This week, Ken addresses the little-discussed yet existential threat posed to America by EMP (electro-magnetic pulse) weapons, and what we must do to begin taking it seriously, and protecting ourselves.
The founder of Save the West, KenAbramowitz, has become Chairman of Citizens For National Security, a nonprofit, nonpartisan, 501(c)(3) public charity that identifies and addresses threats to the United States from radical Islam, other extremist ideologies and rogue nations.
This week, Ken examines some of the major problems facing the UK, Western Europe and the E.U., the Eastern Europeans' efforts to preserve their cultures and freedom, and suggests things to watch for in the near future to indicate where the trends are heading.
This week, Ken suggests ten steps President Trump can take to help further protect America and the free world from Iranian-sponsored terrorism and cultural subversion.
The flow of refugees & migrants from fundamentalist Muslim countries attempting to enter W. Europe presents the continent with a variety of serious challenges, which, thanks to "political correctness," have become almost impossible to discuss in a civil, public way. These two important items break that silence.
This week, Ken Abramowitz examines the recent tragedies in Christchurch, New Zealand, in Nigeria, and in Israel, and identifies some similarities and differences among them, and the primary threats facing free people throughout the world.
Before they started acting as this terrorist's volunteer PR team, did these mainstream "news" organs really not know what Yazidi rape slaves said about how ISIS wives - like her - brutalized them? A special report by Jon Sutz.
This week, Ken responds to the overdue recognition of the anti-Semitism that has metastasized within the Democratic Party, and makes recommendations for how to help combat it, and racism in general, in American society, with special emphases on America's public education system.
This week, Ken Abramowitz analyzes America's situation with Iran and North Korea, and makes recommendations for how the U.S. and its allies should act to deal with these threats.
This week, Ken Abramowitz examines the political and practical situation at the U.S. southern border, citing several special reports produced by SaveTheWest editor Jon Sutz, and makes recommendations for how to advance our national security, beyond partisan bickering.