For reference: HuffPost’s repeated public claims that it is a completely nonpartisan, objective “news” organization
For comparison: Contrast HuffPost ignoring, downplaying or whitewashing these incidents, to the top-level, graphic, detailed treatment it consistently gives to non-Islamist terror perpetrators and criminals — and even false accusations against innocent parties
(1) October 2017: HuffPost completely ignored the indictment of an American ISIS supporter, with two foreigners, for their plot to mount a massive terrorist attack on Times Square and nearby subways and music venues
(2) June 2016: HuffPost whitewashed the Pulse nightclub attack — then ignored the fact that two months earlier, an imam preached in Orlando, that Muslims must murder gays
(3) June 2017: HuffPost claims shariah law is no threat to the U.S. Constitution, and those who assert it is are “haters” — while completely ignoring shariah’s role in causing the Pulse nightclub massacre, again
(4) August 2016, Istanbul, Turkey (belated discovery): HuffPost completely ignored the discovery of a beheaded, mutilated gay Syrian refugee
(5) July 2017, Oakland, CA: HuffPost completely ignored the FBI arrest of a militant Islamist who claimed he was going to murder 10,000 or more gays and lesbians with mass poisoning
(6) October 2017, New York, NY: HuffPost buried the conviction of an ISIS-affiliated Islamist terrorist for bombing New York’s Chelsae district in 2016
(7) October 2017, Miami, FL: HuffPost completely ignored the indictment of a Trump-hating Islamist citizen of Honduras, for attempting to bomb a Miami shopping mall
(8) July 2017, Kirkwood, NY: HuffPost completely ignored the arrest of a terrorist-affiliated Islamist with a massive arsenal of weapons
(9) October 2017, Edmonton, CAN: HuffPost completely ignored the indictment of a Somali jihadist who entered the U.S. illegally, but was let go under the Obama administration, after which he traveled to Edmonton, Canada and perpetrated a series of terrorist attacks
(10-19) 2013-2017: HuffPost ignored or whitewashed ten incidents of “vetted” Muslim refugees being indited for involvement in terrorism
(20) October 2017, New York, NY: HuffPost placed and kept a Islamist terrorist attack in Lower Manhattan beneath a splash headline of a sensational tabloid headline, of a political figure’s child calling him “crazy,” and failed to identify it accurately
(21) November 2017, Toledo, OH: HuffPost completely ignored the conviction of a Muslim immigrant for supporting Islamist terrorism, and attempting to have the judge who presided over his trial assassinated
(22) September 2017, Toledo, OH: HuffPost completely ignored the indictments of three Muslim immigrants on charges of supporting an Islamist terrorist organization
(23) July 2016, Buffalo, MO: HuffPost completely ignored the federal indictment of an ISIS supporter for posting terrorist propaganda on social media, and soliciting the murder of two FBI agents and two U.S. soldiers
(24) June 2014-present day: HuffPost completely ignored the Islamist who murdered two gay men in Seattle, and another man in New Jersey, in the cause of jihad
(25) May 2014: HuffPost completely ignored the firebombing of a gay nightclub in Seattle, WA, by an Islamist who reportedly claimed that homosexuals “should be exterminated,” and was convicted of the crime
(26) November 2017: HuffPost completely ignored a new report that chronicles other arrests of Islamist militants in New York, affiliated with an overseas terrorist gang, for crimes including, murder, illegal weapons possession, drug running and others [UPDATED]
(27) June 2017: HuffPost downplayed the arrest of a naturalized Somali Islamist for supporting terrorism — then completely ignored his guilty plea, two years later
(28) March 2016: HuffPost whitewashed and rewrote the content of a report, with video, of female jihadist in Russia who beheaded a non-Muslim toddler and paraded the streets with its severed head
(29) April 2016, Hollywood, FL: Recent convert to Islam arrested for plot to perpetrate an ISIS-style shooting and bombing attack on a S. Florida synagogue
(30) November 2017, Hollywood, FL: Recent convert to Islam convicted, sentenced to 25 years in federal prison for plot to perpetrate an ISIS-style shooting and bombing attack on a S. Florida synagogue
(31) December 2017, London, England: HuffPost whitewashed, buried and quickly removed news of an Islamist terror plot to assassinate UK Prime Minister Teresa May
(32) December 2017, Orlando, FL: HuffPost completely ignored the announcement that the Pulse nightclub jihadist’s wife has been indicted for aiding him in preparing for the attack
(33) February 2016, Columbus, OH: HuffPost completely ignored an Islamist terrorist attack on an Israel-supporting Ohio restaurant
(34) December 2017: HuffPost completely ignored the indictment and trial of a neo-Nazi who converted to Islam, for attempting to provide support to ISIS — but gave top coverage to a neo-Nazi website propagandist “super-troll”
(35) December 2017: HuffPost completely ignored the sentencing of an ISIS-affiliated terrorist to 28 years in prison for the conspiracy to behead a Jewish American blogger
(36) December 2017: HuffPost completely ignored the trial, conviction and sentencing of an ISIS-supporting terrorist in New York — but gave top coverage to a video it produced that allegedly chronicles the radicalization of a white neo-Nazi
(37) December 2017: HuffPost downplayed, then quickly removed the story of an Muslim immigrant in Australia who ran down 19 people with an SUV, because he was upset about how Muslims are treated [UPDATED]
(38) December 2017: HuffPost completely ignored the arrest of an ISIS-supporting recent convert to Islam, who plotted to bomb and shoot a massive number of pedestrians at a San Francisco pier, on Christmas Day — yet gave top coverage to a video it produced that allegedly chronicles the radicalization of a white neo-Nazi
(39) December 2017: HuffPost completely ignored the attempted assassinations of multiple Pennsylvania police officers, in several locations, on the same day, by a man “with Middle East connections,” in what the DHS identified as a terror attack
(40) December 2017: HuffPost ignored, then buried news of mass demonstrations in Tehran against Iran’s mullahs, their lies and corruption — continuing its pattern of doing what amounts to PR for the mullahs [UPDATED: HuffPost, quoting mullahs, depicted Trump as the “heating up feud” with them by voicing support for protesters]
(41) January 2018: HuffPost completely ignored the arrest of an alleged ISIS-supporting Muslim convert in Virginia, but gave top publicity to the arrest of a white supremacist in Missouri on terror charges
(42) January 2018, England: HuffPost completely ignored the conviction of a Muslim couple for “planning a potentially devastating terrorist attack” on the UK
(43) January 2018, San Diego, CA: Muslim convert sentenced to ten years in prison for ISIS-related terrorism charges
(44) September 2016, Los Angeles, CA: HuffPost completely ignored the 30-year sentence imposed on an American Muslim for providing material support for ISIS, and attempting to provide it with a “hit list” of names, addresses of Dept. of Defense employees
(45) October 2016, Anaheim, CA: HuffPost completely ignored the 30-year sentence imposed on an American Muslim for providing material support for ISIS
(46) Colorado Springs, CO: HuffPost completely ignored a major, two-part video report by a CBS affiliate, on the status of an Islamist terrorist group that operated in the area
(47) Minneapolis, MN: HuffPost completely ignored a Muslim who admitted she tried to burn down a college, to advance jihad — and instead, gave top coverage to a man who had a tapeworm removed from his body
(48) Minneapolis, MN: HuffPost completely ignored a Muslim refugee’s confession that a knife attack he perpetrated in the Mall of America was “jihad,” and prompted by his support of ISIS
(49) St. Cloud, MN: HuffPost buried a story about a mass-stabbing by a self-proclaimed radical Muslim at the Crossroads Center Mall
(50) Philadelphia, PA: HuffPost completely ignored a terrorist attack, in which a Muslim man used a car to ram pedestrians on a street, then attacked a police officer, who shot him to death
(51) New York, NY: HuffPost completely ignored the conviction of a college student for plotting ISIS-related attacks in New York City, and his sentencing to 18 years in prison — and buried his original arrest, beyond public view
(52) HuffPost completely ignored a Houston, TX man, who converted to Islam and became radicalized, joined ISIS and went to teach English to its terrorists in Iraq/Syria — but gave top coverage to a “news” story that asked, “If The Earth Was Flat, Why Haven’t The Cats Pushed Everything Off By Now?”
(53) HuffPost completely ignored a major report by Politico that alleged President Obama allowed Iran-backed Hezbollah to smuggle tons of cocaine and other drugs into the U.S. for years, the proceeds of which it used to fund its global terrorism, because he didn’t want to risk not achieving the Iranian nuclear deal
(54) HuffPost completely ignored a Muslim couple in Texas who were convicted and sent to prison for lying to the FBI, denying that they knew their sons joined ISIS, and traveled to Syria to engage in the group’s terrorism
(55) HuffPost completely ignored the arrest of an ISIS supporting migrant to England, who was working as a teacher in a Islamic school, where he was indoctrinating and trying to recruit “an army” of Muslim children to carry out terrorist attacks in London
(56) February 2018, Buffalo, NY: HuffPost completely ignored the guilty plea of an ISIS supporter to federal terrorism charges
(57) March 2018, St. George, UT: HuffPost completely ignored the arrest of an ISIS-affiliated teenager who attempted to detonate a bomb at his high school
(58) March 2018, Orlando, FL: HuffPost published a front-page headline that depicted an alleged co-conspirator in the Pulse nightclub massacre as a victim of American unfairness, with an associated visual depiction of her that made her appear as if she were a Disney-esque character
(59) March 2018, Palm Beach Gardens, FL: HuffPost completely ignored a Muslim who confessed to murdering a 13-year-old boy, and attempting to murder two others, because of his radical Islamist beliefs — yet gave top coverage to the indictment of a white man accused of bombing a MN mosque, in which no one was injured
(60) March 2018, Riverview, FL: HuffPost completely ignored a radical Islamist who murdered his wife and 8-year-old daughter, and attempted to murder his son, while yelling, “Allahu Akbar!”
(61) March 2018, Trebes, France: HuffPost completely ignored an ISIS-affiliated Islamist terrorist who attacked a supermarket, murdering three, while screaming “Allahu Akbar!”
(62) March 2018: HuffPost completely ignored the news that a Muslim man drove an explosive-laden truck into Travis Air Force Base in California, then detonated it, killing himself and triggering a terrorist investigation — and instead gave top coverage to one of its “editors” waxing nostalgic about “all the casual sex” she found on Craigslist
(63) March 2018: HuffPost completely ignored the confession of an ISIS-affiliated terrorist in Maryland, to plotting a jihadist attack on U.S. soil, and aiding the terrorist group, for which he was sentenced to 20 years in federal prison — and instead gave top coverage to a graphic story about an “Annual Penis Festival”
(64) April 2018: HuffPost wrote and gave top coverage to a “news” story that claimed “Everyone Got The Pulse Massacre Story Completely Wrong,” and that the jihadist’s wife was a “victim of… sadistic prosecution” — while whitewashing or downplaying the factual basis for her indictment, and key related evidence
Examples of HuffPost ignoring, downplaying or whitewashing terror attacks, plots and arrests by perpetrators other than white males
(O1) January 2018, Wadsworth, IL: Criminal illegal alien from Mexico who’d been deported five times charged with terrorism after threatening to shoot passengers on Greyhound bus
UPDATE January 14, 2018: This page now contains an “Other” category, to indicate examples of HuffPost ignoring, downplaying or whitewashing terror attacks, plots and arrests by perpetrators other than white males.
When HuffPost wants to make its readers aware of people and organizations whom it contends are doing bad things, it does so — in a big ways. For example, on one day in December 2017, HuffPost had three stories at the top of its front page that referenced neo-Nazis, by name:
And when the chairman of the Federal Communications Commission, Ajit Pai, indicated his belief that so-called “net neutrality” should be repealed, below was HuffPost’s response — while at the same time, claiming to be a completely nonpartisan, objective news organization, that does not engage in any kind of hate speech or incitement:
There is one exception, however, to HuffPost’s willingness to call out individuals and groups, by name: Islamists who incite hate and violence, and engage in terrorism.
This page documents 39 case studies of how HuffPost either completely ignores, or whitewashes and downplays, such incidents.
Highlights include:
HuffPost consistently ignores imams who incite hatred and violence, including one in Orlando, FL who preached, on video, that Muslims must murder gays — two months before the Pulse nightclub massacre. See Case Study 2.
HuffPost completely ignored a militant Islamist in San Francisco who was arrested after claiming he was going to murder 10,000 or more gays and lesbians with mass poisoning. See Case Study 5.
HuffPost completely ignored the arrest of an ISIS-supporting recent convert to Islam, who plotted to bomb and shoot a massive number of pedestrians at a San Francisco pier, on Christmas Day 2017. See Case Study 38.
Further, HuffPost:
Recently produced a “report” that it left on its front page for 19 straight days, that falsely claimed white people perpetrate nearly twice as many terror incidents on U.S. soil as Muslims. In reality, as a detailed SaveTheWest report documents, while there are 60 times more white people in America than Muslims, Muslims are 54 times more likely to be involved in terrorism. Further, of cases in which the perpetrator was arrested, and the motivation was identified, radical Islamists and radical leftists are responsible for two-thirds of terrorist incidents on U.S. soil. Read our report here.
Smearsanyone who dares to responsibly expose the nature and threat of radical Islamists, as “anti-Muslim extremists” and “racists.”
Consistently gives front page positioning to propaganda editorials produced for it by a proven front group for Iran’s leaders — whom it depicts only as nonpartisan “experts.”
For reference: HuffPost’s repeated public claims that it is a completely nonpartisan, objective “news” organization
One cannot truly understand the depth of HuffPost’s betrayals in regards to these case studies, without clearly understanding how HuffPost presents itself to the general public, and its advertisers, consisting of dozens of the biggest corporations in America. The following quotes are excerpted from our larger compilation, on this page: HuffPost’s repeated public claims of nonpartisan, professional journalistic principles:
“The Huffington Post has in place rigorous editorial policies and standards, to ensure that we maintain the highest level of journalistic integrity.”
John Montorio, Executive Features Editor, Katie Nelson, National Editor, Danny Shea, Executive Producer, Special Projects, Whitney Snyder, Executive News Editor, November 6, 2014
Arianna Huffington, founder and editor-in-chief of HuffPost from 2005-2016.
“There is an objective reality, and it is the media’s job to present it unequivocally.”
“Being fully upfront and honest with readers is a mark of our respect for their ability to think freely and for themselves. Withholding certain bits of information out of a fear that it will brainwash readers is the opposite.”
“[W]e are increasingly seen … as an Internet newspaper, not positioned ideologically in terms of how we cover the news.”
Arianna Huffington interview with Politico,May 22, 2009
And consider how OATH, HuffPost’s parent company, pitches advertising to the biggest corporations in America:
For comparison: Contrast HuffPost ignoring, downplaying or whitewashing these incidents, to the top-level, graphic, detailed treatment it consistently gives to non-Islamist terror perpetrators and criminals
There are innumerable examples of this in SaveTheWest’s archives. Here are three examples:
Comparison 1: February 2018: HuffPost published a splash headline that claimed the man who murdered 17 students at a Florida high school was, definitively, a “white supremacist” — even though it had already been debunked, was based on completely unproven allegations, and his targeted victims were apparently were all white
Comparison 2: October 2017: HuffPost gave graphic, front-page coverage to white supremacists who were charged with attempted murder
Comparison 3: June 2017: HuffPost gave top, graphic, sympathetic coverage to Muslim victims of an acid attack in England, allegedly by a white male — while ignoring similar hate crimes against Jews, and other Muslims, who are victims of such attacks by Muslims
Comparison 4: February 2018: HuffPost devoted a splash headline to one Florida teenager who called the National Rifle Association “a terrorist organization” — while it consistently ignores or whitewashes actual Islamist terrorist organizations on U.S. soil, and beyond
Comparison 5: March 2018: The same day he was indicted, HuffPost ran a graphic, top-of-the-front page headline that profiled a man who was accused of bombing a mosque, and had submitted a bid to build the border wall that President Trump is advocating
Comparison 6: March, 2018: HuffPost gave top-of-the-front-page coverage to the white nationalist who was about to stand trial for an anti-Muslim terror plot
Comparison 7: March 2018: HuffPost rushed to the top of its front page a report that the Austin, TX bombing suspect wrote on a blog in 2012, when he was 18, that expressed his conservative views — but kept news of his confession video, which revealed that he was not motivated by politics or race, off its front page
Comparison 8: April 2018: HuffPost gave top coverage to its mocking the defense employed by white nationalists accused of plotting to attack Muslims, as “ridiculous” — but turned itself inside out to champion the cause of, legitimize a truly ridiculous defense of the wife of the Pulse jihadist
Comparison 1:
(1.1) HuffPost published a splash front page headline that claimed Parkland, FL shooter Nikolas Cruz is a “white supremacist” — even though it knew or should have known this claim had already been debunked hours earlier — then quietly removed it from its front page, without alerting its readers that they had been lied to
Comparison 2: October 2017: HuffPost gave graphic, front-page coverage to white supremacists who were charged with attempted murder
On October 21, 2017 HuffPost published this story on its front page:
Notice that HuffPost included the perpetrators’ faces alongside the headline, which led to this story page:
Three white extremists were arrested and charged with attempted homicide after they got into an argument and fired on a group of people protesting white nationalist Richard Spencer’s speech in Gainesville, Florida, police said Friday.
Shortly after Spencer’s speech Thursday at the University of Florida ― which was met by thousands protesting him and his racist message ― a silver Jeep carrying three white men, two of whom have connections to extremist groups, pulled up to a bus stop and started to argue with protesters who had gathered there, according to the Gainesville Police Department.
The three men, Tyler Tenbrink, 28, William Fears, 30, and Colton Fears, 28, quickly began threatening the protesters, making Nazi salutes and shouting chants about Adolf Hitler.
Comparison 3: June 2017: HuffPost gave top, graphic, sympathetic coverage to Muslim victims of an acid attack in England, allegedly by a white male — while ignoring similar hate crimes against Jews, and other Muslims, who are victims of such attacks by Muslims
On June 30, 2017, HuffPost published this headline near the top of its front page:That headline led to this story page:
Police are hunting a man after a young woman and her cousin had acid sprayed in their faces as they sat in their car.
Resham Khan, 21, and Jameel Mukhtar, 37, suffered serious burns after they were both doused in sulphuric acid as they waited in traffic in east London on 21 June.
Detectives are looking for John Tomlin, 24, who has distinctive tattoos on his face, who they would like to speak to in connection with the attack.
The first thing that is notable about HuffPost’s coverage of this story is that it covered it at all — because it has enacted a virtual blackout of all acid attacks on Muslims in England, and anywhere else in the world. Perhaps this is because, as in so many other instances, it chronically either ignores or whitewashes Islamist terror attacks and hate crimes — while at the same time, falsely legitimizing fake hate crimes against U.S. Muslims. It has also chronically ignored the fact that acid attacks are a common means employed by fundamentalist Muslims in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, and elsewhere, to punish women and girls who commit “honor crimes,” such as disobeying the males in the family, or dating someone of whom they disapprove.
As USA Todayreported only weeks earlier, in April 2017:
“It’s a growing problem, there’s no question,” said Jaf Shah, executive director of Acid Survivors Trust International, a London charity that supports victims, predominantly in South Asia, where acid attacks are more common.
Shah said acid attacks in other countries usually involve men targeting females. The reasons are often over spurned marriage proposals or sexual advances.
This phenomenon is also discussed in graphic detail in the recent documentary, “The Honor Diaries,” hosted by Muslim women:
Comparison 4: February 2018: HuffPost devoted a splash headline to one Florida teenager who called the National Rifle Association “a terrorist organization” — while it consistently ignores or whitewashes actual Islamist terrorist organizations on U.S. soil, and beyond
On February 17, 2018, three days after the mass shooting at a high school in Parkland, FL, HuffPost published one of the most inflammatory headlines it ever featured on its front page — in which a teenager in Florida held up a sign that read, “NRA IS A TERRORIST ORGANIZATION”:
The special significance, and insidiousness of HuffPost’s decision to elevate this teenager’s incendiary allegation, against a civic organization with zero ties whatsoever to the Parkland, FL high school murders, is that:
(1) In the wake of Islamist terror attacks on U.S. soil and beyond, HuffPost consistently refuses to acknowledge the ties to actual terrorist organizations, or terror-inciting imams (and viciously attacks anyone who proves these links, as “Islamophobes,” “racists” and “bigots”). SaveTheWest has documented more than 50 case studies of this journalistic corruption on this page.
