and are now leading to WW3.
Ken’s letter to the Wall St. Journal regarding our adversaries’ denunciations of John Bolton
In this letter, Ken responds to a Wall St. Journal editorial that describes the frequency with which America's enemies and "frenemies" criticize President Trump's National Security Adviser, John Bolton.
Ken’s Thought of the Week: European anti-Semitism is out of control, again
This week, Ken and STW editor-videographer Jon Sutz expose the Jew-hatred behind the European Union's plan to label Israeli products - while it ignores the world's worst human rights-violating nations.
Ken’s Thought of the Week: War and Peace
This week, Ken and STW editor-videographer Jon Sutz examine the roster of primary American adversaries, their strategies and tactics, and why we must view these conflicts from a long-term perspective.
Ken’s Thought Of The Week: Brexit coming now
This week, Ken presents eight reasons why a successful Brexit in the very near future is so important to the future of the UK, and its special relationship with the U.S.
Ken’s Thought of the Week: Negotiating with dictators
This week, Ken and STW editor-videographer Jon Sutz examine the prospect of the U.S. negotiating peaceful solutions with various dictatorships -- most notably, the messianic terrorists who rule Iran.
Ken’s Thought Of The Week: The nature of war has changed
This week, Ken explains that, like it or not, America is already in World War 3, declared on us 40 years go by the Iranian regime, which has been attacking us ever since -- and what we must do to fight back.