(2) Furthermore, even after it was irrefutably documented that the Pulse nightclub massacre was perpetrated by a devout Muslim, two months after a foreign imam was able to give a sermon in an Orlando mosque in which he claimed that Muslims must murder gays, “out of compassion,” HuffPost not only never reported this, it ran a headline that read, in part, “Religion had nothing to do with it,” and an editorial that blamed “Christian bigotry” for the killings. This is but one of dozens of example of how HuffPost consistently undermines and endangers the LGBT community, by refusing to highlight and document relevant connections, as documented, as documented here:
(3) HuffPost also does the exact same thing in regards to the Jewish community of North America; despite a nearly a dozen cases of radical imams being caught — on video — preaching in mosques that Muslims have a holy obligation to attack and murder Jews, HuffPost has never reported a single incident. Examples include:
(25) February 2017, Montreal, CA: Imam caught on video vilifying and inciting violence against Jews
(26) February 2017, Toronto, CA: Mosque apologizes for imam who openly preached that Jews should be murdered
(27) February 2017, Toronto, CA: Ryerson University fires teaching assistant who incited violence against Jews during prayer
(31) March 2017, Montreal, CA: Imam caught on video calling for Jews to be killed during sermon
(48) July 2017, Toronto, Canada: Legal complaint filed re imam who openly called for “elimination of Jews and Israel”
(49) July 2017, Davis, CA: Imam captured on video during sermon at Islamic center, calling for the murder of all Jews, everywhere
(50) July 2017, Riverside, CA: Imam captured on video during sermon at an Islamic center — which was attended by jihadists who murdered 14 in San Bernadino in 2015 — calling on Muslims to wage jihad against Jews, to help Allah destroy them
On a related note, as an outgrowth of HuffPost’s long-term pattern of anti-Semitic bias and incitement, HuffPost also consistently ignores terrorist acts and hate crimes perpetrated against Jews, by Muslims and others groups that fall into groups that it protects from exposure, at all costs. SaveTheWest has documented more than 100 case studies of HuffPost’s protective bias in this regard, on the following pages:
Another act of HuffPost’s endemic anti-Semitic bias and incident, that bears striking resemblance to this FL teenager’s sign, was so raw and demonstrably irrational that the legendary Simon Wiesenthal Center publicly blasted HuffPost for “taking the art of lying to new depths”. Specifically, it gave front-page splash headline coverage to a statement by lone Palestinian, containing thoroughly-debunked anti-Semitic lies and incitement, which could only result in the global spread of anti-Semitic hatred and bias. This was but one of more than a dozen incidents of HuffPost effectively acting as a free PR service for Islamist terrorist organizations, which SaveTheWest thoroughly documented on this page:
This is why HuffPost isolating and giving top coverage to such a headline as that above, when there is absolutely no basis whatsoever in its allegation, is so insidious.
Comparison 5: March 2018: The same day he was indicted, HuffPost ran a graphic, top-of-the-front page headline that profiled a man who was accused of bombing a mosque, and had submitted a bid to build the border wall that President Trump is advocating
Clicking on that headline led to this story page. Notice that HuffPost wrote this original story the same day that the suspect was indicted, and published it at 7:25pm the same day — Tuesday, March 13:
An Illinois contractor bidding to build President Donald Trump’s wall on the Mexican border was among three men arrested Tuesday in connection with the bombing of a mosque in Minnesota and the attempted bombing of a women’s health clinic in Illinois.
Michael B. Hari, 47, was arrested and charged Tuesday in federal court in lllinois with arson and possession of machine guns.
According to the complaint, Hari and two accomplices — 29-year-old Michael McWhorter and 22-year-old Joe Morris — were responsible for the bombing of a mosque in Bloomington, Minnesota, on Aug. 5, 2017, and the attempted bombing of the Women’s Health Practice in Champaign, Illinois, on Nov. 7. All three are now facing federal arson charges.
Notice also that HuffPost included the accused terrorist’s face in both the front page headline. This is a stark contrast to the fact that, as documented on the 275 case studies on the following pages, HuffPost almost invariably ignores terror attacks on people whom it views as Worthless:
And even when HuffPost does cover such incidents, as documented on this page, it almost invariably ignores or obscures the accused perpetrator’s image and name, when he or she is a member of one of its Favored Groups.
Note 1: SaveTheWest fully endorses HuffPost’s efforts to raise awareness of all substantive allegations of hate crimes and terrorist acts against Muslims and other minority groups, in America and beyond. Our issue is the fact that whereas HuffPost claims to be completely nonpartisan and objective, our extensive evidence shows beyond any question that HuffPost applies a consistently racist, anti-Semitic, pro-Islamist, ideological double-standard to the hate and terrorist incidents it covers, and how. Learn more here:
Note 2: HuffPost gave this top-of-the-front-page, near-instant coverage to the arrest of Hari, on the same day that it completely ignored the arrest, and confession, of a recent covert to Islam, who aspired to join ISIS, and who murdered a 13-year-old boy, and attempted to murder a woman and her teenage son in Palm Beach Gardens, FL — and who openly admitted that he did it because of his faith. See Case Study 59 on this page.
Comparison 6: March, 2018: HuffPost gave top-of-the-front-page coverage to the white nationalist who was about to stand trial for an anti-Muslim terror plot
On March 20, 2018, HuffPost published this headline at the top of the front page:
Clicking on that headline brought the reader to this page:
This page contains a long, detailed, pictorial article by one of HuffPost’s “journalists,” regarding many detailed facets of the upcoming trial.
Comparison 7: March 2018: HuffPost rushed to the top of its front page a report that the Austin, TX bombing suspect wrote on a blog in 2012, when he was 18, that expressed his conservative views — but kept news of his confession video, which revealed that he was not motivated by politics or race, off its front page
Beginning in mid-February 2018, bombs were sent to random parties in Austin, TX. HuffPost initially blamed it on white racism — falsely — as part of its long-term pattern of inciting racist hatred in America, and beyond. Finally, on March 21, 2018, the perpetrator was identified, and blew himself up as police closed in.
Within hours, HuffPost rushed this story to the top of its front page:
Curiously, HuffPost published nothing on its front page about the 25-minute recorded confession that the perpetrator recorded shortly before the police closed in on him, revealing that his motivations had zero to do with politics or race. The following is a screencap of Fox News’s front page, at the same time the above screencap was taken of HuffPost’s:
Mark Anthony Conditt, the man linked to the deadly bombings that rocked Austin, Texas, and surrounding areas over the past month, recorded a 25-minute-long “confession” to his crimes, police said late Wednesday.
Officers located the recording, in which Conditt, 23, described creating seven devices, including one he blew up to kill himself, Austin Police Chief Brian Manley said at a news conference. The recording was made on a phone, which was found in the suspect’s possession following the confrontation with police.
In the recording, the suspect did not mention “anything about terrorism, nor does he mention anything about hate,” the police chief said. The message is rather “the outcry of a very challenged young man talking about challenges in his personal life.”
HuffPost was well aware of the confession tape; one of its “journalists” wrote an article that contained the police chief’s quote about it, which it published at 7:35pm:
Yet HuffPost kept this story off its front page; as this screencap taken at 11pm on March 21 shows that the word “confession” is nowhere on the front page:
Comparison 8: April 2018: HuffPost gave top coverage to its mocking the defense employed by white nationalists accused of plotting to attack Muslims, as “ridiculous” — but turned itself inside out to champion the cause of, legitimize a truly ridiculous defense of the wife of the Pulse jihadist
Note the sarcastic use of the word “ridiculous” to insert HuffPost’s opinion into what otherwise appears to be a straight “news” story.
In contrast, as the 60+ case studies on this page demonstrate, not only does HuffPost never “ridicule Islamists’ defenses or justifications, it almost invariably refuses to give any coverage whatsoever to their plots, arrests, trials or sentencing.
The notable exception of this is Case Studies 32, 58 and 64, in which HuffPost acted as a hybrid of a PR firm and defense counsel in the trial of Noor Salman, regarding her alleged complicity in her husband Omar Mateen’s 2016 assault on the Pulse nightclub — and legitimized her attorney’s (truly) ridiculous claim that she is a “victim…. of gender Islamophobia” — despite the fact that she recited and signed a 12-page confession:
As America learned after her trial, several jurors believed Salman knew of, and could have prevented Mateen’s plan to perpetrate an ISIS-inspired massacre, but that this speculation was not enough to rise to the standard for convicting her.
(1) October 2017: HuffPost completely ignored the indictment of an American ISIS supporter, with two foreigners, for their plot to mount a massive terrorist attack on Times Square and nearby subways and music venues
On the afternoon of October 6, 2017, news broke in America, England, Canada and elsewhere that three ISIS-affiliated Islamists, including an American citizen, were charged with plotting a series of massive attacks in New York City. Below are the NBC and Daily Mail (UK) accounts, and video stories:
Three men living outside the U.S. planned to attack concerts, Times Square and crowded subways in 2016 in an ISIS-inspired attack that one of the suspects said he hoped would be “the next 9/11,” authorities announced on Friday afternoon.
The FBI said the three men — Abdulrahman El Bahnasawy, a 19-year-old Canadian citizen; Talha Haroon, a 19-year-old U.S. citizen based in Pakistan; and Russell Salic, a 37-year-old orthopedic surgeon in the Philippines — allegedly used chat apps to talk about bringing a car bomb into the Crossroads of the World, gunning down subway riders before detonating vests and opening fire on concertgoers in the vein of the Paris terror attacks of 2015.
“NY Needs to fall. This is a must,” Haroon allegedly wrote in a message to an undercover agent posing as an ISIS sympathizer.
Investigators have thwarted an ISIS-inspired mass shooting and bomb plot targeting Times Square, concert venues, and the subway system in New York City.
Prosecutors on Thursday unsealed charges against Canadian citizen Abdulrahman El Bahnasawy, 19, Philippine citizen Russell Salic, 37, and Talha Haroon, a 19-year-old US citizen residing in Pakistan.
All three were arrested months ago, but the charges had been sealed as investigators with the FBI and NYPD Counterterrorism Unit searched for possible co-conspirators.
El Bahnasawy is in US custody and has pleaded guilty to federal terror charges, while the other two men await extradition from foreign custody to face charges in the US.
Prosecutors say the three men plotted to bomb and shoot up heavily populated areas of New York City during the Islamic holy month of Ramadhan in 2016.
El Bahnasawy sent this image of Times Square to an undercover posing as an ISIS operator, writing: ‘we seriously need a bomb at times square… Look at these crowds of people!’
El Bahnasawy took the lead on the ground, entering the US from Canada to secure a cabin near New York City to use as an operating base and bomb-making facility, according to investigators.
Meanwhile, Haroon met with explosives experts in Pakistan and planned to join El Bahnasawy in the US to carry out the attacks, and Salic sent support funds from the Philippines, according to prosecutors.
HuffPost’s search engine proves that it completely ignored this story.
Contrast how HuffPost ignored this incident, to how it gives front-page coverage to allegations against “Jewish extremists”
The following is a sampling of the headlines that HuffPost has published on its front page that deal with alleged terrorist and criminal acts perpetrated by Jews, in Israel. Note also HuffPost’s use of loaded, inflammatory terms, such as “rampage,” “extremist,” etc.:
So what did HuffPost publish on its front page, instead of anything about these Islamist terrorists, and their alleged plot?
Here is a sampling of five of the “news” stories that HuffPost published on its front page from October 7-9, the three days after this story broke:
This “news” story appeared at the top of HuffPost’s front page on October 7, 2017.
(2) June 2016: HuffPost whitewashed the Pulse nightclub attack — then ignored the fact that two months earlier, an imam preached in Orlando, that Muslims must murder gays
On June 11, 2016, radical Islamist Omar Mateen attacked the gay Pulse nightclub in Orlando, FL, killing 49, and wounding 53. He explicitly told local 911 dispatchers and the FBI on recorded calls that he was perpetrating this act because he is an Islamist, acting at the behest of ISIS, a fact that was reported by CNN on June 12. HuffPost, however, refused to accept this reality, and instead ran splash headlines such as this one, on June 13 (see date-stamp on lower right), which explicitly said this attack had “nothing to do with religion”:HuffPost maintained this official denial and whitewashing posture for the duration of the coverage of the Pulse attack.It also completely ignored the fact that on June 12, PJ Media revealed that in April 2016, two months before the Pulse attack, a radical imam (Muslim preacher), Sheikh Farrokh Sekaleshfar, was in Orlando, and preached at a mosque — on video — that devout Muslims must murder gays, “out of compassion”:
There is new information on the horrific terror attack in Orlando last night that has killed at least 50 and wounded more than 100 in the largest mass shooting in American history.
[An] imam speaking in Orlando in April [2016] said that killing gays according to Islamic law should be done “out of compassion”:
“Death is the sentence. We know there’s nothing to be embarrassed about this, death is the sentence…We have to have that compassion for people, with homosexuals, it’s the same, out of compassion, let’s get rid of them now.”
This is especially curious given the fact that Christopher Matthias, the “journalist” whom HuffPost tasks frequently with covering alleged hate crimes against Muslims (many of which turn out to be hoaxes), asked in a November 2016 headline, “Where were they radicalized?,” about the perpetrators of such crimes:
In contrast, HuffPost has a de facto policy of ignoring actual hate crimes against Jews and others in groups it considers worthless, and never asking where were radicalized — especially when the proven perpetrators are Muslims or other minorities (examples 1, 2, 3).
Further, HuffPost completely ignored the fact that according to one of its regular sources, NY Magazine, Mateen :
[Mateen] apparently enrolled in the “Fundamental Islamic Knowledge Seminary,” an online course operated by an imam named Abu Taubuh, also known as Marcus Robertson, who preaches anti-gaysermons.
HuffPost’s own search engine proves that it ignored this fact. A March 5, 2017 search using the string “Abu Taubuh” returned no results:
May 11, 2017 update: HuffPost grills Jewish political figure for his affiliations with a terrorist group — but has never done this to anyone affiliated with any Islamist terrorist group or attack on U.S. soil
On May 11, 2017, HuffPost published the following story on its front page:
The reporter, Christopher Matthias, claims he generated and submitted a series of questions to the subject of this article, Dov Hikind, that probe his history with the JDL, its affiliations and terrorist attacks, etc.:
“Because there has been little public accounting of Hikind’s role in the organization, HuffPost sent the assemblyman a detailed list of questions this week about his relationship to the JDL.”
Curiously, neither Matthias nor anyone at HuffPost has ever publicly submitted such a list to any American or refugee that is affiliated with any Islamist terrorist group. Most notably, HuffPost never even publicized the fact that two months before the Pulse nightclub massacre, a mosque in Orlando hosted a sermon by a notorious imam from Syria, who claimed that devout Muslims must murder homosexuals “out of compassion.” Nor has it published anything that gives credibility to Linda Sarsour’s critics, such as her Tweet in which she threatened to beat up women’s rights activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali, and “take her vagina away”:
Instead, HuffPost has only published glowing articles about Sarsour, that could easily be confused for the wares of a public relations agency.
(3) June 2017: HuffPost claims shariah law is no threat to the U.S. Constitution, and those who assert it is are “haters” — while completely ignoring shariah’s role in causing the Pulse nightclub massacre, again
On June 10, 2017, HuffPost blasted the groups that held nationwide demonstrations against shariah law, excoriating them as “haters” in a splash front-page headline:
An excerpt from this “news” story:
MARCH FOR HATE, by Christopher Mathias, Huffington Post, June 10, 2017 (page archived here).
The “March Against Sharia” rallies are set to place on Saturday in 29 cities across 21 states, and are being organized by Act for America, the nation’s largest anti-Muslim hate group. Act for America has billed this weekend’s events as some kind of noble stand against “atrocities” it attributes ― wrongly ― to sharia. […]
Act for America has also long pushed the conspiracy theory that sharia law ― the deeply misunderstood legal or philosophical code of Islam, interpreted differently by Muslims across the world ― poses a threat to the U.S. Constitution. (It does not.)
Just below that “news” story, however, appeared this, near the top of the front page:
As before, HuffPost makes no mention of the fact that a Muslim, Omar Mateen, perpetrated the attack, that it was incited by shariah law, as articulated by imams on three separate occasions in Orlando, including a sermon given two months before he launched the attack.
If you do a search on the storypage for the words “Muslim,” “Islam,” “shariah,” and “ISIS,” here are the results (with screencaps to prove it; check this archived version of the story):
“Islam”: 1 instance, as part of “Islamophobia (screencap)
“ISIS”: 1 instance, as part of “crisis” (screencap)
Once again, HuffPost decided to completely ignore the role of Islam and shariah in triggering and justifying the Orlando massacre, and instead, attacked those who are opposed to shariah. Including devout Sunni Muslim Zuhdi Jasser, MD, president and founder of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy. Here is a documentary hosted by Dr. Jasser, “The Third Jihad,” that addresses the roots of shariah law, and what it would mean if fully implemented in Western societies:
Curiously, HuffPost never features Dr. Jasser in any of its articles.
July 2017, Oakland, CA: HuffPost completely ignored the FBI arrest of a militant Islamist who claimed he was going to murder 10,000 or more gays and lesbians with mass poisoning
Investigators say a West Oakland man told an undercover agent he wanted to “redefine terror” and kill 10,000 people in support of the terror group ISIS.
In an exclusive interview with the head of the San Francisco FBI and from federal court recordings obtained by the ABC7 I-Team, new details are emerging in the government’s terror case against Amer Sinan Alhaggagi. […]
On Monday, FBI Special Agent in Charge John Bennett emphatically reiterated the government’s position in an exclusive interview, telling ABC7’s Dan Noyes, “This was a case of grave importance for us. This was a clear and present danger for public safety here in the Bay Area.” […]
“This was very serious, this was a top priority for this office, for a good part of a year,” he told Dan Noyes.
In that December 2016 court hearing, prosecutors revealed Alhaggagi talked about plans to sell cocaine laced with rat poison in Bay Area nightclubs. The undercover agent says he was looking for information on the exact mixture of strychnine and cocaine to use in that scheme. He showed the agent an ISIS bomb-making manual he downloaded on a computer and he sent the agent photographs of guns he said he obtained.
“He then told confidential source number one, ‘I live close to San Francisco, that’s like the gay capital of the world. I’m going to handle them right, LOL,’ meaning laughing out loud. ‘I’m going to place a bomb in a gay club, Wallah or by God, I’m going to tear up the city.’ And I quote, ‘The whole Bay Area is going to be up in flames,'” the federal prosecutor explained to Judge Westmore in his argument to have Alhaggagi detained.
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story, and the tip provided to it
A July 29, 2017 search at HuffPost using the string “Amer Sinan Alhaggagi” returned zero results:
Instead, here is a sampling of the “news” stories that HuffPost published on its front page in the three days following this report, July 25-27:
This “news” story appeared on HuffPost’s front page on July 26, 2017.
(4) August 2016, Istanbul, Turkey (belated discovery): HuffPost completely ignored the discovery of a beheaded, mutilated gay Syrian refugee
Background: We ordinarily wouldn’t include hate crimes and incitement against the LGBT community that occurred outside the U.S. But given that HuffPost (a) Gives top coverage to alleged hate crimes perpetrated against Muslims in the U.S., W. Europe and Israel, but (b) Ignores the proliferation of horrific “honor crime” attacks perpetrated by fundamentalist Muslims in Western societies on females who violate the tenets of shariah law, it was notable that on June 30, 2017, HuffPost published this story near the top of its front page, regarding such an attack on two Muslim females, in London, England: The only difference between the above story, and all the others that HuffPost ignores, is the fact that the alleged perpetrator was a white male. This was presumably what caused HuffPost to give it top coverage on its front page, because it furthers its narrative, that white males are the #1 terror threat facing America.
Given these facts, upon belatedly discovering the following story, from 2016, we decided it was worth including here, because it once again illustrates the depths to which HuffPost will go to avoid informing its readers of the #1 threat to the LGBT community in the world: fundamentalist Islam.
The following story, about a gay man known only as “Wisam,” was published by CNN on August 5, 2016:
A gay refugee living in Turkey has been found murdered, his body so mutilated his friends could only identify him by his pants, a local rights group said. Wisam, who arrived in Istanbul about a year ago after fleeing Syria, went missing on July 23 and was found two days later in the city’s Yenikapi district.
He previously had been threatened, kidnapped and raped, according to Kaos Gay and Lesbian Cultural Research and Solidarity Association (KAOS GL), a Turkey-based rights group. CNN is not using the victim’s last name out of concern for his family’s safety.
“We identified him from his pants… They had cut (him) so violently. So violent that two knives had broken inside him. They had beheaded him. His upper body was beyond recognition,” said one friend, whom CNN is not naming for safety reasons.
“If you saw his body, if you even saw a picture of it, you would faint,” said another friend, who asked CNN to identify him as Mohammed out of fear for his safety. “It was as if he was attacked by a beast.” Wisam had been stabbed 20 times, his organs were removed and he had been beheaded, according to Alex Benjamin, who works for an organization that aims to help LGBT refugees get expedited asylum.
“Police are doing nothing,” Benjamin said, “because he is Syrian and because he is gay.”
Soon after, UPI produced this 1-minute video report, which revealed the victim’s name as Muhammad Wisam Sankari:
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story, and the tip provided to it
Contrast HuffPost’s decision to completely ignore this story, to its decision give top coverage to original, sympathetic, graphic stories it has developed about other “victims,” including:
“Patrick” an elderly wombat in Australia, who died a virgin:A “homesick American jihadi,” in Somalia, to whom it gave five straight days of top coverage:
A multi-year campaign of sympathetic stories for an all-girl Russian punk band, “Pussy Riot,” after they were arrested for barging into a famed orthodox church in Moscow, during services, then singing a vulgar song:
(5) July 2017, Oakland, CA: HuffPost completely ignored the FBI arrest of a militant Islamist who claimed he was going to murder 10,000 or more gays and lesbians with mass poisoning
Investigators say a West Oakland man told an undercover agent he wanted to “redefine terror” and kill 10,000 people in support of the terror group ISIS.
In an exclusive interview with the head of the San Francisco FBI and from federal court recordings obtained by the ABC7 I-Team, new details are emerging in the government’s terror case against Amer Sinan Alhaggagi. […]
On Monday, FBI Special Agent in Charge John Bennett emphatically reiterated the government’s position in an exclusive interview, telling ABC7’s Dan Noyes, “This was a case of grave importance for us. This was a clear and present danger for public safety here in the Bay Area.” […]
“This was very serious, this was a top priority for this office, for a good part of a year,” he told Dan Noyes.
In that December 2016 court hearing, prosecutors revealed Alhaggagi talked about plans to sell cocaine laced with rat poison in Bay Area nightclubs. The undercover agent says he was looking for information on the exact mixture of strychnine and cocaine to use in that scheme. He showed the agent an ISIS bomb-making manual he downloaded on a computer and he sent the agent photographs of guns he said he obtained.
“He then told confidential source number one, ‘I live close to San Francisco, that’s like the gay capital of the world. I’m going to handle them right, LOL,’ meaning laughing out loud. ‘I’m going to place a bomb in a gay club, Wallah or by God, I’m going to tear up the city.’ And I quote, ‘The whole Bay Area is going to be up in flames,'” the federal prosecutor explained to Judge Westmore in his argument to have Alhaggagi detained.
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story, and the tip provided to it
A July 29, 2017 search at HuffPost using the string “Amer Sinan Alhaggagi” returned zero results:
Instead, here is a sampling of the “news” stories that HuffPost published on its front page in the three days following this report, July 25-27:
This “news” story appeared on HuffPost’s front page on July 26, 2017.
(6) October 2017, New York, NY: HuffPost buried the conviction of an ISIS-affiliated Islamist terrorist for bombing New York’s Chelsae district in 2016
Ahmad Khan Rahimi, convicted of injuring 30 Americans with a bomb, and attempting to murder many more
At 11:45am on October 16, 2017, news broke that Ahmad Khan Rahimi, an Afghanistani immigrant who was naturalized as a U.S. citizen, had been convicted of bombing the Chelsae district of New York in 2016, injuring 30 people:
A New Jersey man was found guilty by a federal jury in New York on Monday of planting two bombs in Manhattan’s Chelsea neighborhood in September 2016, one of which exploded and wounded 30 people.
Ahmad Khan Rahimi, a 29-year-old U.S. citizen who was born in Afghanistan, faces a mandatory life sentence in prison after his conviction on charges including using a weapon of mass destruction and bombing a public place. He is scheduled to be sentenced on Jan. 18.
Sabrina Shroff, a lawyer for Rahimi, declined to comment on the verdict. Rahimi, dubbed the “Chelsea bomber,” was also accused of planting a bomb on the route of a charity running race in New Jersey, which exploded without injuring anyone, and shooting at New Jersey police before being captured. He still faces separate New Jersey charges over those accusations.
Over the course of Rahimi’s two-week trial in New York, jurors heard testimony from multiple people who were injured by the bomb, made using a pressure cooker and a cell phone timer, that exploded on Manhattan’s West 23rd Street.
One woman testified that she was nearly blinded when a piece of shrapnel struck her next to her eye. Another man described the sound of the explosion as “doomsday.”
HuffPost knew of the verdict — but kept any reference to the story off its front page
HuffPost, however, featured nothing about the conviction of Mr. Rahimi on its front page, as documented in the following two screencaps, taken at 7:48pm – eight hours after the verdict was announced. In the first screencap, we searched for the term “Chelsae,” in the second, “Bomb.” Both searches returned zero results:
HuffPost’s search engine proves, however, that it did publish a story about the verdict, soon after it was announced. Also just before 8:00pm on October 16, we searched “Ahmad Khan Rahimi” and got one result — published eight hours earlier:
Why did HuffPost take a hatchet to Reuters’ story, and why did it bury the story someplace way beyond view of the casual reader?
Good questions.
UPDATE October 17, 2017: HuffPost continues to prevent its readers from knowing about the Rahimi conviction, and his victims
HuffPost’s search engine proves that as of October 17, it has not published another article about the Rahimi conviction:
And the Wayback Machine proves that the story never appeared on its front page.
So what kinds of “news” stories did HuffPost decide were worthy of appearing on its front page, instead of anything about the Rahimi conviction? Here is a sampling:
(7) October 2017, Miami, FL: HuffPost completely ignored the indictment of a Trump-hating Islamist citizen of Honduras, for attempting to bomb a Miami shopping mall
Vicente Solano
On October 21, 2017, the Miami Herald broke the following story:
A Miami man suspected of being inspired by Islamic extremists was arrested Friday night on a charge of attempting to blow up a bomb at the Dolphin Mall by FBI counter-terrorism agents in an undercover operation.
Vicente Solano, who acted alone, was communicating with a confidential informant who tipped off the FBI-led Joint Terrorism Task Force about his alleged plot to carry out a weapons of mass destruction attack on the sprawling mall in Sweetwater, according to authorities.
Before the planned bombing attack, Solano made pro-Islamic State videos, authorities said. But there is no indication he was directed by ISIS terrorists.
When he was arrested, Solano planned to detonate the WMD, which was a sham bomb that he acquired from FBI undercover agents — a strategy deployed in previous counter-terrorism probes in South Florida.
ABC7 News in Miami provided additional details, that revealed Solano as a fanatical Trump-hater, who mimicked much of the verbiage that HuffPost has employed to assail him:
As for his motive, the FBI reports Solano expressed anger over foreign and domestic policies that made him feel excluded because of his temporary immigration status.
The FBI cites a recording they said was created by Solano wearing all black and standing by an ISIS flag, in which he said, “The racist president who is a supremacist — white, who does not like Blacks, does not like the Chinese, he does not like the Muslims, he doesn’t like the Hispanics. He does not like anybody. […]
“In the name of Allah and our leader, Abu, we are going to defeat you.”
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story, and the tip provided to it
Contrast how HuffPost ignored this indictment, with the front-page, graphic treatment it gave to white supremacists who were indicted on charge of attempted murder
On October 21, 2017 HuffPost published this story on its front page:
Notice that HuffPost included the perpetrators’ faces alongside the headline, which led to this story page:
Three white extremists were arrested and charged with attempted homicide after they got into an argument and fired on a group of people protesting white nationalist Richard Spencer’s speech in Gainesville, Florida, police said Friday.
Shortly after Spencer’s speech Thursday at the University of Florida ― which was met by thousands protesting him and his racist message ― a silver Jeep carrying three white men, two of whom have connections to extremist groups, pulled up to a bus stop and started to argue with protesters who had gathered there, according to the Gainesville Police Department.
The three men, Tyler Tenbrink, 28, William Fears, 30, and Colton Fears, 28, quickly began threatening the protesters, making Nazi salutes and shouting chants about Adolf Hitler.
Why wold HuffPost completely ignore the indictment of Mr. Solano, but depict the faces, names and charges against these white supremacists?
Only HuffPost can answer that question. Based on the evidence on this page, and another at SaveTheWest, which chronicles the “nonpartisan” newspaper’s chronic incitement of racial hatred, it is clear that this is merely the latest incident of HuffPost’s willingness to:
Ignore Islamist terror attacks, plots and indictments
Turn reality on its head, as “news,” in order to incite racial hatred
(8) July 2017, Kirkwood, NY: HuffPost completely ignored the arrest of a terrorist-affiliated Islamist with a massive arsenal of weapons
A long-time associate of a U.S.-based Islamist terrorist organization, Muslims of America (MOA), has been arrested in Johnson City, NY. Authorities discovered that he had a large cache of weapons inside a storage locker. A source inside MOA says the weapons were intended for the group’s “Islamberg” headquarters in Hancock, NY.
The suspect, 64-year old Ramadan Abdullah, was previously arrested in 1977 when he and another man tried to rob a candy store in Brooklyn and someone was murdered in the process. When police searched his home, they found enough material to build 50 bombs. In the end, the charges against Abdullah were strangely reduced (see below).
On May 31, Abdullah was arrested after trying to steal four boxes of ammunition from a local Gander Mountain store. When police questioned him about the purpose of the ammo, his answers made them suspicious, and they obtained a search warrant for a storage locker he was renting in the town of Union.
During that search, police found a large assortment of weaponry including:
8 assault weapons
4 loaded handguns
1 loaded shotgun
2 rifles
64 high-capacity ammunition feeding devices
flak jackets
1,000s of rounds of ammunition, including .50-caliber armor-piercing rounds
“It’s just a tremendous blessing to be able to take all these high power weapons and high power ammunition off the streets, and who knows what kind of large scale tragedy that this investigation may have prevented later down the road,”said Johnson City Police Chief Brent Dodge.
Ramadan Abdullah
The Clarion Project’s report continues:
Abdullah is a longtime associate of the U.S.-based Islamist cult Muslims of America (MOA), which has been described as a terrorist organization in documents from the FBI and other agencies. A 2003 file says MOA is linked to terrorists in Pakistan, including Al-Qaeda affiliates.
The group’s headquarters is a 70-acre compound in Hancock, NY called “Islamberg.” It is just a 50-minute drive from where Abdullah was arrested.
MOA is led by a radical cleric in Pakistan namedSheikh Mubarak Ali Gilani, who demands a cultish loyalty from his followers in America. Gilani indoctrinates them to follow a hate-filled extremist ideology that includes violent jihad against perceived enemies of Islam and a belief that they are fulfilling apocalyptic prophecies.
The group has claimed to have 22 “Islamic villages” across the U.S., mostly in rural areas, which have been used as guerilla training compounds. The group also has a history of committing acts of terrorism and crimes including murder, gun smuggling, narcotics trafficking and money laundering.
A 2007 FBI report warns that MOA “possesses an infrastructure capable of planning and mounting terrorist campaigns overseas and within the U.S.” It says “members of the MOA are encouraged to travel to Pakistan to receive religious and military/terrorist training from [Sheikh] Gilani.”
The Clarion Project’s report followed up on, and expanded upon the original report from a local TV news station’s report on the arrest of Abdullah:
Broome County District Attorney Steve Cornwell, New York State Police, SIU and Johnson City Police Chief Brent Dodge on Wednesday announced details of a major weapons bust in Broome County, resulting in the arrest of one man and the seizure of numerous weapons.
“They did a great job of asking him very specific questions about the ammunition he had stolen and what weapons that may go to. He gave them some answers that were inconsistent with their in-depth knowledge of weapons which set off further red flags for them,” said Johnson City Police Chief Brent Dodge.
In a news conference, authorities said Ramadan Abdullah, 64, has been charged the following:
– Four counts, criminal possession of a weapon, second degree, class C felony – Criminal possession of a weapon, third degree, class D felony – Criminal possession of stolen property, fifth degree, class A misdemeanor
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story, and the tip provided to it
Three white extremists were arrested and charged with attempted homicide after they got into an argument and fired on a group of people protesting white nationalist Richard Spencer’s speech in Gainesville, Florida, police said Friday.
Shortly after Spencer’s speech Thursday at the University of Florida ― which was met by thousands protesting him and his racist message ― a silver Jeep carrying three white men, two of whom have connections to extremist groups, pulled up to a bus stop and started to argue with protesters who had gathered there, according to the Gainesville Police Department.
The three men, Tyler Tenbrink, 28, William Fears, 30, and Colton Fears, 28, quickly began threatening the protesters, making Nazi salutes and shouting chants about Adolf Hitler.
Why wold HuffPost completely ignore the arrest of a radical Islamist who has such an extensive criminal history, in possession of such a weapons arsenal, and who was affiliated with a domestic terror-supporting organization — yet it correctly depicted the accused perpetrators of another crime?
Only HuffPost can answer that question. Based on the evidence on this page, however, and this page — which showcases HuffPost’s endemic racist bias and incitement — this is merely the latest incident of HuffPost’s willingness prevent its readers from being made aware of the arrests of radical Islamists, while at the same time giving top coverage to perpetrators of other crimes.
(9) October 2017, Edmonton, CAN: HuffPost completely ignored the indictment of a Somali jihadist who entered the U.S. illegally, but was let go under the Obama administration, after which he traveled to Edmonton, Canada and perpetrated a series of terrorist attacks
On October 20, 2017, government watchdog group Judicial Watch reported:
The Somali terrorist who stabbed a Canadian police officer and ran over four pedestrians a few weeks ago entered the United States through the Mexican border and was released by Obama’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS), allowing him to continue his journey north. The ISIS operative, Abdulahi Hasan Sharif, was ordered deported, an Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) spokeswoman told various media outlets recently, but was released on an “order of supervision” and the feds never saw him again.
Sharif entered the U.S. in 2011 through the San Ysidro port of entry in California without documentation and was briefly held at the Otay Mesa Detention Center in San Diego, a local newspaper reported. A year later he crossed the border into Canada and settled in Edmonton after being granted refugee status. On September 30 he slammed into an Edmonton police officer with his car then got out of the vehicle and repeatedly stabbed the cop with a knife. After fleeing the scene, Sharif stole a truck and deliberately mowed down four pedestrians. Canadian authorities found an ISIS flag in his car and have charged him with multiple counts of attempted murder, criminal flight causing bodily harm and possession of a weapon. Two years ago, Canadian authorities investigated the 30-year-old terrorist for espousing extremist views. It’s disturbing that Sharif’s northbound trek took him through the U.S.-Mexico border.
As part of an ongoing investigation into cartels, corruption and terrorism, Judicial Watch has for years reported that Islamic extremists are entering the country through Mexico and that ISIS is operating in border towns just miles from American cities. Judicial Watch launched the project in 2014 by exposing a sophisticated narco-terror ring with strong ties to ISIS and connections running from El Paso to Chicago to New York City. Two of the FBI’s most wanted were embroiled in the operation that also had deep ties to Mexico. Less than a year later, Judicial Watch reported that ISIS is operating in a Mexican border town just eight miles from El Paso, the result of Islamic terrorists joining forces with drug cartels and human smugglers knowns as “coyotes.”
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story, and the tip provided to it
An October 24, 2017 search at HuffPost using the string “Abdulahi Hasan Sharif” returned zero results:
Instead, here is a sampling of the “news” stories that HuffPost published on its front page in the three days following this report, October 21-23:
This “news” story appeared at the top of HuffPost’s front page on October 21, 2017.
While the lying media is perpetuating the lie refugees do not pose a terrorist threat, the facts show otherwise.
Senator and soon-to-be Attorney General Jeff Sessions compiled this list of refugees-turned-jihadists in 2016 while Obama was pushing to dramatically increase the amount of so-called “refugees” allowed into the United States.
The article then presents 20 detailed citations of refugees who were indicted and/or convicted on terrorism-related charges.
Below is each perpetrator’s name, and whether HuffPost gave any coverage to the incident:
(20) October 2017, New York, NY: HuffPost placed and kept a Islamist terrorist attack in Lower Manhattan beneath a splash headline of a sensational tabloid headline, of a political figure’s child calling him “crazy,” and failed to identify it accurately
At approximately 3:15pm, a man in a rented Home Depot pickup truck drove onto a bicycle path in Lower Manhattan and began mowing down pedestrians, killing six and injuring 15. According to eyewitnesses, as reported by the NY Post at 3:30pm, the driver then emerged from the truck, yelled “Allahu Akbar!!,” displayed several weapons, and ran away, but was shot by police.
Bloodbath in downtown NYC after truck driver runs over pedestrians, by Tina Moore, Larry Celona, Joe Marino and Daniel Prendergast, NY Post, October 31, 2017, 3:30pm. Excerpt:
A man in a pickup truck killed six people when he drove onto the West Side bike path in lower Manhattan Tuesday afternoon — and then shouted “Allahu Akbar” as he got out of the car with fake guns, police sources said.
The attack happened around 3:15 p.m., when a man in a flatbed pickup truck from Home Depot veered onto the bike path at West St., a few blocks north of Chambers St., police said.
The suspect, who was shot by police, then plowed his car into multiple people on the path, killing up to six and injuring several others, according to cops.
He continued driving south and hit another car, then got out and displayed “imitation firearms,” police said.
HuffPost, however, chose to not give this latest Islamist terror attack its top headline, as Fox News, CNN and the Daily Mail (UK) did, soon after it happened. Instead, HuffPost devoted its top headline space to maintaining its relentless propaganda attacks on individuals within and surrounding the Trump administration — in this case, an allegation by Paul Manafort’s child that he is “a psycho.” The following screencap was taken at 5:17pm:
Note also how HuffPost worded its headline — as if the truck, of its own volition, jumped up onto the bicycle path and began mowing down civilians.
Clicking on that headline brought the reader to this page – note that the screencap, taken at 5:33pm, shows it was posted at 3:33pm, and updated at 5:30pm (updated “3 minutes ago”):
Notice also, in the following screencap, taken at 5:35pm, that the word “allahu” appears nowhere in the article:
At 5:30pm, New York City officials held a press conference, at which the police commissioner confirmed that eyewitnesses heard the driver yell, “Allahu Akbar!!” as he emerged from his vehicle:
By 5:44pm, however, HuffPost maintained its generic headline — beneath the Manafort splash:
While at the same time, at 5:50pm, the NY Post published an accurate splash headline, featuring what was confirmed about the terrorist:
(21) November 2017, Toledo, OH: HuffPost completely ignored the conviction of a Muslim immigrant for supporting Islamist terrorism, and attempting to have the judge who presided over his trial assassinated
U.S. District Judge Jack Zouhary, left, and Yahya Farooq Mohammad. (Toledo Blade)
On November 6, 2017 the Toledo Blade (OH) reported the following:
U.S. District Court Judge Jack Zouhary knew that his job carried risks with it, but he said he underestimated the toll it would take on his family until a defendant tried to hire a hitman to kill him.
“I never anticipated I would face the ordeal of a defendant putting a price on my head and taking concrete steps to hire for murder — my murder — where the FBI would ask me to help fake my own death in a case where I had yet to make any decisions that might impact the defendant’s guilt or innocence, and where getting rid of me could only achieve the appointment of a new judge on the case,” Judge Zouhary said in a statement read in court Monday by Matthew Shepherd, an Assistant U.S. Attorney.
The new judge on the case, Chief Judge Edmund A. Sargus, Jr. of the Southern District of Ohio, sentenced Yahya Farooq Mohammad, 39, to 27½ years in prison for the unsuccessful plot on Judge Zouhary’s life, and for supporting terrorism.
Mohammad, an Indian citizen, also was ordered deported to India after he serves his prison sentence. Judge Sargus told him he could never re-enter the United States and ordered him to pay a fine of $25,000.
Mohammad pleaded guilty July 10 to solicitation to commit a crime of violence for the 2016 plot to kill Judge Zouhary, and to conspiracy to provide and conceal material support or resources to terrorists for raising and delivering $22,000 to Yemen in 2009 for Anwar al-Awlaki.
Judge Sargus said it was ironic that he was sentencing Mohammad in a federal courtroom where thousands of people had been naturalized as U.S. citizens over the years.
“Farooq Mohammad was welcomed to this country with his three children and his wife, but he chose to attack the principles that bring so many people here,” Judge Sargus said.
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story
A November 8, 2017 search at HuffPost using the string “Yahya Farooq Mohammad” returned zero results:
So what kinds of “news” stories did HuffPost decide to put on its front page, instead?
Here’s a sampling of the “news” stories that appeared on HuffPost’s front page on November 7-8, 2017:
(22) September 2017, Toledo, OH: HuffPost completely ignored the indictments of three Muslim immigrants on charges of supporting an Islamist terrorist organization
Note: This is an extension of Case Study 21, another Muslim immigrant who was sentenced to more than 27 years for supporting an Islamist terror organization, and attempting to have the judge presiding over his trial murdered.
On September 10, 2017, the Toledo Blade reported the following:
U.S. District Court Judge Jeffrey Helmick recently postponed the trial of Ibrahim Zubair Mohammad, 38; Asif Ahmed Salim, 37, and Sultane Roome Salim, 42, until April 23, 2018.
Mr. Mohammad’s brother, Yahya Farooq Mohammad, 39, pleaded guilty July 10 to conspiracy to provide material support and resources to terrorists in the same case. He also pleaded guilty to solicitation to commit a crime of violence for a 2016 plot to kill U.S. District Judge Jack Zouhary, who at the time was assigned to the terrorism case.
As part of a plea agreement, Yahya Farooq Mohammad is expected to be sentenced to 27 ½ years in prison. After serving the sentence, he would then be permanently deported to India.
The two sets of brothers were indicted by a federal grand jury in September, 2015 on charges that they conspired to raise and deliver some $29,000 to American-born terrorist Anwar al-Awlaki in Yemen in 2009. Federal prosecutors allege they raised the money in support of “violent jihad.”
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story
(24) July 2016, Buffalo, MO: HuffPost completely ignored the federal indictment of an ISIS supporter for posting terrorist propaganda on social media, and soliciting the murder of two FBI agents and two U.S. soldiers
Safya Roe Yassin
On July 20, 2016, the Department of Justice announced the indictment of a Buffalo, NY woman for using the Internet to support Islamist terrorism:
SPRINGFIELD, Mo. – Tammy Dickinson, United States Attorney for the Western District of Missouri, announced today that additional charges have been filed against a Buffalo, Mo., woman for conspiring to solicit violence against federal agents and military service members by utilizing various Twitter accounts.
Safya Roe Yassin, 38, of Buffalo, was charged in a three-count superseding indictment returned by a federal grand jury in Springfield, Mo., on Tuesday, July 19, 2016. The superseding indictment replaces an indictment returned on Feb. 23, 2016, and includes an additional count of transmitting a threatening communication and a new conspiracy count.
The federal indictment alleges that Yassin conspired with others from May 2015 to Feb. 18, 2016, and utilized Twitter to disseminate information that they believed to be from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). That information allegedly included threats and solicitations of violence against two current employees of the FBI and two former U.S. service members.
When Twitter suspended an account for violations of its terms of service, the indictment says, Yassin and her co-conspirators created new accounts in a manner that could be readily identified, so that followers of their prior accounts could find the new accounts. When new accounts were established, Yassin and her co-conspirators promoted the newly created Twitter accounts of other co-conspirators in order to maintain a constant presence of Twitter accounts providing information that they believed to be from ISIL.
In addition to the conspiracy, Yassin is charged with two counts of transmitting a threatening communication over the Internet.
According to the indictment, on Aug. 24, 2015, Yassin posted on Twitter a message previously posted by another user with the explicit phrase “Wanted to kill” followed by the first and last name, status as an employee of the FBI, city of residence, zip code and phone number of Victim 1. In the same communication, Yassin allegedly repeated the same explicit “Wanted to kill” phrase followed by the first and last name, status as an employee of the FBI, city of residence, zip code and phone number of Victim 2. This charge was contained in the original indictment.
See an investigative video segment of the TV program “Full Measure” that discussed the charges against Yassin:
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story
A November 10, 2017 search at HuffPost using the string “Safya Roe Yassin” returned zero results:
(25) June 2014-present day: HuffPost completely ignored the Islamist who murdered two gay men in Seattle, and another man in New Jersey, in the cause of jihad
Ali Muhammad Brown
Between April 27 and June 25, 2014, radical Islamist Ali Muhammad Brown, 29, went on a murder spree in Seattle, WA, and West Orange, NJ, for the purpose of supporting ISIS through violent jihad.
In Skyway, WA (a suburb of Seattle), Brown shot Leroy Henderson, 30, to death as he sat in his vehicle. On June 1, Brown posed as a gay man on the social media app Grinder, and solicited two gay men, Ahmed Said, 27, and Dwone Anderson-Young, 23, to meet him at a specific location that evening, then executed them with gunshots. Then, on June 25, Brown encountered Brendan Tevlin, 19, at an intersection in NJ and shot him to death, without provocation.
Photos of some of Brown’s victims, courtesy of the Daily Mail (UK), starting with the gay men he lured out of a club, then executed:
Several articles about the arrest of Brown, at the time:
It was later discovered that Brown was a self-proclaimed Islamist terrorist, who had been on a Department of Homeland Security terrorist watch list at the time of his 2014 murder spree — which begs the question of how he was able to obtain firearms in the first place:
Brown told investigators he carried out the killings in retaliation for U.S. military action in the Middle East, and described himself as a strict Muslim, according to court documents. In his journal, Brown said he was interested in receiving jihadist training, prosecutors said on Wednesday.
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored Brown’s murder spree
We begin our analysis with November 14, 2017 search using the following strings:
As noted above, HuffPost only published one article about the murders of Dwone Anderson-Young and Ahmed Said. In this lone article, on June 9, 2014, note that HuffPost reported that Seattle authorities had arrested Matalepuna Malu for the crime; no mention is made of Brown:
Hundreds of concerned Seattle citizens and elected officials gathered at the intersection of 29th and South King Street Thursday night to remember 23-year-old Dwone Anderson-Young and 27-year-old Ahmed Said. Among the supporters were Seattle Mayor Ed Murray, Seattle City Councilmember Sally Clark, the Seattle LGBT Commission, and Social Outreach Seattle, a local nonprofit whose tagline is “We are one community, working together.”
Anderson-Young and Said were shot after an evening on Capitol Hill, Seattle’s LGBT neighborhood. The two young men were both gay, according to both families and the Seattle Police Department at the vigil. Assistant Police Chief Carmen Best said investigators believed the two men were seen at popular gay bar R Place and at Hot Mama’s Pizza before the killings. […]
One alleged assailant, 26-year-old felon Matalepuna Malu, turned himself in to police following the killings. The Seattle Police Department is still searching for additional suspects and asks that the community alert them of any evidence that could lead to the possible capture and arrest of perpetrators involved.
On June 11, however, Seattle authorities had released Malu, and announced they were seeking Brown:
The man arrested in connection with a Central District double homicide on June 1 is no longer considered a suspect, KING 5 reported today.
Matalepuna Malu was arrested the day of the double homicide, when Dwone Anderson-Young, 23, and Ahmed Said, 27, were fatally shot near Anderson-Young’s house in the 500 block of 29th Avenue South in the early morning June 1. Malu was held without bail for a federal probation violation and an assault that police say was unrelated to the fatal shooting. […]
Police are still searching for Ali Muhammed Brown, 30, who was identified as a suspect from fingerprints found in Said’s car, which was driven away after the two men were shot, according to SPD.
At this point, as shown in the above searches, HuffPost went completely silent, apparently because the suspect was identified as being (a) black, and (b) having a Muslim name.
This is further evidenced by the fact that a November 14, 2017 search using HuffPost’s search engine of the string “Ali Muhammed Brown murder”, which returned no relevant results:
Other news about Ali Muhammad Brown’s jihadist terror attacks that HuffPost completely ignored
A man accused of killing four people in two states is believed to have ties to a disrupted terrorist cell, a terrorist training camp on U.S. soil, and federal investigations going back more than a decade, a Fox News investigation has revealed.
Details of Ali Muhammad Brown’s life in crime and connections to radical Islam prior to the killings of a college student in New Jersey and three other men in Washington state since April 2014 is under renewed scrutiny. After his arrest in July, Brown, 29, told detectives from both states that he “was engaged in jihad” and referred to the specific murder of one victim, Brendan Tevlin, as a “just kill.” […]
The JTTF [Joint Terrorism Task Force] investigation centered around “Crescent Cuts,” a small barber shop frequented by Brown. The shop was owned by Ruben Shumpert, a convicted drug dealer familiar to Gomez and other members of law enforcement.
“Ruben Shumpert was a prison convert to Islam,” noted Gomez. “He learned to cut hair in prison. Ruben would not only cut hair, but was attempting to indoctrinate a lot of the youth into radical forms of Islam by showing them videos about the 9/11 hijackers and Al Qaeda.”
Gomez added, “in 2004 with Ali Muhammad Brown, what we were looking at was the raising of funds for overseas material support of terrorism. He [Brown] was convicted of fraudulently producing checks, depositing them into accounts and spending the money basically.”
Curiously, while HuffPost completely ignored Brown’s targeting and attack of the gay men in Seattle, and this discovery of where, and by whom, he may have been radicalized, note how it devoted an entire story to ask where a handful of white nationalists may have been radicalized (see Case Study 3.1):
Brown’s trial for the murder of Brendan Tevlin is ongoing; the latest at the time of this writing (November 14, 2017) is that his confession will be allowed at his trial:
The confession of a self-admitted Islamic State group sympathizer accused of killing an Essex County college student will be allowed in court, a superior court judge ruled Thursday.
Ali Muhammad Brown is accused of killing 19-year-old Brendan Tevlin, of Livingston, in June 2014. Brown allegedly told detectives that he waited for the right victim to kill on the night Tevlin was murdered.
Tevlin had just left a friend’s house and was sitting in his car at an intersection in West Orange when he was ambushed. Brown allegedly said that he killed Tevlin as punishment against the United States.
The judge said that because of Brown’s previous criminal history, he decided Brown was familiar with his rights to have an attorney during the police questioning.
Brown is facing terrorism charges related to the murder. He is also accused of murdering three people in Seattle prior to the Tevlin killing.
As noted above, HuffPost has completely ignored all of these stories.
(2.11) May 2014: HuffPost completely ignored the firebombing of a gay nightclub in Seattle, WA, by an Islamist who reportedly claimed that homosexuals “should be exterminated,” and was convicted of the crime
Musab Mohammed Masmari
On New Year’s Eve 2014, radical Islamist Musab Mohammed Masmari entered the popular Neighours gay nightclub in Seattle, WA, and set a fire, with the intention of murdering nearly 1,000 revelers in the club. According to an eyewitness informant, Masmari’s motivation was his Islamist belief that Muslims must “exterminate” homosexuals.
KIRO 7 has uncovered explosive new details in the case of the Capitol Hill arson at a popular gay nightclub. Suspect Musab Masmari’s motive may have stemmed from his “distaste for homosexual people.” […]
The informant contacted the FBI soon after meeting Masmari because he was “concerned” that Masmari “may be planning some terrorist activity” because he spoke of “something he’s planning.” The informant told investigators that Masmari told him “he had obtained a rifle.”
The unidentified informant also said that, in the numerous conversations after their first meeting, Masmari often expressed a “distaste for homosexual people,” and that Masmari “opined that homosexuals should be exterminated.”
“Exterminate is a word you think of – you exterminate rodents, you exterminate roaches, not people,” said Shaun Knittel, spokesperson for Neighbours nightclub.
Knittel would like to see hate crime charges added on to the arson charge. “If that doesn’t fall into the law of a hate crime, I don’t know what does,” said Knittel.
On May 2, 2014, the Department of Justice announced that Masmari pleaded guilty:
A former Bellevue resident who set fire to a Seattle nightclub just after midnight on New Year’s 2014, pleaded guilty today in U.S. District Court in Seattle to arson, announced U.S. Attorney Jenny A. Durkan. MUSAB MOHAMMED MASMARI, 30, was originally charged in King County Superior Court, but pleaded guilty today to a criminal charge filed yesterday in federal court. Under the terms of the plea agreement, both sides will recommend the mandatory minimum five years in prison when MASMARI is sentenced on July, 31, 2014. U.S. District Judge Ricardo S. Martinez is not bound by the recommendation and can sentence MASMARI up to the maximum 20 years allowed by law.
“This defendant violated people’s right to gather safely: he put more than 700 lives at risk when he purposely started a fire at a crowded nightclub on New Year’s Eve,” said U.S. Attorney Durkan. “Thankfully, the staff and patrons at Neighbours moved quickly to evacuate the club and extinguish the flames. Federal prosecution ensures a five year mandatory minimum sentence – one that is more than double the potential sentence faced in state court.”
Then, on July 31, 2014, Masmar was sentenced to ten years in prison:
A man who tried to set an iconic gay nightclub on fire on New Year’s Eve has been sentenced to 10 years in prison for arson, the U.S. Attorney’s Office announced Thursday.
Musab Mohammed Masmari, 30, pleaded guilty in May to smuggling a gallon of gas into the popular Capitol Hill nightclub Neighbours and attempting to set the club on fire.
He was sentenced today in U.S. District Court to 10 years in prison.
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored the case against Masmari, and his motivations
A November 15, 2017 search using the string “Neighbours club arson” returned only one result:
Clicking on that headline led to this article — from two days after the incident, on January 2, 2014:
A New Year’s Eve celebration at a crowded Seattle gay bar went terrifyingly awry after an unknown suspect allegedly set fire to the venue shortly after midnight.
As King 5 News is reporting, a staircase at Neighbours in Seattle’s Capitol Hill neighborhood was doused in gasoline and set aflame, bringing a popular New Year’s Eve drag show to an immediate halt. The fire was extinguished after nearly 700 revelers were evacuated to a nearby alley and no injuries were reported in the blaze, but Neighbours patrons and staff were nonetheless left shaken by the incident.
“It’s not just a bar or just a nightclub,” Social Outreach Seattle founder Shaun Knittel, who was at the club on Dec. 31, told KOMO News. “And whoever these jerks are there’s going to be a good number that makes sure they will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.”
Yet once a Muslim was named as the suspect, HuffPost completely discontinued reporting on the story — as its own search engine proves:
This decision to completely ignore the case once a Muslim was named as the suspect parallels exactly the dynamics of Case Study 24 on this page. Specifically, although HuffPost initially reported that two gay men were murdered in Seattle, in June 2014, once a Muslim was named as the suspect, and his motives became known, HuffPost stopped all reporting on the crime – and the perpetrator’s conviction.
(26) November 2017: HuffPost completely ignored a new report that chronicles other arrests of Islamist militants in New York, affiliated with an overseas terrorist gang, for crimes including, murder, illegal weapons possession, drug running and others
On November 16, 2017, The Clarion Project published this compilation of recent arrests of members of “Muslims of America,” a New York group affiliated with the Southeast Asian Islamist terror group Jamaat ul-Fuqra.
The past half-year has been turning sour for a U.S.-based jihadist cult with a terrorist history that claims to be establishing “peaceful” Islamic villages across America. The group is being affected by multiple arrests of its members while it prepares for the impending death of its leader in Pakistan.
Since May, five reported members and associates of Muslims of America (MOA) have been arrested for crimes ranging from murder to illegal weapons possession to running illicit drugs to forgery. MOA used to be known as Jamaat ul-Fuqra.
While it’s not clear that any of these illegal acts were directed by the group’s leadership or directly connected to MOA’s communes, previous arrests and declassified documents show that the U.S. government believes MOA and its leadership in Pakistan use revenue from drug sales and engage in extensive trafficking of firearms.
Muslims of America, which was founded in 1980, has claimed to have 22 camps and compounds secluded in isolated areas of the United States, located in such states as Texas, Virginia, New York, South Carolina, Georgia and more.
Some of the locations were built for the express purpose of providing members Islamic guerilla warfare training.
The Pakistani leader of MOA, Sheikh Mubarak Gilani, was recorded in a secret recruitment video saying the purpose of the camps is to “prepare them to defend themselves and give them highly specialized training in guerilla warfare.”
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story
A U.S. government agency confirmed in a letter to the Clarion Project that an investigation into a terror-linked Islamist cult named Muslims of America (MOA) is ongoing. The group is known for its “Islamic villages” in North America, with its “Islamberg” headquarters receiving the most attention.
The October 19 letter from the Justice Department’s Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) states that 10 documents from a previous investigation into MOA must be withheld because “the investigation related to the documents that were referred is still open.”
From Clarion’s report: “States where Muslims of the Americas enclaves are located (Photo: Fox News)”
The Justice Department says that releasing the information could interfere with law enforcement proceedings as they concern an “ongoing investigation.”
(27) June 2017: HuffPost downplayed the arrest of a naturalized Somali Islamist for supporting terrorism — then completely ignored his guilty plea, two years later
Abdirahman Sheik Mohamud
On June 29, 2017, a Somali immigrant to America pleaded guilty to numerous charges of supporting ISIS:
A 25-year-old Ohio man pleaded guilty to allegations he was involved in a terrorist plot in 2015, according to newly unsealed legal documents.
Abdirahman Sheik Mohamud was charged by a federal grand jury with providing material support to terrorists, providing support to a designated terrorist organization, and of lying to the FBI about international terrorism. His guilty plea was sealed until Thursday because of an open investigation.
Acting Assistant Attorney General Dana J. Boente said Thursday, “Mohamud admitted to traveling overseas, providing material support to a designated foreign terrorist organization, and receiving training from terrorists. He also admitted to returning to the United States and planning to conduct an attack on American soil. He will now be held accountable for his crimes.”
Mohamud was born in Somalia and came to the United States when he was two years old. According to court records, his brother was fighting in Syria by 2013, and Mohamud provided material support to him from the United States.
Mohamud became a naturalized citizen in 2014, promptly submitting an application for a passport, and buying a one-way ticket for Athens, Greece, with a layover in Istanbul, Turkey. When he landed in Istanbul, instead of flying on to Athens, he travelled to Syria and joined the al-Nusrah Front, with the help of his brother.
In Syria, he trained with weapons and engaged in combat. Court documents indicated that he “expressed a desire to die fighting in Syria.”
Instead, he was instructed by al-Nusrah to return to the United States and commit an act of terror. He recruited several U.S.-based people to help him carry out “something big,” before being questioned by the FBI.
HuffPost’s search engine, and the Wayback Machine, prove that it buried the story of Mohamud’s arrest — and completely ignored his guilty plea to all charges
According to its search engine, as of November 17, 2017, HuffPost published two wire stories about Abdirahman Sheik Mohamud — one written by Reuters, the other by USA Today — on April 16 and April 27, 2015, respectively, which described his arrest, and the charges against him:
Regarding the second story, the following are links to full-page screencaps of HuffPost’s front page from April 27-29, 2015; the story appears nowhere.
Further, as shown in the November 17, 2017 screencap of a search at HuffPost of the string “Abdirahman Sheik Mohamud” proves, it never published the story of his June 2017 guilty plea, to all charges:
Why would HuffPost bury the first two articles about Mohamud’s arrest beyond the view of the casual reader — and completely ignore his guilty plea, to all charges? Only HuffPost can answer that question.
(28) March 2016: HuffPost whitewashed and rewrote the content of a report, with video, of female jihadist in Russia who beheaded a non-Muslim toddler and paraded the streets with its severed head
On March 2, 2016, one of the most horrific jihadist attacks in recent memory was perpetrated in Russia. A Muslim woman beheaded a four-year-old girl in her care, then was captured on video, marching through the Moscow streets displaying the toddler’s head, screaming, “Allahu Akbar!!! (God is great!!!) I am a terrorist!!!”
Reuters’ article about this incident
On March 2, Reuters published an article describing the incident, which was entitled:
Key excerpts from this article, starting with the opening sentence (emphasis added):
A woman suspected of beheading a child in her care before brandishing the severed head outside a Moscow metro station said on Wednesday Allah had ordered her to commit the crime.
Police on Monday wrestled to the ground Gulchekhra Bobokulova, a 38-year-old divorced mother of three from the Muslim-majority ex-Soviet state of Uzbekistan, after she wandered around a Moscow street holding the infant’s severed head in the air and shouting Islamist slogans. […]
Bobokulova told reporters on her way into the courtroom on Wednesday that Allah had ordered her to do what she did but that she had repented and agreed with her arrest. Sat in the metal cage reserved for defendants in Russian courts, Bobokulova waved and said:
“I am Allah’s messenger. Hello everyone.”
HuffPost rewrote the Reuters headline, to remove all indication that this was a jihad-inspired atrocity
On March 3, HuffPost published the Reuters story on its front page and World page – but with a radically different headline (page screencap here):
The following is a screencap from HuffPost’s own story page, containing its version of the Reuters story, showing that its editor(s) knew exactly what this jihadist said was her motivation (highlighted):
On Wednesday, she told reporters Allah had ordered her to commit the grisly crime.
Also, note how HuffPost chose to use the most benevolent-appearing picture of this murderous jihadist for its headline, instead of the one of her holding up the child’s head – or the one at the top of the Reuters source article, showing her angrily reacting to questions.
HuffPost fails to report on the ISIS connection discovered
Then, on March 5, the Washington Times provided substantive indications that the jihadist is affiliated with ISIS, as are her husband and son (emphasis added):
The Uzbek nanny who beheaded a 4-year-old girl in Moscow while the family was away was radicalized by her husband, Suhrob Muminov, who visited Islamic State contacts frequently in the Urgut Mountains in Uzbekistan. […]
Her son, Rakhmatillo Ashurov, 19, is being held in custody in Uzbekistan for being “recruited by the Islamic State,” reported the Mirror in the U.K.
HuffPost ignored this development.
Here is a sampling of the “news” stories that HuffPost published on its front page on March 6, instead:
Why did HuffPost whitewash the Reuters headline, when it knew the truth?
Why did it present such a benevolent visual depiction of this jihadist murderer in its headline?
Why did it ignore the development that she and her family are linked to ISIS?
Those are questions that are best directed to HuffPost’s corporate parent, Verizon.
(29) April 2016, Hollywood, FL: Recent convert to Islam arrested for plot to perpetrate an ISIS-style shooting and bombing attack on a S. Florida synagogue
James Medina, aka James Muhammad
On May 2, 2016, S. Florida media reported that the FBI arrested a recent convert to Islam and indicted him for his plan for an ISIS-style attack on a local synagogue:
A Hollywood man’s planned explosive attack on a synagogue in Aventura was thwarted by an FBI undercover operation that involved a fake bomb, federal authorities said Monday.
James Gonzalo Medina, 40, was arrested Friday night as he walked toward the synagogue with what he thought was an explosive device in his hand, prosecutors said.
He appeared in federal court Monday afternoon in Miami, accused of attempting to use a weapon of mass destruction to blow up the Aventura Turnberry Jewish Center, 20400 NE 30th Ave., during Friday night services. […]
He came to the attention of the FBI when someone reported he had talked about attacking a synagogue in South Florida, authorities said.
Medina expressed anti-Semitic views and said he planned to attack the synagogue during Passover, investigators wrote. He said he was comfortable with causing innocent casualties, including the deaths of women and children, authorities said.
While preparing for the proposed attack, Medina visited and “studied the synagogue property to assess its vulnerabilities,” prosecutors said.
Medina told acquaintances he wanted to make himself a “martyr” and he hoped news coverage of his planned attack would inspire other terrorist attacks, authorities said.
Medina also recorded a number of videos, investigators said, saying goodbye to his family and making threats.
“I am a Muslim and I don’t like what is going on in this world. I’m going to handle business here in America. Aventura, watch your back. ISIS is in the house,” agents reported he said in one of the videos.
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story.
A December 5, 2017 search — more than 18 months after this story broke — using the string “James Gonzalo Medina” returned zero results:
So what kinds of “news” stories did HuffPost decide were more deserving of being on its front page that this one, in the following days?
Here is a sampling of five “news” stories that appeared on HuffPost’s front page on May 3-5, 2016:
(30) November 2017, Hollywood, FL: Recent convert to Islam convicted, sentenced to 25 years in federal prison for plot to perpetrate an ISIS-style shooting and bombing attack on a S. Florida synagogue
Following up on Case Study 29 – on November 28, 2017, it was announced that recent Muslim convert James Gonzalo Medina was sentenced to 25 years in federal prison for plotting an ISIS-style attack on a S. Florida synagogue:
A Florida man was sentenced by a U.S. judge on Tuesday to 25 years in prison for trying to blow up a synagogue in the state during a Jewish holiday last year, court officials said.
James Medina, 41, will first be treated at a U.S. prison medical facility for a brain cyst and mental illness before being moved into the general prison population, U.S. District Judge Robert Scola in Miami ruled.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation began watching Medina, who had converted to Islam, after he began expressing anti-Semitic views and a wish to attack a synagogue. They launched an investigation in late March 2016, court documents showed.
Medina, who faced up to life in prison, had pleaded guilty in August 2017 to charges of an attempted use of a weapon of mass destruction and an attempted religious hate crime, court documents showed.
“This is a very, very serious offense,” Scola was quoted as saying in court by the Miami Herald.
Medina’s federal public defender, Hector Dopico, declined to comment when reached by Reuters on Tuesday afternoon.
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story.
A December 5, 2017 search — one week after this story broke — using the string “James Gonzalo Medina” returned zero results:
So what kinds of “news” stories did HuffPost decide were more deserving of being on its front page that this one, in the following days?
Here is a sampling of five “news” stories that appeared on HuffPost’s front page on November 29-December 1, 2017:
Authorities have arrested a 69-year-old man who they say was planning a mass shooting at an Islamic center in Jacksonville, Florida.
Bernandino Gawala “Nandie” Bolatete faces charges of knowingly receiving and possessing a silencer without registering it as required by federal law, according to the authorities.
At a Monday press conference, Jacksonville Sheriff Mike Williams said Bolatete, “had expressed a strong anti-Islamic sentiment” and “had weaponry to carry out the attack.”
A criminal complaint released by authorities said Bolatete had been under investigation since October, when a tipster notified authorities of the alleged plot. Authorities said they immediately devised a plan to protect the mosque and to have an undercover officer befriend Bolatete, a Jacksonville resident.
HuffPost published this story less than 24 hours after the charges are were announced against Mr. Bolatete.
Why did HuffPost rush to create an original, in-depth story about this plot so quickly — yet completely ignore Mr. Medina’s plot to mount a massive terrorist attack against a Florida synagogue? Only HuffPost’s executives can answer that question.
(31) December 2017, London, England: London, England: HuffPost whitewashed, buried and quickly removed news of an Islamist terror plot to assassinate UK Prime Minister Teresa May
At approximately 8:00pm EST on December 5, 2017, news broke that UK authorities had broken up an Islamist terrorist plot to assassinate PM Teresa May:
Two men will appear in court today to face charges related to an alleged explosive plot on Downing Street.
A terror plot to assassinate Prime Minister Theresa May has been foiled, Sky sources have confirmed.
Sky’s Crime Correspondent Martin Brunt said: “It’s the latest in a number of terror plots that police and MI5 believe they’ve foiled this year.
“I understand that the head of MI5, Andrew Parker, briefed Cabinet ministers today (Tuesday), such is the seriousness of what they believed they have uncovered.
“It is in essence an extreme Islamist suicide plot against Downing Street. Essentially police believe that the plan was to launch some sort of improvised explosive device at Downing Street and in the ensuing chaos attack and kill Theresa May.
“This is something which has been pursued over several weeks at least by Scotland Yard, MI5 and West Midlands Police.
HuffPost delayed the publication of this story, then buried and whitewashed it
HuffPost didn’t publish this story until eight hours later, at approximately 4:00am on December 6. And instead of giving it prominent, accurate coverage, it:
Buried the story mid-way down its front page, beneath other “news” stories it deemed more important
Whitewashed the headline, sub-head and body copy, to avoid identifying the alleged terrorists as being Islamists
At 10:40am, the following screencaps were taken of HuffPost’s front page, showing it positioned its version of the story mid-way down, and had removed any indication of any specific characteristics of the perpetrators:
Notice that HuffPost gives absolutely no indication of who was behind this “terror plot.” Was it Buddhists? White right-wingers, whom it has boastfully claimed are behind vast majority of terrorist attacks? Lutherans?
Clicking on that nebulous headline led the reader to this story page:
Two men arrested in the United Kingdom last week were connected to an alleged terror plot to kill British Prime Minister Theresa May, Sky News and The Guardian reported on Wednesday. Security officials are said to have “thwarted” the deadly scheme.
Naa’imur Zakariyah Rahman, 20, and Mohammed Aqib Imran, 21, were charged on Tuesday with intention of committing acts of terrorism, according to a statement by the Metropolitan Police Service. Both men were brought in on Nov. 28 after police raids.
Sky News reported that Scotland Yard, MI5 and West Midlands Police had been pursuing the possible attack for several weeks.
“It is in essence an extreme Islamist suicide plot against Downing Street,” Sky News correspondent Martin Brunt said Tuesday. “Essentially police believe that the plan was to launch some sort of improvised explosive device at Downing Street and in the ensuing chaos attack and kill Theresa May, the Prime Minister.”
Why did HuffPost whitewash and bury this story, and obfuscate the identity of the alleged Islamist perpetrators in this case, and others like it — in contrast to how eagerly and prominently identifies the names, faces and orientations of alleged terrorists when they are white right-wingers, and Jews?
For example:
On October 21, 2017 HuffPost published this story on its front page:
Notice that HuffPost included the perpetrators’ faces alongside the headline, which led to this story page:
And in regards to Jews, HuffPost almost invariably places their identities in its headlines when they are accused of doing bad things:
UPDATE: By 4:45pm on December 6, HuffPost completely removed this story from its front page
This search shows that at 4:55pm, there was only one incident of “May” on the front page:
So what kinds of “news” stories did HuffPost decide were more worthy of coverage on its front page than another Islamist terrorist plot, this time against a major world leader?
Here’s a sampling — starting at the top of the page:
(32) December 2017, Orlando, FL: HuffPost completely ignored the announcement that the Pulse nightclub jihadist’s wife has been indicted for aiding him in preparing for the attack
At 5:50pm on December 6, 2017, the Orlando Sentinel broke the following story:
The Pulse nightclub shooter’s widow will stand trial in Orlando, a federal judge ordered Wednesday.
Noor Salman is charged with providing material support to a terror organization and obstruction of justice. Her husband, Omar Mateen, killed 49 people and injured at least 68 more when he opened fire in the gay nightclub in Orlando on June 12, 2016.
Salman tried to persuade the judge to hold the trial in another city, saying she could not get a fair trial in Orlando.
It also mentioned headlines and stories, including a New York Post front page proclaiming “She could have saved them all.”
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story.
(33) February 2016, Columbus, OH: HuffPost completely ignored an Islamist terrorist attack on an Israel-supporting Ohio restaurant
On February 11, 2016, a radical Islamist immigrant entered an Ohio restaurant that displayed an Israeli flag, then returned with a machete and began hacking the customers, inuring four, one seriously. From the NY Daily News, on February 12:
A machete-wielding man was shot and killed by police after hurting four people in a busy Ohio restaurant.
Eyewitnesses said the man attacked the Nazareth Restaurant and Deli in Columbus before fleeing in a car Thursday night.
The FBI is investigating Somali-born assailant Mohamed Barry, 30, as a possible “lone wolf” terrorist and his attack as a potential hate crime, a law enforcement source told CNN. Barry has a criminal record that includes past drug charges.
“Obviously we were targeted because there’s a whole bunch of businesses around here. I’m the only foreigner,” Baransi said. “I am the minor, minor, minor of the minority. So nobody likes me.”
About the assailant, Mohamed Barry — and his motive behind the attack
Soon after the attack, the following was discovered about Barry:
According to police, he yelled “Allahu Akbar!!!” as he charged at them with the machete he used in the attack, which caused them to shoot him.
In fear of another Islamist terrorist attack because of his love of Israel, one week later, Baransi said he was considering leaving America for his safety:
Columbus Mayor Andrew Ginther is saying he hopes to convince the owner of Nazareth Restaurant & Deli to stay in Ohio.
Hany Baransi, owner of Nazareth Restaurant & Dei, tells ABC 6/FOX 28 that he is contemplating moving back to Israel after the machete attack that took place in his restaurant last week.
Baransi says he does not feel safe in the United States after this attack.
“I love America and I love the America I came to in 1983,” Baransi said. “I am still American in my heart. I love this country, but what’s going on now is not right.”
Andrew Ginther, mayor of Columbus, spoke with ABC 6/FOX 28 about Baransi’s plan to move back to Israel.
Three months later, Baransi publicly rededicated himself to advocating for Israel
Rather than cowering in fear of another Islamist terror attack, Baransi doubled down and publicly declared himself a pro-Israel activist:
Hany Baransi (left) visits Bill Foley in hospital. Foley was seriously injured in a machete attack on Baransi’s restaurant in Columbus, Ohio on February 11, 2016. (Photo courtesy Hany Baransi)
After not visiting Israel for nine years, Hany Baransi, the owner of the Nazareth Restaurant and Deli in Columbus, Ohio, needed to be home in Haifa surrounded by family who would understand what he’s been going through lately — terrorism.
On February 11, Baransi’s popular restaurant was attacked by a machete-wielding assailant. The attacker, 30-year-old Mohamed Bary, was chased and killed by police after he allegedly lunged at them with a weapon. According to news reports, Bary, a Muslim from Guinea in West Africa, had previously come to the FBI’s attention with his radical Islamist statements.
Four were injured in the attack; one victim, musician Bill Foley, was critically hurt. Foley and the other victims have now recovered and he is even back performing at the Nazareth Restaurant.
While in northern Israel this week, Baransi told The Times of Israel by phone that he is sure the attack was a targeted assassination, although he was not at the restaurant at the time of the attack and had not received any threats. He said his staff told him that about half an hour before the attack, Bary had entered the restaurant asking about the owner’s national background. After staff members told Bary that Baransi was from Israel, he left. He soon returned wielding a machete and began hacking at customers and staff.
‘I am sure it was an assassination attempt. Mine is the only restaurant that displays an Israeli flag.’
“I am sure it was an assassination attempt. I was the target. Why else would the Nazareth have been targeted? It wasn’t a random attack. Mine is the only restaurant in Columbus that displays an Israeli flag,” said Baransi.
Baransi, a 50-year-old Christian Arab who has lived in the United States since 1983, has always been proudly open about his Israeli nationality.
“I’m an American Israeli Christian Arab. My being Israeli comes first,” he said.
May 2016: Baransi closed his restaurant, in fear and bankruptcy
Hany Baransi, the Christian Israeli Arab whose Columbus, Ohio, restaurant was attacked in February by a machete-wielding assailant, has announced he will soon file for bankruptcy and close his restaurant.
Only months ago, Baransi triumphantly reopened the Nazareth Restaurant & Deli, wielding his signature baseball in front of Israeli flags, only weeks after the attack by Mohamed Bary, a West African Muslim with a history of making radical Islamist statements. […]
Baransi blamed his financial woes on not receiving any compensation from local, state or federal governments following the attack. He said he personally footed the bill for the expensive cleanup.
“I fell $12,000 behind on payroll and tried to work out a deal with my employees so I could keep the doors open, but it didn’t work out,” the restaurateur told The Times of Israel by phone Sunday, only three weeks after returning to Columbus from a vacation in his native Haifa.
Baransi, who proudly displayed an Israeli flag at his Middle Eastern-style restaurant, is convinced he was Bary’s intended target and has consistently asserted the attack was terrorism. […]
“People can’t expect me to react to what happened as though I don’t know what I know and don’t have the life experience I have,” Baransi said in defense of his pro-Israel stance.
“When Obama preaches about Muslims and puts down Israel, it pisses me off. People just don’t understand. If I were from Syria, Iran, Iraq or Jordan, I wouldn’t mention it. I am ashamed of those places. But I am Israeli and I am sick and tired of all of this cutting Israel out and boycotting us. Israel is the safest place in the world for me as a Christian Arab,” he continued.
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story
A December 15, 2017 search — more than 22 months after the attack — using the string “Nazareth Restaurant and Deli” returned zero results:
Similarly, a December 15, 2017 search using the string “Hany Baransi” also returned zero results:
Contrast this blackout on any information regarding this attack, and Mr. Baransi’s plight, to the claim that newly-installed HuffPost editor Lydia Polgreen wrote an editorial that appeared at the top of HuffPost’s front page on April 25, 2017, the subhead of which claimed:
We’ve got a new name, look and mission ― to tell the stories of people who have been left out of the conversation.
(34) December 2017, HuffPost completely ignored the indictment and trial of a neo-Nazi who converted to Islam, for attempting to provide support to ISIS — but gave top coverage to a neo-Nazi website propagandist “super-troll”
On December 18, 2017, the Algemeiner, America’s largest online Jewish newspaper, posted the following story, the newest indication of the ideological overlap and working relationship between radical Islamists and neo-Nazis:
Jury deliberations begin on Monday in the federal terrorism trial of a former Washington, DC Metro Transit Police officer, who isaccused of trying to provide support to ISIS.
Nicholas Youngcould be imprisoned for up to 60 years if convicted of attempting to provide ISIS with material support and lying to federal agents.
The 36-year-old Muslim convert from Fairfax, Virginia, is the first US police officer to face terrorism charges. Evidence and testimony in his five-day trial showed Young’s unusual affinity for both Nazism and radical Islam.
“Don’t discount an alliance with Muslims to combat the Jews,” Young said after attending a neo-Nazi gathering in 2000, according to his college friend, Ian Campbell, an Arlington County police corporal.
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story
Contrast how HuffPost completely ignored this story, to the top, original, in-depth coverage it gave to the search for a neo-Nazi website propagandist “super-troll”
On December 19, 2017, HuffPost published this story at the top of its front page:
The king of the Nazi trolls was in the supermarket, and he seemed nervous. Surely it was him. The shaved head, the diminutive stature, the paranoid aspect ― there is no mistaking the guy when you know what you’re looking for. And on the afternoon of Dec. 10, at the Meijer grocery store in Reynoldsburg, Ohio, the bald little fellow scanning the aisles with a hunted look could’ve been none other than Andrew Anglin.
A propagandist who publishes The Daily Stormer, a major neo-Nazi website, Anglin, 33, is notorious for viciously harassing and libeling people online. But his behavior had caught up to him. He’d been sued in three federal courts. He’d gone into hiding. For months, process servers and other people had been looking for him in and around his hometown of Columbus.
Anglin’s legal odyssey was at a critical juncture. Two weeks ago, in a motion to dismiss one of the federal lawsuits, which deals with a harassment campaign he orchestrated in Montana last winter, his attorneys advanced two arguments for why the court should throw out the suit. The first promises to make this case a significant one in the internet era. Essentially, Anglin’s lawyers contend, anything a serial harasser writes on his site that stops short of “fighting words,” a true threat or incitement ― even if the publisher’s intent might be to incite an online mob to cyberbully someone into trauma therapy ― is protected by the First Amendment.
While HuffPost deserves credit for publicizing the search for Anglin, as the previous 33 case studies on this page document, it takes the exact opposite approach to publicizing the threats posed by radical Islamists, who have murdered, attempted to murder and incited murder against Americans, Jews and members of the LGBT community — yet whom HuffPost either ignores, or whitewashes, and even defends.
(35) December 2017: HuffPost completely ignored the sentencing of an ISIS-affiliated terrorist to 28 years in prison for the conspiracy to behead a Jewish American blogger
On December 19, 2017, one of three Islamist terrorists who pleaded guilty for his role in a conspiracy to behead Jewish American blogger Pamela Geller was sentenced to 28 years in prison.
A supporter of the Islamic State who was convicted of plotting to behead conservative blogger Pamela Geller was sentenced Tuesday to 28 years behind bars.
David Wright, 28, cried in a Boston federal courthouse as he apologized to Gellar, law enforcement and his family. He also denounced ISIS, which Assistant U.S. Attorney Stephanie Siegmann said during the trial Wright “was committed” to.
“Nothing I can say can fix the hurt I caused,” Wright said in court Tuesday. “I sincerely hope that I can be given the opportunity to help others avoid the mistakes I made.”
Prosecutors said Wright, his uncle and a third man conspired to kill Geller because they were upset she organized a Prophet Muhammad cartoon contest in Texas in 2015.
During the contest, two other men opened fire outside and wounded a security guard before they were killed in a shootout with law enforcement assigned to guard the event.
Jewish blogger Pamela Geller, and David Wright, who confessed to being part of a plot to behead her, on behalf of ISIS.
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story
(36) December 2017: HuffPost completely ignored the trial, conviction and sentencing of an ISIS-supporting terrorist in New York — but gave top coverage to a video it produced that allegedly chronicles the radicalization of a white neo-Nazi
On October 27, 2017, Reuters — HuffPost’s most-frequently utilized wire service — published the following story:
A Brooklyn man was sentenced on Friday to 15 years in prison after pleading guilty to conspiring to provide material support to Islamic State.
Abdurasul Hasanovich Juraboev, 27, was sentenced by U.S. District Judge William Kuntz in the federal court in Brooklyn.
The defendant, an Uzbekistan citizen who once chopped salad at a Brooklyn gyro shop, was one of six people charged in the same case with plotting to aid Islamic State, a U.S.-designated foreign terrorist organization.
Prosecutors sought a 15-year prison term, the maximum possible. Lawyers for Juraboev sought no more than five years, calling him an “unsophisticated, gullible, and lonely young man” who reached “wrong conclusions” about Islam and Islamic State.
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story
Contrast HuffPost completely ignoring this story, to the top coverage it gave to an original story about the alleged radicalization of a white neo-Nazi
Notice that the page only contains one item: a custom-produced video by HuffPost on the issue — which explores where, when and how this alleged murderer was radicalized:
The video:
Why would HuffPost completely ignored the confession and sentencing to the maximum years recommended an ISIS supporter in America — but give top coverage to, and produce an original video about a neo-Nazi, who are charged with and commit only a tiny fraction of terrorist acts in America, as compared to radical Islamists?
(37) December 2017: HuffPost downplayed, then quickly removed the story of an Muslim immigrant in Australia who ran down 19 people with an SUV, because he was upset about how Muslims are treated [UPDATED]
On the morning of December 21, 2017, news broke in America of another car-ramming attack on pedestrians, this time in Melbourne, Australia, in a busy shopping area, injuring 19, including a 4-year-old boy who suffered a severe head injury.
The suspect, after he was pulled from the SUV that he used to ram pedestrians in a Melbourne, Australian shopping area.
The NY Post broke the story at 2:02am on December 21, via the AP:
Australian police said there is no evidence of a terrorist link to a car ramming attack Thursday in central Melbourne that left 19 people injured. Police said the driver was a 32-year-old Australian citizen of Afghan decent who has a known history of drug use and mental health issues. The man was known to police for historical minor assault and traffic offenses. […]
Confusion had arisen when a second man was seen being apprehended alongside the driver. Patton said this was a 24-year-old man who was seen filming the incident on his mobile phone and found carrying a bag containing three knives.
“We don’t at this time have any evidence or any intelligence to indicate there’s a connection with terrorism,” said Victoria state police acting commissioner Shane Patton.
Here is how Fox News carried the story, at 4:45am:
HuffPost published a story on its front page, which also appeared at 4:45am:
As details about the perpetrator emerged in the next few hours, however, HuffPost began to downplay the story — just as it has in dozens of other incidents, as documented on this page and beyond.
By 10:10am, HuffPost moved the story to one if its tiny sidebar items:
By 12:50pm, HuffPost had completely removed the story from its front page. Anyone who only got their news from HuffPost’s front page would have no idea that another car-ramming attack occurred in Australia.
HuffPost’s decision to remove the story from its front page coincided with the discovery, by Australian police, that the perpetrator is a Muslim immigrant from Afghanistan, who told them he perpetrated this terrorist attack, in part, because he was upset about how Muslims are treated.
Police have revealed that a man accused of ramming his car into pedestrians on busy Flinders Street, in downtown Melbourne yesterday, is a refugee, who reported mumbled about “perceived mistreatment of Muslims.”
Three of the 19 people injured were part of a family group from South Korea visiting a relative in Melbourne, a spokeswoman from the South Korean consulate told The Australian.
Two of the family of seven, men aged 61 and 67, are in a critical condition in the Royal Melbourne hospital ICU.
One of the men’s grandsons, a four-year-old boy, was listed as critical last night but underwent surgery on his leg this afternoon and his condition has been downgraded to stable.
Proof that HuffPost simply buried the story, and never looked back
This screencap was taken at 3:00am on December 22 — more than 24 hours after the story broke. Note that HuffPost had not updated its story in 20 hours, and the story still said there were only 14 victims, the initial number known, before it rose to 19, several hours later:
Further, a search at HuffPost of the string “Melbourne car attack” reveals that it produced only one story about the attack: the one listed above:
December 22, 2o17 update: Video emerges of attack
On the morning of December 22, Australian media released CCTV footage of the attack as it happened:
HuffPost, however, maintained its blackout on the Melbourne attack story:
Instead, here is a sampling of the “news” stories that HuffPost decided were more important to feature on its front page on December 22, instead of anything about these 19 victims — starting with its “top video”, near the top of its front page:
This “news” story appeared near the top of HuffPost’s front page on December 22, 2017.
(38) December 2017: HuffPost completely ignored the arrest of an ISIS-supporting recent convert to Islam, who plotted to bomb and shoot a massive number of pedestrians at a San Francisco pier, on Christmas Day — yet gave top coverage to a story about white nationalists who were arrested
UPDATE, December 24, 2017:The Times of Israelreports that the FBI announced that Jameson’s suicide letter included one of his motivations: “You’ve allowed Donald J Trump to give away Al Quds (Jerusalem) to the Jews.”
Everitt Aaron Jameson, recent convert to Islam, who plotted a massive terrorist attack on San Francisco’s Pier 39 on Christmas Day, out of his allegiance to ISIS.
At approximately 1:30pm on December 22, 2017, San Francisco media broke the story that a recent Muslim convert had been arrested and indicted for plotting a massive terrorist attack on Pier 39, on Christmas Day:
A Modesto man was charged Friday with plotting a terror attack — using explosives and a truck — in San Francisco on Christmas Day “in support of ISIS,” according to a criminal complaint.
The suspect, Everitt Aaron Jameson, 26, is accused of providing “material support or resources to a foreign terrorist organization” between Oct. 24 and Dec. 20, and expressing his willingness to “do anything for ‘the cause,'” according to an affidavit filed by FBI Special Agent Christopher McKinney.
The plot was uncovered by way of a monthslong sting operation that involved two undercover FBI employees and a confidential informant, who communicated with Jameson first through private messages and then on social media.
Jameson “identified a possible target location, noting that the best place would be a large area such as San Francisco,” according to the court document. He singled out Pier 39, knowing that it was a “heavily crowded area.” Jameson picked the popular tourist destination, saying he was familiar with it and wouldn’t need to scout the location beforehand.
The time in question for the attack was between Dec. 18 and 25 because, according to Jameson, “Christmas was the perfect day to commit the attack.”
When asked about an escape plan, Jameson replied “he was ready to die.”
Jameson converted to Islam two years ago, the court document said. The Merced Islamic Center told NBC Bay Area that he went to the center two or three times to worship by himself, but nobody there really knew him on a personal level.
According to the complaint, Jameson “espoused radical jihadi beliefs, including authoring social media posts that are supportive of terrorism, communicating with people he believes share his jihadi views and offering to provide services to such people, including in the form of his presumably employer-provided tow truck in service of the ’cause.'”
The suspect allegedly professed support for the vehicular terror attack that killed eight people in New York City on Oct. 31 and for the 2015 mass shooting that claimed 14 lives in San Bernardino. Jameson “wanted to use a combination of the two” attacks, which McKinney believes is an indication of him wanting to inflict “casualties through the use of a vehicle and firearms.”
The story appeared in the early afternoon of December 22 EST on the Drudge Report, the popular aggregator. HuffPost was reportedly founded, in part, to become a left-wing version of it, and obviously closely monitors the site, as it takes regular shots at Drudge:
By mid-afternoon on December 22, the story of the San Francisco terror plot was picked up by national and international news organizations.
By 8:00pm EST on December 22, the ABC affiliate in New York City — where HuffPost is based — had compiled a detailed video report on this foiled jihadist terror plot:
HufPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored the story of this latest jihadist terror plot
A search on January 6, 2018 — more than two weeks after the story broke — using the string “Everitt Aaron Jameson” returned zero results:
It isn’t as if HuffPost completely ignored all crime stories, however. For example, it was able to find and give top publicity to a major arrest in Oregon, on the evening of December 22:
This “news” story appeared near the top of HuffPost’s front page at 9:30pm on December 22, 2017.
And below is a sampling of some of the other “news” stories that HuffPost decided were deserving of placement on its front page — instead of anything about this Islamist terror plot — starting with this item, which it left near the top of its front page for two straight days:
This “news” story appeared near the top of HuffPost’s front page on December 22 and 23, 2017.
And in regards to Jews, HuffPost almost invariably places their identities in its headlines when they are accused of doing bad things:
So why did HuffPost completely ignore this latest ISIS-affiliated Islamist terror plot — but give such top, graphic coverage to other stories? Only HuffPost’s management can answer that question.
(39) December 2017: HuffPost completely ignored the attempted assassinations of multiple Pennsylvania police officers, in several locations, on the same day, by a man “with Middle East connections,” in what the DHS identified as a terror attack
Ahmed Aminamin El-Mofty
Shortly after 1:00am on December 23, 2017, ABC News broke the following story:
Federal authorities are investigating after a Pennsylvania man with ties to the Middle East opened fire on police officers in three different locations in the state’s capital on Friday afternoon. Dauphin County District Attorney Ed Marsico said it remains under investigation whether the shootings were acts of terror.
One officer was injured in the spate of shootings, but her injuries are considered non-life-threatening, police said.
Police identified the alleged shooter as Ahmed Aminamin El-Mofty, 51, and Marsico said he recently returned from a trip to the Middle East.
The FBI and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) are involved in the investigation. […]
When asked about specific ties to terrorism, Marsico said an investigation would reveal that information and cautioned, “We don’t want people to run wild with speculation.”
Soon after this story broke, the NY Daily News released its version of the story, which featured this video report from the local ABC affiliate:
At 8:11am on December 24, the Department of Homeland Security identified this as a terrorist attack.
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this incident
(40) December 2017: HuffPost ignored, then buried news of mass demonstrations in Tehran against Iran’s mullahs, their lies and corruption — continuing its pattern of doing what amounts to PR for the mullahs [UPDATED: HuffPost, quoting mullahs, depicted Trump as the “heating up feud” with them by voicing support for protesters]
Note: Although this case study does not relate to a specific Islamist terrorist attack, plot or arrest, being that the Iranian regime is the #1 state sponsor of international terrorism, particularly against America and Israel, this incident bears special significance, which is why we included it here.
One of the biggest lies that HuffPost ever told was that Hassan Rouhani is a “moderate.” See the details of why this was a lie — and the fact that HuffPost never published anything to correct the record — here.
For many years, HuffPost has been doing what amounts to public relations for the Iran’s tyrannical “leaders.” Most recently, from 2013-2015, HuffPost acted as a cheerleader for the Iranian regime that was chanting, “Death to America! Death to Israel!,” at the same time it was “negotiating” a “deal” with the Obama administration. See SaveTheWest’s major report, “The Rhodes to HuffPost,” for detailed documentation of HuffPost’s subversive role in this scandal, and these key excerpts:
On December 28, 2017, mass protests erupted in Tehran and elsewhere in Iran, in which citizens railed against the ruling regime, its corruption, and its involvement in terrorism. The stories and video of these protests were prominently featured by the BBC, CBS News, Newsweek and others:
Iranians protesting the country’s strained economy gathered in Tehran and another major city on Friday, for the second day of spontaneous, unsanctioned demonstrations placing pressure on President Hassan Rouhani’s government.
President Trump took to Twitter late Friday and voiced his support to the protests.
“Many reports of peaceful protests by Iranian citizens fed up with regime’s corruption & its squandering of the nation’s wealth to fund terrorism abroad,” Trump said on Twitter, adding: “Iranian govt should respect their people’s rights, including right to express themselves. The world is watching!”
Many reports of peaceful protests by Iranian citizens fed up with regime’s corruption & its squandering of the nation’s wealth to fund terrorism abroad. Iranian govt should respect their people’s rights, including right to express themselves. The world is watching! #IranProtests
Yet these Wayback Machine (Internet Archive) full-page screencaps show that HuffPost never published this story — or any other about these protests — on its front page, on December 29, or 30:
So what kinds of “news” stories did HuffPost decide were worthy of being on its front page on December 29-30, instead of anything about the protests in Iran against Rouhani, and Iran’s mullahs?
Here’s a sampling:
This “news” story appeared at the top of HuffPost’s front page on December 29 and 30, 2017.
Contrast HuffPost burying the Iranian protests to the sustained, top-level coverage it gave to “Pussy Riot” protests
When HuffPost wants to evoke sympathy for victims of alleged government oppression, it pulls out all the stops — as was evidenced when, starting in August 2012, it began giving a flurry of top coverage to an all-girl Russian punk band, “Pussy Riot,” after they were arrested for barging into a famed orthodox church in Moscow, during services, then singing a vulgar song. HuffPost essentially went apoplectic over the plight of the band, and began a multi-year stream of more than a hundred sympathetic stories about these “victims,” including top-of-the-page splash headlines:
On one day alone, HuffPost had nine separate stories on its World page about Pussy Riot – at the same time. See this PDF:
See this video for more on HuffPost’s obsessive quest to evoke worldwide sympathy for “Pussy Riot,” while completely ignoring a 22-year-old Jewish girl who was stabbed to death by a Palestinian terrorist:
UPDATE 1, December 31, 2017: HuffPost finally mentioned the Iran protests — but blamed the situation on President Trump, quoting Iran’s mullahs verbatim
On December 31, HuffPost published the following, mid-way down its front page:
Note that HuffPost places the blame for the situation in Iran on Trump, and instead of excerpting his quotes in support of the protesters, quotes Iran’s mullahs — who oversee one of the most repressive nations in the world — verbatim. Clicking on that headline brought the reader to this page.
Contrast HuffPost’s Trump-slamming headline, to how Fox News presented the story:
This episode is a continuation of HuffPost’s pattern of quoting Iran’s mullahs verbatim, while never condemning them — while lying about and putting words in the mouth of Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, their sworn enemy
UPDATE 2, December 31, 2017: HuffPost completely ignored the imagery of the iconic Iranian woman who risked her life by removing her hijab, and waving it in the face of the government that insists she wear it
See this story in the Daily Mail (UK) for extensive on-the-ground imagery from the Tehran protests, including this video:
Curiously, HuffPost chose to completely ignore her — as it instead focuses on a nonstop sequence of bash-Trump headlines to wrap up New Year’s Eve.
(41) January 2018: HuffPost completely ignored the arrest of an alleged ISIS-supporting Muslim convert in Virginia, but gave top publicity to the arrest of a white supremacist in Missouri on terror charges
Sean Andrew Duncan
On January 1, 2018, CNN reported the following story:
An FBI raid in Sterling, Virginia, on Friday night was part of an investigation into a man who allegedly supported ISIS, according to an FBI affidavit obtained by CNN affiliate WJLA.
During the raid, the suspect, Sean Andrew Duncan, attempted to destroy evidence, the criminal complaint, which WJLA obtained from the FBI, alleges.
When agents arrived at Duncan’s home on Friday, he “ran out the back door, barefoot, and with something in his hand,” the affidavit alleges. Duncan then threw “a plastic baggie” over their heads, which, when recovered, was found to contain “a memory chip stored within a thumb drive that had been snapped into pieces, and placed in a liquid substance that produced frothy white bubbles.”
Duncan had recently traveled to Turkey with his wife, but was deported to the United States, according to the affidavit. In December 2017, a detained ISIS recruiter showed the FBI a list of handwritten names and phone numbers, which contained Duncan’s information, the document alleges.
According to the affidavit, authorities searched Duncan’s cell phone over the summer and found “numerous internet searches for ISIS-related materials,” including information on ISIS attacks, weapons, body armor, surveillance and defense tactics, and paintball venues.
[Y]esterday, after charges were filed against Duncan for obstructing the FBI’s investigation, the affidavit in the case was made public. It lays out the details of Duncan’s support for ISIS. […]
One of Duncan’s relatives reported that he may have been radicalized and that he openly stated his approval of Westerners being beheaded by ISIS.
Earlier this month, the FBI discovered a Twitter account registered to Duncan using the handle “@DawlahtulIslaam,” which translated means “the Islamic State.”
Back in July, one of Duncan’s associates was arrested overseas for planning to join ISIS; at that time she provided information on Duncan.
According to the FBI, this associate said that Duncan was one of her U.S.-based contacts and that she talked to him through encrypted mobile messaging applications. She stated that Duncan expressed a desire to join ISIS, wanted to conduct terror attacks inside the U.S., and provided her with information on building a bomb. The article on bomb-making, “How to build a bomb in your mother’s kitchen,” was published in the English-language Inspire magazine issued by Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP). […]
Duncan, according to his arrested associate, shared ISIS-related material with her and expressed his support for a statement by an ISIS spokesman calling for Muslims to conduct terror attacks in their own homelands.
Additionally, this past August an ISIS recruiter who had Duncan’s contact information was arrested overseas.
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story
Contrast HuffPost completely ignoring this arrest, to the top coverage it gave to a white supremacist who was arrested in Missouri on terror charges
On January 5, 2018 — four days after news broke of the arrest of Duncan on ISIS-related charges — HuffPost published this story on its front page, and left it there for at least two straight days:
Clicking on that headline led the reader to this story page:
Notice that in this original story (as opposed to a wire story, from Reuters etc.), HuffPost identified the perpetrator by his group affiliation (white supremacists), what he was accused of doing, and included his face and name.
Now, scroll up on this page through the preceding 39 case studies — and wonder: why does HuffPost only do this in the case of non-Muslims who are arrested for, or perpetrate terrorism on U.S. soil — while either ignoring or whitewashing Muslims who do?
(42) January 2018, England: HuffPost completely ignored the conviction of a Muslim couple for “planning a potentially devastating terrorist attack” on the UK
Munir Hassan Mohammed (L) and Rowaida El Hassan
On January 8, 2018, the Independent (UK) reported the following:
An Isis-supporting couple have been found guilty of preparing to launch a terror attack using a homemade bomb and chemical weapons in the UK.
Security services feared Munir Mohammed and Rowaida el-Hassan were ready to strike before they were detained in December 2016, with police saying a “significant loss of life” had been averted.
He had also downloaded manuals on how to make mobile phone detonators and ricin, a deadly poison that can kill an adult victim with just a few grains.
Mohammed, of Leopold Street in Derby, and El-Hassan, of Willesden Lane in north-west London, denied preparing terrorist acts between November 2015 and December 2016 but a jury found them both guilty.
Judge Michael Topolski QC remanded them in custody and warned them they faced jail when they are sentenced next month.
He said Mohammed had been convicted of “planning a potentially devastating terrorist attack by creating an explosive device and deploying it somewhere in the UK targeting those you regarded as enemies of Isis”.
“Rowaida El-Hassan, you share the extremist mindset with Munir Mohammed and you were ideologically motivated to provide him with support, motivation and assistance,” the judge added. […]
But Mohammed had an arranged marriage in Sudan with a woman he had never met called Fatima, who he was hoping to bring to England on a student visa.
He had arrived in Britain in the back of a lorry and claimed asylum in February 2014, the court heard.
After awaiting a decision for more than two years, he appealed to his local MP Margaret Beckett for help, but she was told his case had been referred to a “specialist unit for consideration”.
El-Hassan, who came to Britain from Sudan at the age of three, told jurors she had sulphuric acid for her drains and got face masks to wear as she dealt with a damp problem in her flat.
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story
When news spread that former San Diego City College student Douglas McCain had died in battle in Syria — making him the first U.S. citizen to be killed fighting for the Islamic State — the investigation quickly pivoted close to home. How had he gotten there, and who had been supporting him?
The FBI scrutiny landed on his brother, Marchello McCain, living in an apartment in east San Diego, and a close-knit group of friends the siblings had made growing up in Minnesota — some of whom were radicalized when they previously lived in San Diego.
On Friday, one arm of the investigation culminated with a 10-year prison sentence for Marchello McCain. The 35-year-old factory worker had pleaded guilty to being a felon in possession of firearms and lying to the FBI as they probed his brother’s terrorism ties.
But, in arguing for a stiffer prison sentence, prosecutors accused Marchello McCain of far more sinister motives, laying out for the first time in great detail evidence they say shows he was part of a conspiracy to support terrorism in Syria, and that he planned to eventually join his brother in the jihad there.
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story
(44) September 2016, Los Angeles, CA: HuffPost completely ignored the 30-year sentence imposed on an American Muslim for providing material support for ISIS, and attempting to provide it with a “hit list” of names, addresses of Dept. of Defense employees
Nader Elhuzayel
On September 27, 2016, the Orange County Register reported:
An Anaheim man who tried to fly out of the country to join the Islamic State was sentenced Monday to 30years in prison for conspiring to aid the foreign terrorist group.
“There is no remorse,” Carter said of Elhuzayel. “There is just death and destruction.”
The judge particularly noted Elhuzayel’s apparent aim to become a martyr. Even after his prison sentence, the judge ordered that Elhuzayel must remain on supervised release for the rest of his life.
“What is striking to this court is the fact you were willing to die,” Carter said.
Elhuzayel’s family reacted with disbelief to the judge’s decision. His mother, Falak, exclaimed “there is no justice in this country, no justice whatsoever” as she left the courtroom.
“He is a peace-loving human being,” said Nader Elhuzayel’s father, Salem, outside the courtroom. “We experienced a miscarriage of justice.”
Assistant U.S. Attorney Judith Heinz painted a much darker picture of Elhuzayel’s actions during her comments before the judge.
“The seriousness of these offenses cannot be overstated,” she said of Elhuzayel’s support of the Islamic State. “It is the most lethal, it is the most brutal, it is the most heinous organization on the face of the earth.”
Elhuzayel pushed back against the prosecutor’s allegations.
“I am not bad,” Elhuzayel said to the courtroom. “I am not evil. I am a good guy. I say that with my heart.” […]
On May21, 2015, Elhuzayel was stopped at a security counter at Los Angeles International Airport attempting to board a flight bound for Israel. Federal agents, who had conducted surveillance on Elhuzayel for at least a month, believed that he was planning to use a scheduled layover in Turkey to head to Syria and become a fighter for the Islamic State.
The Clarion Project, a terrorism research group, also reported that according to the federal complaint:
Elhuzayel… tried to take a computer drive full of beheading photos and a “hit list” of names and addresses of U.S. Defense Department employees onto the plane in his carry-on luggage, according to federal prosecutors.
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story
The judge was not sure whether Mahanad Badawi had been actively recruiting for Islamic State.
The 24-year-old Anaheim man had already been convicted by a federal jury in June of conspiring to help the terrorist group in Iraq and Syria. Badawi had used his debit card to purchase a one-way ticket so that a friend, Nader Elhuzayel, could board a plane to the Middle East to join Islamic State.
On Wednesday, U.S. District Judge David O. Carter asked to listen to audiotapes of Badawi in which he seemed to be trying to entice other men from a local mosque. After listening to the recordings and a five-minute recess, Carter said he was convinced.
“I believe you’re radicalized. I believe you’re a recruiter and I believe you’re dangerous,” the judge told Badawi, who did not appear to betray emotion.
The judge sentenced Badawi to 30 years in prison — the same sentence Elhuzayel got after being found guilty of the same charge. After the sentencing, Badawi’s mother, Samia Suliman, was embraced by family members and friends as she sobbed.
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story
Examples of HuffPost ignoring, downplaying or whitewashing terror attacks, plots and arrests by perpetrators other than white males
(O1) January 2018, Wadsworth, IL: Criminal illegal alien from Mexico who’d been deported five times charged with terrorism after threatening to shoot passengers on Greyhound bus
Margarito Vargas-Rosas
On January 14, 2018, Fox News reported the following:
An illegal immigrant on a Greyhound bus who allegedly threatened to shoot and kill passengers on Friday — leading police on a chase from Wisconsin to Illinois — was deported five times, a U.S. Customs and Border Protection spokesperson told Fox News.
The spokesperson said on Sunday that Margarito Vargas-Rosas, 33, who faces terror charges, was in the U.S. illegally and was “removed” from the U.S. the last five times Border Patrol agents encountered him. He also had a previous DUI arrest to his name.
A judge in Illinois on Sunday ordered the suspect held without bond. Vargas-Rosas faces a fugitive-from-justice charge.
Police responded to a call around 9:40 p.m. Friday from a bus passenger who claimed there was a person threatening to kill people, Fox 6 reported, citing the Racine County Sheriff’s Department.
(46) Colorado Springs, CO: HuffPost completely ignored a major, two-part video report by a CBS affiliate, on the status of an Islamist terrorist group that operated in the area
On January 17, 2018, CBS affiliate KRDO in Colorado Springs, CO broadcast the following two-part investigative news story, “Terror in the Rocky Mountains,” on the status of Jamaat ul-Fuqra, an Al Qaeda-linked Islamist terror group (that later changed its name to Muslims of America), that operated in the area for many years. The group has more than 20 locations around the U.S., and its charter school in California receives $1.5 million in taxpayer money. The series was produced and hosted by one of KRDO’s reporters, Heather Skold.
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story
So what kinds of “news” stories did HuffPost decide were more deserving of being on its front page that this one, in the following days?
It’s not that HuffPost completely ignored all “news” from Colorado on January 18 and 19 and 20. Here is a sampling of five “news” stories that appeared on HuffPost’s front page during that period— starting with a “news” story from Denver, CO — on January 19, 48 hours after KRDO’s story on Jamaat ul-Fuqra broke:
This “news” story from Denver, CO appeared on HuffPost’s front page on January 19, 2018.
(47) Minneapolis, MN: HuffPost completely ignored a Muslim who admitted she tried to burn down a college, to advance jihad — and instead, gave top coverage to a man who had a tapeworm removed from his body
Tnuza J. Hassan
On January 19, 2018, the Minneapolis Star Tribune reported:
A 19-year-old former student at St. Catherine University allegedly set several fires across campus Wednesday in retaliation for U.S. military intervention in Iraq and Afghanistan, according to charges filed Friday.
Tnuza J. Hassan, of Minneapolis, allegedly told police that “she wanted the school to burn to the ground and that her intent was to hurt people,” according to the complaint charging her with one count of felony first-degree arson filed in Ramsey County District Court.
According to the charge, Hassan said similar attacks happened on “Muslim land” and no one cared if Muslims were hurt. She told police and fire investigators, “You guys are lucky that I don’t know how to build a bomb because I would have done that.”
No one was hurt in the incident that began about 11:40 a.m. with the first reported fire, and ended about 2 p.m. with Hassan’s arrest on campus. Ramsey County jail records show that she was arrested at the school’s Jeanne d’Arc Auditorium at 2004 Randolph Av.
Hassan made her first appearance in court Friday afternoon, where bail was set at $100,000. She was also ordered to stay away from the campus and surrender her passport.
A sprinkler system at the day care center, where 33 children and eight adults were present, prevented the spread of the fire.
Hassan allegedly harbored radical ideas and wrote a letter to her roommates containing “radical ideas about supporting Muslims and bringing back the caliphate.” […]
“Hassan said she wanted the school to burn to the ground and that her intent was to hurt people,” the complaint added. “Hassan said this was that same thing that happened in ‘Muslim land’ and nobody cares if they get hurt, so why not do this?”
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story
A February 9, 2018 search using the string “Tnuza Hassan St. Catherine University” returned zero results:
Note that ads for State Farm and Esurance appear to be supporting HuffPost’s consistent omission of Islamist terror attacks, arrests and plots. If you’d like to contact the management of these companies, please go here and here.
So what kinds of “news” stories did HuffPost decide were more deserving of being on its front page that this one, in the following days?
Here’s a sampling:
This original “news”story appeared near the top of HuffPost’s front page on January 20, 2018.
(48) Minneapolis, MN: HuffPost completely ignored a Muslim refugee’s confession that a knife attack he perpetrated in the Mall of America was “jihad,” and prompted by his support of ISIS
Mahad Abdiaziz Adbiraham
On November 12, 2017, news broke of a stabbing spree at a Macy’s store at the Mall of America in Minneapolis, MN:
Authorities say one person is in custody and two people were hurt after a stabbing at the Macy’s store at the Mall of America Sunday night.
Bloomington police responded to Macy’s at the Mall of America at about 6:44 p.m. on a report of a stabbing. When officers arrived, they learned the incident started after a theft was interrupted.
Police identified the suspect as 20-year-old Mahad Abdiaziz Abdirahaman of Minneapolis, CBS Minnesota reports. He’s being held on two counts of first-degree assault.
Police say the stabbing happened in a dressing room at the Macy’s store. Authorities say a suspect was trying to steal belongings from another person in the fitting room, was confronted by the person and then stabbed the person.
Other news media reported soon after that Abdirahaman had emigrated to America from Somalia, but it was unclear whether he was a legal resident alien, or had applied for or was granted citizenship.
On January 26, 2018, news broke that Abdirahaman confessed that he perpetrated the attack was “jihad,” and prompted by his support of ISIS
On January 26, the ABC affiliate in Minneapolis reported the following:
On Thursday, 20-year-old Mahad Abdiaziz Adbiraham pleaded guilty to stabbing two men at the Mall of America. […] At the plea hearing Thursday, Abdiraham’s attorney read a statement — which is public record — to the courtroom, which explained why he attacked the two men.
In the statement, Abdiraham said he went to the Mall of America to answer the “call for jihad by the Chief of Believer, Abu-bakr Al-baghdadi, may Allah protect him, and by the Mujahiden of the Islamic State.”
The statement added, “I understand that the two men I stabbed know and have explained the reason for my attack, and I am here reaffirming that it was indeed an act of Jihad in the way of Allah.”
Abdiraham also said in the statement that Americans will not be safe as long as “your country is at war with Islam.”
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story
A “lone wolf” jihadi who slashed shoppers during an alleged IS-inspired knife attack at a US mall was named last night as a Call Of Duty-obsessed university student.
Basketball fanatic Dahir Adan, 22, was unmasked by his family as the attacker who died during his mass stabbing spree at the Crossroads Mall in St Cloud, Minnesota.
His father identified Adan to the Minnesota Star Tribuneafter his son was shot dead by an off duty police officer in Saturday night’s frenzied assault.
Dahir lunged at shoppers — striking nine — after demanding to know if they shared his faith.
His family said he told them he was popping out to buy an iPhone the night he was killed.
The assault is being treated as an act of terrorism after an ISIS propaganda channel declared Adan was one of its operatives.
Amaq news agency said he “carried out the operation in response to calls to target the citizens of countries belonging to the crusader coalition.”
September 20, 2016: HuffPost wrote an original, detailed article about this jihadi attack…
At 8:25am on September 20, HuffPost published the following original story:
Police say they have identified 20-year-old Dahir Adan as the man suspected of stabbing multiple people in a Minnesota mall on Saturday.[…]
Adan allegedly made a reference to Allah and asked whether at least one shopper were Muslim before attacking, Anderson said. The FBI is investigating the incident a “potential act of terrorism,” according to Special Agent-In-Charge Rick Thornton. An ISIS news agency had earlier claimed that one of its supporters launched the attack. […]
The suspect’s father, Ahmed Adan, first identified his son as the attacker in an interview with the Star-Tribune newspaper. Speaking through a translator, Ahmed told the publication that his son was a Somali who had been born in Kenya and grew up in the United States.
… but HuffPost never published the story on its front page
A January 27, 2018 search at HuffPost using the string “Dahir Adan stab” returns one relevant result — the above article:
A search of HuffPost’s front page from September 20-24 at the Wayback Machine (Internet Archive) proves that it never published that article on its front page, however:
(50) Philadelphia, PA: HuffPost completely ignored a terrorist attack, in which a Muslim man used a car to ram pedestrians on a street, then attacked a police officer, who shot him to death
Khalil Lawal
At 8:35am on January 29, 2018, this story broke in the Philadelphia, PA news media:
Police say a man tried to mow down people on the sidewalk in South Philadelphia early Monday morning. According to police, an off-duty officer fatally shot the man.
“It was sort of like pop, pop, pop, pop—maybe like 10 shots that went off.” That’s how many shots witnesses heard at Broad and Bigler in South Philadelphia Monday morning and Philly police say they came from the gun of an off-duty detective who had just confronted a man driving a Honda accused of running people down.
Soon after, Fox News reported that police were considering this a likely terrorist attack:
Terrorism was being eyed as a possible motive after a man in a black Honda hit a pedestrian Monday morning in Philadelphia, seriously injuring one person before being shot in the head by an off-duty cop, officials said.
The 31-year-old driver, who wasn’t immediately identified, was prounced dead at 10:15 a.m. at a hospital, police said. The driver was initially in “extremely critical condition” after the incident.
Philadelphia Police Commissioner Richard Ross Jr. said at a news conference Monday evening that while initial reports said the driver attempted to hit multiple people with his car, police have been “unable to confirm that he was trying to strike several people.”
By 3:30pm on January 30, the police had identified the perpetrator
Philadelphia police have released the name of the driver who was shot and killed by an off-duty officer on Monday in South Philadelphia. Khalil Lawal, 31, of Arlington, Virginia, was pronounced dead a few hours after the shooting.
On Lawal’s Facebook page, Lawal identified himself as a music producer — and a Muslim:
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story
A January 23, 2018 search using the string “Khalil Lawal” returned zero results:
So what kinds of “news” stories did HuffPost decide were more deserving of being on its front page that this one, in the following days?
(51) New York, NY: HuffPost completely ignored the conviction of a college student for plotting ISIS-related attacks in New York City, and his sentencing to 18 years in prison — and buried his original arrest, beyond public view
Munther Omar Saleh
On February 6, 2018, the Daily Mail (UK) published the following story:
A college student will serve 18 years in prison after he admitted to plotting a bomb attack in New York for ISIS.
Munther Omar Saleh, 22, admitted to scheming to help the terror group hit New York landmarks, including the Statue of Liberty.
He was sentenced on Tuesday in federal court in Brooklyn. The 22-year-old pleaded guilty last year to charges of supporting terrorism.
As part of his guilty plea, Saleh admitted that he had sought to communicate with and support the group and assaulted a federal officer.
Prosecutors said he escorted a co-defendant to an airport for a planned trip to join the Islamic State group overseas (the co-defendant was arrested before he could join the group), researched how to build a pressure-cooker bomb and discussed potential landmarks as targets with an Islamic State recruiter.
‘I’m in NY and trying to do an Op,’ Saleh told a confidential source in an intercepted conversation, according to court papers.
Later, Saleh charged, while armed with a knife, at a federal officer who was watching him, prosecutors said.
‘Saleh attempted to turn our city into a staging ground for violent attacks,’ William Sweeney, the assistant director in charge of the FBI’s New York field office, said in a statement.
Brooklyn US Attorney Richard Donoghue said Saleh’s sentence would deter ‘those who contemplate waging violent jihad in New York City at the direction of a foreign terrorist organization.’
‘Mr. Saleh is sincerely remorseful, and he is committed to making amends,’ she said in an email.
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored Saleh’s admission of guilt, in 2017, and his sentencing in this court
A February 8, 2018 search using the string “Munther Omar Saleh” returns two articles — both from 2016, when he was first arrested:
Proof that HuffPost never published Saleh’s arrest on its front page, either
According to HuffPost, the second of the stories listed above — about Saleh’s arrest — was published at 6:28pm on June 16, 2015, and updated one year later, on the same date:
Yet as the Wayback Machine (Internet Archive) proves, this story never appeared on HuffPost’s front page on June 16-19, 2015, or June 16-19, 2016 — thus continuing its pattern of ignoring, downplaying or whitewashing arrests of suspected Islamist terrorists on U.S. soil:
(52) HuffPost completely ignored a Houston, TX man, who converted to Islam and became radicalized, joined ISIS and went to teach English to its terrorists in Iraq/Syria — but gave top coverage to a “news” story that asked, “If The Earth Was Flat, Why Haven’t The Cats Pushed Everything Off By Now?”
When Texas resident Warren Clark wanted to join ISIS, he did what any other American job-hunter might do: He sent them his resume.
“I am looking to get a position teaching English to students in the Islamic State,” read the cover letter using the alias Abu Muhammad al-Ameriki.
“I was born and raised in the United States and have always loved teaching others and learning from others as well. My work background is largely in English and I consider working at the University of Mosul to be a great way of continuing my career.”
A Twitter account that uses the same handle Clark used for the email on his resume contains ISIS propaganda. “ISIS are only fighting soldiers that have been oppressing Muslims for years. They are liberators,” he wrote in a 2014 post.
“We had a source in Iraq whose neighborhood was taken over by ISIS fighters and when it was taken back by Iraqi forces, there were documents left behind and that’s how we received the cover letter and resume,” said Seamus Hughes, deputy director of the program.
The resume attached to the cover letter included an email address, education credentials and work experience, and the researchers were able to determine that Abu Muhammad was Clark — a 33-year-old University of Houston graduate.
Hughes said his team discovered from sources in Texas that Clark was a convert who became radicalized and was determined to join the caliphate.
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story
So what kinds of “news” stories did HuffPost decide were more worthy of being on its front page, instead of this one?
Here’s a sampling — starting at the top of HuffPost’s front page, as “Latest News,” just beneath an ad for SAS — one of the world’s largest and most respected software developers:
(53) HuffPost completely ignored a major report by Politico that alleged President Obama allowed Iran-backed Hezbollah to smuggle tons of cocaine and other drugs into the U.S. for years, the proceeds of which it used to fund its global terrorism, because he didn’t want to risk not achieving the Iranian nuclear deal
On December 18, 2017, Politico broke a story that sent shockwaves through the Washington and international diplomatic communities:
In its determination to secure a nuclear deal with Iran, the Obama administration derailed an ambitious law enforcement campaign targeting drug trafficking by the Iranian-backed terrorist group Hezbollah, even as it was funneling cocaine into the United States, according to a POLITICO investigation.
The campaign, dubbed Project Cassandra, was launched in 2008 after the Drug Enforcement Administration amassed evidence that Hezbollah had transformed itself from a Middle East-focused military and political organization into an international crime syndicate that some investigators believed was collecting $1 billion a year from drug and weapons trafficking, money laundering and other criminal activities.
Newsweek, which HuffPost regularly cites, also published a story about Politico’s report, on December 18:
HuffPost does post “news” concerning former President Obama — just so long as it’s either gushing propaganda, or not negative
HuffPost routinely posts gushing propaganda about President Obama, which it depicts as “news” and positions at the top of its front page, such as this:
And just as in the case of suppressing any mention of President Obama’s apparent subversion in regards to Project Cassandra, HuffPost also has suppressed any substantive information about allegations that he orchestrated an illegal spying campaign against candidate, then president-elect Trump and his entire campaign, now known as “FISAGate.” Instead, it has only published occasional attack editorials that vilify Congressional investigators, in effect acting as his PR team. This is a matter for another article that SaveTheWest is researching, and will release in the future.
Of added relevance to this discussion, however, is the context in which the above pro-Obama propaganda appeared on HuffPost’s front page — just above another demonstration of its eagerness to expose alleged Trump presidential scandals. From the top of its front page:
While the investigation into allegations of Mr. Porter’s physical abuse of his former wife is underway, as HuffPost itself indicated, the questions at this time were who in the White House knew what, when, about this matter.
Any allegation of spousal abuse by anyone, let alone a White House staffer, should cause concern among any rational person, and is a legitimate inquiry for news organizations. Compared to Politico’s deeply-documented allegation that President Obama effectively protected one of the world’s largest terrorist organizations to import tons of drugs into America, then use the proceeds to fund its worldwide terror operations, to secure a nuclear “deal” with its main patron — which claims a divine mandate to wipe America and Israel off the fact of the Earth — is orders of magnitude more serious. Yet as we’ve demonstrated, HuffPost completely ignored any mention of this scandal.
UPDATE, February 14, 2018: Another demonstration of HuffPost’s willingness to cover political scandals, using contrived hyperbole and sophomoric graphics — so long as they are focused on Republicans
On February 14, 2018, this was HuffPost’s front page splash headline:
The article, however, does not support this incendiary headline. To the contrary, it demonstrates an effort to, as HuffPost often claims it wants, combat the injustice of “income inequality.” But apparently, because this proposal is being put forth by President Trump, HuffPost decided to create this sophomoric headline, to whip up hatred against him and his administration, based on its distorted construction of facts, mixed with unsupported allegations, into a toxic cauldron of propaganda. See for yourself:
So what kinds of “news” stories did HuffPost decide were more worthy of being on its front page, in the days after the Politico report on Project Cassandra broke?
Here’s a sampling of the “news” stories that HuffPost decided to put on its front page, from December 19-21, 2017, the three days after the Politico story broke:
This “news” story appeared near the top of HuffPost’s front page on December 20, 2017.
(54) HuffPost completely ignored a Muslim couple in Texas who were convicted and sent to prison for lying to the FBI, denying that they knew their sons joined ISIS, and traveled to Syria to engage in the group’s terrorism
As reported by the Dallas Morning News, on February 13, 2018:
A Plano couple whose adult sons traveled to Syria to fight with ISIS are headed to federal prison after lying to the FBI about the activities of their children.
Sumaiya Ali was sentenced to 30 months in prison, while her husband, Mohommad Hasnain Ali, was sentenced to 12 months plus one day. Both paid a $5,000 fine and will serve three years of supervised release after prison.
The couple were sentenced during back-to-back hearings in U.S. District Court in Plano on Tuesday. They had pleaded guilty last year to making false statements regarding international terrorism. […]
According to court documents, the couple’s adult sons, Arman and Omar Ali, traveled from Egypt to Syria sometime between October and December 2014 to join and fight for ISIS.
Sumaiya Ali communicated regularly with them about their whereabouts and desire to fight for ISIS. On Feb. 21, 2014, she told Omar Ali to “Do what u need to do.” He responded, “[O]k then going to Syria it is,” the documents state.
Her sons sent her a travel itinerary and kept her posted on their progress to Syria, which she shared with her husband. The brothers also communicated with their parents about their efforts for ISIS.
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story
A March 4, 2018 search — three weeks after that Alis’ sentencing — using the string “Sumaiya Ali Mohommad Hasnain Ali” returned zero results:
For comparison: Contrast HuffPost ignoring this incident, to the top-level, graphic, detailed treatment it consistently gives to non-Islamist terror perpetrators and criminals — and even false accusations against innocent parties.
Note that on the search page, it appears that Amazon (which owns Audible) and Polaris are visibly enabling and legitimizing HuffPost’s suppression of news of Islamist terror arrests, while falsely denying Muslim involvement in terrorism, and instead publishing false reports that claim white nationalists are the dominant terror threat.
If you’d like to let Amazon’s and Polaris’s senior management know your thoughts on this matter, click Amazon and Polaris. Please be polite and concise.
(55) HuffPost completely ignored the arrest of an ISIS supporting migrant to England, who was working as a teacher in a Islamic school, where he was indoctrinating and trying to recruit “an army” of Muslim children to carry out terrorist attacks in London
A Muslim private school teacher obsessed with the Westminster Bridge attack plotted terror atrocities across London as he made his pupils stage mock shoot-outs with the police, a court heard.
Umar Ahmed Haque, 25, planned massacres at Heathrow Airport, embassies and other London landmarks between late 2016 and early 2017, it is alleged.
Videos of beheadings, dead children, firing squads, buildings exploding, prominent ISIS terrorists and Sunni and Shia Muslims fighting were found on his laptop, recovered on May 17, 2017.
Haque had allegedly shown videos of beheadings and people burning British passports to pupils he taught at the Muslim Lantern of Knowledge private school in Leyton, east London between September 2015 and September 2016.
He had also taught pupils at the Ripple Road Mosque in Barking, east London, where he made students ‘role play’ a battle between ISIS and UK police officers.
One of Haque’s former pupils at the mosque told the Old Bailey: ‘They told me that – to die for Allah makes you a martyr and that he has contacts with ISIS.
‘He was telling us that he knows a few people from ISIS and then he said to us that he was going to show us videos.’
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story
A March 4, 2018 search — six weeks after Haque’s arrest — using the string “Umar Ahmed Haque” returned zero results:
For comparison: Contrast HuffPost ignoring, downplaying or whitewashing these incidents, to the top-level, graphic, detailed treatment it consistently gives to non-Islamist terror perpetrators and criminals — and even false accusations against innocent parties.
Note that on the search page, it appears that Chevrolet is visibly enabling and legitimizing HuffPost’s suppression of news of Islamist terror arrests, while falsely denying Muslim involvement in terrorism, and instead publishing false reports that claim white nationalists are the dominant terror threat.
If you’d like to let Chevrolet’s senior management know your thoughts on this matter, click Chevrolet and GM (parent corporation) Please be polite and concise.
So what kinds of “news” stories did HuffPost decide were more worthy of being on its front page, in the following days?
Here’s a sampling of the “news” stories that HuffPost published on its front page on January 27-29, 2018:
Regarding the first “news” item, here are a few excerpts; also see extensive documentation here of HuffPost’s fetish for posting women in humiliating, exploitative, X-rated imagery on its front page — with no age restrictions of any kind.
(56) February 2018, Buffalo, NY: HuffPost completely ignored the guilty plea of an ISIS supporter to federal terrorism charges
A Buffalo woman accused of sympathizing with the Islamic State pleaded guilty Wednesday to two federal charges.
Safya Yassin, 40, pleaded guilty to two counts of transmitting interstate threatening communication at a hearing in the federal courthouse in Springfield.
Federal investigators say Yassin used her Twitter account to provide information she believed was from the Islamic State — an Islamist militant group also known as ISIS — including threats and solicitations of violence against law enforcement or military personnel.
After Yassin was initially charged, the Program on Extremism at George Washington University’s Center for Cyber and Homeland Security referred to her as “a well-known person in the ISIS Twitter scene.”
Neighbors told the News-Leader they rarely saw the mother of two.
Yassin appeared in court Wednesday in handcuffs. She did not speak much other than answering “yes” or “no” to the judge’s questions during the 20-minute hearing.
Federal prosecutors say in August 2015, Yassin shared another person’s post on Twitter that read “Wanted to kill” followed by the name and personal information of an FBI employee.
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story
A March 6, 2018 search using the string “Safya Yassin” returned zero results:
For comparison: Contrast HuffPost ignoring, downplaying or whitewashing these incidents, to the top-level, graphic, detailed treatment it consistently gives to non-Islamist terror perpetrators and criminals — and even false accusations against innocent parties.
Note that on the search page, it appears that Northwestern University is visibly enabling and legitimizing HuffPost’s suppression of news of Islamist terror arrests, while falsely denying Muslim involvement in terrorism, and instead publishing false reports that claim white nationalists are the dominant terror threat.
If you’d like to let Northwestern’s senior management know your thoughts on this matter, click here. Please be polite and concise.
(57) March 2018, St. George, UT: HuffPost completely ignored the arrest of an ISIS-affiliated teenager who attempted to detonate a bomb at his high school
At 1:42pm on March 6, 2018, the following news broke in Southern Utah:
NEW: @sgcitypubsafety is charging the suspects “failed attempt to detonate a homemade explosive” inside Pine View High School yesterday with:
76-10-402: Manufacture, possession, sale, use or attempted use of a weapon of mass destruction prohibited.
A warrant served at the male juvenile’s home and items were found consistent with the materials used to build the device. Police also said the suspect had been researching information and expressing interest in ISIS and promoting the organization.
The boy has not been identified but police said he was attending a class at Pine View.
The suspect was arrested and faces charges of manufacture, possession, sale, use or attempted use of a weapon of mass destruction. More charges may be pending, according to police.
It was determined that if the device had detonated, it would have caused significant injury or death.
The device was disarmed and the suspect identified. The suspect is a juvenile male who was attending a class at Pine View High School.
Less than three weeks earlier, a nearby high school discovered that its American flag had been taken down, and replaced with an ISIS flag — and a school building had been defaced with ISIS graffiti:
Southern Utah police early Thursday found an American flag at Hurricane High School had been taken off the flagpole, shredded, and replaced with an ISIS flag.
Officer Ken Thompson, spokesperson for the Hurricane Police Department, told KUTV they don’t know if a student or someone passing through the community pulled this stunt.
“Most likely somebody else knows…other than just the person who did it. Officers have received tips this morning and they’re following those leads and so far they haven’t generated a credible lead but tips can help us out a lot.” Thompson said.
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story
(58) March 2018, Orlando, FL: HuffPost published a front-page headline that depicted an alleged co-conspirator in the Pulse nightclub massacre as a victim of American unfairness, with an associated visual depiction of her that made her appear as if she were a Disney-esque character [UPDATED]
HuffPost has been engaged in a multi-year effort to falsely smear America as an “Islamophobic” nation. From HuffPost’s front page on March 16, 2017:
As documented in Case Study 32, HuffPost completely ignored the December 2017, announcement that Noor Salman, the wife of Pulse nightclub jihadist and homophobic mass-murderer Omar Mateen, is going to stand trial for her role in the massacre. Specifically, she was charged with charged with “providing material support to a terror organization and obstruction of justice.”
On January 6, 2018, the New York Daily News reported a headline with the copy, “Handwritten statement from Orlando nightclub shooter’s wife details preparations: ‘I knew the time to attack the club was close’.” The story explained that in a note she wrote while being questioned by police, she said, “I knew when he left the house he was going to Orlando to attack the Pulse nightclub,” and further:
About one week before shooting, Salman said she and her husband drove around City Place and Pulse nightclub with the windows down. On both occasions, Mateen made comments about the public response to a club being attacked.
When she caught him looking at the Pulse nightclub website, he told her, “This is my target,” Salman recounted. They also visited Disney, during which Mateen reportedly said, “What would make people more upset? An attack on Downtown Disney or a club?”
When she caught him looking at the Pulse nightclub website, he told her, “This is my target,” Salman recounted. She said, “I knew that the time to attack the club was close.”
HuffPost completely ignored all the details of that story, which was also reported in numerous other news outlets.
Also, as documented in Case Study 2, HuffPost went to extraordinary lengths to downplay, then whitewash the Pulse massacre, actually publishing a headline that claimed “religion had nothing to do with it,” even though Mateen told local 911 dispatchers and the FBI on recorded calls that he was perpetrating this act because he is an Islamist, acting at the behest of ISIS, a fact that was reported by CNN on June 12.
As documented in Section 2 on this page, hours after the massacre, HuffPost published an editorial that accused Christians of being responsible for what happened at the Pulse, and continued to downplay and whitewash the fact that it was Mateen’s faith beliefs that caused it.
As documented on this page, HuffPost has a long history of falsely legitimizing fake anti-Muslim hate crimes, in which the alleged acts either never occurred, or were perpetrated by the complainant, or other Muslims. This has been part of HuffPost’s long-term efforts to evoke sympathy for Muslims, while completely ignoring more than 100 actual, documented hate incidents against Jews (here, here), as well as nearly a dozen incidents in which radical imams were caught, on video, preaching violence against Jews, in North American mosques in recent years.
This incident
On March 13, 2018, HuffPost published this “news” story on its front page:
Clicking on that headline brought the reader to this page:
The illustration HuffPost chose to use for this “story” depicts Salman as a Disney-esque character, akin to “Belle,” from Beauty and the Beast…
…or “Jane,” from Tarzan…
…or “Princess Jasmine,” from Alladin:
An ad for Northwestern University appears at the top of this “story” page — making at appear that this famed school is visibly endorsing and legitimizing HuffPost’s continuing pattern of ignoring, downplaying or whitewashing Islamist terror acts, arrests and plots. If you’d like to voice your views on these matters to its senior management, please go here: Northwestern University.
UPDATE: On March 28, 2018, HuffPost again depicted Noor as a victim, a “scapegoat… of gendered Islamophobia”
On March 28, 2018, testimony concluded in the trial of Noor Salman, and the case was handed to the jury. Her defense attorneys claimed she was innocent, because of her diminished mental capacity, and other factors. The prosecution insisted that she played a knowing, deliberate role in helping her husband prepare for and execute the Pulse nightclub attack.
On the evening of March 28, HuffPost published a long, sympathetic defense of Salman, which could well have been written by her attorneys, calling her a “scapegoat… of gendered Islamophobia,” and published it at the top of its front page, with the same Disney-esque picture it used before:
Special note: At the same time HuffPost pulled out all the stops to evoke sympathy for Salman, it had nothing on its front page about the brutal murder of an 85-year-old Holocaust survivor in France, perpetrated by a radical Muslim anti-Semite, about whom she had complained previously
See the detail of HuffPost’s acts and omissions in this regard, at:
(88) March 2018, Paris, France: HuffPost completely ignored, then only briefly published a whitewashed account of the brutal murder and desecration of an 85-year-old Holocaust survivor, in her home, by a Muslim neighbor who had also sexually assaulted her caregiver’s daughter
Mireille Knoll
(59) March 2018, Palm Beach Gardens, FL: HuffPost completely ignored a Muslim who confessed to murdering a 13-year-old boy, and attempting to murder two others, because of his radical Islamist beliefs — yet gave top coverage to the indictment of a white man accused of bombing a MN mosque, in which no one was injured
Corey Johnson
On March 13, 2018, the CBS affiliate in Palm Beach Gardens, FL reported:
Investigators said the 17-year-old accused of killing a 13-year-old boy, and stabbing a mother and her teen son at a home in Palm Beach Gardens, had been the focus of an FBI bulletin due to reports about his violent tendencies. Police say he converted to Islam, watched violent videos online and admitted to the stabbings due to his religious beliefs.
Police identified the suspect as 17-year-old Corey Johnson of Jupiter.
Investigators said Johnson confessed to the stabbings because of his Muslim faith. Johnson once attended Dwyer High School before being withdrawn, police said.
Investigators said Simon woke up to a commotion around 5:45 a.m. on Monday and went upstairs when Johnson confronted her at the top of the stairs. Police said Johnson stabbed her approximately 12 times.
Police said Dane ran to protect his mom when Johnson stabbed him more than 30 times. Dane and his mother ran to a neighbor’s house where they called 911.
“She rang my bell she’s bleeding, Corey Johnson is out there with a knife. He’s a murderer. That’s all I know,” said the caller. […]
Officers arrived and found Eileen Simon and two boys, 13-year-old Jovanni Alexander Sierra and 13-year-old Dane Lucas Bancroft with stab wounds. Jovanni died from a throat laceration and multiple stab wounds, police said. It was his birthday.
According to the police report, Johnson, at 4 a.m., realized everyone was asleep and planned to kill Dane, Elaine and Jovanni in their sleep. He said he felt Dane made fun of his Muslim faith and practices and that Jovanni was idealizing famous people and referred to them as gods which went against his beliefs. He bought the knife used in the attack on Sunday.
Investigators said Johnson admitted to reading from the Quran on his phone just prior to the stabbing attack to give him courage to “carry out his intentions.”
Kyle Bancroft told investigators he and Johnson often watched videos about Muslim jihadists on the Internet, most recently the Sunday before the attack.
Other major news media reported on this incident on March 13, including the Daily Mail (UK),Fox News, the NY Daily News, and others.
By late in the evening on March 13, reported much more detail about Johnson’s radical Islamist beliefs, and his criminal history:
In January 2017, FBI agents and police said he made several threats via Instagram to McAuley Catholic High School in England, according to a police report. The threats were apparently so severe, that “up to 100 students were removed” from the school due to fear of some kind of attack.
Johnson also allegedly had “terrorist ideologies” dating back to 7th and 8th grades. Authorities were told he has violent tendencies, supports ISIS and the Oklahoma City bombings, as well as a fascination for dictators like Adolf Hitler, Joseph Staling and Kim Jung Un.
Despite all the above, Johnson had apparently neither been arrested, nor had been incarcerated — an eerie similarity to the situation with Nikolas Cruz, barely one month earlier, re the massacre he perpetrated at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, FL.
In a newly-released report, Jupiter Police spell out chilling details about alleged murderer Corey Johnson, 17, of Jupiter.
The report says Johnson, who recently attended Dwyer High, as early as December 2016 had ”terrorist ideologies and is a supporter of the terrorist organization ISIS.”
Police say Johnson has watched terrorist videos, including beheading videos, and he wants to join ISIS and has reached out to ISIS via the internet.
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story
A March 21, 2018 search — more than a week after news of this incident, and Johnson’s motivations were first reported — using the string “Corey Johnson Islam Jupiter” returned zero results:
So what kinds of “news” stories did HuffPost decide were more important to put on its front page, instead of anything about this one, in the following hours and days?
Here’s a sampling — starting with the tragic plight of “Irgo,” a dog that was put on the wrong plane. We at SaveTheWest assume that Eileen Simon and Dane Lucas Bancroft, the mother and her teen son whom Johnson stabbed nearly to death, and the friends and loved ones of her son, 13-year-old Jovanni Alexander Sierra, who died as a result of his injuries, are relieved that HuffPost completely ignored them so that it could give “Irgo” the coverage he deserved. We further assume that this is what HuffPost’s parent company means when it claims it is advancing Americans’ ability to “know what’s real”:
This “news” story appeared near the top of HuffPost’s front page on March 14, 2018. This original story, written by a HuffPost “journalist,” and HuffPost’s bias in ignoring this latest jihadist massacre, appeared to be visibly endorsed and legitimized by Lending Tree.
And one more: Thankfully, HuffPost was able to discover and give top publicity to the truth behind this ongoing mystery, via this original “news” story, written by one of its “journalists”:
Contrast HuffPost completely ignoring this story, to the fact that on the same day, within hours of the story breaking, it wrote and published at the top of its front page a detailed, graphic account of an anti-Muslim man in Minnesota who was indicted for bombing a mosque, in which no one was even injured
(60) March 2018, Riverview, FL: HuffPost completely ignored a radical Islamist who murdered his wife and 8-year-old daughter, and attempted to murder his son, while yelling, “Allahu Akbar!”
When Walter Ballard ran into his buddy Ronnie Oneal four days ago, nothing about him foreshadowed the horror that was to come. […]
The first of two bizzare 911 calls came about 11:43 p.m.
A female caller pleaded for help, saying she had been shot, and a male is overheard in the background yelling, “Allah Akbar,” according to the Sheriff’s Office.
In a news release, the Sheriff’s Office gave this account of what happened next:
At one point, the female caller seems to say, “I’m so sorry Ronnie,” as she screams loudly. A male can be heard saying, “She killed me,” and, “Don’t come outside, call 911 now,” according to the news release.
In a second call, about 11:51 p.m., a male caller says, “I’ve just been attacked by some white demons.” He then says, “Her name is Ke-Ke and she tried to kill me and I just killed her.”
The caller provided an address, 13248 Pike Lake Dr., and then the line went dead. The number was later confirmed as belonging to Oneal.
Sheriff’s deputies arrived at the scene about 11:49 p.m. to find Barron in the front yard of a house next door, at 13246 Pike Lake Dr. Deputies and a crew from Hillsborough County Fire Rescue were helping her when they noticed what appeared to be a fire starting in the home at 13248 Pike Lake Dr.
Deputies forced their way into the home just as the automatic garage door opened and Oneal walked out toward them.
Deputies ordered him to stop and get on the ground a number of times but he ignored them, so they fired their electronic weapons, incapacitating him, the Sheriff’s Office said.
Oneal was placed in the back of a deputy’s vehicle and began repeating, “Allah Akbar,” deputies said. The Arabic phrase “Allahu Akbar” means “God is greatest.”
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story
So what kinds of “news” stories did HuffPost decide were more worthy of being on its front page than anything about this jihadist attack?
Here’s a sampling of the “news” stories that HuffPost put on its front page on March 20 and 21 — starting with an expert analysis of actor Ben Affleck’s back tattoos, for twostraight days, at the top of its front page:
(61) March 2018, Trebes, France: HuffPost completely ignored an ISIS-affiliated Islamist terrorist who attacked a supermarket, murdering three, while screaming “Allahu Akbar!”
Redouane Lakdim
At 6:49am on March 23, 2018, Reuters (HuffPost’s most-cited news wire) reported the following:
A gunman killed three people in southwestern France on Friday as he held up a car, fired on police and seized hostages in a supermarket,screaming “Allahu Akbar” before security forces stormed the building and killed him, authorities said.
Sixteen other people were wounded, including two who were seriously hurt, in what President Emmanuel Macron called an act of “Islamist terrorism”.
The Islamic State group claimed responsibility for the attack. Macron said security services were checking that claim. […]
More than 240 people have been killed in France in attacks since 2015 by assailants who pledged allegiance to Islamic State or were inspired by the group.
Several hours later, Reuters updated its story to include the following details:
Friday’s attacker was identified by authorities as Redouane Lakdim, 25, from the city of Carcassonne. […]
Moroccan-born Lakdim was known to authorities for petty crimes, but had been under surveillance by security services in 2016-2017 for links to the radical Salafist movement, said Paris prosecutor Francois Molins, who is leading the investigation.
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story
So what kinds of “news” stories did HuffPost decide were more worthy of being on its front page than anything about this jihadist attack?
Here is a sampling — starting with a former porn star who says she feels “threatened” by disclosing her alleged relationship with President Trump, 12 years ago:
(62) March 2018: HuffPost completely ignored the news that a Muslim man drove an explosive-laden truck into Travis Air Force Base in California, then detonated it, killing himself and triggering a terrorist investigation — and instead gave top coverage to one of its “editors” waxing nostalgic about “all the casual sex” she found on Craigslist
Also see: Case Study 1.24 on this page, another incident of HuffPost’s malicious libeling of the U.S. intelligence community, which occurred seven days before this attack.
At 4:18pm PST on March 22, 2018, the CBS affiliate in Sacramento reported the following, :
There was a security breach at Travis Air Force Base Wednesday night when a car loaded with propane tanks crashed through a gate and an explosion tore through the vehicle.
Military personnel ran up to the burning car that exploded in flame after breaching the security gates at the base.
In a video posted on an Air Force forum on Facebook, firefighters are seen attempting to put out the flames.
Law enforcement sources say the car carried propane tanks and the driver deliberately ignited the fire.
Later on March 22, and on March 23, more details emerged of the attack:
The local ABC affiliate identified the perpetrator as 51-year-old Hafiz Kazi, “a native of India who was a permanent legal resident of the United States.”
The local NBC affiliate reported at 6:37pm on March 23 that law enforcement officials found no jihadist link to the attack, and were still trying to determine the attacker’s motivation
It should be noted, however, that according to Merriam-Webster, the name “Hafiz” is Arabic, and means, “a Muslim who knows the Koran by heart —used as a title of respect,” putting to rest whether or not there is legitimate grounds to suspect that this was a terrorist attack — especially given ISIS’s and Al Qaeda’s urgings to Islamists in Western nations to use vehicles as a means of ramming civilian and military personnel, of which there have been 196 such attacks since 2006.
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story
So what kinds of “news” stories appeared on HuffPost’s front page in the hours and days following the emergence of this story?
Here is a sampling — starting with a “news” story in which a HuffPost “editor” waxed nostalgic about “all the casual sexual” she obtained through Craigslist:
This “news” story appeared near the top of HuffPost’s front page on March 23, 2018.
(63) March 2018: HuffPost completely ignored the confession of an ISIS-affiliated terrorist in Maryland, to plotting a jihadist attack on U.S. soil, and aiding the terrorist group, for which he was sentenced to 20 years in federal prison — and instead gave top coverage to a graphic story about an “Annual Penis Festival”
A Maryland man who collected cash payments from a foreign company to plot an ISIS attack in the United States and help the group develop weaponized drones was sentenced Friday to 20 years in prison.
Mohamed Elshinawy, 33, of Edgewood, pleaded guilty to supporting ISIS, terrorism financing and making false statements in connection with a terrorism matter, according to a statement from the U.S. attorney’s office in Maryland.
Between February and December of 2015, Elshinawy conspired with others to support ISIS and provide the terrorist group with financial services, material support and other resources, the government said.
“In various other conversations, Elshinawy pledged his allegiance to ISIS, described himself as its soldier, committed to making violent jihad, and asked that others convey his message of loyalty to ISIS leadership,” the statement from federal prosecutors said.
A company based in the United Kingdom also transmitted about $8,700 to Elshinawy to pay for a terrorist attack on U.S. soil, according to his plea agreement.
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story
An April 5, 2018 search using the string “Mohamed Elshinawy” returned one result — a wire service article that HuffPost published on December 14, 2015 — more than two years earlier:
HuffPost published nothing about the investigation, the broader plot that was uncovered, Elshinawy’s confession, or his sentencing. Thus, if one only gets their news from HuffPost’s front page, they would be left to wonder if this “arrest” was legitimate, or if, as HuffPost claims in other cases, he was a “victim” of American racist “scapegoating” or “Islamophobia.”
So what kinds of “news” stories appeared on HuffPost’s front page in the hours and days following the emergence of this story?
Here is a sampling:
This “news” story appeared near the top of HuffPost’s front page on April 3, 2018.
(64) April 2018: HuffPost wrote and gave top coverage to a “news” story that claimed “Everyone Got The Pulse Massacre Story Completely Wrong,” and that the jihadist’s wife was a “victim of… sadistic prosecution” — while whitewashing or downplaying the factual basis for her indictment, and key related evidence
Previously: See Case Studies 32 and 58 for earlier examples of how HuffPost began doing free PR for Noor Salman, under the guise of “news”
On April 5, 2018, HuffPost published this “news” headline at the top of its front page:
Clicking on that headline led to this “story” page:
Every mass tragedy begets a frantic search for answers, for a common understanding of what happened, for a narrative, and the 2016 Pulse massacre was no different.
Not long after Omar Mateen opened fire inside a bustling gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida, the media scrambled to understand his depraved actions. Almost overnight, a narrative emerged that until now has been impossible to dislodge: Mateen planned and executed an attack on Pulse because he hated gay people.
Notice that HuffPost left out of this story the vital facts contained in Section 2 of this analysis:
(2.1) After acknowledging that the Pulse massacre was perpetrated by an ISIS-inspired Islamist terrorist, HuffPost published a headline that claimed the attack had “nothing to do with religion,” and another that falsely claimed it was caused by Christian anti-gay bigotry
(2.2) HuffPost completely ignored the fact that two months before the Pulse massacre, a notoriously homophobic imam from England gave a sermon in Orlando, FL, where he claimed — on video — that Muslims must murder gays
(2.3) HuffPost completely ignored the fact that another notoriously homophobic imam, from Syria, also preached in Central Florida, that Muslims must murder gays
(2.4) HuffPost ignored the fact that two other notoriously homophobic imams, from Iran, spoke in 2016 at mosques in Silicon Valley and England
(2.5) May 2017, Orlando, FL: HuffPost completely ignored a tip that still another notorious, violence-inciting, homophobic imam was scheduled to speak at an Orlando mosque
Further, note that HuffPost whitewashed and did not even provide a link to Salman’s 12-page, signed confession.
Instead, the entire “story” reads like a defense counsel’s closing argument, rather than the purely objective, completely nonpartisan “news” that HuffPost insists to the public and its advertisers that is committed to producing.